<br /> z . .�.
<br /> F J
<br /> Y- :�a' � .. x.
<br /> :q�. ,� � 7K, .. •q.9
<br /> ...u�...... .._ ..
<br /> n '
<br /> .+�=•hr t 1 ADJUSTABLE ItATE RID� �8.?•�1083"r!�
<br /> u ve.�r�,�ur�oa.�cc•wuc.v,� .
<br /> � TH114 ALIJUSTAU.B RATB RIDBR u oNd��hl• zBTH a.y o� SEPTEIMBER .19 93 ,
<br /> �ad U Mpo�poratb leto�rA aWl b�dMrt►d to Wamd rod wpplMwu IM Nbnp[h�ed ot'I'nW�or S�curUy Dwd(�6s"S�cudty Inpruma�t"1 ot
<br /> tA�ssa�dan�IvM by IIK undKdpNd(th�"Borrowsr")to acun BorrowK•�Ad)uaable R�le Nott(th�"Noa"110
<br /> � �Q pM•'l.�r•�)ot tM ww da�w�l�ovwini ths P►�P�Y daaibW h tW S�rurbY Imuu�aa�t ad loW�d a�
<br /> . .
<br /> ._, �fl?i FOST f1T11TSTf1N_ ���,$�QN(� NFRRQ$Kp�1
<br /> ' (Propeny Addras)
<br /> TMI��ote co�uln /rorWot�dloM� fa cla�a i�n�I�taat nw�N�y r�atrir
<br /> WyAtMU.TMI�Ilol��IW U�IU(Mt Y1o11�1 lry I�It1q1 f�ff tM C�N W OM iMM wIM
<br /> I k �Iro 1re��M�M�na 1 wwl p�r.
<br /> Iql
<br /> ADDITIONAL COV@NAN7'S.la�ddidon to fMe oovawnts uW a�raemena aude la�he Securlty In�nuna�.Banower u�d La�der
<br /> futthaoovaMat�ad a�ree as tollowr.
<br /> w
<br /> I�
<br /> � . The Note provlda for�n iNIW Intarat rate ot 6•� Ni.Section 4 of the Note provldes for ciMrya ia lhe ialerat r�te�ad t60
<br /> � ..'" "'. monwr am�u,.s touows:
<br /> ` �t�.}"� �� w::� �, :
<br /> ,3 1. ...ilfl' '�-��a�'.a 1 �-.Y;•t� . .
<br /> V,. � �•�
<br /> �'�„ � r �� �, , : �. INTCsR�EST RATF AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANG�'S '�`
<br /> y)�7.'xv..,.�•.,..��t� �
<br /> �„ •,f'`., i � li IM Cb�ap i�la
<br /> � .t• ,. r;;',:.I.;�.
<br /> ` � � �'���<<�t..•�' Tbe iqte�est rate I will y may change on the first day of �C TOBER ,�g 94 �and op tluit dpyevery
<br /> ��j{ �� .'t�;,,r,�-,•,.,;"_
<br /> �p, '��,G.�f��t{��t�.���,f��t�J.���F � o u �
<br /> f i�� �'�t��.:�. '��;�.•.r,.��?••f++!; �Z moMhs�he�aU�er.Each date oo which my intaei[rate cauld chan�te ia calkd p Chan�e Awta t�
<br /> rf •.��:-_�ju:.,, ,..46�,L�.�!.t i:�,_.
<br /> T-_ '��j;;J::',�rt;,r��;.��•.;�''�};��:�I�. (Y1 Theltles :.,
<br /> ���• . f` Beainning wkh the tirst Chanae Date,my interat rate will be baud on an index.The'•Index"is the weekly aver�ge yleld on United Stata
<br /> •�'" •^;�;�:',' ' , A iYeawry savrida adjutted a a cwnitwnt matudty of!year,es made avail�ble by the Fedoral Raerve Bowrd.The mo�t raant Inda fl�ure
<br /> ;;.•.� .�'�':'-�� '' •� , Av�il�bk w of thedatN3 days before each ChanQe Date is called the•'CurrenU ndes." ;�''
<br /> r.:.,. •
<br /> '�'-'��� ` :�''•x� �'. ' ' , It the Inde�Is no lonaer available,the Nate Holder wiU choo�e a new index whlch u based upon compuabk ini�tlon.The Note
<br /> �..,..
<br /> S'; `, .� Holda wlll{ive me notla of this choloe.
<br /> A f �� (� Gicd�w vi Cin�a
<br /> ' ' &fom etch Chau�e Date,the Nota Holder will calcWate my new interat rNe by addin�.1HREE AND ONE-HALF perant�e
<br /> '� `. s ��� � polnu! 3•5 ,i��o the Current Indet and roundfny to the nearet IiBth of I�,subJen��thc Ilmiu�tt�led in Section 1(D)below.
<br /> This rounded amount wlll be my new inumt nte unNl tbe next Chan�c D��e.
<br /> ' � � � ' fie Nae Hdder will Ihen determine Ihe amoum of�he momhly payment�hat would Uc w(ficlem ta repay in full ihe princlpal 1 am r;
<br /> �}; ,
<br /> � expecitd�o owe oa tha�ChonQc llate in subs�pntf�lly equal paymea�s by�he mwturf�y dwlc at my new imeresl r�le.TUe rc�uU of�hi�alculatlon
<br /> �� . wlll 6e�he new amaunlof my mon�hly p�ymen�.
<br /> �s Ipl U�wlnow I�lenn R.1•l'M.qe.
<br /> The intereu ra�c 1 am rcyuired to pay m the fln� ChonQe Uvtc wdl nw bc grcutv �h�n 8.00 � ur leu thqn
<br /> j�; � �.. 4 � �i.Thcrcafur,my fnlernt ra�e wfll never be increased or JecreaxJ un any sin�le ChanQc Dalc by morc than ��
<br /> � � � irom the rate o(inlerat 1 have been paying for�he preceding�wch�e rnon�hs.The minfmum in�eres�ra�e on this loan will never be
<br /> � �� ; " ��p� 4.00 �h and�he m�cimum interest rate wfll ncver bc grc�ter Ihan_.��.�QQ�_9i.
<br /> �. j -.. �c� w..::
<br /> . dtie zfife Of C�ws�es ,.,ti•.
<br /> .�` My new imetest nle will become efkc�ive on each Change Rate.I will
<br /> � pay the amount of my new monthly payment be�innin4 on lhe(irst
<br /> ,�� � monthly paymeM dacedter�he Chon�e Date un1i1 thc amount of my mon�hly paymenc chan�es nR�in.
<br /> ;.[ � .
<br /> - _-__..__- (Fi NoUa of CAmRes ('
<br /> ' �:,-��rr•• The Nate Holder wNl mail or deliver�o me a notice before each Chenge Date.The notice will adviu me of: °�r,�.
<br /> ,
<br /> �!�. �� : (i) Ihe new interest rale on my loan as of the Change Date; �,
<br /> . :� , ' .'��,tlii,'�;
<br /> " (ii) Ihe amount of my monthly payment following the Change Date;
<br /> �' �' � ��'�.�!' 1�'�.; ,,;, �iii) my additional matters which the Note Holdcr is required to disclose;and '
<br /> _ . '';� (iv) �he addras of the associaUon you could contact reparding any questions obow�he edjus�ment nalce. '"�;,,,,
<br /> �Tr � '•i ti'
<br /> .I, '
<br /> 11
<br /> �;��•: B. CHARCEi;LIENS �c
<br /> �.F,���' Unitorm Covenant 4 ohhe Securi�y Instrumem is amended to read as follows: �
<br /> I,��. ; � . �:,,' ;
<br /> ,�
<br /> ��„•;�, � �.CA�r�ai Uau.Borrower thall pay all taxes,assasments,and other charges,fioes,and imposi�lons attributable to the Property which may � '
<br /> .�+ff: : � ; .;:`� '' utaln�priority ovcr this Security Instrument,and leasehold paymems of ground rents,if any,in tAe manner provided under paraaraph 2 hereoP ��
<br /> � or,if not p�id in such manner,by Borrower making payment,when due,directly io thc payee thcrrnf. Borrower shail promptly furnfsh Lender
<br /> ��`r .�; _. . all nWloes of amauntsdue under this paragraph,and in lhe event Borrower shaN make payment direclly,Borrower shnll prompHy furnish to
<br /> ; ` ' . Lender recefpts evidcncing such payments. Borrower shall promptly dixhorge nny lien which has priority over �his Security Instrument; • •
<br /> �,' ' r ' howevtt, Borrower slwll not be rcquired to diuharga any such Ilen co long os Borrower.(al sholl agree in writinp to�he paymenl of the i
<br /> t.�; �
<br /> �� obliQ�tlon secured by such lien in Ihe manner acceptable to Lender;(b►xhall in gcwd fuiih contes�such lirn by,or defend agyfnst enforeemenl of �
<br /> �h•r: F . :: .
<br /> ��+, � t �}� euch Ilm in,Iegnl proettdings which in the opinion of Lender ope*ale�o prevent�he enfurcement of the Ilen or forfefture of Ihe Property or ony
<br /> a:,;.� � � part thereoh,or Icl shall secure irom the hotder of such lien an aQrermeni fn a form w�isfxciory to Lender subordinatfno such lien to thfc '
<br /> ' ' - Se�:wily Inslrulmnt. ,
<br /> �, n i..awer ueie�nii�m iu�i uu v� mry pmi vi iue r�v�ie�i)i�iuii�ni i�■ iicn wi�i�u nmy uiiNiu r p�iv�iiy Jre�iiva actiuiiij iiwiiufiiai�i, t
<br /> ' � '"��j i . , Lendtt shall give Borrower�notice idemifyina such lien.Borrower shall sa�lsfy such Hen or�ake one or more of the actions set forth above
<br /> �.��{:,`,`. ' � within ten days of th�4lvin�of the notice. '
<br /> i, ,.. r' � . ',,,`f ,;r '.
<br /> aM�'`'. � i��l:.�'.• • ' •
<br /> F. ' ss e_•�..,�,� C. NOTICE
<br /> y� , � � :.��, �-� :t:�<;:f:.,;:�,.�. , � .,
<br /> ,, .S.,..r:;•,•.;,;�,`,:,; ,.,� Unitorm Covcnant 14 of the Security Instrumem is emended to read as follows:
<br /> ,� ; ���,:i'�',.r��:•::�;.': ..
<br /> : }. �.�'���.., „ f1. Nolke,Except for any notfce required under applicable law to be given In another manner,(al any notice to Borrower provided for in Ihls
<br /> �;,�:'fj,�;..,-.. ,.
<br /> ' ; ,'?'(� , Securlty Inslrument shell be glven by delive�ing it or by mailing It by firs�c�ass maH to Borrower at the Properly Address or a1 such other address
<br /> s.• • .'I:�.::,,�.,.
<br /> �• • as Borrower maydesiBnate by notice to Lender as provided herein,and(b)ony notice�o Lender shall be gi�en by first class mall to Lender's
<br /> • `'�' ,` • address stated herdn or lo such other address as Lender mny designate by notice ro Borrowcr as provided herein.Any noNce pravlded for fn this
<br /> ,�. � t. ° '�;, ' ��� SecurNy Instrument shdl be damed�o hove been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the�or.ncr designated hreln.
<br /> ' '. �r�•
<br /> ` J .. ,
<br /> `�' ',I �
<br /> • t �
<br />