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<br /> NON-UNIFURM CAVENAN'fS. Borrowcr and L.ender furiher cavcnant ond agrce aa fbllowr:��w���
<br /> 17.Rar�claure Procedure. li LenAcrrequitrs immedfato pwyment in full underp�agruph 9,l.ender may invokc thc
<br /> power of ealo uid Any�abcr rcmadinpermltted by�pp�k�blc law. Lander�hwll be ent ti led to collect all expe�uca incurrod
<br /> In puauing the r�enadie�provided in I�is p�rymph t7,includin�,but not limitod to,rcawnable�ltameys'feea�nd co�ta of
<br /> Iftk evldenre.
<br /> 1�tMe power of ale b lavoked,7twtee ih�ll record�notWe ot de�init Ia a�cb cnunty ia wl�kh any p�rt ot We
<br /> P�y(s laa�tal a�d slul!mNl copia ot'�ucM aotloe lo Ihe awnner pretcrlbed by�pplit�bk law ta Borrower ud
<br /> t� 16e -Wker perrona prescrfbed by aaaIkable law. Afrer tLe time nqulred by opplfcable aw�7tucMe ehWl ve
<br /> pt�blk�atioe ot ale a!bt peno�a aid In the nuaaer pre�c�ibed� �by appllcable law 7�wree►wUhoat de�on
<br /> Barowe.�haU eell tht Properly�t puWk auction!01he hl�hest bidder at the time�nd pl�ce aad uader tbe tern�a
<br /> deal�a�led iA the uotioe o�sole in a+x�or more p�rcaW and lu any ordcr 71�ustce dctermiaes. 'fl�ustee may postpone
<br /> ak af all or any parcel ot Nu Propert7 by PuWic announcemeai at the time u�d place o1�py previaaly�cbedukd
<br /> ak. t.e�de�or ip daiQaee�y chaee the Property at nay sak.
<br /> Upos receipt otp�yment��rke bW,'I�wtee shall deilver to Ihe purcbasier'lY�ustee•s deed couveylag the
<br /> property, The recltafs in the 7rustee s deed�hWl be prinw fack evidence of trulb of tbe statemeots made dxreia
<br /> 7lrwtee sh�U�pply the proceed9 of t!�sale in the foUowiaQ order: (+�1 to all casts and ezpepses ot ezerci�in� !6e
<br /> power ots�le,pnd the sak�incindia�the paymeat of the'I�uatee's kes actually incuned.not to ezceed 96
<br /> o[the nctpai wnount of the note at the time of the declarAtion ot default, aad reaROa�ble AKarn���es as
<br /> ��69 I-�wt(b)to all suo�recured by thi�Security Instrumenti wW/cl any excetv to Ihe per�on or persow
<br /> 1y @Atltkd t0!�
<br /> 1& Reeonveyauce. Upon payment af all sums securcd by this Security Instrument. I.ender sh�ll request 7FuRtee ta
<br /> reconvey the Propetty and shall aumender thia Security In�suument and all notes evidencing debt secured by thfs Securiry
<br /> Inaun�ment to 7iustee. 7tustee shsill reconvey 1ha Properry without wrurunty and without charge to the peraon or persons
<br /> .. :f� legully entided to it Such person or persons sh�ll pay any recordation costs.
<br /> �>�"�.-. „ 19. Subatitute 7�ostce. l.ender,at its option.may from time to timc remove 7}uslee und appoint u successor Ws►ee
<br /> " �,;;�' to any'Ihistee uppointed hercunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which lhis Securiry Insnument ls recorded.
<br /> • Without mnveynnce of the Properly,i.�e�•eceswr ►ustee sl�+11 ucceed �o all�hr liqe,{x►wer and duaes conferred upan
<br /> . ' s �� 7tvstes Nerein und by applicable law.
<br /> a w r e Iha
<br /> t c ies of'the notices of default and sale be sent to Bomowers
<br /> t ror Natices. B rro e u sts
<br /> �t: :, � addreas which�ihe�'1'openy Address. � W�
<br /> y ,�::,:,<<.
<br /> . , ;; .._
<br /> I �, `�•� Riders to t61�Security laslrumenb If one or more ride�are executed by Borrower wid recorded together witb this
<br /> �.,-...�� , tM:, : .
<br /> Security Instrumenl. ihe covenants of each such rider shall be incarporated imo and shall amend and supplement tl�e
<br /> ��� �� covenw��smd agreements of thia Security Inatrumem as ii the ridc�(s)wen:in u p,ui oP lhis Security Inslrument.
<br /> _��.�,,;;� •: . (CF�eck appUcable box(es)1•
<br /> ��i;,�?>f;�.' ;:ti
<br /> �#%�'� ���� . `•'.� �Condominium Rider �(lraduated Paymen�Rider �Growiog Equity Ricler
<br /> -•�:
<br /> �.
<br /> :r,� .,. :,,.,,�_i
<br /> ..° .:,� . .. �Planned Unit Development Rider �Other�Specifyl
<br /> ' • •, ' .T.°• s�z�v.,sr
<br /> y..,, �l �� ' ' � BY SIGNINU BELOW, Borrawer uccepts und agrees�o �he termw contained in pages 1 tlKaugh 4 of this Security
<br /> ,���`�;�;` : , Instrument s�nd in any rider(s)executed by Sorrower und recorded wi�h it.
<br /> "•4,��` .... � '.,,;
<br /> B SCS:
<br /> . . ..,'_; _--�,,1�l�4•—c) Le..4��._(Seul)
<br /> . �`` . a.,-^ .. ' NICHOWS J NY680N ' Bormwa
<br /> �, � '�n. ,���
<br /> �-" ~ . � ,f �.
<br /> tseal►
<br /> :�r; . - � .,` �SOII HotmwLv
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<br /> � ��. � aw '" STATE QF NEBRASKA. �'L Caunty.s:
<br /> t-$l,:- �•� .,. .. .
<br /> n,F {•� "•
<br /> � , ., On thi. ��tb day ol'Seplember, 1993 . t►rliim mr, thc undcrsigned,a Notary
<br /> 5 ,...'s Public d�u�ly c��mmi.sioncd and qu�ulificd for.aid rounl�.�xrtionall}ranu
<br /> A � MICBOWIS J WILSON lU1D lU1NDW1 11 iiIL80N llO8B11ND 1lND WIFE
<br /> ��� . .
<br /> � ,� . . ` • .�a mr knuwn�o hc 1he �
<br /> ��� ,,
<br /> � .;
<br /> •>��r ., ider��$I�.rwnlsl whose namclsl arc whKrit►cd to Ihc 1'orrgoinE in.trumcnt and arini►w�lyd�ed th¢cx��cutian Ihcrcot'ta ix t
<br /> �� �� volunwry act and derd. t
<br /> - �� ' ;`� WimcKZ my hand•rndnotarial tical ut Q�D ISWIND in said county. Ihc
<br /> �"" � Y
<br /> �► , date aforesaid.
<br /> .�1,,1 � J �� . i
<br /> , , 1l��te or Ncmuks RO ERTA L RLED M1�w�n WAIK �
<br /> _ _ , . ���s M�Com;a E�p July 30.l9°a�
<br /> IM�.f� �,.� - I2EQU�ST F()R RI:CONV�YAN('F.
<br /> TO TRUSTEE: �
<br /> ; •° � , The undcnigned is thc holder ol'thc nutc or nutc�x�wured by thi�D���i ul"liu.�. SaiJ notr�tt nutc,,to�ecthcr w�i�h ull �
<br /> other indebtedncss�vred by�his Dcrd��f 7iv.�.h•rvc txrn paid in tbll. You arc hrrch�• direr�eJ tu ranrcl said notr ur �
<br /> notcs und this De��d uf 7ivsi,which urc drlivcrcd hcnby,and to n�imvcy,wilhuut warranl�•,all thr c.latr n+ia•hrld M•��w
<br /> �: under this Deed of 1i�uu to Ihc perwn ur perwn�Ic�tally rntiUed�hcrrto. �
<br /> 'y i��w n s. �V D��e: `
<br /> ; �. ..�• .
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