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<br /> paypwoto m�y no Iw�er be requirod.�t�ho aptian of Lender.it murt�e irq,uru�ce covara�e(in the�o�ount and for�be perlod
<br /> . tlw l.e�r roqul�)Provided by�n inwrer�nvod by Lender s�in beoomea�v�il�bla md i�obtsli�+d.Barrotra�1W1 pay
<br /> tl�e promlunu roquirod w m�inWn n��ge iasuruxeo in aftect�or w provide�bu raerve,until 1he roquironnent tra a�oetpp .
<br /> iawnnoe e+d�in�cco�d�nca wlth wy writtan�b�tween Bomnwar and L.eMar or�pplic�ble I�w.
<br /> � !.[o�p�tior. Lencler a it��ent m�,y m�ko raiwn�ble entries upon �nd in�pectioru of the Property. Lader�II{ivo
<br /> 8otrowcr notloe at the dme of or prlor to�n inspeRion tpeclfyln�reawn�ble cwso far Ihe incpectlon.
<br /> lp,Coqdapa�tian.TI�pr0000ds of u�y �w�d or cl�im for d�utuge�,diract or conrequeetirl. in oonnection wl�h my
<br /> condemwtion or other ui�in�of my put of�he Property.or for eonvayuroo in lieu ot ow�dap�Wion�aro bere6y a�ip�ed�ud
<br /> �iull be paid to I�ea�der.
<br /> [n�he event of�total taking of tho Property,the procxedA�It be�ppliad so�he wma cxured by thi�Soc�uity Incwn�a�t.
<br /> wh�l�er or not then due. with Any e�casr�id to B�rrower. In tho avent of�partial tAkinQ of tha Prnperty in which the fitr
<br /> marl�d vdue of tho Pmperty immodiately befon the laking i�oqual to or grater tiwn the�unount.of tho ams�ecurad by this
<br /> Security Gutrurnent immediately beforc the taking.unless Borrower and Lmder�therwlco agroe in wddty�.the suazs securod by
<br /> thls Secudty instrument stwll bo roduoed 6y the amount of tho procads multiplied by the followia� fraction, (r)the total
<br /> amauM of tha sum�secured imtnedlately beforo�ha takiog, divided by(b) tix fair madcd velue of Ute Prope�ty immodiately
<br /> before tua toking. Any balance aludl be p�id ta Borrower. la the event of A partial taking of the Property in wbich the f�ir
<br /> market v�lua of�he Prope�ty immodiataly before 1he txlcing is less than Ihe amount of the sums securod immediuely beforo 1he
<br /> wking, unlosa Borrower and Lender otherwiae agroe in wdting or u�less applicable law otherwica provlda� the proceeds ahwll
<br /> �. be�ppliad to the sums zecured by thia Saur�ry Inu�ument whether o�not the sums e�then due.
<br /> w s. If the Pmpetty�is abpndoned by Bomnwer.or if.after nctica by l..ender to Borrower thot the ootdemnor o�'e�s ta make aa
<br /> awud ar seule a claim for danwges. Borrower fails to r+e.vpond w Le�der within 30 days after the dctto the notico is givea.
<br /> �-��" I,ender is authorizod to collect and apply tha proceedi,et i1s option.oitl�to t�toration or n;pair of the Propeny or to tbe wiaa
<br /> '° socurod by thia Savrity l�strument.whGher or not then due.
<br /> � Unless l.ender and Borrower othenvise agroe in writing, any applicadon of praceods to principal shall not eatend or
<br /> �,; •', postpone the due date of the monthly psymcros �+eferrad to in paragraphs I artid 2 or change the amaunt of such peyments.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Rdeased;Forl►o�eance By Lender NM a Waiver. Paetensian of the time for paymeat or moditicadon
<br /> � �� ���' �� ' �' of amortixatlan of the sums secured by thie Secudty Instrument granted by L.ender to any successor in interest af Earrower shall
<br /> , • �� °,:, not operate to relea�e the liubility of thc original Borrower or Bortower's sucassors in interest. I.ender shall not be roquired ta
<br /> '- ,,, " _„ ,�. ,�,^ _ commance proccedings against any succxssor in interest or refuse to eatend time for payment or otherwise madify amortlxation
<br /> of the suma secured by thia Security Inatrument by reason of any dcmand made by the o�ginal Borrower or Borcower a
<br /> : �J `� i� suacessors in interest. Any forbea�ance by Lender in exercisin�any rigbt or remedy shal!not be a waiver of or prcclude the
<br /> � " �" "'' exet�cise of any right or nemedy.
<br /> ,,� � ,Ls�.: s.� ..,>�v.. 1Z.Suco�sors and AsslQns �tound. ,ioiat and Sevemi Lipbiiity; �o-signen�. 7'he covenant� anJ ugnx��w,�tn uf thi6
<br /> . �"��`� � ; �s��;' Securiry lnatrument shall bind und beoefit �he successors and assigns of[.ender and Borrower, subject to the provlsions of
<br /> '"�r•�.� �• ° paragroph 17. Borrower's covpoants and agreements shall be jainl and several. Any Borrower who casigns thia Secu�ity
<br /> � '' Instrumrnt but daes not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security[nstmment only to mortgage. grant and convey that
<br /> ...•,, .
<br /> '�• . . . Borrower's interest in the Propeny undcr the temu af this Secu�ity Insttument; (b)is not personully obligated to pay the sums
<br /> • , . secured by this Securiry lnstrument;And(c)ugrees that l.ender ond any other Borrower muy agree to extend, modify,forbear or
<br /> ;� , mAke any accommadatians with regund to the terms of this Serurity Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's cansent.
<br /> ' `'� . '��: � 13.LoAn Charges.lf the loun secured by�his Sew�ty Instrumrnt is �ubject to a law which sets maximum loan churges,
<br /> .-•��.. � nnd�ha�law is finally interpret«I M� thal the ia�erest or aher loan churge� collected or to be collected in connection with the
<br /> ti ,���+��` loan excced the perniitle�d limils,then: (u)any such laan charge shall be reduced by �he amount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> +�' ' � `" • �. to the permitted limit;und(b)any sums alm•rdy collectcxl from&�rrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded ta
<br /> 's .' ,.. '�w:••' � a
<br /> ;;°;� BoROwer. I.enJer may chuose tn make thf� refund My reducing the prfncipal nwed under the Note or by making u dircct
<br /> � " ,,F. puyment to &�rrower. If u refund reduces principul. �he r�rluction will be treuted Ati A purtial prepayrnent wi�hout any
<br /> 1 .' • �• prepayment chnrgc under the Note.
<br /> �F'., � . 14.Nodces.Any notice a►&►rrower pmvidod fi�r in thia Securiry In,�rumem+hull lx given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> • -. - .. -- it by first cl:�ss mail unless applirablr lua�reyuin�+ use ol'um�ther meth�xl. The notice shull IM�iir�rred�o thc- t'ropeny Address
<br /> :,� � ' ' or uny othcr address &�nower designute. 6y �xni�r ai Lender. Any rxriirc to [.enJrr .hull lx: given by rr�t rlass mail to
<br /> � - '�' �.... Lender's uddresx stu�ed herein��r uny rnhcr addres� Lender dc+i�nutrs by nuticc u� &�rcuwrr. Any nati��prrn�ided for in this
<br /> � ' � Security In,trument shall Ne d��mcrl�o huve be�u�iven tu&i�rower ur Lender whcn�iv�n u.pruvided in thia paragruph.
<br /> ' t �� �` 15.Governing I.aw•; Scvembilily. Thi. Sc�uriry Imtrunknt �hall Ik g��vcrixd hy fcJen►I luw und thc luw oPthe
<br /> � '"''�•' jurisdictian in which the Propeny i, IOl'BILYI. I tl Illt rven�thut any pravisi��n��r rinuse of this Securiry Im�rument or the Note
<br /> � ,�:�'w�.� " r;;;.�� conflicts with upplicuble luw. sunc�unllirt�hul I n�►t affrct othrr pr�►vi,i�m.of thi.5c�urity In.trunknt��r Uk Note which ran be
<br /> ;����,. "_ ''�''' � given effert without thc rantlictinF provi�i�m. To�hi+rnJ�hr pr�wi.i.�m at'ihi+ Serurily Imtrumenl und Ihe Nwe vre declured
<br /> •�i. .::;�;;.;.;;'�� to be sever�►blc.
<br /> ��;, .. ''�.:i).. 16,Borrower's Cop��.Burruarr�hull be �iven ime�untiimuYl rup��of Ihc Note•rnd�it'this Sccurity Instrunxnt,
<br /> #`�'. .�. . .�.;.,;�.��r' F«m3028 9190
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