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<br /> u. u��Moc�nY u�u�rr,aovs�nro wrv:r�v�an�x� , �3'�019378
<br /> � Udtan4 C7�wM�t 1!ot UN S�arity la�trumea 1��una�ded a n�d-�u folloas
<br /> R. U�if�ww��I��wli C��N�Lawi W*�M�h•7hb fona ot 8�auity 1tt�tnmNpl aoinMtw uatfa�r�a oavwna tar e�don�l wt �
<br /> �nd noa�uaitarn caven�st��itb Wnitd viul�tlau b3►luri�diadon to co�utitute a unNMm�t�ACUdtY Imttunwu oowrio�r�l P�P�Y.T61�
<br /> fecurity In�tnunait tAdl be{overwd by Fedaral Ww uW tue uw ot iho Jurt�dkilon.iq.wbit�l,the Propeny i�bauad.In th�ewat ti�tt aay .
<br /> pc+ovWaa ot cJawe ot thii Se�vrity lo�uumaat or the Note conNat�wltb�pplkabk I�we fuab�Ca�flkt�hdl aot dfect other aovWau of Ws
<br /> S�cudty lawmmt or the Nott whicb pn be{ivea�ttec!witiaut t!M coafibAini P{'otid�lAO�iµtd W,tbit�nd tl�provWonr ot tWs 8�wulq
<br /> fasuuas�nt and tUo tYoa are dxiared to be eevenble.
<br /> Udtorm Coveant 17 of the Secu�ity lnurumeut i�unendad lo rad�u tollowr.
<br /> 17.'I�MfK of tM hopert9 a�M�d�M�I�M�N 1�Ronow�r.It ali or�ay pRtt af tha Propaty or•an intarat therein u wld or tramferred
<br /> (or it a bmeficW interat in Borrower is wld or truufened vnd Bonown is nat a npturei�person)without l.ender'�prior wrltta�consent.
<br /> I.ender may,at Lender':opUon�dectuc all cha�umi�xured by tf�fa Secudty Instruma�t.ta,be immadiptely due and pryabk. Howcva.this
<br /> option sha11 not be exercised by tander iF exercise is not authorized by Federal law.Lenddr mn�w�Ive t4e ezerci:e of thi�optlon if:(U Borrower
<br /> cauta w be cubmitted to Lender inPwmadon requlrcd by Lcnder to cvaluote the intandad Iran:farco+w iP a new loan wae 6eln�uude to the
<br /> tr�uferee;and(D)L.enda reasonably detmmina that lxnder'c secu�ity will not bo imp�itAd by tha lo�a aswmp�lon and th�t the rlsk of t6e
<br /> bre�ch oi wy covenant os�prament in thio Secudty lns�rumant Is acceptAble to l.ender.
<br /> To the mcteat petmitted by�ppliaible lAw,I.ander may chiu�e a reasonablo fee u a condidon to Lsnder':consrnt to the loan�wumptloa.
<br /> - ��--'a� Lender mpy Alsa rcquire tha uaneteree to keep�Il the promisa snd syramems m�de in iha Noto and in this Security Inauumenl. .
<br /> "lf Lendor aterciaa such opdon to accelerate,Lende�shall mail Borrower notiae of acceleration in accordance witb pwmgrwph l4 hereot.
<br /> o s� Such noUa�hall provide A pedod of not less Ihan 30 dayr irom the date the natioe is ma�lud within which Bonower may pay ihe sums dxl�ued
<br /> ;� r�• 's. •�. due.If Borrower ialls to pay auch auma p�lor to the expiraUon of such pedod,Leodat may,without Pun6et notice or dcm�nd on Horrower, �
<br /> ;��, ,� �`��, imoka any remedies permitted by thia Security Instrument." c�
<br /> �•G�:'"���'"" ' "Notwithetanding a aale or tranaier,Barrower will condnue to be obligAted under thn Note and ihir Secudty Inctrument unles�L.ender h�s
<br /> 4`:: ;;,;�,;ht;:;'' •i,
<br /> •;i:?��j�y'�;;r�;x:r�� rclaued Borrower i�rvriUng.,•
<br /> „ 'a;a.;;;�,�,d�F�!+" � ,�-;
<br /> i�?�•' �9-i;�f: "a
<br /> ,i �Gf;,l t'
<br /> �. ,����;�'.1 .-��.h F. LOAN CHANGFS
<br /> . " ���`�",��•�r••, �'}� I{the Ioan�ecurcct by the Secu�ity Instrument ta subject to a law which sNs mA+�imum lonn charQa.and that Ipw i�fi�ully interpreted w
<br /> ���' �����f'���'�"r'�'�f ttut the interat or other loan charQes collected or to be collected in connection with thn loan exceed permitted limll�.then:p)any such laa
<br /> ch�rge shd)be reduced bY tho amaunt neccssary tu reduce the chur�c to�he pcm�itlad Illnil;�nd It)any�ums alrwdy coNocted from 6orrower
<br /> � , ' ' which exceedod permiued Hmiu wfll be rcfundcd to Bu�rawer.l.endcr may chcxne u�mwUa�hi�rciund by reducfnQ thc princip�l owed under the
<br /> !� -�'%+'.��' ' • ' Note or by m�kinQ�direct paymont to Borrower.lf u r�fund reduco�principal,lhe raduutian wlll bo treated�o partial prcp�yment ueder the
<br /> ,.:�-; . , .
<br /> . aS�.-� .N. Nmo.
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