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<br /> _ 7'Op67'HER WITH�II the imptovcmcn�a oc►w or hereuRcr crcc�cd an�hc pnnperty.And wli e�cemcnts.appunenonce�.
<br /> and fixlunx now or hereafler n part of ihe properry. All rcplacemcntr and pdditions rtwll dru bo covercd by lhir 3ecurhy
<br /> Ip�aumrnt. All of 1he fo�Qoin�is rcPemd w in�hi�3ocurily In�wment ar the"Rapeny."
<br /> BORROWPR COVBNANTS Ilwt Borrower ie luwfully Reixed uf Ihe ex�atc hereby rnnvcycd and hav thc ti�ht to�rant
<br /> ��o��Qy�P►op�ty �nd tluu the Pmperty is u�ncumbercd,exccp�Par encumlKOnce�of record. Rormwer wwra�us w�d
<br /> - will defe�d generally Ihe INIe to Ihe Rvperty agoinal wll cluima and�kmw�ds,t�ubJecl�a uny encumbrarkec of record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT cambines unifomi covenumx fw nutfonal u+.e und non-unifixm covenunl� wi�h
<br /> Umited variations by Jurfsdiclicxi ta conslNute a unifarm securlty in�tromem covedng real pn►peny.
<br /> � '' UNIFORM COVENAMTS. Bondwcr and L.endcr cavcnant und Agrcc us falloww:
<br /> .::,�..- ` l. Paymeaf of Principql�nd Intereslt�'ePay�at sad 4wte Cb��es. Bonowc��hnll prampUY puY when due the
<br /> �' �' "� princiPal af und intercst on�he debt evidenced by the Nnte wui uny prepuyment und Inte char�tea duc under the Note.
<br /> 2. Fbnds for'Ibxes and InAU�nce. Subject�o opplicAblc luw or to n w�inen wuiver by Ixnder,Sortower shall pay to
<br /> �.';.,�, _'�.L L.ender on Ihe day montbly paymems tue due unckr�he Note,until thc Nac lx puid in full,�sum("Fundti')far.(a)yearly
<br /> ��i: ,._ �-�� luxes and assvssments which muy �ltuin priariry ovcr lhis Securiry inwtn�ment u.g u lien on Ihe Rvpeny:lb)ycarly Icuschold
<br /> "-�• - puymenl� or ground rents on �he Property, iF uny; (c) yrurly Iwzard or propeny insur��c premiums; (d) ycarly flood
<br /> ��. .:,,- ,�.r" � in.tiuraoce pramiums, iF any: (cl yearly mongnge insurnnce premiums, if any; and (� uny xums pnynble by Borrower to
<br /> ����i:`-� • ��-�,} L,ender,in accordance wi�h the provfaians of ps►rs�groph 8,in lieu of ihe payment of mong+�ge insumnce premiums. Thcse
<br /> ��r: • ilems ore cAlled"Escrow Item.s." Lender may,At w�y time,collect wui hold FLnds in an amounl nat to exceed the muximum
<br /> �.._ �
<br /> � �*'� amount a lender for A federnlly reWted mong�+ge loan muy reyuire for Borrowerk e�crow uccount undrr�he federal Real
<br /> i'�'' k'.�:�, ',� Eslnte Setllcment Procedures Acl of 1974 cas amended from�ime to lime, 12 U.S.C.�2601 er scy.("RESPA"),unless wwthcr
<br /> '••, � �,,,:; law thal applles to the Funds f:ets�lescer umount. If�o,l.ender may,ai siny time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> n
<br /> '`�;iT'? . � exceed Ihe le�ser nmount. Lender muy esdmute Ihe umount of Funds due on the bnsis of current data and rea�onsible
<br /> y:��::�t • --- -:'Y';;i:..i.;<:,.
<br /> �r;;`r�.�� estimu�es of expenditures of fulure EK ruw liemti or wherwise in uccordance with upplicable law.
<br /> . ,.�{�;�. : � �4 , ,, 7'he FLnds shall be hcld in an inctiwtion whase deposiix are insurcd by a federal aRency, instrumcntality.or entity
<br /> �1ul�l•. . (including Lender.if Lender is such an insiitullon)or in uny Federnl Home Loun Bonk. l.ende�shull upply�he Fundc to pay
<br /> • � , the E�crow Items. Lender may not char�e Borrowcr for holding nnd applying Ihe Fundc, Annually unulyzing the escrow
<br /> � _ ., uccoun�, or verlfying the Escrow Items,unless L.ende� puyc Borrowe� intercxt on the Funds nnd upplicnble law permils
<br /> � ' l.ender to make such a charge. However. Lender may requim Borrower ta puy s►one-�ime charge for an independent real
<br /> ',';i��� b : . , eswte tAx repoRing scrvice used by I.ender in connection wilh ihis loun,unlexs upplicuble luw provideti olhenvise. Unless un
<br /> " � agrecmcnt is made or applicable Ittw requires interest io be paid.Lender xhall noi 6c required N�pny Borrowcr any intere�t ar
<br /> ° � ,�� , earnings on the Funds. Borrawer�nd Lender muy agme in wri�ing,however,�hut intcres�xhAll be paid on�hc Funds. Lender
<br /> , i" " - shall give to Borrower,wilhaut churge,an unnu�l�ccouming oP the Funds,showing credits nnd debits to the Funds und Ihe
<br /> ; r•--�: .. purpase for which eACh debit �o the Fundc wus made. The Fund:are pledged as uddi�ionnl u�urity for all sums secured by
<br /> '}�:�:��t�' this Secur�ry lnstrumept.
<br /> ; .�:••,:,�
<br /> �� � �� �-•�:���- If thc Funds hetd by Lender excecd �he amounts permitted lo be held by applicoblc law, Lender shnll account to
<br /> ," +�:�� �° �-^: � ' Borrower for the excess Funds in uccordance with the reqwrements af uppiicabfe fnw. ii�he amoun[ of�he Funds heid by
<br /> 4��i�, :,-.,
<br /> ' ;'..,;:�;�'�?;+a;;:,;�'.�; ' . ' Leixler ut any time is not sufficient to pay Ihe Excrow ltems when due, Lender may w notify Borrower in writing,and,in
<br /> ' ' - ���•-�� such case Barrower shull puy to Lender the umount necessary to mAke up the de�ciency. Burrower shall mrke up ihe
<br /> ' ; �:.• _ ..Y��. , .
<br /> � `��,�: � deficiency in no more�hs�n twelvc monthly puymenis,at l.endrre sole dixcre�ion.
<br /> � � :`�';� Upo�puymem in full of oll �ums xecumd by Ihi� Securily Instrument,Lrixler�hall promptly refund to Barrower any
<br /> ,� � Funds held by L.ender. If.undcr paragroph 21. Lender shall acquire or�cll�hr Pra�x:ny,l.endcr, prior�o�he�cyuisition or
<br /> �;; • � snle of the Property,shall apply uny Funds held by Lender at thc time i�f skyuisi�ion or,ulc u� u credit agafnsl Ihe rums
<br /> • securcd by this Security Instrument.
<br /> ji� 3. ApplicatMn of Payments. Unlc�� applicable law pruvides othcrwi�e,ull puyman�s reccived by Lendcr undcr
<br /> �1��_ � puragrnphs I and 2 shull bc upplied:firs�,eo any prcpaymem chargc�duc unJcr�he Nrne:second, to•rmounts puyable under
<br /> �' � paragraph 2;third,to intcrcst duc; fourth,u�prinripal duc;and InsL�o uny lutc churgcx duc und.r Ihe Note. .�:
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Barower shull pay all laxc,, t�sxessmem., rhurgcs, fines und impoxi�iam Anrihutablc to the `,�,;;�
<br /> � � ;:�'~. � �' � Propetty which mny anain prioriry ovcr�hi,Security In��rumem,and Ieu+ch��ld payment�ur ground rents,if uny. Bonower
<br /> �',;��„ � I shall pay these obligation�in Ihc rnunncr providcd in para@raph 2.or if not puid in thut rnunncr.B�nrowcr shall puy them on
<br /> � � � lime direclly to�he penon owed puymem. Borrower shull pmmpNy fumish to L�nckr all notirc:.o!'smcsurt.s�,Lr puid unuer
<br /> - . ' � lhis paragraph. If Borcower makes�hese payments direcdy, porrower,huU promplly furnish io Lender receip�s evidencinF •
<br /> �ra � 1he paymems. _
<br /> ;' Bn�'ro�ver sh�ll prompAy dis�hhr�r any lic��which has�+ri�,rity�•w�r rhi.Srruriry In,ln�mrm unle..RnrmwCC(�1)1lgfecti ,,}
<br /> '': in wridng to the payment of the obliEn�ion �ecurecl hy Ihr lien in n manner acceptuMe t��Lendrr:lb)ronlestti in gaod faith the '
<br /> � • ' , , lien by,or defends againsl enforcement of�hc lirn in,Icgal pr�xceding,w•hich in�he l.eixkr:��inian i�percu�tu�xevcnt thc
<br /> " enforcemenl of Ihe lien; or Ic 1 serurc. 1'mm thc hulJrr of thc lien an agrermem wti�factory tn Lender wM►rdinaung thc licn
<br /> " � � to this Secu�ily Instn�mcm. If Lendcr Jctcmiines�hat uny pun of Ihr Proprny i.wbjcrc to u Ifcn whirh miry uttain priorii}•
<br /> � '• ;_;•' ; over Ihis Securily lnstrument.Lendcr may givc Borrower•r naire identifying the licn. Bortowrr shall su�i�fy the licn ar takc
<br /> � � .
<br /> '" `�` ��t"ti�" one or more of thc ac�ions�ct fonh ulx�vc within 1 o day.ol'thc givin�of natim.
<br /> •., ( .,�`,;,;r. .,;, � �I•
<br /> • 5. Hazard or Property Insurunrn. Bortowrr.hall kccp the improvcmenl.na�.�rri�ting ur hrrcuftcr rrccted on thc
<br /> � ,,..,`!�,';�, • ' " •� P�opcny inxurcd ngainst Ims hy firc,haiaral.induJrd wilhin Ihc tcrm"rxtrnckd r���•rrag�"anJ any othrr haiards,including
<br /> ; � ��{, floods or Oa�ding, fnr which l.ender rcyuirec insurancr. This in+urunce �h•rll lx� mainluincJ in Ihe •rmount� unJ for Ihe �:
<br /> .� � I �
<br /> . � Farm N2R VAIO i/wR��-ajelw.qe.c1
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