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<br /> .. - 'ei.:.
<br /> ,`� . ,+� ►.'� :v�`�
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<br /> „ . . � 93.� i0N3.Se
<br /> 17.Tnn�ter ottNe Property or a BaKflcwllatero�t In Borrower.if�II or any put of tho Property or any intereat in it
<br /> fa cold or tr�nefemed(or if w benefieirl interat in Borrowec I��old or tr�ufeROd wid iwrrower i�npt,a�wtunl paxon)wllbout
<br /> La�dcr'� prbr wdtten oonsent. Londor mAy. �t iu� optiw�. roquiro immaii�te payment in fu11,oP,�llisumc ea'�uod by �hii
<br /> Secu�ity Inatrume�nt. Howaver.thi�option chWl not be eaarcl�ed by Lender if eaerci�e iR prohlbitod:by•fe�'�I i�w w otttre d�to
<br /> oP thia Security Inurument.
<br /> If'Lcnder oatrclu�thir option,Len�ier dwll QIve Barnnwer notice af�ccelcntion.Tho natia ch�ll:p�+nvidA a pqdod of not
<br /> les� �hon 30 doyr Prom the date tho notice io deliverod or moilad within which &�m�wec musu pay all,iwnle�red by Ihfo
<br /> Sccurity InWn�ment. IP Borrawer fails to pay thesc sums prior to tho expir�tian of thiF perind,lxndeu m�ty�i�lY.okp Any rcmodiet
<br /> permiuod by thlo Socurity Instrumont wilhout fiirther notic+e or dem�nd an Barmwer.
<br /> 18. dorrower's Rlpht b Relastate. If Borrower mocts certain conditions, &��mwe� shAll�;h#►'n �he rfght to hove
<br /> cnPorament oF Ihis Socurity Inurumetu discontinuod at any lir�e prior lo thc wrller ol': (ul S�iA��x�m'�suah cNher period as
<br /> appNcable Iww mwy spxify Por rcinst�temonq beforo �le of tho Propeny punwa�t �o any }x�w���Uf,5ale contained in thi�
<br /> Secu�lty Ins�rument;or(b)entry of�judgmrnt enfarcing this Secudty Ins�rument.Thaso uondili�n�ara uiat Borrawer.la)poys
<br /> Lender�II sums which then would be due under thia Socurity Instrumem pnd the Nota as if na cmoeletzftion had accurrod;(b)
<br /> curcs uny defuult of any other covenants or agrcemente; (c)pays ull expenses incumed in enf�rcinp�fhla Securiry Instrument.
<br /> including. but not limited to.reasonablo attome�s' i'ees:and(d)lukes su��h�aclwn us l.cndor mt�y reasni�ly�requirc to assure
<br /> thut the lien of�his Socuriry Irwtn�ment, Lender s�lghta in the Prnperty And.Anrrowo�s ob8gatian�tn pay.�tt�a sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrume�t rhall cuntinue unchangod. Upc�o,reinuaiement, by Harniwer. this� Sacurvty• lncttument ar�d tha
<br /> , . obligationa secured hereby shall remain fully efPective t►s if•nu,swceletation had cx�cuR�d,�Hc�wave�. �hIF neht�tn,miqsl�te slwll
<br /> not apply in the cose oP acceleration under parngraph 17.
<br /> 19. SAie of NMej Chcm�e ot I.own Servker. The Nate or a pnniul intorost in�tha Nnto (uigethar.wfth��hfa Secudty
<br /> , ;<��.:. $_;, Ins�rument)may be wld une or mare times whhaut priar nadce to&�rrower. A u►I�ms�y rssuh�in�a.cblutso in,the entity(known
<br /> "' �' � �;���;;4 as the"Laun Servicer')that collec�s monthly payments due under the Note und thi�Security lncttumcmh Thara alFa muy be one
<br /> � �•��±+�: or mare chen ges of the I.onn Servicer unrelatod to a sale af tho Nntc. If�here ia u chan ge aFtho I�o�ut�fbrviaer,.8ormwer will be
<br /> f,. . �..... .
<br /> _ :;�f: 'a:i;�; ��,� given wrluen notice of tha chonga io accordanre with pamgraph 14 ubove und opplie�a6lo lu�v,Tho andae.W7lbstala�he nur�e end
<br /> � . 47�''`-''''"�^^"'�=-"� address of the new Loan Servicer and�he address ta which paymentx should be m�ia.Thn nntiae wflliulAa•contain any aher
<br /> ^ �....{i�?.L...
<br /> t. • "� �e,;�::;,��.�„',;�":S inforniation required by applicuble law.
<br /> , � , 20. HaxArdous 4ubstpnces. Bormwer shall nat cuu�e ar permit 1ha prasenre, uHe, dit�c�h•ctorug�,or release of any
<br /> � .o y�- �' Haisu�dous Substances an or in the Propeny. Borrower shell no� do, nor allnw anyone al!+3 tn,da, unything uffecting the
<br /> ' . ^" �' '� Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding�wo sentamx�s Fh�llina� upply to the presence,use,or
<br /> '�, '„° Ky�' swrage on the Property of smull quantities uf H�unrdous Subuances that are gonemll)�•racngni�ud to be appmp�ate to nornial
<br /> ; ' .. � �,`.;,� ,�;:N,�,• residentinl uses and to maintenance of the Praperty. �'
<br /> °" ''`''"" "' Borrowcr shall prompUy givc Lende� written nutice uf any investigation,claim, d�nund, I�iwsuit or other nctian by any
<br /> . . .. �.\.:J� -.
<br /> � . � ' � '� �'"�•����� ovemmentel or re ulato a enc or rivato art involvin the Pru n and pn Hur�rdnus 5ubstun��e or Environmenwl l.ow
<br /> � '"`:':" � � rY � Y P � !' 8 P� Y )'
<br /> ; •. •_... �,�.,, �
<br /> r�,� �����=' ��'���� of which Borrower Iws acwal knowled o If nower learnc,or is notified b un ovarnmentul or n: uluta uuthori� that
<br /> �.,..l,v*;;:it,.k�rr,�,:�65' . 8 • Y )'�S 8 rY Y•
<br /> ,�•s�;l,I. .. „ , uny removal or other remediation af uny Hazardous Subswnce affiK:ting the Pr�►peny is�nex.�sury.Bnrmwer xhull pramptly lake
<br /> oll necessary remrdial actions in Accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> �� °�!�04 y'�"�'� � ��•� � As ubod in this patoeraph 20. "Hazurdous Substances":ua �hosc wbstnnces definod as toxic or huzu�dous subswnces by
<br /> •^•� "� Environmemal l.aw und the fallawing substances: Fasoline, kerosene, Mher flammable or tuxic petroleum �roducls, toxic
<br /> . .� +� . ... pesticides and herbicides,vol�tile scdvents. materi�ls rontaining asbestax or 1'unnaldchyde,and ruJivactive mutcnAls, Ati useJ in
<br /> , �� .' . ' thin parugrLph 20, "Envirnnmenwl Law" meunx fcJcrul luwz und luw.r of thc juriuiiction wherc the Property is locuted �hut
<br /> � r � '. . , relace to health,wfety or environmental protection.
<br /> ;j:;,;. .;�;:��..;. NON-UNIFURM COVENANTS.&irrawer und l.ender further cuvenunt und ug��c ac foUow�:
<br /> , �,,.,,. 21. Accelerntian;Remedies.I.cnder shall give notice tu Borruw•er prior to ac�rle�ation PollowMg Borruwer's breach =�
<br /> :, ;;.�� �,�,. of any covenant ar ap��eement in thls 5ecurity Inslrumcnt (but nn1 prlur to a���eleration under purA�raph 17 unless
<br /> •�r•�,� � : applicable law pro��ides otherwisel. The notice shell specliys la) the defaulh lb>the arNon required to cure the defi�ulh
<br /> �� ' ' (c)a date. not less than 30 days i'rom thc ds�te thc notice i!c�;iven to&�rn►w•er, by which the dePault must be cured: and ..j
<br /> r=�',, ! ��-'�,� (d) that i'allure to cure tbe dePault on ur befbre the date r�pecilied in lhe n�Nice may result in acceleration of the sums
<br /> � � " . secured by this Security Instrument and sale uf'tfnr Propeny.7'he notice xhall further inPorm Bnrmwer oi the dghl to
<br /> ��: „ � reiostale ufler acceleratiun and the rlght to brin{� u court aclG�n to atisert the nnn-existence oP a defoult or any olher
<br /> , • dePense of BoITOwer to acceleratb�n and rale. IP thr defuult is m�t cnred on or brPure the date gpecifled in the notice.
<br /> �J . � l.ender. at its aption, may require immedipte puyment in full��f ull sum�securcd b�• thiy Securitv Instrument without
<br /> �' ; !� • � . further demand and may invokc thc powcr oi'hulc and am•otber rcnKrli��+permitted by applicable laa. I.endcr 5ha11 be
<br /> � entitled ta rnllect all expen�incurred in pu�uinu the renx�ditw provfded in this pura�raph 21,includinu. but nm limited �,
<br /> � • ' �;��+.� � to.reasonable altnrneys'feiw and cos��of dtle evidence. -••
<br /> • �:';,;;t' If the puwer of ssle is intuk�Yl,Trustee.hull r�rord a notirr of drfuull in euch cnunh in �Fhich un}• parl of the
<br /> ' ,�� � Properiy is located and shull mail copl�w�►f�uch natice ia the munner pr��crilxd b}• applirable IaN•tn Borrmti•er s�nd ti� .
<br /> , the other persons pre.r•rrilxd bv applicablc luK.Aflcr the dme rcyuircd b}applicable I�N,Tru,t�r shrll give publk nutice `
<br /> ;: „ of wle to the pers��nc vnd in thc munncr pre.xrihcd bc upplicublc la�►.Trustce. ailhout deniund on BarroN•er. shull sell "`"
<br /> ' " the Property at publtc uuction to the hiah�wt hidder at the time und pluce und under the termz de+i��aled in the notire uf ;�`
<br /> �ule in onr or more purcel,and in unv ordcr Tru�tcr drtcrn�in�w. 't'rusti�r mu�• pn,lpnne sale oP ull or any parcel of'Ihe
<br /> �.t . . . Properlv by public announcement at the time and plore of an�� prc�•inu�lc uh��dul�d wlc. I.ender or its desl�nee n�uy � .•�;
<br /> .5 t , purchase the Property at any sale. ` :�
<br /> , �..
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