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<br /> � periado tlwt L�en�ler roquirci. The jnsurAnce c�urier pmviding the insurance aholl be chocen by Borrower crbject ta l.endor�
<br /> . �ppru►v�!whkh�iwll not bo unrcasc+n�bly withheld, lf BoROwet iails�o m�intoin rovcrage described above.Laidor m�y.at
<br /> Leederk aption,abain covernge to protect Lemkrb�ights io�he Pn►peny in accardwue wilh puapraph 7. .
<br /> All insur�nce poUcles and rcrawats�Iwll be acceptoble to Lender and shall includc a ctwndsitd me►rt�a�e cipuse. Lender
<br /> . ehAll have the right to hold the policies ond renewals. If l.ender requirrs.Bnrrower Khall prompUY Bive la L.eoder all receipts
<br /> of p�id prcm{um�wx!rcne:val notices. In the event of lass.BoRawer shall�ive prompt notke to the iosurance carrier ond
<br /> l.er�der. Lernier may mal•e pra�f of loss iinw made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> .� Unlea�Lcndcr and Horrowcr otherwise a�trce in writing,in.eurancc proceeds stwll be applied to�es�oro�ion or repair qf
<br /> Ihe Property dunwged, if!he reucxation or �epair is eronomically fea�ibk wKl L.ende�b security is rwt lessenod. If the
<br /> rcato�tiun or rop�ir is nw econornically feasibk or lxnderL• secu�ity would be lessened,the insurance proceeds sh�ll be
<br /> � applk�d ta the Rums �securcd by Ihis Sr+curity Inx�niment,whether or nw ihen due,wi�h any excess paid to Bortower. If
<br /> + Borrower abando�u tFie
<br /> F�+upeny, or does not unswer within 3Q duys u notice from I.emter thut the insurance carrier has
<br /> , � - �� ��• affercd to senle a claim,then Lender may collect the in�urance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repa�r or restore
<br /> , ^ the Property or w p�y sums sccurcd by thi:Securi�y Insaument.whether or not then due. The 30-day period will begin when
<br /> •.•-�. the�atice is givrn.
<br /> •'�' .;.t-,.ss' Unlexs Lender nnd Borrower othe�wise agree in writing,uny applicutian af proceeds to princlpal shali not extend or
<br /> . , pastpone�he due due of the manthly poyments referred to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or chnnge ihe umount of ihe payments. If
<br /> ��•`�• , . � • under pcuuagraph 21 the Pmperty is acyuited by l.ender. Bormw•er's right ta any insurgnce policies and procceds�esuUing
<br /> 4� r,:'•_, _ ,.. from damage ro the Propeny pr�or ta the acquisitian shall pass ta I.ender to the extenl of the sums secured by�his Setwity
<br /> ;�r� Instrumenl immediately prior to ihe acquisition.
<br /> ��' ;, Ss„�. ;,;�:,:...'; .-� 6. Occup�ncy, Preservallon. Molnteaanee s�ad Protection oP the Property: Rarrower's l.oao Applicatloni
<br /> �. I,tasehold,g. Borrower shall occupy,estobliah,nnd use the Propeny as Borrower�principal residence within sixty days after
<br /> , ,'.�';'�� ` � - the execution of thic Secu�iry Inurument ond shall conlinue w acupy thr Prupeny us BoROwer's principal r�sidenec:for at
<br /> ' ° � lea.rt ane year ofter Uie dute af occupancy, unless Lender atherwi,e ag�es in writing, which consent sFwll rwt be
<br /> " �.�• •; . -� unreuwnably withheld,ar unless extenuu�ing circumstunces exiYt whirh wr l�eyond Bomower�s control. Borrower shall not
<br /> , . destroy,drmuge or imp�ir ihe Propeny,allow�hr Praperly lo deteriora[e,or cammit wu+te an the Propeny. Borrower shall
<br /> • ;_�.N:u;.,;..,,;:�, be in defauU if any iorfeiture uclian ar praceeding,whether civil or criminal,i.begun that in Lenderk gaad failh Judgmem
<br /> •• ' ' could resull in forfciturc of�he Propeny or aherwise materially impair �he lien creuled by �his Securiry InswmeM or
<br /> � . , . ' l.ender+security interext. Borcowrr may cun such u dafnult and rein.t�te.u�provided in parngroph 18,by causing Ihe aclion
<br /> ' „ or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling tha�,in Lender;good faith detertninution,precludes forfeiture of the Bomower�s
<br /> ' interest in�he Propeny or aher material impainnent of�he licn crruted by �hiti Securiry Instrument or Ler�der�s security
<br /> ' ,`. ' interryt. Borrower shall ulso be in defaWt if Borrower, during the loan applicution process, gave matesially fAlse or
<br /> � inaccumte informaticx�or statemencs to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender with ony mnte�iul infom�atian)in connection with
<br /> the loun evidenced by thr Note, including, but not limited to, representatiom concerning Borrower's aceupuncy of the
<br /> -;..: ,, Ptapeny ns u principal residence, If thi,Securi�y Inswment ix on u Ir��hold.BoROwer shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> �- of thc lease. U Borrower acquires tee ti�lc to thc Pmpchy,lhe Icu�ehold;u�d Ihe fee lide shall not merge unlers l.ender agrees
<br /> , ' ' to thc merger in writing.
<br /> � . „ 7. Protectfon of l.ender's Rights in Ihe Properly. If Borrower faik to pert'ortn ihe covenants and agreements
<br /> � � • � contained in this Security Instniment, o�there i. n Icgal pnxceding that mny �ignificantly affect Lender a rights in the
<br /> ' Pmperty Isuch��a praceeding in hankniptcy,proba�e,for c�mdcmnati�n or fiirfeiture or�o enforce luws or re�eulution�),then
<br /> � Lender may do And puy for whatever ix nrceswry to protrc�the value of the Prcipeny und Lender:rights in the Property. �•
<br /> ;. Lender's actiunti may include pnying any sum.,ecured by a li.:n whirh ha.priorit��over�hi.Security Instn�ment,oppearing :�j��
<br /> �� ' in couA,paying reawnable a�tom�ys'fecs rnJ rntcring on thr ProExhy�o mukc repuirti. Allhough Lender may tuke xtion "
<br /> under this p:uugruph 7,l.endrr doeti nnt h•r�c to do�o. '"
<br /> Q•. Any umounts di.buned by L�ndc�under Ihi.purograph 7 ,h�ll fxcume•rJdi�ional debt of Burrow�er sc:curcd by�his
<br /> .. Security Instrom�nt. Unlc+.Born�wer anJ L�nder a�tree a►�Khrr temi�ul'pu�•mcnt.�he.r am�wm+.hall 6eur inter�.t from the
<br /> ,� , date of dixbunem�nt ut�hc Note r•rte cmd shall br payahlc, wi�h imrn.t,up�m n�iiicc tmm Lender to Borrower reyuesting
<br /> , payment. -
<br /> ;� 8. 1+IortRaQe Insu�ence. If'Lcnder rcyuired mortga�c inmurunrc a.:�cundiii�m M'm:�king�he k►an�c�cured by thiti
<br /> , .: . ; Security Instrument, Borrowrr .hall pay Ihc prcmium.reyuirrd to maimuin �he m�mgugr inwrunce in efl'ect. If. for uny
<br /> � , reuson, �he mcxtgaFe imurunr�cuveragc rryuircd by Lcnder lap.r. or cratic+ to I,c in et'fect. Bom►wer xh•rll pay the ,�.
<br /> , • • premium. rcyuireJ to obtuin ro�rr•rgr .uh.tamially cyui�alem �o thr mungagr in.uranrr pre��i�usly in cff'ect, a� u co+t
<br /> . • substanlially cyuivalrnt a��he co�t u►Burro�+rr ut'ihr munga�c inwran�c pic�iuu.ly in rli'rrl, I'mm un uherna�e munguge
<br /> �'j;���7, inxumr npproved by Lcnder. If wh,tantially ryuiv�lem mungugr in.uranrr r�n�rriigc i.no1 u�•ailable.Borrowcr shall pay to
<br /> :*� '��:���. Lender each month u�um ri u�l In one-�wclflh nf the pearl mun .��� imur,u�ce runium t+ein• aid b Borcower Whrn the
<br /> . . .c�.;..r.. � ' �' F'b' r ' �P' Y ;.
<br /> � r ...;;;:;;.• ;, inxurrnrr rovcragc lup�cd n�cea,r�i tu tk in effrr�. Lrnder��ill arrrpt.w�and retain Ihr,e p•rymrnt,•r.a lotiti rc.crve in licu ..
<br /> ` • ,,:�;.;; of mortgage imurancr. Lo.rti rc,er�•r paymen��m:�y nu lungrr Ix rryuircJ. u�thc opiion ul'Lrndcr, if mort�uge in�urunce ,��"
<br /> • •� ..�; caverAge(in the amount und forthe p►ri�ul thal l.rnJer r�yuire,l prnriJrd h�• an in.urrr approvrd h� LrnJer aguin become+
<br /> � ���` . .F . ;ti�� uvailuble and ix obtainrd.Burn►acr+hall pay Ihe prrmiunn rryuircd���maim:�in m�mgagr imuranrc in efl'rcl.ex to pnn�ide n
<br /> �G'; " ' . loss rcscrvc.un�il thr rcyuiremrm ti�r m�,ngag�imurunre cnd,in arr��rJimrc��i�h am ���rinen u�n�mcnt t+elaeen Bonow�r
<br /> • und Lender ur applirahlr luw.
<br /> ';� , ' 9. Inspertion. Lrnder or it�agrnl ma� ma{�c nu.nnahlc rnlrir,u�xm anJ in,�xrtiun,uf Ihr Pm�xrt�•. Lrmler.hall
<br /> i�'' , ., �-;, give Bnrrawcr nolirc.0 thr timr ul'ur prii,r��,:m i�i.�xrti�m,�kcil�ing na.nnuMr rau.c t��r thr in.�xrtiun. �
<br /> i •. � 10. CondemnuNon. Thc r«x�,�i,����:�n� :�aard ur.•I;iim t��r�IamaE...ilinc�or cun.ryucnu:d,in canncction w•ith any `
<br /> �,.a " ' ' SinFlcl�md> -F'rnnteNue�tYcddkllacl\IFIIN�11��1'R111E�1'..l'mtann('„�enani. 4�W1 ��w�erl,�I•����¢��.i i!
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