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M«�� <br /> � �' ',.��� �� . i ,,� <br /> � 193-sa�►� <br /> caidemnation or o�her t�kin�of any p�at oP�lie Propeny�ar for oonvey�noe in lieu ai���ro heneby w!{ned wd <br /> � dWl be paid to Le�der. <br /> � in tha avent of� taal Wcin� ot the Propeny, �hoproca ds chAll be ppplial ta �ha rumn cecurod by�his S�xurity <br /> Inswment. whelher or nol then due.with any excc�s pai td a Bon+owor. In the cvent of p pa�iiwl�aking oP�ho H+npeny In <br /> which ihe f+�ir mukct value of the Propeny immrdiately befar the takin�is oqual to or�►eater�han Ihe omoum af tho rwms <br /> securad by �hi:Socurity Inwrumenl immaliotely befae�he alcing.unleRS Bormwor end Lender aherwi�;e a�rca in writing, <br /> ' the sume secured by�hix Securiry Int�rumcnt ohall he rcA�iGed hy thc nm�wnt of Ihc Em�ceeds muldplicd by ihe f�+llnwing <br /> � f�ction: (a)ihe�owl�maunt af�he sums secu�I lmmodiAtely hePore the�wlcing.divf�kd by Ib)the fwir murlcet vaiue of�he <br /> 'F � Ptoperty Immedfatciy befae�ho wking. My balwicc xhall be paid tn Borrowcr. In the event.of u pwtiul wking of ihc <br /> � l'�aperty in which Ihe fuir awrkc�value of Ihc Propeny immcdfutcly bcforc�taking is less than�he umaunt uf�he sumx <br /> � secu�ed immediwtely before the uking, unleas Bamwcr a�d l.ender dhenvl.r•e agrce in w►idng or unlexs appNcablc law <br /> otherwise provides.lhe proceeds shall be upplied to the sums r�ecurcd by this Security Inawment whe�her or nd the sums ue <br /> ! then d�rc. <br /> If the Pioperty fa ubandoned by Bornower.or if,ufter notice by Lender to Borrower tlwt the candemnar offer:s to mnke <br /> on award or 6ettle a clviro for damoges,Borrower fuils to rcspond to Lender wi�hin 30 dayK olter�he da�a�he nntice is giveo, <br /> Lcnder is aulhorized to sollect and apply Ihe p�oceeds,at i�s ohtion,ei�her�o restora�ian or re�wir of�he Propeny or�o�he <br /> " , sums secured by this Securlty Instrument.whether or not than duc. <br /> 4�� ����� I Uakss L.ender end BcKmwer othervvfse ugrce in wriling.any applicAtion of pmceedx tn principul yhnll not eatand�or <br /> , ";� , .. ; ?:•, postpone thc due date of the monthly puymen�rcierned to in pnragrnphR 1 and?or chunge the omount af such paymenu;. <br /> °�•�-'�• 1l, Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not p Wal�er. Ex�ensiun of' the time for ps�yment cx <br /> liy i <br /> �:�1��'; i �� � modification of amortiza�ian af the suma sccured by Ihia Security Instn�meat gronted by l.ender to any auccesror in inlerex� <br /> ;�r;.�r�l t�:.,°`� of Borrower shall not opernte to release the liability of the originAl Borrower or Homower's succeswn in intere�t. Le�der <br /> �ti„••• • �: ::;��, ' shall not be required to commence proceedingx agsunst any xuccehsor m mteres�or refu+e to ex[end time for puymenl or <br /> a�,,,.�. <br /> ' '. ��.•.,s;�cs• ; . othcrwise modify amortization of'the sums secured by this Securiry Instnimcm by reaxon of any demund made by thc originol <br /> �;'�^„ �xr:�;;;. ,,,�,. . Borrower or Borcower�successor�in interest. Any fi�rbeurance by L.e�der in exercising uny righ�ar remedy tiiwll ncu be u <br /> ;�`� ,., ''+��,'f.;�;.�� waiver of or prcclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> ., �:.�_�;�,`-;r''.,�.`ti,�s !2 Successors a�d Assigns Bound:Joinl and Severs�l Li�bfllty;Casigaers. The cavenoms und ugn�men�s of�hiti <br /> �,,, .,r! ;t":;;;'i;r:���_���•_; Security l�s�n�ment ShAll bind and 6enefit Iha succetison u�d aesigns af l.ende�und Borrow•er,xubject to Ihe provixions oF <br /> �. �'� .'��;,;��_��,}�tf�,.�,�; pnragraph 17. Barrower's covenunts nnd ugrcemems shull be jaint ond several. Any Bomow•e�who co-,ignx thix Security <br /> '.,��° . . •• • „��r�"':�;;il{a[. Insctniment but dces not ezecute thc Nota: (u)is co-signing Ihiec Securily Inxtrument only to mongoge,grrnt wid comey ths�1 <br /> ;.��:• '�'�.t� �.;�`,;+;•° :` Bomnwerk interext in the Property under the ternir of thix Security Inrtrumenr, (b�ix no�penanully obli�uted to puy�hc sums <br /> ` '� ��X;�,.r.:':',',;:�'�,�,` secured by this Security Inxwmrm;und(r>ngreex that Lender and any other Bormwer muy agrce lo ex[end,modify,forbecu <br /> 7 � .- <br /> ,'��'tf.'°��,°����••!�•;��'�� or make any acrnmmodationx with regurd to Ihe•temtx uf this Security Intilrument or Ihe NWe wilhcwt thal Borrowerk <br /> :r -,.r., <br /> ca�ent. <br /> �'^ kr '"''-..��;�,���`; 13. Loan Charg�.w. If�he loun xecurcd hy �hin Security Instrument is suMject to •r law which u��s maximum loan <br /> '�� "- � '`. �?��r•'�'��• chnrRes,und tha�law i+finully interprcted�o�hu�tha im�retit or aher loun churgen coUerted�x to Ix rollecled in cannertion <br /> '� '"'.`•"�'�''�'' ' wilh the laan exceed Ihe permitted limitr,�hen: la►nny tiuch loan churgr yhull he rcducrd by�he amount necetiwry to reduce <br /> r';�r�t '�• <br /> ' . ::'•t�' ;�,'.>F�t�'''��,•�'-�' the churge to�he permi�ted limi�;and(bl uny sumn ulrcady collected from Bom�wrr which excecded pennitted limit.will be <br /> �(�, ,,...;" <br /> yr t�'��,• .:i... �' refunded to Borrower. l.ende�muy chcase tu mukr�hiK refund hy reJucin�t�he prinripul owed under the Notr ur by mukinE s� <br /> �� � ��;ik�i'f� . .. <br /> � � direct payment lo Borrc�wer. If a rrfund r�duces principul,the reduclion will Ix tmnt�J a�u panial prepuymenl wilhnut smp <br /> .�r,�.': �. ..;... ,.-,',i;it��. (. <br /> �•.., .. .• �„., pr�epaymer+t churge umler thc Note. <br /> ; =c;<.• � 1�����,�i4 IA, Notkcg. Any nolice to Borrowcr proviJed for in Ihi.r Seruri�y In,trumcnt �hull t+e given hy delivering it or by <br /> . . moiling it by fint clus.mail unlcx.uppliruMr law reyuirc,use of:xio�hcr mrth�xi.Tha notire xhall he dirccicd to the Propeny <br /> � , Address or any other addrexti Bormwer de.ignul��hy notire ta l.enJcr. Any notire ti►4ender shull 1►e givea by �nt clas, <br /> , �° .. ° , °,� mail to Lender z addrc+�stu�ed herein or uny cahur add�,.Lendcr no�irc to Borrower. Any notice provided I'or <br /> ;� , "'s in �his Securiry In,irumcm xhall hc JcrmeJ �o hnvc bc�en �:iven to Borrourr or l.rn�kr u•hen given as pnwided in thi. <br /> : .�,��, . ., parapraph. <br /> � 15. Guverning; Severnbilfly. Tbi� Srcurity Instrument rhull Ix ��wernrd h}• feder�l law� urni Ihc luw iif the <br /> �i��'.. . , ..- <br /> ,� jurixdicdan in which the Pmprny i�IixateJ. In Ihe event Ihat uny pmvixinn or cluu�c of thi.Serurity Imtrumcm or Ihc Notr <br /> 'r �� '�+ef�t'''1�!ri'"'t .� ConfliClx wilh appliCable luw,,uch conflict.hull n�n aff'crt uth�r pmvitii�m���f 1hi.Scruriiy Instrumrm or thc Notr which can •Y`:'�".:'' <br /> � . ��`'n � � � �� be given effect witM�ut�he ronllic�ing pruvi.i�m. Ti�this rnd Ux pmvi�ions nf thi. Srcuriw Imtrument nnd Ihe Note ure •" <br /> •'•}r� .. � L ..�+'7.;:''J^�,•��- declared to t�e severablr. b� <br /> ..11.'•� h..�. . ��.. <br /> ,:;�. � r�`�; ' 16. Horrower's Copy. Borr�,wcr.hull hc�iv�n unc r��nfnrmcd rupy ut'�hr Nutr•rnd of thi.Serurit�•In.trumenl. <br /> '! • � "�',;;`� 1?. 7lransfer of thc Property or a Benefirial Intcrest in I{arrower. If a!I or any pan of thc Pmprrly or;�ny intcre,i in <br /> �;z. '.� ,,.'`f it is rald or trnnst'emJ I�rr il'v txnc�rial inlcrc.t in Rurn�u•cr i�.�►W��r�ran,lcmd:md B��ROU•cr i.not•r nawr•rl prr.on► <br /> . ''�,.. 'v�';.i`- wilhout l.ender+p�ar wrincn comrnt.LrnJcr muy,ut it.�►ptiun,rcyuirc immedisne puymin�in 1'ull of all�;um.�crur�J by <br /> ,;�•' • „ thi�Security Inslrumcnt. H��wevcr,lhis oplion shull no�hc excrci+ed hy l.endrr il'exrrci�c�hibitrd by federul law o,ol' <br /> ti:.� .� the dute of this Scrurity Imuvmrm. <br /> ,,w'�w=�- fl.. If Lender exeniux thi.option.LenJcr.hull givr B�,rruu•er nntire ul'accrl�ra�iun. Thr notice+hall pm��ide.��xriocl nt' <br /> .�y : ,�` .. .. , not letis than ifl duy.fn�m�hr da�c�hr nutirr i�drlivcnJ ur mailcd within w•hirh Rurcua•rr mu,t par,rcurrd hr�hi. <br /> '�� ,� '° .. Securiry Intitrumenl. If Borrowrr t'ailti lu pay the.e ,unn prior a► thc c�pir:niun ul' Ihiti �xri�xl. Lrnclrr may invuke un�• : ; <br /> �� , ., remedie�penni�led hy thi.Sccurity bt.trumenl a•ilhout funhrr n�qice or demund u�i Bnrru��•rr. <br /> ���' IS. Borrower's Ri�qht tu Iteinslvlr. If Horru«•cr mert.rrnain cunditi��n.. B�ttmwcr .hall harc �hc right lu havc • <br /> k fi, . 1� ' enforcement of'thix Securily In.trumem di.runlinucd at um tinm priur w�hr curh�r��t': �:u S J:i�.1„r,urh uihrr peri�xi a• ,^ <br /> '���'' �: �r•:�;•� SmEk Famll}-•Mannk�1nNhYeddk�lac l�IFIIR�f 1\S'1'Rl SIE\'f..l'nd�mo c���.nrnt. 4i4D ��mpr J,/n�,.r¢r.� . <br /> �•'i '• u , ,J,;�.>� <br /> � � '�+,!t:: <br /> .� S.' • . , <br /> A ' � . <br /> ;-�,+ , • • <br /> :� �. . , ` <br /> ii,. - �_ ' ' . .. ... . , . . ��y?� -- --•- — -- <br /> �i - �t,. � ' ' '^.r.'^;�;°''S':':.: - .. �.�._:.,•_-._ . _ . . _ . , .. _ ... . .... <....�..- -,.y�M.1�lY +ra r,.,, . <br /> . . . . ., • '�!'!'"' �i�l�'.P!�h7��1.-:: . :..�if�.tlt� . . <br /> � ..' .. � � . . <br /> . �.. . .� . . . � . - ��"Y� <br /> . .� . . . . . . . .. <br /> � —__� .__._ _._ . . ____ " '.� . <br /> _. .. _ _ "_'_. ..r � <br /> . . _�.�---� -__-•.'•"'.. . _ _. .. .__ ... , . . .. . .."- '-'-'-- — - °—' -�--- - ---.' --._ .. .. . _.. . <br /> , . �� • . , ., - .. . .. <br /> ._ t .. . 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