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<br /> [Sp�ce Abov�7tiY iJM For R�ea�Ilu�D�1 � �7���Z.�
<br /> r oRe x�a K N���'�ED OF TRUST
<br /> OMAHA,NE 68103 ��c�
<br /> A1TN: LAURIE MARTINEZ .. ,.��.
<br /> k� • � ,
<br /> �
<br /> a� . .
<br /> = TH(S DEED OF TRUST('Securi►y Inslrument")is made on SEPTEMBER 3� ].993 •�'�'����o
<br /> ': �, � ' JO�1 W. SCHULTZ, JR AND JOYCE J SC�II.T2. WSBANA MTD WIF� '
<br /> ; .,
<br /> .<�:�.,: `..c.'�,';:� ..iE�'_: ..�
<br /> ';.,3., �
<br /> }•��'�. ' �vi.u::. :i:,�f• ' n
<br /> ... :,�? ,,;� . ,., ("Borrowor ).The uustee is NORWSST BAN6C NEB�ASt(A NATIODIAt. ASSOCIATION
<br /> �if
<br /> +
<br /> ••�f •� a..+.n .1-�� .
<br /> . �.sl�`v..y.+y��•o:,,j.,
<br /> ' . l.h�.-,..�,i(�a;'. . .
<br /> ,: �,-? ("Trustee'). The banaFiciary is NpgW�RST BANK NEBSASKA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION
<br /> „ � . :�����.1..
<br /> ,.�'` , • '"'•"'�` '' • ',.�� '• whiah is or�anized and ext�ting und�ti►�i:iws oP TgB UNITED STATSS OF AMERICA .and whoae
<br /> • �,.. `, . ::
<br /> atld�.c ia 202 Li�T �RIP�I2 STR�i�Ts Glif.i�'fJ ISLAND� tiES�A3KA 58802
<br /> r. ,.`�;.�t+."� : `,�,,r' Lender").&�rrower owes I.ender tha �inci sum of �
<br /> , r'�':.,� ;�,.•. , �• p � �a,.
<br /> �i�� � ;:
<br /> ;�..,...,:. .: r.�r
<br /> ,�¢::;. '!,.•. ....v,�, �.!,�i�4i}s••c;: �FORTY NIN$ Tl{OU5AND FIVE HflNDRED AND NO/00_-------__ ���"•_
<br /> .�:�:.�:. ..n���.��:,,�:rt;:•,1;;4�'��;,: _� M.._M_ �_�_.._�._..__M_�� _ DoNa�nN.S.S 49,500�00**�*r► )•
<br /> dg�.�:� °`'� �� ' •''�• This dsbt i9 evidenced by Borcawer's note dated thc sume dale a.g this Security instrvment("Note"1.which providaa for
<br /> .!. .� �;�,+aa�rtk�rw�a..�;.1 � monthly peymentF,witl�the full debt, if not paid earlier, due�nd payuble on SBPTEN�EA 3. 1998. .
<br /> ,;+ffA.''Y.�:,.,.:..Y,�
<br /> � �� Thia Security Instrument secures�o I,endcr. (n)the�tpayment oP the debt evidenoed bp the Note,with interest,and all renewals.
<br /> '„ ',��*�+:w�:=•��•� . , extensions and modifications of the NMe; (b) the payment of nll o�her sums, with intarest, ndvonced undcr parog�ph 7 to
<br /> `fi•.�";"; . protect tha securiry oP this Security In�trument; and �r► the perfi►rmunce of&►rmwei v co��enunts and ngreements. For this
<br /> ` �"�"""" purposc. Bomewer inevocably grunts und mnveys �u Trustec, in�tr�►:t,witlt�pciwar ot��ala. the follawing descrlbed property
<br /> ` ��, , . •� '
<br /> � � located in HALL County,Nebraska:
<br /> ., a<<. ..,�.. .
<br /> 1;� . :_r� . . .
<br /> � ,k_`,
<br /> t'.,`'� ° �''" '' -�i WBSTERY 98 F�ET Or LOT 3 AND THE EASTERLY 57 FEET OF LOT 4, BLOCK 6,
<br /> .�� . ��'���'`f�
<br /> ��`f��� y`'�p?: �•� �� � . 1HIS U�;�;u Ol�� TltU5�1 S�c:UltkS AN oPBN END REVOLVING LYN� uN C1t�UI1.
<br /> �.�'r�,,,., , �
<br /> r� r. �� ;,,,
<br /> ��.� . �;. ,;v. , :,
<br /> e,�,, „r, •.ih�;+, '', :,;;•:
<br /> �,f'�'•c.• , :,��;�t;::r-i.:
<br /> ..�,• . •;.p;.�, ��.':�,;:;;.'i5 .
<br /> � ,. '''�` , •� •;�;;''y:�:, which has thc uJdrcss ot' 2221 WkST ANNA, GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASRA Is�rcc�,ciry�,
<br /> 1�� ��'�` .l��.`;�; Nebraska 68803 l"Pmperty Address"):
<br /> ��� ," . • -;�s �'J.ip c�Mlc� J
<br /> 'l r .: :�•:.;•,
<br /> l,��;i� �*�,'��
<br /> i �%� x � . • , TOGETHER WITH oll thc impmvenicntti nuw or heres�tier ererted�m thc prnpeny,and all ea.entrntti, oppunenancc.,und
<br /> �i � , fixeurex now o� henafter a pnn nl' thc propcny. All repla�timentti and addition� �hull ulso �: «����ra ny u�„ Sccurity �'n�
<br /> � Instrumen�. All of�he f'oregoin�e i,rctcrrccl tn in thi�Sccuriry Inxtrumeni as the"Pro�:rty."
<br /> �� � . BO1tROWER COVENANTS Ihat&�rn�wer i�luwt'ullv �cisotl ol'the rtita�e hcrrby r�mveycd und hus the right ai grrnt und �,.:
<br /> r. , � � convey ttie Propeny und �hut the Pruperty is unem:umhcnYi, exrept ti�r encumbrunre..�f record. &�rrower wurrunt, and will �.;,.
<br /> �'� �� ' '. �...,�. defenJ generally lhe tiUe tu the pn�rty a�eain,�all rluim.anJ J�manJ..+uhject ai any cncuinbrancr,ot'recorJ.
<br /> `�,•�.•� TH1S SECURITY INSTRUMENT r��mbinc,uniti�rm covenant� fiir nati�►nul use und ni,n-uniform covenant�with limited
<br /> �..f� vari�ions by jurisdirti�in ro ron,tituic u uni ti�rn�+ecurity instrument rovering rc•rl praperty.
<br /> ; � ' UNIFORM COVENANTS. Burrowcr and l.endcrcovrnunt anJ ugr��c�►�I'uUowti:
<br /> '��.� 1. 1'nyment of Principul�nd Ipte�st: Prepayment s�nd I.utc Char�es. &irrowcr shall promptly pay whcn duc the
<br /> �-'.�� ' , ° �,,_,, principal of and interext on thc dcbt cviJence�!by thc Nute und uny prcpuymcnt unJ latr ch•rrgt.due wxlcr the Notc.
<br /> 9� /ti�...l.f r T� w.��w�i �.�.... �..1.'r.a �:.«.1..:.. 1.. .::: ..�':::� . �... I�wl�r {L�rr.�wn��hull nuv f�� --
<br /> "--` � � " ' , Lender on the dny monthly paymenls ar�duc unJcr thc Note,until thr Nutc i�puiJ in full.�u sum l"Fund�'1 for:lal ycarly�uxc�
<br /> � and assessmenls whirh may uttain priurity uvcr thix Security (nstnimcnt a+u lien�n thr Property:(bl yeuriy IcasehulJ paymcnts
<br /> ° ' or grounJ rents on 1hc Propcny,if uny:lr) �carly hucuni or pro�xrty inwrurkc prc�niums:(d>ycLrly Il�xxl in�ur�ncc premimn�.
<br /> "''.• •� if'any; (e)yearly mortg�ge inxurance prcmiums, if any; und ifl uoy wm+ payable by &►rrov►•er to Lcixler, in ucrurtlunce w•ilh
<br /> i ' , � the provisions oY pan�graph 8, in licu of the paynx:m nf nwrtgaFr inwrunre pr�miums.Thc�c items ore��ullt�l "Esrmw Itrm+."
<br /> . L.ender nwy.ot any timc. ��ull�t� and hoW FunJs in un amuwu �xn tu exce�tl the maxinwm amaunt a IenJcr tiir a 1'eJcmll�,
<br /> • ° related mortguge loan may requirc liir&muwcr'�run�w uc�ti►unt utufer thr fidcml Rral Esta�e SelUrment Pnx�cdurr.Act of
<br /> � 1974 as omenJod from dn�tu�inx. 12 U.S.C. S�tition ?601 rr sey. 1"RESPA").unle+�un.�ther IaN•thut upplir��u tlx Fu�xl+ j .
<br /> : , aets a le�ser ami►unt. IP u�, L.cnJcr nmy, ul uny limr, collect and ho1J FunJ. in un umuunt ma to exr�ti�1 thc Ir�Kr amnunt. �
<br /> e.
<br /> •� '., L.ender may estimute the unwum uf FunJti Juc un Ihe hu�i. ��f rurrcnt Juw anJ rc�umuMr ca�imute+ol'rxpenciitun.�of f'uwrr
<br /> � Escrow I�etn+or othenvise in s�ri�rJutkr wi�h a II�LbII'ILN�. ��
<br /> — � ,,�`. :`j pP f.
<br /> "`'" `� . NBBRASKA•5ingle Fam�lvFarw�M Mw�Fr�ddM M�c UNIFORM INSTRUMENY Fam 3028 9/90 �
<br /> , . • � �NI 1YT97MT<i �MvMUXi�iMih�OPMS �e�e•2e�e�uo �nuu,sl� �tsi voyo�„�a Ant�nlNdB/81
<br /> . !
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