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<br /> ToaE7HFA wrrK.0 1be impro�a�na�ow a eer�t�eroctaa on:ttls,:p�7►.�aa.0 ea�a�u,.�u�teM►ace., .
<br /> �nd flxpu+a now or Iw�eafhr a p�rt af tbe pe�upe�ty. All rcplwcon�eatc and MddlUww ohaU Ww be cova+ed by�bi#.$ocuricy
<br /> Inruumcnt All of tha fon�oing i�rcferted w ie Ihi�8ecurity Jnsdua►eAt u tb�"l�tc�p4nY•" •
<br /> HORROWER COVRNANTS thu Bortower i�b►wfully Reirod of tha ewqcp hqcaby c�oavayed and 1u�tbe ri,�ht w�nunt
<br /> wxl convoy tGeproperty u�d tlwt the Propaty io uneacumbend.exapt far.encumb�of roeord. Barrower w�mnt��ad
<br /> will defeod genenlfy the dtle w the Propaiy u�in�t dl cl�irtu��nd danpads�wt�e�ct to any encumbr�nves of rocord.
<br /> ' TFA3 3ECl1RITY INSTRUME[VT combinea uniform covenant�far.npda�wl use w�d non-unffam oova�aiN� wi�h
<br /> Wqftod vatladoas by jurifdiction w conetitute a unifam cecurity lastrumc+►t covering�+i propeity.
<br /> ' UN(ppRM CpVENAN'I'S. Borrower and[.endcr covenant and sgroo a4 t'aQawa:
<br /> ':': 1. P�yaeat oP Prindpd and Inkrati�P�Y�nt�nd Lato L7�ar..Brnmwer shAll P�mP�Y PAY when due the
<br /> princi of and intercst oa the debt evldenced by tha Noto and any prapayrnent u�d 1au chorges due undar tha Nota.
<br /> �P1wnd�for'ihxea�nd Ioruranoe. Subject w applicablo law or t�a w�tttm waiver by Lendor,Borrowa shal)pay w
<br /> Lcada�on.tfio ds►y monthlY paYments are d�uader the Noto. until tha Nata is.pAid in full.a sum("Flinde")for. (a)Y�Y
<br /> taxes and�ssessmenta which may attein ptiariry ovar this 3ecwity Instrumsnt.as A lien on the Prnperty;(b)YeulY le�sehold
<br /> p�ymenta or grouad reats on the Property. if any:(a)Yeuly hazaM or.Pmperty insurance pr�emiuma: (d)yoarly flaod
<br /> i�isurance prertdums. if any: (e)Yearly mortgage insureace premiums.if any: a�ad(� any sums payabls by Bortower to
<br /> Leader.in accordance wlth the provisions of paragraph 8.In lieu of thc payment�af mortgage insurence pr�emiums. 'fhase
<br /> items aoe callod"Escrow Items." L.ender may.at eny time,coUect and hald Funds�in an amount not w eaceed the maximum
<br /> amount a lender for a federaily neleted mortgage loan may nequlre foc Bomnwcr's escrow acxount under�he federal Rea!
<br /> s•. Estate Seplement Procedu�es Act of 1974 es amendod fmm dme ta dme,1�U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless another
<br /> law that applies ta tha Punds sets a lesser amount. IP so,Lender mqy,at any tlme4 collxt and hold FUnds in an amount not to
<br /> "- exceed ths Icsser umoum. Ixnder muy esttmate the amount nf Funds duw on thc basis of current deta and rensonabie
<br /> -.. , i '�:v-s`�-,%��r�k^rr.
<br /> , . ,.. ;.,•,� . estimates of expenditums of future Escrow Items or otherwise in Accardancc with applicable law.
<br /> �� ''��'� ` ,t:-� ;.%a The h�nds shall be held in an institution who�e da sits are insurad a federal agency. instrumantali or enti
<br /> i� � . :.��c; �
<br /> s � • (including Lender,if Lender is such an insdtuUan)or in�y Federal Hame+I.o�on Bank. I.ender shall apply the FUnde to pay
<br /> � .�„�::x 1he Escrow Items. i.ender may nat charge Borrowar for halding and applying the Funds, annually analyxing the escrow
<br /> �;' ; =:;r .�,;_:;.,
<br /> ��• +s.• accou�� or verifying the Escrow Itoms, unless Lender pays Bomnwer intsrest on the Funds and applicable law pem�ite
<br /> � °� ��'�'��s�"'�� � :�` l.ender to make such a char e However,Lender ma uire somnwe.r ta a u one-dme c e for an inde dsnt real
<br /> � • ,•�6°,:,��3��:+�..•,. ..} g • Y�9 p Y �B P�
<br /> _:F . -�•�•::�.�rf�`�s'��.J�}.�ra�?�si estate ta�c ieportjng r.ervice used by Lender in connection with this laao,unlecs applicAble law prowdes otherwise. Unlas4 a�
<br /> , �„.,��f,,:, .;,r,;,,; agreement is made or applicable law requiras intor�ast to be paid.Lende�c Rhall not be required to pay Borrower any inte�est or
<br /> � c
<br /> '�'' • ,���`!�;;:'�� earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender ms�y agree in wdting,havvGV�r,that interest ahall be pald an the Funds. L.ender
<br /> +��.� ` "'`���- �'�qi'�". shall give to Borrower,without charge,an snnual accounting of the Funds,showing credit�and debits to the Punds and the
<br /> , , �.. .:•;;,;: .`.� purpose for which each debit to the FLnds wa�msodo. 71u+Funds�ara pl�dged as addidonal securiry for all sums secuced by
<br /> ., i,� -: ;�•,- this Securi�y Inswmcnt.
<br /> .� y;,r% !f �ha Funds held by i.ender eacced the unx�unis prnniitai tu br LeW by appiicabte iaw. Lendcr shalf arcuunt to
<br /> � •;`.��"�; Borrower ior�he excess Funds in accordance with•�raquiremenu af applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> , ,. ,
<br /> ; � � .:' rt' �;,;' f��:'• Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the�acmw homs wh�+n,due,Lender may so notify Borrower in wdt�ng,and, in
<br /> k` �_,��`�;�v;�, . �: '?`' sueh case Borrower shall pay to Lender the omaum necessnry to make up U�e deficicncy. Bormwer shall make up the
<br /> ,. � ��•.��,;;�;�..:�� : • deficiency in no more lhan twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discredon.
<br /> ,;,,,;�;;;1;� •: Upon payment in full of all sumr:secured by this Security Inswment,l.ender shall pramptly refund to Borrower any ;
<br /> �� • : F1mds held by Lender. If,under pamgraph 21,Lender shall acquire cr sell the Property,Lender,prior to ihe acquisition or
<br /> ;. � . , sule of the Property,shall npply uny Fwx1x held by Lender at the�ime of acquisition or sale as a credit agalnst the sumc '��
<br /> r� secured by this Security Inswment.
<br /> 3. Application ot Pwyments. Unless upplicable luw provides otherwise, all payments received by L.ender under , .+,�
<br /> � ' ,. �..� parngraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fint,to uny prcpayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payabl8 under �„_
<br /> �, ' parugraph 2;Ihird,to interest due;foutth,to principal due;and last,to any late chtuges due under the Note. ::;��,�.
<br /> �+• � • ,� a 4. Chorges; Liens. Borrower sh�ll pay ull taxes. wxe+xments, charge+, Cmex and imposidans altributable to the
<br /> , , •� Property whkh may auoin priority over this Sccuriry Instn�ment,and leacchold puyments or ground rents,if uny. Borrower
<br /> ��. , . shall pay these obligations in the manncr providcd in purugr+►ph:,or ii'nnt puid in that munner,Borrower shAll pay them on
<br /> �• � � � • time directly to the person owed puyment. Bcnrower nhull promptly furnirh to l,ender ull notices of'amounts to be pafd under
<br /> �i, � . . this paragmph. IP Bomower mukes thctic puymcnt�dinccfly.Bnm�wcr shall prompdy fumish to Lcnder receipts evidencing
<br /> " - the paymcnts. '`'
<br /> ' Borrower shall prompdy dischurge uny lien whkh huti priurity irver this Serurity Im�rument unless Bumower:(a)ogrees
<br /> ,� in writin6 to Ihe puymen�of the obligution u�urcd h��the lien in u m•rnner acceptable tu Lender;(b)contests in gaod fuith the
<br /> lien by,or defends uguinst enforcement uf ihc lien in,Icgul pnxccJingx which in th4 Lender+opininn operute to prevent the •
<br /> '�•,, � ' ::,�,1,;, enforcemcnt of the licn;or(c)xerurex from thc holder of thc licn an agRement satisfurwry to Lendcr subardinnting the lien :��;.•
<br /> ,;:�;,� � ' to this Secu�ly Instrumen►. If Lender detcrminc+thnt uny purt uf thc Pmpeny i�subjcr��o a lien whirh muy attain priority �`��
<br /> � 1 ' .:�;;.�. over this Secudty Insuumen6 Lender may give Borniwer u notice identifying the licn. Bortower shull satitify the lien or take '��'
<br /> j ��� �:��'�� one or morc of thc uctionx set furth uix�ve within 10 duys ol'�hc gi��inF uf noticc. -,��'
<br /> •`�i°•`:• � S. Hau�rd or Property Insurance. Bormwcr shull kc�p�hc improvements now existing on c�rcafter crected on the ,
<br /> � ' `' property insur�d aguinst I��ss by tirc,hw.arJ� includcJ wiihin thc tcnn"extcmkd ro��crugc"uncl any other harord�,including
<br /> .�`::.�'�' !'�.�','.���, floods or flaoding, for which Lender rcyuin:s insumnce. Thi�insuronce sh�ll 1►r maintuined in the omounts und f'ar the
<br /> 1 �',-.,�� ` �,I . .
<br /> i '!
<br /> �,n' �" t Form J�28 9/90 I/wRr 2 oJ6 puxes►
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