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<br /> S. HwrA w' Property 1a�ur�u�ce. Rorrowar�h�ll kaap Ibe lmprovementn iww oxi�tln�or hern�Rer aectad an the
<br /> Propi+rty insurod qQ�iart Irns by Aro. twzarda includod wf�hin the term "cxtcnded caverayo"�xi Any otiw hwnd�. fncludin;
<br /> fl�or floodin�. far whlch Lcndor requircs inwranco.This insurmco shell be maintAlna! in the amounls�nd fo�the p��od�
<br /> thAt�i.,ender roqulros.The insu�x caRlo�providing tho insurnnce ehall bo cho�scn by Borrower�ubject to L,enAer•s ppprovd
<br /> whlph +�hwll nvt bc unrcasonably withhcld. If Borrower fails to maintain caveragc dcsc►ibed abuve. Lender mwy. et Lender'r
<br /> optitm,obain covera�e to prc�toct Lender'�ri�hts in tl►e Property in accordanca with parogr�ph 7.
<br /> + ,� '�'��t- . .. All Insurance policies and rencwals shall be�ble to L�endcr nnd shall include a s��ni muMQege ciwso. L.ender
<br /> shalh hpve ttio�ight ta hold the policiea iud rerawdo. If Lender roquircs,Borrawer slwll prornptly give lo Lender all reccipts of
<br /> 't_ f. L�'`�,4�: pafd prcmiums and renawal noticesr.In�hc evenc af loss.Borrower shail ive ro t notice to 1he i�urvux aurior ond Lender.
<br /> �� P mp
<br /> ` Lendar nwy ms�ke proof of losa if not rn�d�promptly by Borrowcr.
<br /> : ai��.,,, . .. i
<br /> Unless L.cnder and Bomawer ol6envise agra in writing.insurance proceeds shall be appliod to revtoration or rcpair of the
<br /> �. �;.'.,:�'�"+�i� Pr�oparty damoged, if the rcstoration or repair is xonomically feasible und Lender's eaurlty isnot lossened.if the restorntion or
<br /> . •�� �ppir ia not xonomlcally feaaible or Lender's savrjty would be lessened. Ihe insucance praceeds shull be applied to the sums
<br /> ' t�""� �' j 'F � smcurod by this Socurity Instrument. whether or not then due. wi�h any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> �' :.��'=��'`I� i'toperty, or does�at answer wlthin 30 days a�atice from L.ender that the insurance carrler has offered co senle a cl�im.then �'�
<br /> Lendar may collat Ihe insurance prnceeds, Lender may use the praceodc to rcpuir or restore the Propeny or to pay sums
<br /> �:,:� '� ° � .�.'� saeured by this Sacurity Instrument,whether or not�hen due.The 30-day pe�od wi��begin when the notice is given.
<br /> �,'.a�y,;�;��i,;;�;;��.. Unlesw Ler�der and Borrower atherwlse agree in writing, any applioalion af pracoais to pdncipal sholl not eatend or
<br /> `' s'�:`�� �`�' :�.,' postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred ta in paragtapFn I and 2 or chunga the amount of the payments. If
<br /> �, ...
<br />�.`.S;f ;'� ,;��.;. ,,:- .:�.+�,.;�;' under puagraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's rfght to any insunnce poNcies and proceeds rcsulting from
<br /> f + ,� • ( `-,;��:i��' � damage to the Property prior ta the acquisition shall pass to I.,ender to the extent of the aume securcd by lhis Secudty Instrument �
<br /> ; �`..� f,'��S+,t�'�r ;/,� , jnunediately prior to Ihe acquisitian.
<br /> 4' � �� �' '`;;Y����?;1`'., Borrower�shal�l a�ccupy�t�e lish,and use the Prope y�Borrower's pnnc�p resid�nceowithi n st z�ty ay�s afterthe exe�cu hondof
<br /> ,,
<br /> �'''' � '' thia Security Instrument and shell rnntinue to cecupy the Property as Borrower's principal residencc for at least onc yeu aFter
<br /> ' '.`���' f,4,:.,.�:.:��,,.,.�'_..�';:it:'t thedateof occu
<br /> k � : ,;�,,,,; , pancy.unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreASanably withheld, or unless ��•*��;�s
<br /> � ' eatenuating circumstances exist which are beyand Barrower's coMrol. Borrawer shall not destroy, dumage or impair the
<br /> :�•� ,; �,�'��: Property, allow �he Property to detcriorate, or commit waste on the Pmperty, Bonower shell b�in defuult if any forfeiture
<br /> � � . action or pracceding, whether civil or criminal,is 6egun that in Lender's gaod fAith judgment couW result in forfeiture of the
<br /> � � � ,.r,_, Property or otherwise materially impa�r the lien created by this Security Instrument or l.ender's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> ���� � � �' �� " cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph l8, by causing the action or procceding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> � , ' _A�h,'1J;;,`�,+ .. thal, in Lender's goad.faith determination, precludes forPeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Pmperty n�n��� �s� �{
<br /> �•'��
<br /> *- ", • impairmen[ of the lien created by this Securlty Instrument ar Lender'� xecurity intere.et. Borrower shall ulr�o be in default if `� t�"�
<br /> ��. y'"• � , .. , Borrower,during the loan applicsuion process,gave materially false or inaccurate informa�ion or staternents to I.ender(or failed
<br /> . t. ' ta provide l.ender with any material inforniation)in connection with Ihe loan evidenced by the Note,including, but not limited
<br /> � • , � � to,representations concerning Borrower's occupancy af the Property as a principal residence. If this Security Tnsttument is on a �•.r�'t-
<br /> • leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions af the lea.se. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Propeny, the
<br /> �,� : � leacehold and the fee tiUe shall not merge unless Lender agrees�o thc merger in writing.
<br /> ' 7.Prutection of I.ender's Ripphts in the Property,lf Borrower fails to perform�he cavenants and ugreements contained in
<br /> �� this Security Instrument, or there is a legul proceeding thut may significantly affect I.ender's rights in the Propeny(such as a
<br /> ��j , .' proceeding in bs�nkruptcy,prabate, Por condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce luwc or regulsNions), then Lender may do and :ca.
<br /> ���rr' puy for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property And Lender'x rights in the Property. L.ender's actions may '.,�,,"
<br /> .a�` include puying any sums secured by A lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in coun. paying '��'
<br /> • rea.conable Attomcys' fees and entering on the Propeny�o make rtpairs. Although[xnder may Wke action under this paragraph
<br /> �' � ' � 7. Lender does not have to do so. ,:.�;,�-
<br /> '� 7.��
<br /> i,���;�;•." Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under this purAgraph 7 sholl become addilional debt of Banawer secured by this �� ;;�
<br /> �': , '!�` . Security lnstrumem. Unless Borrower und I.ender agree ta other terms of puymem, these wncwnts shall bcar interest fmm the r;�.�•�'
<br /> • � datc of disbursen�ent vt tl�r N�Hr rate wul shall be payaAle, with interext, upon nntice frnm I.ender to Borrower requesting '' "'
<br /> • PaYment. ''ti�t
<br /> ` • S. Mortgage Insurance.If LenJe�required murtguge in�uruncr a+u conJition uf muking the li�an secured by thix Securiry
<br /> �.•�'� . Instrument, Borrower shull pay the premiums required to muintuin ihc mortguge insuran��e in ePfect. If, for any re:isim, the - �
<br /> ; . , • morlgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or cea.tics t��be in effert. &�rrower shall puy�he premiums required to �'
<br /> � •:,,'�.�,;` obtain coversige substumially equivalent tu the mon u e insuraixc revic�u+l , '
<br /> R � p y in effert,ut v rost substamially equivalent to the i..'
<br /> y�R ; ' ',;-:;�:. . cost�o Borrower of the morlgage insurunce previously in effeci, from an alternate mortgage insuter upproved by I.ender. If
<br /> � '... .
<br /> ,, ' . substantially equivalent mongage insurance rnverage is r��avuiluble,&�rrower shull pry tu I.�nder each month A sum equal to M
<br /> '•' , ,� one•twelfth of the ye�rly nxingage intiun�nce premium tking paiJ by &�rrower whcn Ihc imurancc ruverage lapsed or ceased ta �
<br /> ! � �, � be in effect. L.ender will uccept,use and retuin the,r puyments at u lo�s ren�rvr in liru ��f mongaFe �nsurance. Lass reserve �
<br /> 1.• �l;�t • " ; Fam 3028 8180
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