<br /> r ,�, �, . � . ��� . . t
<br /> � ♦..f . . t` - • •i��7..
<br /> . •'�i
<br /> 93�io�eo
<br /> 17.Tnt�ter of tbe Property a'�Beneflcl��Intere�t In Norrower.IP all or any pan af tho Property or nny interesl in it
<br /> i�wdd ar transforrod(�►r if u bciwliclal intcn�t in 6iirmwer ix r�,ld or trnnsfcrnrnd v�x!8urrawer is not a naturul person)wllhout
<br /> L,cnJcr'r priur writtcn cansem, l.cnder nu�y, al i1R optian, requiro immodiatc puynxnt in full of all suma secured by this
<br /> Secur�ty l��strumenl.H�wcver,�hir opdon rfwll not bc exercixal by Lcndor If exerci�e ir prahibitad by fedend Iww�nY the date
<br /> ,, uf ihiK Saurity Instrument.
<br /> , If l.eoder cxercieey thi�uptiun,1..�;ndcr bhull�t ivc&►rrower mwice ni'accelerrti�►n.The n�►tire sh�ll pravide u periad af not
<br /> tl Ic:.x�hun:�U dc�yh fn�m the date the n�Hfce ia delivereJ or mufled within whirh &�rri►wer mu�t puy ull tiumh secured by this
<br /> :,,� Security Ins�rument.If&�rn�wer 1'uils t�pay�hex r,um.ti prlur Nti thc expiralion�if Ihic perial,l.en�ler may iavuke any remodie�
<br /> pern�ilarl by this S�tiu�ity In�tn�men�wUhaul funher n�nire ur Jcmuixl on&�rn�wcr.
<br /> - 18. Bomower'e Right tu Rrinsixte. If ��rruwer uk�iti ccrtuin r��ixliliun.. &irruwcr nhull huvc tlic right to havc
<br /> eniarcemen�of �his►Security Inslrumem disrnminued ut Any time prior tu the earlier uf: lu► S days(ar xuch iNher pericxi av
<br /> ''.�., .':�:`!,� ,,, ,. uPpNcublr luw muy �pecify for reins�Aternenq beforc hale of�he Propeny pur.suunt t�► uny pnwer��f�sule contained in this
<br /> : �r,�,•."; �•' , S�YUrity In�trument;or(b)ent�nf a judgment cnfuning Ihis Security Insln�ment.Thuae ronditiuns ure that Borrawer:(a)pays
<br /> `��;:„.s::.}�f� �endcr all suma which then wnu1J be due under this Security Instrument wxi Ihe N�KC ati if nu occeleration hud accurred; (b)
<br /> ' �ac.�r. A ' cunw uny defuult of uny other cuvenuntti cK ugreement�; Icl puys all expenw;.r incum�l in enforcing Ihis Securi�y Ins�rument,
<br /> .;�,,,, .. � • • including, twt not limited to.mu.+�mubk c�lloriuyK' fecx; an�! Id1 tukes wch uction u►Lender may reau�anubly requrce to assure
<br /> ,� . thui�hc lien of ihiw Security Inr�trumern.Lcmlcr'+rightr in th�Praperty und Burrower'ti�ibligAtion to pay the sums isecurai by
<br /> � thix S�xurily lastrument shuU continue unchunge�l. Upnn reinstatcment by &�nower, �his Security Inctrument unJ the
<br /> , �=;„��•�;,xrk,,..��.���` obliguti�ms secured hereby xhull renmin fully eifiY�ive us if no ucceleru�ion haJ�xcuRal. However,this right to rcinstate shall
<br /> .s • • nut upply in the case of acceler�ti�m under parrg�uph 17.
<br /> �""�' �-� �'.'• -: �� 19. Sale of'Notet Cha�e of I,oa�n Servicer. Thc Note or n partiul intcrc�t in the Note (together with Ihis Security
<br /> �:•
<br /> .•..,, E� :;. �; IaSin�ment)may be.,old une or mare timc�with�wt prlor nrni�e w&►rrower. A sulc muy rcgult in a chungc in�he entity(known
<br /># , ;,., � os-�',� u+�he "Loan Servicer")thut adlec�s monthly payments due under thu Nott unJ Ihi�Security InstNment.There ulso may t►e one
<br /> �;.. °;�°`�'' ..' � , .�', ar mo�changes of Iln:l.��an Servicer unrelated u►u wle of the Nate. If them is u rhunge of�tie l.�wn Servicer,Burrawer wlll be
<br /> 4�•��-?;�.,.��.-�..w , givcn written ninice��f the change in ucconiunce with parngruph 14 utxwe und Applicublc law.The nrnice will state the name und
<br /> ;,� •���.��Y,_. uddmss of the naw l.oan Servicer und�I�sddres� �a which puynients should be muJe.The notice will ului�rmwin any other
<br /> • infixnwtion r uired b a lirahle luw.
<br /> ,' �+�' „ �1 Y PP
<br /> , 2p, Hamrdoua Subctances. &irrnwcr shull no� cuusc nr pcnnit the presence, use, dispa�l. �toroge, or releatie of any �
<br /> � .° ' :a.;�' Huzardouw Substsn�es im or in �hc Propeny. Hnrruwer .r•hull nat do, nnr ullow anyone elw: to do, unything affecting Ihe ;��
<br /> •, Property tlw� is in vinlutinn af uny Environmentul l.aw. The prereding two sentences shall not upply �o the presencc, usc, or
<br /> y .. . � , . ° swrag�on the Property i�f.mall yuuntitic�i�f H�uuniow Sub.wnce� thut ure generally rerognixed to he upprc►priote �o nornwl
<br /> � , ,�: residential uses und to muintenancc of�he Pmpeny. -
<br /> . &�rcowrr shull pr��mptly give Lender written nnticc�►f uny imestigsxion,claim, dem•rnd, lawsuit or other acti�m by uny
<br /> . �� � governmental or regulu���ry ugencp iir privuie puny invnlving tlxr Property and uny Huzurd��u.Suh�tance nr Environmentul L.s+w
<br /> ' " of which Borrower ha+uctuul knowlr�lKc. If&�rrower Icw'ns,or i�notified by uny guvcrnmemal ur regulutory authority, that '
<br /> � � ` . uny removal ar ocher rem��iia�am of uny Hnzurd�ws Suhslunce ufl'ectin��he Pnipeny i�i�eress:�ry,Hurn►wer shull promptly take �.'.
<br /> _ _ a11 n�K:e+.�nq�remedial uctions in uccardancc with 6nvi�anmcntul l.uw. ' `
<br /> .� As uxed in thiti parogruph 20, "Hozardous Subslanccs" ur� Ihou:+uh+tuncc�drUncd as toxic or iwzardous xubswnces by
<br /> �� a 6nvironmental l.aw unJ Uie fi►Ilowing ,ubtitunce�: pu.olinc, kcru.ene, uthr� Ilummuhle or tozic peuulrum �rocluc�ti, toxic .,
<br /> 'j,,.',:".'.; • , �� pt:sliciJe+and herhiciJes.vululile xalvemx,muteriuls rontuining atit►e,t�»ar fi,rniulJchyJe.anJ radioacave mutenvl�. Ati uxd in
<br /> ;. . : this pa�grrph 20, "Envi��mmcntul L.:iw" mru�i+ I'�tilcrul luws •rnd la�v.of the juriMiictiun whcn thc Pa►peny is lacutc�i IhAt
<br /> ;•'�,,;';' . relaie to heulth.wd'ety��r cm•ironmcnt:�l pr�necti�m.
<br /> �•�•�� � NON-UNIFORM COYEN.4NTS.&�nawcr and Lcnikr furthcr cavcnunt and agrec a�lidluw.:
<br /> ' • � 21.Accelerntion: Remedie�. Lender shall Rire notke tu Borro�rer pri��r to acceleralinn follo��ing Rum►Nrr's breach
<br /> �' nf any covenam ar aRrerment 1n this tiecurh� Intitrument (but nnt prhM to acccicruUon under p�rs��raph 17 unless
<br /> '"1, ' ' appliruble la�v pruvid�w othenciticl. The MUice shall speciP�: (u►thr dei'ault; (b)Ihe action reyuired to cure lhe dePs�ull:
<br /> „ (c)a date� not les.,lhan 30 du}�x Prnm the dute the natice i�Ai�•en tn Borroµer. b�•��•hkh the default must be cured;and .
<br /> ��'� � . (d)that fAilure lo cure the dePauq on ar Ixfore the dute sp�tiificd in Ihe nolice ma�• revult in acceleration uf the sums ,�
<br /> ► ��cured by lhis Securit�• li�slrument und sule of the 1'ropeh�. The noQce zhaU Purlher infnrm Borr���er oP Ihe right ta
<br /> �,� reintitnte ane� acceleratinn und the rl�hl to brinR a caurt acUon ta u+�crl the non-a�i.rlenec nP a default or any ather
<br /> � ' �. driense of Bnrn►wer to accclerution and sale. If'the defaull iz nnt cumd un or befi��c the dute s�xcifi��d in the nolice,
<br /> L�, l.ender,at its option. mu�• ���uim immi�diwte pu��ment in Pull oP all sum+�und b� Ihi�ti��curit�� Instrument without '
<br /> ' " • furlher demund und mu,r• in�•oke the q►��cr oP�ule and uny otlxr rcm�rli�h permiUcd B��applirablc lu��.I.ende�whall 6e
<br /> � ' , enikled to colk�cl all expenxeti inrurr��d i n pursuinu the rcm��dir�pruvidcd in thix pura}truph 21.includinA,but nnt Iimiled '
<br /> to,reau�nnblc attornc��!�'fc�w und custx��f Ndc c�idcnrc. ��� �
<br /> �� ° � li Ihepn Wer oP�ule 1�fm•oked,Trustec+hall n�aord u notice of dePault in cuch count� in ��hich am• purt oF the '
<br /> Propa:rt�• is lorated und tihull muil capic�nP surh nutice in Ihe munner pre.crlbi�l b� applicaMe la�� lo &�rM�wer and to , ..
<br /> thenther penom pn�xril►ed M upplicuhlc la��.Aflcr the timc r�K�uired b} upplicuhlc laa.'1'n�vt�Y.hull ui��c publlc notim
<br /> � . of salc to thc perWmx und io thc munn��pra�urilxd b� upplicuMc lu��.'I'ru�tiY. �vilh��w clrmund on Korrnacr.shull sell
<br /> the Prupert� at puhlir uurti�m to the hik!h�w1 bldder ut the time and pluce und uixlcr Ihe tcrms d�wlunutrd in the notice of
<br /> ° �ule in onc or more purrclti und in am ordcr Tru,tcr dM�rroin��. 'fru�l�Y mu� �H�.I�mc�uM of ull or am puncl of thc
<br /> , y , " . praperl}� b� public unnouncco�ent ut Ihc time und pl:icc uf om ��rc�inu�h ,cl�cdulcd ��Ic. Lendcr or it+ d�yiun�Y ma�•
<br /> • ; ' purchase the Properq•at am sulc.
<br /> u
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<br /> , � �;
<br /> { � � � Fo�m 3028 9/80 .
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