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<br /> p�ymente,which aro refetl+9d to in P�ragra�h 2.or ch�n�c the amonnt of wch paymenix. My excest procee�d�over�n
<br /> unountroq uired to p�y�II�A�swdin�indebtedne�c w�da the Note snd this Secarity In�trun�ent�11 be pdd to 16e edity
<br /> t kp�llx ontitkd thercto.
<br /> & Fea. I.ender m�y,coUect fces utd ch�rQcs+�utLorizod by Ihe Secretuy.
<br /> 9. Croueds tor Atc�ekt�tion of Debf.
<br /> (�)Detwib L.end�amay,except as limited by�egul�tiona is�ued by the Sacretary in Uio cace of paymeet defiiultx,
<br /> � nequia immedi�uet t in full of�II sums ucured by thia 3xurlty lnurument iL
<br /> �- (i)Bonowet ul�e by falling to pay in full any monlhly payment requirod by lhis Securlty InRpvment prlor
<br /> ' � w ar on tha du�Mte of the oext manthly payment,or
<br /> K'.,:::..-a,„„�.,� (ii)Bamowa.dePAUlu by failinQ.for a period of thirty day�.to perform any wher obii�at�ons canu►ined in this
<br /> Secu�r� ity Insqtlpten�
<br /> �. . ��� •. � (b)Sa{e VYltbou6�ndit ApprovW. Ltnder sholl.if permincd by epplicablc law und with Ihe prior apprvvai of the
<br /> -����•. Secrc requiia.immediue payment in full of all�he su�na svcurcd by this Security lnstrument if:
<br /> ,,,..,
<br /> � '�?-'"�:. (i) 11 or pwit,nF the Propetty,or a beneficlal interest in a wst awning all or pa�t of the Pmperty. is sold or
<br /> �,�,�' ��T�'�`:+��'� aherwlse uans(errrd(other than by devise or dcscent)by the Bw�mwor,and
<br /> (ii)The Prope,ity is not oc�upied by the purchaser m grontea es his ar her principul�+esidence.or U�e purchaser
<br /> „µ.., . „ :t. or grnntee dcxa so accupy the Pmperty but his or her credit has not been appmved in accordanec
<br /> �� �.��:.°. .°,.. . witfi the requ�ramen�s of the Secrctary.
<br /> . •i��•- � � (c)Na WAiver. 1 pircumstances occur lhat would permit Lendcr to require immediale puyment in full,but Lendcr
<br /> _ ��"�^"'''��R does not requi�s sud�payments,Lender does not weive fts rights with respect to subsequen�events.
<br /> ' ��j', h.yW ',' � S (d)Re�ulation�ot�HUD Secretary. In many circumstances r+egulations issued by the Sccrctsuy wiil limit Lender's
<br />� , r � ��.•,fi��:°e�.,;,��;�_ right�, in the caua of inent defauUs, to uire immodiate ym�t in full and foreclose if ndp�i d Thi�
<br /> ua req
<br /> . _ �.:.1 Securiry[osuument.does not authoriu acceleration or foreclosurcPif not pem�itted by ngulwions af the Scrnetary.
<br /> � '. �� (e)MortgAge Not,Uteured. Borrower agrees that should this Security btstrument and the note secured the�eby not
<br /> �16 ". from the
<br /> ° r.;:a••.' .��`. •+�`"�':• 6e eligible far insumnce under the National Housing Act within 8 Iqonth0
<br /> �•��l' • date hereof,l.er�dux ma ,at i1s o ion and notwithstondin an m in ParA h 9. uire immedis�te a menl in
<br /> d� Y P� 6 Y�� 8 �+P �9 P Y
<br /> ' d. -. !;, o full of all sums secwod by this Secur�ry Instrumem. A wrltten statement af any nuthorized age.nt of�he Secmtary
<br /> ' . datcd sub.sequem ta�. 8 luonths fmm the daie hereaf,declining to insure this Securiry
<br /> ' ' � InRtrument und Iht�nnte secured thereby,shail be deemed canclusive proof of such ineligibiliry. Notwithstanding
<br /> � �he fbregoing.this,option may na be exercilsed by Lender when the unovnilability of insurance is solely duc to
<br /> �� L.ender's f�llura to•TCmit a mongnge insurunce premium ta the Secretary.
<br /> " .. ° '„ l0. ReiastatemenL�.Borrower has a right ta be reins�ated if Lender hes required immadiate payment in Full because
<br /> � ' of Borrower's failure to���y an emaunt due under the•Note or this Securi�y Instrument. This nght applies even aftcr
<br /> forecloaure proceedings nro instiiuted. 'Ib reinswte Ihe Securily In�irument, Borrower shull tender in a lump sum all
<br /> ; _ amMm�v►t'r�l�;f�l 1n•hlin8 P�R�WPr�ncc�u�nt curnent includin£,►o the extent�hey nm�bliga�innc nf Hormwer under this
<br /> � , . Security Inatrument,foroclosure costs and rea�onable nnd customary attomey�'feeti und expense+properly associated with
<br /> the fonecloxure proceedin�. Upon reinstntement by Borrower,this Security Instrument :u�d the obligations thut it secures
<br /> • ' shall remuin in efi'ect a51F I.ender had not recluired immediate payment in full. However,Lender is not required to�ennit
<br /> '' rein�tatement if: (i) Lenci�r has accepted remstatement After�he commencement oP Poreclosure pruceedings withm two ,�;
<br /> �� .� years immediately preeeding the commencement of u current furecloxur� procecding. (ii) reinstatement will preclude
<br /> �� fonecloxure on differe,�t grawidc in the future,or liii)reinrtutement will advenely sffect the priority of the lien creued by
<br /> � n >i �hix Security Instrument.
<br /> .. ;�; • 11. Borrowe� l��i• lhleased; Forbearance bv Lender Not a Wuiver. Extension of �he time oi payment or
<br /> ` � , : modification oP arnortizaeicin af the sums tiecured by this Securi�y Imtrument gr•rmed by Lender to ony successor in interest
<br /> �' of Burrower shall not opera�e to releatie the liability of thr origioal Borrower or Barrowerti successor in interest. Lender
<br /> �. - i' shall not be required m cammence pracredings ag•rin,t:uiy .ucce,�or in intcrest or refuse ta extend time for pay�ment or !-.r
<br /> q� " � •• ;• othervvise modify amortir.�tian of the sum+ secureJ by �hi. Sccurity Imtrumen�hy re:�+cm of tiny demand mude by �he
<br /> f� , original Borrower or Bumr�u�er's surcescon in intercst. Any fonc�uruncc by Lender m exercising uny right or remedy shull
<br /> � � not be a waiver of or precludc the excrciuu of uny riFh�or remcdy. �,.•
<br /> 1Z. Successors And•�tssi�ns Bound;Joint and tieveral l.iability: Co-Signen. Thc covenawt+and agreemems of �,,�;
<br /> ; . „ ? thiK Security Ins�rumrnt�h�Jl bind und Ixnefit tlx�+ucc�.�on und u„ign.of LenJer:uiJ Borrower,wbject to Ihe pmvixiom
<br /> of Paragruph 9.b. Borro��•er� rovenunls and ugreementx �hall tx jeim and scveral. Any Born�wer who co-signs this
<br /> � ' Securily Instrument but J�tien nc�t executc�he Notr� l:�l i.co-�iFninF this Securil�• In.lrumenl only�o monFa�ge, Pr.int and
<br /> - convey thut Born�Wer's inlare�t in Ihc Pn►�ny under thr trrmx of 1hi+Sccurily In.lrument;lh1 is no1 prnonally obliguted tu „
<br /> : pay the aum�+cwured hy thi�Security Intitrument:anJ Ic1 agrre,that Lcndcr und an�o�her Bnrtuw•cr may agree to extenJ,
<br /> " , malify,forbcor or muke�n�•accommaiu�iom w•ith ngarJ ro the trmi.nf thi,5ecuri�y In.�rument or the Nate without�hai
<br /> , Borrowcr ti consent. ,
<br /> V 13. Natices. Any nc�lKr lo Burn�wcr proviJcJ Fur in Ihi.Scruri�y In�trumrn�shall!+e given By dclivering it ar by
<br /> • � mailing it by fint clas�m�il unle�. appliruble luw rcyuire, we of:mnthcr me�h�Kl. Tth nrnire+hall be directed to the
<br /> Pro rt Addrex� ar an mhtr udJrra.RuROU•er J�.i�nate.h n���ire Ia LenJ�r. An noti�r io Lender shull b� wen b `
<br /> 1 � - '';.. i� )' )� b ' >' > 8, Y �
<br /> , ' ' fint clutis muil to l.ender��ddrc.. .�atcd hrnin ur an}� aJJre.. Lrnder Je.ignatr.h}• notire�u B..rtower. Any notice
<br /> • Qrovided for in thiti Securit��)n.t�umrnt+hull t+c drrmrd lu ha�e F+rcn�iven tu N��rrc�w�cr ur LcnJ�rµ•hcn givcn a�provided �
<br /> � m�his purugraph.
<br /> ��' ;. 14. GuverninR I.uN-;tiever�bilitp. Thi�SrruritJ• Imlrumrnt �hall tk EuerrncJ h�• Fider�l law;uid th� law of thc �
<br /> ' � jurixdirlion in which the F'rnpern i, kx•rteJ. In thc rvrnt tha�any pru�i+iun ��r rlauu ot thi,Srcurity Imtrument or the .
<br /> " �• ' No�c conllirt�.with:�p�+IKUbl: luu•. ,uch c�mflict .rh•rll nut aC(rc� uth�r pro�i.iom i►f�hi.Srrurit� In�trumrnt or�hr Notc
<br /> �,� h a•hich c;m Fx Fivcn etfc�i ��ith�,u�the contlirting provi.iun. Tu thi.r�xl thr pru�i�i�m..i(thi�Serurit� M��romern and�hr f
<br /> � , ' � Nole nne dccluRd to t�x�enblr. ,
<br /> � , I5. Borrow•er's Cop�; Burm�ver,hall Ix given��nr ronti�nncJ rupy ut[hi.S�rmi��In,trumem. '
<br /> ' ' � • 16. AsslRnmenZ uiReo�s. Borruwrr uncunditiunall� ua.ign.and iran,frn tu L�nJct all the nnt,and re�rnuc.uf thc �
<br /> . � , Propehy. Borrowcr•rutlar i�c� Lendcr or Lrndcr�;�gent+tu collect ihr mnt.anJ rc�•rnu�.anJ herrhy dircct.each�enane af
<br /> � thc Propeny 10 pay the rcna a� Lrndcr or Lender:agcnt+. Huwcvrr,pri��r lo Lendcr: nutice a� Botmw•er uf BortoWer� •
<br /> • �. brcuch of uny covenunt or agre�mcnt in thc�curit�•Im�rumcnt.Borrc�wer.haU roll�c�anJ rcrrivr ull renls and rrvenu�.of
<br /> , � � _ tha Propert�•us tru�tcc f�x t ht benefit uf Lrnder and�3orniw•cr. Thi.a„ignmcnt ul nniti ci►n+tilut�,•rn uhwlutc us�ignment
<br /> nnd not on u.esignrncnt forxJditional u�urity unh.
<br /> If Lender aivec nntin-uf hrerrh to Hnmiw•er. lal all n•m�rrr��ivrJ hc Rnmiu.•�r�hall 1r•w•Id hv Rnrrr.wrr:�.�n�.�,ti•
<br /> -� �� T- for benefit of Lernier only_ro Ix appli��d w lhr�um..crunJ hy Ux Sccuritv In�trumenl: Ih)Lender+hall he�ntitlyd a�
<br /> . �� � , callect und receive nll o(IFu mnt�of the Property;und(c1 eurh lrnrnt u(the F'rupert�.hall pa��oli nn��dur•rnd unpaiJ t��
<br /> , � .,� Lcndet or Lender i agcnt on Lcnder�wrilten dcmund to thr ten•rnt.
<br /> Bomower huti nu1 cxecuted uny pri��r a++ignment of�hc mnt.nnd ha.nut•rnd will n�u prrti�rm ;my ;k�th•ri w�wld
<br /> 'e. �a prevent L.ender fr+om excrcixing i�,righi�u�xirr thi�Parrgr�ph 16.
<br /> � 4 , Lender shnll not he r��yuireA to enter upon,take cnmml of or m;�imuin the I'ro�rty lxti�R ur ati�r Eiving nuti�c uf
<br /> brench to Bwmwer. Huw�ver. LenJer or a judicially Lp�,intcd n�ei�rr ma�•du .�i;�t uny tim�Ih�rc i.u btr:kh. Any
<br /> -} » � ' " application of rents,hall ncx cure or waive any def•rult or im•uliJatr•rny othcr right ur R m�d���1'Lend�r. Thi.a.+ignmrnt
<br /> � �`. of renta of tM:Property s1wU Krminate whcn the debl�ecured by thr 3��auriry Imwmrnt i+paid in full.
<br /> i ,
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