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<br /> Tf�e Punda wiwli be hdd in an i�litudun whose deporits are in�ured by w faderal A�e�� ln�trumenulity, ar eotity
<br /> (lacludin�Lerder.If l.e��der i�such an instiwtion)or in any Fakral Home I.oan Bxnk.Lender Ahull wpply the Funde to ppy tlto
<br /> Bccrow(tcros.I.cndcr ms�y nat charQe Borrower for holdin�and applyin�the Rundc. annually arwlyxing the escrow�ccount,or
<br /> verifyin�the Eccnow Item�.unle�s l.ender pAyo Horrower inter�at an the Funds and appliaabla law pemlltr l.ender W nwdce�ueh
<br /> �chargo. NowAVOr.L.ender moyroq uiro Barrawer to pay A o�rc-timc chorge for an irKkpctWent rcul astate tax reporlin�krvice
<br /> usod by Lcndar in connoctfan wlth this lcwn. unleaa applicnble law provides othcnviso. Unless pn wQrcement ie mode or
<br /> appliaable law roquirce inter�st to be pald,L.ender sFwll not be rcquic+ed io pay Borrower any imerest ar wrnings on�ha Funde.
<br /> Bar�rower nnd l.ender nwy ngroe in wri�ing. however. that interest shs�ll bc pald on tho Fuads. Lcndar rhall�ivo w Borrower.
<br /> withaut char�e, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing crodUs and debits to tha FundH wid thn purpase for which eACh
<br /> debit to tlie Funds wes made.?he Fumis are pleJged as additional cecuri�y far all sums ac:cured by this Si;�urity instrument.
<br /> If tbe Funds hekl by l.ender exceod thc Art�ounts permitted to be held by appUcablo law, Lender r�fiull acawnt to Bomowcr
<br /> for thc exc�ss Funda in acourdance with thcreqwrcmen�a of applicable Irw.If tha amount of the Fund.9 hakl by l�endcr at any
<br /> �k' dmn is noe suFficient ta pay tlw E.gcmw Itans when due.Lender may sa notify Borrower in writing.ond,In•suah case Borrower
<br /> ahafU Qay W Lender the amaunt necessary to make up tha deticietky. Borrower ohall make up the dafiaianay iq no morc tbun
<br /> twolve manthly payments,at I,endcr's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full oi all sums securcd by this Secudty Instrument, L.ender shall promptly refund tu Borrawer ar�y
<br /> ,,;:,- - � Funds held by[.ender.lf,underparagraph 21.l.ender sh�ll acqu�re or scll the Properry l.endor,prior to the noquisition or�►!e
<br /> �.; of the Praperty.ehall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a coedit again�t thn,acuma secured by
<br /> 'i;•: '�� ' �his Security Instrument.
<br /> . 3.Applicatioa ot Paymeots.Unless applicable law provides otherwlse,al l paymants received by Lendar undcr paragraphs
<br /> 'i��'���;�*u���� 1 and 2 shall be lied: first,to an r ment char es due under tho Note; secand to amaunta Ablq�under paragr�ph 2•
<br /> ,..,��:�f�a.�.-. . aPP Y P�Y S � PaY �
<br /> ' � �°�,I+;�t J�' �+'�` �hird,ro interest due; fourth,to principal due;and lest,to eny late churges due under the Note.
<br /> . r'.'���� • �. ,
<br /> .. Sr.;.::: .Y.id.I .Y�.1Q,'��'.F�
<br /> ,,.,,;,. r�� � 4.Cluugest Lietw. Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments,chargca,fines and impositionR attributable to thc Properry
<br /> :�:;�";�••,�d,�`' which may attafn priorlty over this Secur+ty Instrument. and leasehold payman�s or ground rents, if any� Borrower shalt pay
<br /> ~ .; --• , �--. •-�a�.=:,,...;...,� Borrower shall a tham on time direcd
<br /> . ,� o'. ;S,.}.. . these obligations in the manner provided inpar�graph 2,or if not paid in that manner. p y y
<br /> �,�.: � � ,_4,;�-�t�, to ti�e person owed paymcM. Borrower shall promptly furnish to I.cnder sll natices af aznounte to bo p�id under this paragraph.
<br /> �,,, , . ��:� �� lf Harrower makes�these payments'directly, Borrower shAil promptly furnish to L,cmder receipte evidunu�ng the pnyments.
<br /> ; • '� ^ • .;._ Bunower shall promptly discharge any lien which has pnority over this 5ecudty Instrum�nt unlasa Borrower: (a)agrees in
<br /> •.�.�5,_�.•1 � ."�•�� , �
<br /> , , x .•� writing to�he puyment ot the abligation secured by the lien in a manner accepwble to l.endar:(b)cantests in goad faith the lien
<br /> � " •�''�' ' by. ar defends aguinat enPorcement of the lien in, legel proceedings which in the Lendar's opinion operate to prevene the
<br /> - �'" enforcement of the lien; or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement sati�factory ta Lender subordineting the lien to
<br /> ' • � ` ''� �his Securiry lnstrumen�. If I,ender daterrr►ines that any part of the Property is subject to a liQn.which muy attnin prioriry over
<br /> �' `�`� Ihis Security Instrument. L.ender may give BoRawer a notice idendfying cl�lian.B�xrower shull satfsfy the lien or wke one or
<br /> �,.;.. , f , more of the actions set fonh above within 10 duys of the giving of notice.
<br /> , • S. Hazqrd or Property Insurance. Barrower shall keep the improvemant� now aKi.�ing ar hereaRer erected on the
<br /> " ' � ��y Propeny insured agair�st loss by fire, hazards included within the term'extendod ca��er�gn" and any othcr hazards, including
<br /> ,;- :�:,- v+. , , floods or flooding,forwhich Ix�xler requires insurance.This insurance shalUbc maimained in tha amounts and for thc periods
<br /> • � lhai Lender requires. 7tie insurance carrier providmg the msurance shall be choeen by Bormwer subjec�[o Lender's approval
<br /> � � . � " �+� ' wbich shull nw be unrtasonably withheld. if BoROwer fuils to rnaintain covompe described above, Lender may, at l,ender's �t=..
<br /> ` ' ' � optian.obtain coverage to praect Lender's rights in the Propeny in acconiunce with pam�raph 7.
<br /> I �•�, ` " '. ,;�;.` All insurance pc�licies and renewals shall be accePtable ta l.enda�and shtill include a stundard mortgage clause. l.ender
<br /> ' �� . shull have the right ta hold the policies and renewals. If Lender reyuires.&�rrower shall pramptly give ta Lender all receipts of
<br /> •� �� � . paid premiums und renewul ndices. In the event of losx,Borrower shall give prompt natice to the insurance carrier and l.ender.
<br /> I.cnder mny make pmof of lus,iP not mude pmmptly by Eorrowcr.
<br /> ' ,;. Unless L.ender and Borrower otherwise ugree m writing,insumnce proceeds�hAll bc:upplicd to resturation ar repair of the
<br /> - . Prapeny damngeJ,if the rextoratiun or repair is ernnomicully feusiMe und I.cnder's security is not Iessened. If the restoratiun or ,,
<br /> �'�• " ' repnir ls not ecanomicully feu+ible or l.eixier's security would be Icssened,the inhurance proceeds shull be applied to the suma
<br /> ,�:'•, •. ' . secured by this St.�curity Instrument. whc�hcr or not tl�en due, wilh uny ezcetiti p�id to Borrower. lf Borrower abandona the
<br /> '�� • • � Propehy, or d� not answer within 30 duy�u nexice fmm Lcnder thut the in+urance canier ha�offered tu settle a clnim, then �
<br /> ,� i �t. . .. • Lender muy collrct the insurunce pr�xeed�. Lender muy uxe the pn�ceecls u� repuir ar re�tom the Propeny or to pay suma '7•,
<br /> ��'"' secured b thix Securit Instrumcnt,whether or not then due.The 30-da rud will be �n when the notice is iven.
<br /> ,. . � Y Y YP�� �� R
<br /> � , . ����;�� . ... Unless Lender and B��rmwer othenvise agrce in writing. any upplicutiun ot prorce�ls to principal shall not extend or ``r
<br /> " ' ;,,��.,:: postpone thc due date nf the munthly pAymcnts rcFcrrcd to in paragraphs I a�H12 or chunge the umount af Ihe payments. !f
<br /> ' �� "�' ' ;'`. under puragraph 21 the Propeny ic arquircd by L.cnder. Borrower's rigM to uny insurancr p��licies and proceeds resulting fram
<br /> � .�•�H��.:-'tj��:,-, --��'�'� damage w the Property prior to�he aryu's�iu�m�hall p,►s�a�IxnJer a��hr�x�cnt nf thr xum��ecured hy�his Securiry Insm�ment
<br /> :I{'`'',,� • imtt�ediutely priar lo thc ucquisitiun. 4�
<br /> ' ^�':�;'�''' 6.Occupency,Prer:ervnlion� 1lfaintenanrc and Proteclion oi the Property;l3orrower'ti I.�an Applicatian; l.euseholdv. '.°"•Y
<br /> .,•k r;���
<br /> � Bnrmwer shull occupy,estublish,unJ u�c thc Propeny uti&�rrowcr',principal re,idcrxr wi�hin,ixty days ufler the cxecution of '�`
<br /> .;�^t��,. ��� �his Security Instrunkn� arnl +hull rnntinuc t�►�xcupy thc Prupert�•a� Anrmwcr'.prin�;iplil rrsidenrc for at Ieutit one ycnr uftcr
<br /> , �s •� the date of accupancy,unless lw�nJcr�ithcrwiu:agRC�in writinF, which aM.cnt�hull nc,t hc unrcusonubly withhclJ, �ir unlc,s
<br /> :> extenuating circumstanc�ti exi�t which an: bcyonJ Bi�rrawer'� cantn�l, B��rruwer hhull not dextroy, damage or impair the �'
<br /> � r '; ;""•"` Property, allnw the Prop�:rty lo Jeteriurulc, or conunit �vu.rtc on ihr Propeny. Bi�rrm��cr shull hc In dcfuult if uny fi�riei�ure ;r�'
<br /> ., , ' '° action or proceedinF, whMher civil ur criminal, i,Ikgun thu� in Lender'� gixxf faith judgment c��uld re�ult in forfeiwre i�f�hr �:�:�
<br /> ' Pmpeny or rnhcrwi�c matcrially impuir thc licn rreatrd b��thi+Scrurity In�trununt �ir LrnJcr's scrurity intcrest. &irrowcr muy
<br /> ;a�, cure such n default und reimwtc,a�pravidcJ in pur,�gruph I R,hy rau.inE thc artion��r pr�xrcding tu hc Jismiss��i with u ruhn�
<br /> � , ; ,, • 1hat, in I.ender's gaxl fai�h detrrniinatiun. pr��luJc+ li�rf�iwrc ��f thc Bi�rrower'� iMrre�t in Ihc Propeny or��ther nwtcrial
<br /> 4 �, : �' .. impnirment of the licn rrcatcd by thi, S�tiurily In.trumrm ur Lci�lrr'>securi�y int�n+t. B�►rrawrr shull ulzo he in dcfault if
<br /> Borrowcr,JurinF thc laan applirutiun pr�nc��.guvc mat�rially tul,c or inurrur�te infunnution ur�tutcmenta ta L.ender Ic�r failed ,
<br /> �+�r . to pmvide Le�xicr with any matcrial inli�rmutionl iu runnrction�vi�h the luun rvidenr�d hy the Nate,inrluJing.hut nut Iimi�eJ ;,
<br /> • } ; �, . �o. representatiom amccrnin�Borrawrr'�orcupaiky uf the 1'n�pcny �.u prinripul rc,iJrn�ti. 11'thiti Srrurity Im�runnnt i,�m u
<br /> ; r IeuseholJ. &,rrc,wer ,hull r�miply w•ilh ull Ihr pr��vi.i�m. ol' Ihe Icuu. 11'Buno�ccr acyuirr� 1'er iitle ti� Ihe I'niprny. Ihe I '
<br /> ' F Iea�ehold and Ihc fit tillc.hnll nut tmr�!r unle+.L.cndcr ag�era a, thc nurt:�r in �eriting. �
<br /> � � � ° 7.Pratection of Lendrr's Ri�hfs in the 1'roperty.If&►rrawcr fuik �a�xrli�rm Uk r�rvcnunt�anJ i�greement.cmitaineJ in '
<br /> •'.� �his Securily Instrumcnt, or therc i�u ke�.ul prixerding ta•rt m•ry �ignifirumly aflit� l.endcr'� riEht.in the Property Iwch as u
<br /> procccJing in bankruptcy.pmt+utc. li�r condcmn�tion or lirrlci�urc ar t�i enliirrc IaW�ur r¢�ulutiun.l. thcn l.cnd�r muy J��and
<br /> ,4 � puy fur whntever is necc,suty tu pmtect th�vs�luc��f�he Pr�iExrty�nd Lcndcr'�rights in the Pruperiy. Lrndcr'� actiom may
<br /> •� includc paYin� nny wnu s��ur�tii hy u li�n which ha� pri��rily uvcr thi� S�curity In.trument, ap�xaring in roun, puying �
<br /> .._ �. .. reu,onablc uuurncys' fi�e,nnd�ntcring�m thr Pru�rty�u mukc rcp�ir..Althaugh L�ndcr muy �akr ur�iun uixlcr thi,puragrupU �
<br /> �• j ' , 7. l.ender does not huve tu do u►. ,
<br /> • 1 .. " Any umiwnt+di+t+ur,cci by L�:nJrr widrr thiti p:uugraph 7 sI1LII IktiUllll`�lI1J1111111UI l�l`MI iit'&►rr�,wrr x�umd My this '
<br /> � ., Securiry Inrtrument. Unless Ourn�wcr unJ Lcndrr agnr tu uther temm�t'p•r�•mcnt. th�:�c•rmount. �hall tkar inlrrc�l trum the '
<br /> �e � . Jute of Jisbunen�ent at �he Notr rat� u�ul �hull Ix pa��ublc. widi imrm�l. u{xm naticr 1'mm LcnJer lo &►rmurr�yuc.lin�! '
<br /> � + � p•ryn�ent.
<br /> � �� 8.11foMguac In�umnce.ll'Lcixlcr rryuir�til munEagr in.uruiac a.u rundili�m��(mul�inF tlk luan xtiured hy th�. ti�ruriq
<br /> � Instn�mem. &mower shull pay thc premium. r��yuiRtil tu maintain thc rnangugc inwr:m�ti in rl'titt. 11', ti�r any� reu,un. U�r
<br /> • m�inguge inwrun�ti cuvc�ugc rcyuir��l by l.enJcr I•rpk.or rwu�w t►c in r0�ti�.Burn�wrr�hnll p•r}•thr pnmiwn.rcyuirrJ�a
<br /> _ °� " �� ubtain ct�vcrugc�ub�luntiully��yuivul�nt tu tlK murtgugc in�uruncr previnu.ly in cll�yt. �t r ro.l�uh.t�miully�yuivalrnl�u�hc
<br /> ' cmt tn &irmw•cr of the moNgagr inwr,mrr prc��inu.ly in rlT�tit.frum un uUcrnatc ����,N�;��� ���.ur« ;��►�►n,.���ny �.��,�«. u� '
<br /> � . I��_ ^�,� _. • . .
<br /> . R v.,x�.�� Fam 30Z8 8i90 '
<br /> r � �
<br />