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<br /> TOOLTHER W[TH�II Ihe impmvement�raw or hereaRer eroctad on the property.ard WI e�nenti.q�p�unaw�oe�.�nd
<br /> fl:wrc� now or herrAftcr a part of �he pmperty. All n�pUioemcnts and additions ehall�Iso be coverod by thi� Sec.w[ty
<br /> Lutrument.All of the foregoing is referted to in this Sec��fty lnsttument as the"Properiy."
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS thwt Borcower ia lawfully�eisod of Ihe e:tote hereby conveyod and haa tho rl�ht tu Qwnt u�d
<br /> rnnvey the Proparty and th�t the Pc+opeRy ic unetxumberod,except for encum6rancc�of rocard. Borrawer warrantt rnd will.
<br /> dafend generally the title ta the I'roperty agaia�t all clairns and demande,subJoct ta Any oncumbrancea af rocord.
<br /> 7'H18 S�CURITY INSTRUMENT combinec un�form covenants for rwtional use and mn-unftorm wvenwu�wilh limked
<br /> �` ' variWfons by ju�lcdiction to constitute a uniform saecurity inst�ument cove�ng roal propert�.
<br /> UNI�ORM COVENANTS.Barrower ancl l.endcr cuvcnant and agree As follows:
<br /> �;�`" l. Payment o�PrinctpW and Iata�stt �poYmeat aad I.t�k ClutBe�. Borrowcr sh�ll promptly pay when duo tho
<br /> �:ry, .. ` principal af and intorest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late cha�gcs due under Ihe Note.
<br /> 2. F�und�tor Taxes aad lnsurancc.Subject to appllcable law or to a written walver by l.ender. Borcawer shall pay to
<br /> l.ender on the day monthly payments are due undar thc Note,until the Note js paid in full. a sum("Funda")fur:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> ��,���, ., and essessments which may attain priority over Ihis Security Inxtrument as a lien on 1he PrapeRy:(b)yearly leasehold peyrnent9
<br /> ��.�„�:.�.�-' ' or ground rena on the l'roperty.if any;(c)ycarly hau►rd or prc�perty ingurance premiumv: (d)yc�rly flood insurnnce premiums,
<br /> . ���"•.'� if any; (e)ycarly mortgage insuroncc premiums. if any; and(�any sums payable by Borrower to L.ender, in aomrdartce witb
<br /> � "' the provlsions of pamgmph S, io lieu of the payment uf mortguge insurance premiums.These items are called "Bscmw Itcros."
<br /> � ��"�"%� ' Lender muy. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed �h�ma�cimum amount a lender for a fedemlly
<br /> ,:�•':. ,s�c.�r:;..�..� , ,-:...
<br /> . , -.�`.;;': ••;:;:1 St . ..�_,, . related mort8age laan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal ReA! Estate SetUement Procedures Act of
<br /> �� 'i?':• � 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. SecUon 2601 et seq. (`RPSPA"). unless another lew that applies to the Funds
<br /> ��...
<br /> .;�.,,, p=t:
<br /> • f •��t;1 ti '�:--••�-'� sets a lesser amount. If so, l.ender may, at any time. rnllect and hald Fundc in an amoun not to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> �::,�t' ,� . , Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasanable estimatex of expenditures of fulure
<br /> � ` �"''�``^' • * Escrow Items or atherwise in accoNance with applieable law.
<br /> �.o�;i.�, � ..
<br /> � ��'- •t •� ' The Runds shall be held in an institu�ion who5e deposits are insured by a federal agency, Instrumentality, or enlity
<br /> . . , . . ... �
<br /> ���:�, . , " • • (including L.ender, if Lender is such an institution)ar in any Federal Hame[.oan Bank.Lender shull apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> " ° . 'r '' Escrow Items.I.ender mxy nat charge Bonower for halding and ppplying the Funds,annually anelyzing the escrow uccount,or
<br /> c: ., .
<br /> ,:rt�:•.. - � verifying the�xcrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrawe� interest on the Funds and applicAble law permits Lemier to mnke such
<br /> � a charge. However, L�i�inr nwy reyuirc Burrower to pay a one-time char�e for an independent rcal estate tax reponing service
<br /> '�' �.'. . � � used by Lender in cannection with this loan, unless a�plicable law provides otherwise. Unless an ngrecment is made ar
<br /> , � ��f ti`:��" i applicable law requi�interest to be paid,l.ender shall not be required to pay bonowcr any in[ercst ur curningF on the Funds.
<br /> ���?'�``� •. ''�`�ti�:�; ' Horrower and l.cnder m��agree in wriiing, however, ths�t interest shall be paid an thc Funds. Lender shall give to Banower,
<br /> ,•,,. : � ;� , � without charge, un annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to tl�e Funds stnd the purpc�se for which each
<br /> � �T��.` - debit ro the hunds was mvde. i�he Fundg are pfeciged a.s udditionai securiry for aii sumc secureci by�his Security instrumenc.
<br /> �.��`�: � If the�unds held by Lender exceed tbe amcwnts permitted to be held by upplicable Ibw,Lendcr shull accaunt to Borrower
<br /> , ' ; : � for the excesti Fundx in a�tordunce with the requirements of applirable law. If the umount of the Funds held by Lender ut uny
<br /> � time is not sufficient ta pxy the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Bc�rrower in writing,und,in such cuse Borrower
<br /> ����"� � shall pay to Lender ihe umnunt nerecsary to muke up the deficiency. Bc�rrower shall muke up the deficiency in nu mnre than
<br /> '• � twelve monthly paymen�s,at L.ender's ude discrction.
<br /> �,� . Upon payment in full ol'ull sum� u�ureJ by �hi.r Security Instrument. I.ender shull prampUy refund to Bc�rrower any
<br /> �. ,.' Funds held by Lender. If, under puragraph 21, L.ender�hull•rcquirc i�r zcll lhe Property.L�:nJer,prior�o the ucyuisi�ion or sule •:,'
<br /> ��`" ' of the Propc:rty. �hall upply uny Fund+held hy I.rmier ut the�inm c►t'acyuitiiti�in or wle as u credit uguinst the sums�ureJ by
<br /> {+�'"'�� this Scwriry In,tnrmern.
<br /> ��,��' 3.AppUratinn of Payments.Unle,s applir�ble law pn�vides aU�envitic,all puymenls rMCived hy l.ender urxler purugruphs
<br /> � ' 1 und 2 shall be applied: tirxt, �o uny prcpuymcnt rhurgc.duc unJer thc No�c: +ccond,a� �moums pnyublc under puragruph 2: •.�`
<br /> :,�:.;�ti, ... '
<br /> • � ' t!:'.r�.:c:c:c::::��:: �;,w.:�.;,�rrincipal duc:und la,t.to uny latc chntgc+duc wxlcr thc Nutc. �
<br /> •I:.;a': ::,
<br /> ,� + 4. Ch�rses: I.iens. Borrowcr tihull pay ull �uxc., usseti,mem., ch;�r�cs, ti�ks unJ im��.ritian.uttribuwblc �o�hc Pa��xny �
<br /> j `�`:'•� whirh muy u�win priorin� nvcr thi, Securiq� Instrumcnt, und Iruuhald puynkna or gmunJ rent.. if any. Bura�wer+hull pay {"..
<br /> thr+e ubligutiuu.in Uir inannrr pnwiJ�J in purag�aph 2.ur if not puiJ in Ihut manner. &�rrnwer+hall puy them on time direrUy }!,.�
<br /> " tn thc per.on i�w¢J pa�•mrnt. Rurro�rrr shull prompUy I'urni�h t�i Lendcr ul l n��ticr.��f am��untti to hc puiJ undcr thi�p•rragraph. •;.;�
<br /> `:::;. , If W�rrowcr make+Uk+c paynxnls direcUy.Barmwrr.hal I prum�ly Ibrni.h�o LenJcr rercipt,rviJenrin�thc payment..
<br /> � Borrower�hall prontpUy Jixhurg�:�ny lien which hc�.pri��rily u�•cr thi.Security In+trum�nt unl�.s Borrowcr: (ul ugr��e+in
<br /> �'���� •�� writing tu the paymcnl ul'thc ohli�utiun�rrureJ by thc li�n in a manner acccptat+lc tn Lcn�lcr.�b►rnntc.t.in�!�xxl faith�hc licn �
<br /> y by, or dcl'enJ� again.rt enli►rcrnunt of thc lirn in. Icgal pr�kreJing, ��•hich in tlx l.�ndcr'� upiniun uExr•rtr t�i prevent thc F�
<br /> ., (, � � � enfiwremem af thr lien:��r Irl,crurc.I'rum thr halder��f thc licn an agrccmrnt +atisfurH,n i�� L.cnJrr.uhordinuting�hr licn tu �,
<br /> `; •1;^,. thir Scrurity ln.tn�ment. If LcnJcr dctcrminc,thal any pan ol' thc Prn�xrty i, ,uhjcrt In a licn ���hich may att:�in prioril�� ovcr f
<br /> i�.�_�' , thia Serurit�� Instrunxul. Lrndrr ma� gi�•r Horn�a•rr a n��lirr iJrntil)ing lhe licn. Burruwrr,h:dl sati.(} th�licn�►r takc ane or
<br /> i `,� .' < < more of thr actionx x�t fonh�havc withm Ill day.��t'ihr gi�in� �,f n��tirr.
<br /> � >� � � • �.
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