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. .�� <br /> e,e. , , ,� <br /> ' �.� t .. ' ' <br /> ��:D� �'�•a,_.'� rIS� <br /> 7/�z <br /> y� � 93-'soe�o , <br /> pymentr mry no lon�or bc requirod,ut�ho op�ion af l.endor.ii m�rtQa�o inaurpnce coverngo Un thv nmouru u�d for�he period <br /> Ilut Lender roquircs)provided by on incurcr�pprovod by I.endor apain beromca avuiluhla�utd ia obtpiltod. Born�war clWl p�y <br /> r <br /> �he premlum�roquirod ta malnt�in mcut�oga incurqnco in effqct.ur to pruvlcie w Ic�u�resorvo�unt�l�ho noquin�a�enc for mon�a�e <br /> hiwr�nra ends in accordance wlth any wdttcn a�roemern betweon Borrowar and Lcndor or AppliqahlA luw, <br /> 9. Iropectiva. Lencler a�its aQem m�y maka reasanoble entcies upnn and inFpactinns uf tha RiqppAy,L.eoder�hrll�ive <br /> Borrnwcr noticc at U�c timc oP or prior to un inspGCtinn specifying res�conabla c�uFC fi;r th�inEpactiqn. <br /> 10. Condemnotion. The proaodx of any uw�nl or cluim fur dunuigc», dircct oc canaeqyantlal. in cannoctian wUh Any <br /> curwkmnatian ur�Nher tnlcin�oP any pun ol'tho Pn�peny, ar for conveyunee in liau of candumnutlun.ore hercby wwi�yned sud <br /> -i" �hall he pAid to I.ender. <br /> ° i' In the cvent of a h►tul tpking af the Pmpchy.lhc pmceoda ishall bo c�ppliad w tiw�umb�un�l by thix Sccu�ity Inr.tNment, <br /> �: � ;, whether or not then due. with uny exceFS paid tu Borrnwer. In tha ev�nt of u purtiul tuking uC lhe Property ln which d�t f�ir <br /> market value of thc Propeny immodiutely befure tho tuking is equul tu nr greatar tliun tha Amnunl•uf the sum.c securaf by thiy <br /> Sacu�ry Instrument immedin�ely before th�r�ahing,unlchs&�rnuw�r uixl Lenclar ulhorwixe ug�+eo in,writing. the surm s¢curod by <br /> _1'�:�.,T;�i; . <br /> ,. ,:i... .,,,. �hi� Security In���umenl shull l+e rcduced by the omount af tho procee�is multipliad by thn fi�llnwing frac�ian: (a) the tc�tal <br /> �j�," � amaunl of the sums Mrured immc�iiaely twforc the wking, divid�.�t by �b> the fuir markct vulua af tha Property immedi�tely <br /> '� `� before�he wking. Any bulonrc tihull be pAid �o Borniwer. In�hv evonl oi'a paniut �uking oE ttta Prnpetty in which �he fair <br /> •�-'S '' �::;r� , murket vulue of the Property immeJiately Iwfurc tha Wking ia lo�s thun tha Amcwnt of tha sumF secur+cd immediately before tiie <br /> . <br /> � lokin , unless Bortnwer and l.end�rr otherwir,c u ree in w�inn or u s i i w• 1 rov'd . I <br /> ...,. . �.., ' . g B B nlu� appl aublu u Whanv�e p i eg.lhe pru��eeds ahal <br /> •-• ' �`��-��M;•='`��•�,--�=���o be applied to the sums secured by thie Securiry Ins�rumem whstha�or nM th�s sumN an¢Ihon duo. <br /> . .� <br /> .;i`.itw�._`,.•• :�Y� . <br /> .-�r: If the Propeny is ubAnduned by Burn�wer,or if,aQ�r ncwfce b 4endar tu B��rnowQr that the condemnnraffer�to muke un <br /> �'� . ,,„,. , Y <br /> 1�- ' :__���. .�:` �` awArd or cetda a cl�am fiir damngeF, &iROwer foila to rc�prnxl w Lender withM 30 duys uRer the Jute the notice is given. <br /> lh 'P� . <br /> � :4• <br /> I.ender is authc�riud to collect and o I ihe rcx:e x . <br /> , y ed ,u�ity tiun,eiihar w textarrtion or re 'r of the Pro rt or�o the xunn <br /> ;�:,: .,4;�,c��w:,;; PP P �P P� Pe Y <br /> ,�: <br /> ,.,,. ., <br /> �� :e�` ° secured by thia Securiry lnstrumen�,whe�har or nat thon duo. <br /> � �' ' Unless Lender And &�rmwer nlhorwise ugree in writing, uny upplivation oF proceeds to principal shall nd extend or �a ' <br /> `'. �:�,.,.';�"..�°.s;:,:.;�,: postpone�he due dntc of tha mnnthly paymants refened w in paragrrphx 1 and 2 or chunge the amuunt of aurh paytnentti. <br /> , • �., � 11.Borrower Not Released; Forbcnrance Bty I.endQr Nut a Wpive�, Extension of the time for pa}•ment or modifirntion <br /> _ ' ' •', oi umartizu�ion af th�sums secuned by this Security InFtrumanl Nrantud hy L�.nder ta nny wccetisor in interest oP Borrower shall �=`� <br /> z�;�,- � • nat operute to relea.�the Iiubilily of tha orfginut Borrower or Bnrruwer's auccessors in interest. L.endcr shall nc�t be reyuired to <br /> y�„ . rnmmence proceedings agoin�;t am succeswr in interest nr refur�w eat�:nd time for p•ryment��r rnhenvise modify amoetiration t�, � <br /> r ; ' of the sums secured by thiH Security [nstrumcnt by rwr,�n• uf any demund mude by the ariginal Borrower or Borrower's <br /> ' •��� � successors in iotarest. Any forbawr.u�ce by I.endc�in exc�r.ising uny right ur rcmedy shall not be a wuive�of or preclude tlx <br /> �` �+�'�Ei..•... exercise of uny right or remeJy. <br /> ' 12. Suecessors �nd Atisl�� Bouad; Jaut�nd Several Liubillty;Co-siRae�s. The covennnts und ugreements of this <br /> �� , ? ` � Security lnstrumeM sholl bind and benefit tha sur.ces�irt+ and u+�igns uf I.enJcr und Bonowcr, subjcct to the provisicm� of <br /> ru rn h 17. &irrower's covenamx und a reemsnte shall be uint �nJ �everal. An Bnrrower who co-si n. �his Securit r <br /> ; . Pe 8 P $ J Y R • Y <br /> ; Instrumenl bw dae� n�H executu tha Nu�u: Ia! is casi�ening this Security Imtrument only to morigagc, gr�nt und convcy that <br /> z ' � � Borrower's interes�in the Pn�perty undor thc turms of this 5eruriry Instrument; (bl is nat personully obligated w pay thc�ums <br /> << <br /> , � �� necur+ed by this Security lnstnmi4m: und•Ir1 ugrees Ihut I.en�kr anJ nny olher&�rrower may ugree 10 exlend, modify,forbear or <br /> "�, ; � makc un��ncrommcKiu�ionn with�r¢ganl ta thu termti iif this Serurity In�lrunx:rn ar the Note without lhat&►rr�iwer's cnnsent. <br /> � • 13. I.oun CbarRes. If the loun�rured by thiti Securi�y Inurumcnt i+subjcrt to u IAw which sets maximum lu:�n c:hurges, <br /> r`' �'� ond thut lua� is finully intcrprcted so Ihul thc intcrc�t or�►Ukr I�►an churgc+ ruUcctcd i►r�u be collectcd in c�►nnectwn with the <br /> �t�. � � � loan exceed the pemiiuuJ limit,,�hen: (a1 any ,urh I�iun rhurgc,hull lk• redured by�h�umount nccessary to reduce the churge '��' <br /> � r�• tn the permitted limit:und lhl uiry wmn ulreudy collcrteJ t���m&xruw�r which excr��lcd permitted limitti will bc rel'undnl to � • <br /> � Bnrrower. Lendcr muy ch�i�r ta mukr �hi, rcl'wid by r�Jucin�c U�c prinripal ��weJ undrr thr N�ur or hy muking a direct "? <br /> '�'��, , . payment ti� Borrower. If a refund redurrx principul, ihr reJuvuc>n will lx �reuled us u partial prepuytnent withcwt nny `�' <br /> �`' "' rc a mem chur c undcr thc N��Ir. <br /> 5 p PY g <br /> ., ; 14. NoUces.Any ni�ticc tu Barr��wrr pr��videJ ti�r in thiti Serurih 1 nslrumcnt.hall t►r Eivrn by drlivering it ur by mailing -'�l�`• <br /> u by first clax�mail unlexti upplicuMr law require�u�e uf annther metMxi.Thr notice.hull he directed to Ihe Propeny AdJrexs <br /> or uny olher uddre+� &irr�►��•cr �ksignatex by noticr t�� Len�ler, Any no�irr io l.enJer .hall he given hy fir.t clu�� muil to <br /> �� _ : � l.ender's uddre�. ,tatcJ hcrcin or uny ather udJrc�, IAnJer d�+ignutc+hy n�riirc tu B�,rrowrr. Any noticr pnwiJcJ ti►r in this ,.� <br /> y,� � Security In,trument.hull tx�dr�mrd�u ha�•e h�rn given to&�rrou•rr or l.cnJcr whcn�iv�n u�pmvidcJ in thiti prragrrph. ,_� <br /> . IS.GoverninR SeverablUty. Thi� S�rurity In.trumrn� .liull Ix �uvcrncJ hy Icdrrul luw anJ thc la��� of thc �°:'}° <br /> � ' juriuliclion in which the Pri�perty i.r I�xv�ed. In Ihc ca�nt that any pruvi.i�m��r rlautic ul Ihir Sccurit� Intitrumrnt nr thc Nnte <br /> �. � :� contlirt,with applicuhlc IuN•. �uch cunflicl shall not:dfcrt�,thcr pruvi.i��rn��t'Ihi,Scrurit� In�trwnrnt or the No�r Whirh ran l� ' " <br /> '.�. . �ivcn cffi�t with�wt thc contlirting pn�vixian. '1'u Ih�.�nJ thc pnn�isi„nti�,1'thi.Srrurit� hutrumrnt a�xi thr Notc um declarrd <br /> :�. . , : to be+cvrrublc. � . <br /> � '? ,y� 16. Borrower's Copy.Hurruwcr.hall hr givcn unc ranf:,nncd rap� of thc Nutc anJ ul thi+S�curity In�trumcnl. <br /> 4 , ' `� '•, F <br /> •�' �,: Fwm 302� 9/90 � <br /> � <br /> �'v ' . r.��.•a e�F i <br /> 1� ! t •r , �r�. <br /> . , ti . > <br /> i <br /> ' nl , ' .�- .._ "_ - ' . � •..'M�J�lQ4i i�.j11.... .�I .. . . . . • <br /> �. - ,� t, �� Y �l ..;. .. _ .. , . . . _ . .. .. .__... ..._ . _._ . <br /> 1 .. <br /> ` <br /> -'n 1 '. . .. . <br /> .�a y , , <br /> � S� <br /> �V .. . <br /> � a' • .. , <br /> . . , <br /> � , .. .. <br /> !� , . <br /> � �•� <br /> = i ---..- _-. � . -�- _ - ,-- <br /> , ; . . . , <br /> j i <br />