� • :..,.�. ,�
<br /> . .•.. r, . :''�"+�F
<br /> • 6- � a � �.
<br /> �:���� �. .S��
<br /> i , .1.
<br /> Q�„ i0A�3Z3 �
<br /> Bortowpr tt�ll promptlY�iv,o L.ador written dbllCe of any Inva�tiQadon.cl�im.dertund.lowwit or dher �tion b arry
<br /> ;ove,�tirt�c+Nal or r�ul�wry�a�cy or dv�tep�rty impivf�thep�y ud any Hwrdouc S�bshncq.pr Envi�i.�w
<br /> � of which 8arrower Iw�ctual fmow e. If Bo�rower leartu�or i�nodi�ed b en governmenrol or�ut�wry �uttwrity that
<br /> . �qy remuv�l a othu t�anodiuicm of u�ii Hwt�sNou�Subsuu�ca�'ectir�the Prq�erty ii necasary.Bomawcr�11 prompdy ube_
<br /> dl neraary t�nt�edial�:tk�in�oc�o�d�noe wfth Fa�vironma�W t.�w.
<br /> As used in thbp�n�npfi 20. 'Hazuduus Sub�tu�cd' �re tlio�e subcturces dcMed w wxic or t�rz�ndous ai�st�noa by
<br /> Rnvironnr�ntd l.�w aid��he fallowir� aub�st�noe�: �co8ne. keroaene, otfier flm�mb�e or taxic pdraleum pmducts. toxic
<br /> pc�ticides a�tYd herbicider.valatilC solvent�,mwerWs oonWnin�asbeatos or fomwldehyde.and radiaictiv�rl��I A�� �
<br /> thii pu�20� F.nvlmiunentd I.�w mdnp�dersl I�w��nd lawi of�he urf�dlction whae tho
<br /> rclate to halth.�Pety or environmental praectiaa„
<br /> NPN-UNIFORIN COVL'NANTS. Bomawer mtd Lender furtlrcr oovero�nt rud�gree os follows:
<br /> � 21:Aooderwtloni Remediea.l.rader vnll tive aotia to Borrovru prlor W�adentlon�olbwl�Borrovrer'�brncb .
<br /> ,� ot_w�v caire�aot or �p+aaseot in Ihls Securtt� JMnune�t (bat aot prior to acoderatiou under ph 17 wda�
<br /> �p,
<br /> apyika�l�o�lvwpro vida otlkrwi�e).7Le notke st�all ipedfys (a)the ddaulti(b)tbe aclloo requi to cure the ddaait�
<br /> (c)a�rte;not less tlan 30 dsy�hrom tbe d�te the aotiee b givm to Bn�owcr�by wl�kh the ddnnit must be cnre�aa�d
<br /> (d)tM�rt faUare to cum tbe detaWl on or betore the d�te spedfkd In,tba•aotbe may rssult in aocetentloa oi the snr�
<br /> wecue�d Oy/Ws Securtty 1ntUutaaM Aad de ot the PropMy. T6e noti�.�e sINU fwrther Into�a Bomower ot the rl�ht W
<br /> «t�f�t pAa� nocda�rtion and tLe right to brin�p court�ctlon to assert t6e aoa�e�cWenoe of a detaWt or any other
<br /> defenu�o�Borrower lo aatikrat�nn And sWe.If!de defidl is not cured on or bator.e tlie date spedlled la tLe aotice,
<br /> .i,e�r�er.at ib optian,mpyr�q�1re ta4a�ediate(wymeat la Wll of all surna secured br�����Y ��at wit6out
<br /> �r deawod and pisy lavoke tbe powa ot snle and any other ranadEa9 pennittcd by ap�lirabla.law.[.eader slwll be
<br /> awuea to cdkct d�acp�s�acunra la pu�dpg uk nn�edie�provid�aa m tl� p.ra�anu Zl,IoaWdiq�,bW not umued
<br /> to.�sonwbk aKw�tkys'tas rad ooets ot title evWetw�e �
<br /> ,•,�i;:. ,.;�'�-, [t t6epower oi cale ts iovoked. Tn�stee rh�lt record a aotice of detauh in eac6 county la whkh ony pert ot We ,;
<br /> �:�. Pcopertx Is located atd sh�ll nwil aopke ot sud�oot(ce ia.tlua�apncr Prescribed bY oPP�kai�le law to Borrow,tc�d�
<br /> � .Y�l,� .r . t6e oGuer pcnoro9 pracribed by opplk�bk law.Me�tha ti�nds re�dted bY oPatc�ble Inw,Trustee slwll glve pu�fu aatkc � _: :
<br /> , . r' + � ot swle to thc percoae aad in tbe aunner prescdbed by applicaWe la�r.'�'r�a�tee. without demnnd on Bomower,simN sd�
<br /> :,';�; ':. •;�.M s.... •.;�,. f the PrupxtY at publtc auctlon to tde hladest bidder At 16e dme andp�uae wod under the tenas deai ted ln lhe aotice o[
<br /> ' � ,' .' : .�,v . ��t.`' sWe in otk or more poncels wnd ia any order Tn�stee determines.l�ivat�e ma! P�Pone sole oP I or anyp�r�cel of We .
<br /> �t�.,,. ., ,,f;:
<br /> ,�.NU,„#i�s�;l;I'' Pnup�ty by publk Awtounc�aa�tt�t tbe time vad plpce ot aay prevloualy achedWed�ale. l.ender or It�de�i�ee awy
<br /> e:::�„�^ � t6e Pro s�t pay s�.
<br /> ','�`yt��*t?�,r•iti'y'•'r���;'�i'•�� � reod�p�ymaat 4L the prtce b(d. Trustee slwll dellver to t6e purcliaser Tructee's deed conveyh,g tbe ._
<br /> ' .. a L,,.,r bF,.v?'�; ^ T h e r e c i t a l s i e t h e T ro s t e e's d e e d ahall be prima tade evidence ot the trulh ot the aWt�tm4nis made twerein.
<br /> °� ±�"�.��'�'' ':� -"' � ' Tn�sta slwfl s�pply the proceed�ot Ihe sple In the tolluwing order:(p)to wll costs ond expenge�of erciela�the poWer oE . �
<br /> �ti�ti'.;'��'::'+� ralc,w�d the wde,indudla�Ibe p�yment of the Tn�tee's Pees actwdly incurred� not to exeeed �� of 150 or }� '
<br /> .�,�:� � �"`u,,;:"`' of tAe p�+locipol amount ot the nate s�t the Ume ot the doclaratbn ot default,and reasonable attorneys'fe�ps per�aitted
<br /> �� � ���,. .�''�"'.,;��. • by low;(b)to d6 wan�c�cured by this Security I�uneat;oud(c)aay excesv to Il�e person or persaaa le��v e�tiued to
<br /> 'e}'9'y:,r-..a.h'.r_-' ��. �
<br /> •,�, Zt. R�coti�ey�ce. Upon payment of alb sums secured by thie Security Inswment. l.ender shalt request Trustee to
<br /> �" ��, • �'S� reconvey the Property and shall surrender thiR Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by thie Secari[y
<br /> : `'• `�: Instcument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property withaut warranry and withau[chprge to the person or persona regolly
<br /> �' S�,,n , �
<br /> .,� • , ,.�:..' • .. eatided w it.Such person or persans sball pay any recordation casts.
<br /> �` � 23.5ubstitute Tn�stee. Lender, nt its option, may from time to time remove Tru�tee and uppoint a successor truKtee to
<br /> ��.u..:'��: ..� ,
<br /> :� � •� � any Trustee appointed hereunder by an inswmcnt recorded in ihe rnunry in which this Sec:urit�Instrument i+recorded.Withoui *�
<br /> ,�; - ,, .,� ," oonvcya�ue of the Property. �he successor trustee shall succeed to alt the title, power und dutics confaRed upon Trustee herein� .�
<br /> t �... . .. ;. ad by applicable law.
<br /> ,�,�.I 24.Itequest for Notices. Borrower reques�s that cdpies of the nouces of default and sale be cent to&►rrower's�ddress :�:
<br /> �; •, . �. ' u which is Ihe Property Address.
<br /> �'' ) � 25.Itiders to tF�s Seeurily It►�trument. If one or more riders ure executed by Borruwer and recorded togethor with this
<br /> '���� ; ` � ,, Securit y Instrument.the covenants end agreemenis of each such rider shall bc incorporated into ond shull amend and supplement ��C
<br /> �; � � � . '; .. the covenants and�reements of this Secu�ity Instniment as if the riderlsl wera a part of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> s;.• . (Check applicable boxles)1
<br /> .+, �r; . s, f ;:- .
<br /> ��';;;, ' . � �y Adjustuble Itate Ridcr Candominium Rider I-4 F�mily Ridcr
<br /> -- - -- --• • GpuluuleJ PaymeiK Rider Planned Unit Develupment Rider �Rfweekly Payment Rider
<br /> � � ' �Rute Im roven�ent Rider ❑Second Home Rider
<br /> �,� , Bulloon R�der p
<br /> `� V.A. Rlder �]Other(s)Ispecify� Acknawledgement of Power of Sale
<br /> . . ." � �� xx Home Equity Liae Lxcess Rider
<br /> . (' . � .f' ,,�^
<br /> t.�i..',: '�'���� ' � �!
<br /> ��,'� %;,; ;` , BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the�crms and covenunts coruuined in this Security Instrument and �`
<br /> �''� � in any rider(s)executed by Bormwer and recorded with it.
<br /> .��� � ' ' Witnesses: �„�
<br /> �� � � „ ��
<br /> j . 15cu11
<br /> ;� , .. . Kurt Andereon U�tget -W�m�wcr
<br /> r.
<br /> �I:� s F, '�-_-' r
<br /> ,. /
<br /> i �r, :. i�.� ,.,�, a�.� /�t �,/'1 �Scall
<br /> � . g�-• ..�__�
<br /> . �� Luaria J Un er •�.�rn�w.r
<br /> •• c;?�.r� , '" . � � _lSeuh ISeal l
<br /> �ti b..�..
<br /> �` v -�IIIIIM�C► ........».. _
<br /> F .b l
<br /> � u '�: _ .
<br /> � , , D,�""��� STATE OF NEBRASKA, Adams County ss:
<br /> '•_>> The foregoing instrument wusacknowledgcJ bel'arc me Ihis 9th Jay of August . 1993
<br /> •'° • by Kurt Mderson Unger and Luana J Unger� husband end wife •
<br /> • Witness my hand and notaris+l seal ut Hastinge. Nebraska in wiJ Ccwnty,thc Jutc uliinwiJ.
<br /> � .
<br /> ' � ,.. �,°` My Commissi�n Expfres: -- —
<br /> :;. ' N��wntk
<br /> .��- • • '
<br /> ''t- �'�_ : - � � . ���1111fi1tM� '
<br /> ' � � • a���N� vp��o�� � � Fum 3028 9lYO
<br /> �
<br />