<br /> .... �.d
<br /> ' ,1���� ,.. .. � . . , , � '��� i,'!
<br /> ' '- . ..rKi�
<br /> � 93' it��3�3 �,�,�o .
<br /> ey►bspuitiWly�yd�b�l�nt trW�t�oae.inwrw�co oover�C II 1101 itV�IIQIIIO• Borrower cludlpay to L.ender A wm
<br /> nne-tw�lAb ��hq y�tu1y!itwK�agh inw�rwnoe prcmium bein�p�id by Burrowe�whea tha inwrwtice coveiage lapsed ar�ersed W
<br /> be in cffoct��,d�er will aa�ept.uae�wd rctain thae p�yments m •locs nxervo in flw af man���o inrwran�:. Lax rc�erve
<br /> ' pa�ina�ts'atiy no lon�a baroquinod,at tba qMion of lender. ii mon�e inturnnce covers�c(in tho onxwnt wxl Par the perlad
<br /> thw L.ader roquiro�)provided by an insur+or opproved by Lcnder�a n bocoma wv�ilable and ls oM�inal. 8onawet�Iwil ppy
<br /> �he premiums roquired w mdaufn nr4n�aga iru�4rnree In elTect,or to prt►vlde+�losr rcurve.until lhe requi�ear.nt for mo�l��a
<br /> lnwranoe en�is in�caordance wiU�any written n�rament betwan Bormwer and Lender or applicable I�w. '
<br /> 9.Impectlon. Lender or its oyent rtwy m�ke raco�uble en�rie�upon wd inr�pactians af the Pmpeny. l.endar ehall�ivo
<br /> Borrower notice at tho time of or prior to en incpecifan cpeci[yin�rca�onable eause for the inxpec�iun. '
<br /> !0.Conde�apatbn.The proceeda of nny awa�d or claim for dnmuger, dir�ect or consoquenti�l, in cunnection witi�any
<br /> rnnlemn�tion or other�aldn�of any pan af 1he Propeny.or for convey�in lieu oi condannwian,�heroby�iQned and
<br /> '�" shall be paid ta Lender.
<br /> � ,., In the event of A total tokiag of the Property.lhe pnxoeds slu�ll be appliod to the suma secured by thia Socurlty In.rtrument.
<br /> �� . wAatber or not then duc. with any ezcesa paid to Burrower. In 1he event of a partiul wking of thc Property in which the fai�
<br /> ��1r� market value of the Property immadi�ly before�he Wcing is equal to or greater than the umount of the cuma Eecurecl by this
<br /> "' Secudty Instrumeni immodintely before the Wking,unless Bomower and I.ender ahorwise ogree in w�3ting,thQ suma secured by
<br /> ,� ,� •.N...,,. thia Security Inatrumant sha1R ba reduced by�a arnount of lhe proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: lu1 thc �otal
<br /> �f' ''�Z amount af the sums sccured immcdiutely bafore t0e t�kin , divldod b (b)�hc fair marlcet volue of Ihe P n imnYdiatel
<br /> ,��ti�.•� 8 Y � Y Y
<br /> � :..�. � before the takfng. Any baloroca shalt be paid to Bormwer. In the cvent of a partiul tak�ng uP the Property in which the f�ir
<br /> market value of the Property iq�diutely before�he toking is kss thAn the amount of tbe sums secured immediately before the
<br /> 's� • s sFwll
<br /> �:.�',<<'.',,:'•y.'.'�:':�..:,';,�;.., taking,unless Borrower and L�ad,er atherwlse agree in writing or u�less applicable law aherwise provides.the praceod
<br /> C;�•�'�'`'" be appliod to the sums socured by this Secu�ity Instn�ment whc,�her or not the sums are then duc.
<br /> �' ``�''?`•` If the Pro n is abando+i�d b Borrower, or if,aRer notice b Lendar to Borrower tha�the rnndemnor offcrs to moke on
<br /> � ,���.:,.; . . : . , �. Pe Y Y Y
<br /> ' i�''°'�•' �` award or settle a claim for dumages, Borrower feils�o respond to l.ender within 30 days after Uie dnte the naice ia given,
<br /> 1:,, '. � :.z,�..:;f�c�,>;:�,��,='r:;,'�` .
<br /> ,. =:i:;, .:t,5i,..:;;�.yi, � Lemler is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,ai its op�ion,either W nectoratian or repair of the Pnaperty or w the sums
<br /> :�..� .,. ._.�. . ••° °�`� • , securtd by this Security Instrument�whether or aot tben.dua.
<br /> ' E� �°�:'��%'���'� � Unless Lender aM Borrower aberwiRC u@�rte in writing, any application of Qroceeds to princi�ral shall not extcnd �x
<br /> 4 ��'� � ' �, postpone the due date of the monthly payments refarred to in parngraphs I and?or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> � � �'' �� Forbearn�ce By I.ender Not A W�irer.Exiension of the time for puymcnt or modific�ion
<br /> . � .., . �k�:, 11.Bon�ower Not Released;
<br /> . .;� ,;. .:,`; ,� ., of amortization of the sums secured by thin Sctiurity lnstrument gronted by l.ender to any successor in inlerest aF&*rmwer shall
<br /> � �;� nat operate to release the 1'wbility of the ori$inul Borrower or Barrower's successors in interest. Lender sholl not l+�t reyuired�o '�'•
<br /> i�ti"�; :�•���`►�x•�'�?:�' commence praceedings agwn�t any successar in intereu or refuse to exiend time for p�uyment or athenvise m�dity arnortization ��.•
<br /> : ,,,,,; �.. :
<br /> • , ;, :,•.,,,,.,,;;,,. .� •.. �^ �� of the sums recured by thin Secudty InstrumeM by �sat;oa of uny demand made by Ihe original Borrawer or Burmwer's '�;•,
<br /> ' ' successors in interest. Any forbearance by I.endor in exercising any right or remedy shnll not be a waiver af or precludB tbs
<br /> •,'.` , , ,. ° 4� . exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> �'�� �� �- ' 12. Successors aad�as Bound; Joint pnd Several Llability; Co-siRners. The cavemnts and agreements oP this
<br /> .,�.�; ..: ;;�.
<br /> • � „ .. �� - Secu�iry Instrument shall bind sind benefit the successors and assigns of l.ender and �ROwer, su b jert to t he prov isions a f ����,
<br /> � � para€raph 17. BoROwer's cove�ants and agreemente sball be jaint and several. Any Borrower who co-signR thix Security .-;p
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Not�: (al is co-sisninQ this Security Instrument only to mortgage. granl.und ronvey thut
<br /> � , ,, ..�•„ Eorrower's interest in the Property under the iermg of this 5ecurity Inµre�ment:(b)is not persnnaUy obligated to pay thc sums
<br /> � � `�'�•` •� '' secured by Ihis Securit�Ins�rument;and(cl agrees that Lender und uny other&�rrower muy ugree to eatend, modify,forbear or
<br /> � make any ucwmm�xlupona with regard to thc lerms of thiti S�-curily Instrument or the Nwe without that&irrowcr's ronxent.
<br /> '•• ' 13. I.oan Ciuu^ges. li the loan secured by this Security Instrumen�is subject to p law which sets maximum lo•rn churges,
<br /> und that Iaw is finally interpreted sn that thc intere�t nr aher Inan churges colleeted or tu lx rollected in ronnection with the ',s���
<br /> • . ,� • loan excced the permitted limitx, then: Iul uny tiuch bwn churgc yhull bc rcduced by the umount nerestiary ta reduce the churgc *t
<br /> ' ' to the permiltcd limit:and(h1 any sum�ulrrwly rnl lected f�am Borr�iwer which eaceeded permitted limitw will be refunded to
<br /> �i_; '�� ' , . � Borrower. Lender may ehane tu make thi. rcl'un�1 By r�tilucing the principAl oweci under �he N�ue or by muking a direct �
<br /> ;�� ' � payment to Burrower. If u refund reJuceti principal, tlx reduction will be treuted uti a paniul prepayment withou� any
<br /> ,r, � �� prepayment ch•rrge undcr the N��tr. i�
<br /> •W , 14.Notices.Any nutice to&�rn►wcr pru�•ick�J ti�r in thir:Securit�•Intitrumm�t shull M:�!ivcn by dclirerinp it ar by mailing �hi�;
<br /> � it hy finl cl:�x mail unleti�opplicahle luw rcyuin.u.e of anothrr mrth�xl. Thr�H►ticc�hull be JirectcJ t��thc Prapeny AJdre,. ;;'::�`'
<br /> � ^� � ' ' oi•any uther uddre�� Borrowcr dc�i�natc. br nuiirc tu l.c�i�fer. An�� notice u� L.endcr sh;�ll hc givcn by tin� clu,. mail a� ti?'����
<br /> � � Lendcr's udJrcss sts�ICJ hcrein or any ��Ihcr:nldr�w� I.cnJcr designutc�h� n��tice tu&�rr��wer. Any� nnticc pruviJcJ fi►r in thir �}.p7
<br /> �� , Security Ins�rument ,hall he dcemcd to hu��c Ixcn giv�n tu Fk�rruwcr��r l.rndcr whrn given a�pruvidcd in Ihix parugruph. ��,j:.
<br /> ; • 15.Gnvernin� la�•; 5everability. Thi. S�curity In.trumcnt +hall ln p��vcrned by frJcrrl I•rw anJ thc law ul' thc
<br /> � . juri�lictiun in whirh tlk Puiperty iti I�ka1�ti1. In IIk cecnt ihat any pri�vi,ian ar rlausc�,f Ihi�S�ruriry Imtrunknt or the Nac }.;
<br /> . . . conflict�wi�h uppliruble 1•r��. +uch cuntlict.hull nut u(I'rrt othrr prav�.i�in.of thi.Securit}�In.trument or ihr Notc whinc�un ik �,'.,.•'�
<br /> . ... ` given cffect withnut thc cnNlirting pro�•ision.Ta�hi+rixl�he provi.ian.��f thi�Security In,trument und Ihc N�uc ure declared "�1�:,,
<br /> "' tobc,evcrabl�. :�:'
<br /> � •' i 16.Rorro���cr's Copv.Barru��•rr tihall hc gi�rn�mc runti,rmcJ�up� uflhc N�nc and��f thiti Scrurity In,trumcnt.
<br /> •. . � 17.Transfcr oP the Pmpert�•or a Rcncficlul Inleresl in Horrowcr. II ull���anc purt�d'thr Proprny ar any intcrrs�in i� :
<br /> is xuld ur trantii'erred(��r if u heneticiul intcre�i in BuiTU�v�r i. ,aW ar Iran.tcrrcJ ui�l Barm���cr i+not a nawr•rl perum)��•ithout •c"�
<br /> ' � Lendcr's priix written cun�cnt, Lendcr ntay, at ih nptiun. rcyuirr inun�Jiuie paynuni in full of all +um. +ecurcd bv thi�
<br /> � '• � � � � Scrurity Instrument. How•cver,thi.upti�m+hadl n�N tx rxerci��d hy Lrodcr i(�xcrri+�i.pruhihitcd h��federal I•ra•ati af tho da�e
<br /> � ' � _`,I of thi.S�YUrity Intitrunknt.
<br /> ;� If I.cnJcr rrrrri,�� thi.uptiun. Lrixkr.hull�:i�c Barn���cr nolicc��f arcrlrralian. Thu na�i�e.h•rll pra�idr a�xri�xl uf nul
<br /> • Ic.s thun 3U Juy. 1'mm tlh d:�tc 1hc n„tirr i�drli�•rrcJ „r mni1�J ���ithin ��hich li��rru��rr tnu,t p:c� all �um� ,¢curcJ h� thi� .
<br /> i .� I Security Imlrument. IlBurnncer fail.lu pa�•Ihr,e,um,pri��r iu ihr rtpiruliun uf Ihi�peri�Kl.Lcndrr nuic im�uk�um remrdie. ��• ,.
<br /> � prnniucd by thi�Scrurit� Instrumcnt��ilh��ut I'urlhrr nutirc��r Jomand„n F�,rruacr.
<br /> . � ' ,'� • !S. Ibrroµrr'x Kight to keimlute. If N�►rruu�cr mrct, crrtain ron.liii�,n.. &�rr�,��cr .h:�ll ha��r the right ta ha�r
<br /> w`'� • ' cnti�rccmcnt ��f thi� Securit}� hi.�rumrm Ji..unuiiu�J at um• iime priur t�i tl�r oarlirr uf: la�S da�� ��,r.uch ath�r �xri�xl a, .
<br /> ti . upplicahlc laa ma� s�x�il'y tiir rcin�talcmrnU Ixti�re .alc u1 Ih� Pro�xrty rur.uanl w am p�,��cr ��f ,•rl� rantainrJ in thi. .
<br /> : Sccurity Intitrwnent:��r�h►entq•ul'a IuJgmrm�nl�,rrmg thi. tirruri�� In,trumrnt. Tha,r ra�iJiii�+n+:u�e Um� Burn�a�rr. �a►ra�• ,
<br /> ; : • Lender ull .wm H•hirh then a•ould hr duc �mJrr Ihi.krurit� In,�rument :mJ th. V�n.a� il'ik� :irrclrrutiun had �krurrrJ: �h�
<br /> : i . �ures any default ul'am� athcr ru�enanl. ur a�:reeinrni.. i�i pa�.:dl e�r�•me. in.•urred in rnfur�ing thi, tie�unt� In.numrni.
<br /> . . incluJing, hul n�u Iin�iicJ io. nawnahlc auumr�+' lec+. an.l al�tak�.,u�h a.•u,,n a. Lrndrr ma� rca.��nahh rc.�uirv�n a..ure
<br /> . ;�: thol the lirn ul'Ihi. Securi�y I�i�trwn�m. LrnJ�r'�ri�ht, in the Pr��pen�unJ H„rr�,aer',i�Bligacion tu pay tlie+um..c.ur�d hy
<br /> .� lhis Sc�urity Im�rument sholl cimtinuc unchunEcd. l��x�n rcin.�acenhnt h� Bixra�crr. thi. Securuy In�trument ;►nJ tl�r
<br /> nhlivL�i��n��run�i hrrcM•shull rcmain Ihllv cftcrti�c a�it nu urccicrativa huJ ac.urr�Kl. Ho��•c��rr. thi.ri�:ht tu rcin.t:ll�>hull
<br /> ,- �. --— - nat upply in Ihc cu�e ul'urccler�tiun under�ura�raph 17. �
<br /> . 19. Snlr ot Note: l'hanRe oi' Loun tien•ker. Thr N�HC ar u purtial iiurrr.l in Ihc Nute 1lugethrr w�ith Ihi. ti��.m•il}
<br /> ' .' Imtrumem)muy hr .uld �nk or nwre timr.���ithuul rriur nutire tu B��rn,��•rr. A.alc m•ry r�wlt in a rhun�c in Uie rntit� Il�m���n ,
<br /> •. u�thr"L��un Scrvicer'1 thul collcr�.manthly pa�•mcnl+Juc unJ�r Ihr N�itr anil U►i�5�rurile In.trwnrnt. Thrre al.a mu� h��mr
<br /> �o � ' . ur nwre chun�tc�of thc Laan Scn•iccr w►rclat�d tu a .alc al thr Nutc. U thrn i.a rhun�:r ol�thc Laan tier�irrr. Nurruavr a ill hr
<br /> � , , �tiven w�ritten�Kriic�uf thc chun�!r in arrurJanrr��nh paruErurh I�l ahu�c unJ upplirahlr I����.The nu�ir�aill.�air d�r nam�•and
<br /> s�dJn�s.�H'�hc nr�►• l.uan Scr�•iccr and Ihc uddre,� tu�rl�irh r•r�•nkn�..hauld hc n�:nle. Thr nnticc �cill aho r�mtoin am utlier
<br /> ��� • inti�rmati�►n R�yuircd by applirahlr law•.
<br /> ` " 20. Hu�ardnuv tiutwlnnces. Wrrruarr�ball nut ruu�r �,r �rmil Ihr pre�rnre. u.e. di.��.al. .iuruEr. �,r r�lr.�•� ut a�i�
<br /> 1, �� ,, Hur�nl�ws Sub�tuncc,nn ar in U►r Pn,�xny. I��rrawcr �hull �N�t du. nur ull���� a�p•unr rl�e ta d��. amthinE alfrrnng thr
<br /> ; , Pn�perty tha� i.in viulutiun ul'any En�•irtmnknlnl laa. Thc prcc�dinE t���� .rntrnrc••hull onl uppl� tu tli� pn.rnre. u.e. ur
<br /> 1 �tnru�!e un �hr Pru�xm• uf.mull yuumi�ir, uf HaiarJno. tiuh.tunrc. that are �en.ralh nra�niicd tu hc appr��priale w nunnal
<br /> � ' � - - - - rtisiJrntiul ux.anJ tu mumtenunc�nt'Ihr Pr��xn�.
<br /> .►
<br /> w,K.+��� Form 30?8 9�80
<br />