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�rr <br /> . ,,,�. <br /> , . . . .._;�: <br /> .t�„ . �i�'. ;�.. <br /> ,�,� . . „ . _ <br /> : ' <br /> a • <br /> .. .. <br /> � ' 93- soe�o� <br /> �erioda Ihat Lender reyuirca. Thc insurance curicr provlding the insurance shall be choscn by Rorrowcr subject to ndcrk <br /> •�mv�l which ch�ll not bc unrcasonnbly withheld. If Borrower failx Io mrinwin covorage dcrcribod Above,L.ender tn�y,wt <br /> Lender's aption,aMain coverage to protect Lcnder��ightx in the Property in accardu�ce with pumgrwph 7. <br /> All insurance palfcies and renewnlx xhull be ucceptable to L.ender And shall ineluda o Rtnndurd mongage clauxe. L.emkr <br /> sh�ll havo the right ta hold tbc policiex ond renewols. If Lender rryuirco,Bortower shull prompNy glve to Lender all recelp�x <br /> of paid pnemiums and renewAl noticew. In�he event of loss,Bareower xhall�ive prompt naice to�he inxurwice carrier and <br /> Lender. l.ender muy mukc pnx�f uf loxr it'ni�t made pmmp�ly by Bortuwer. <br /> Unless l.ender u�ul&xruwcr awi�rwi.e ogrc�e in writing.inhurrnce pr�xccJ,�hull l�applicd to rertoration or rcpair of <br /> ��• �he Property dumuged, if�hc rcwt��rntian ar repui�i� economiaully feanible und l.enderK �ecurity ix not les.ened. If�he <br /> rcs�orn�k►n or repair i.r not economically feasible or Lender's security wuuld be lexsened,the insurrnce praceeJs shull be <br /> upplfed to �he suma secured by�hia Secu�ity In�trt�ment. whelher or na then due, with uny excess paid to Borrower. If <br /> Bomower Abandons Ihe Propeny,or dcKS ncN unxwer wi�hin 30 dayx n m►tice from Lender Ihul the insumnce cnrtier ha� <br /> offered to settle n clnim.then l.endrr muy cullrct the insur�nce praceeds. Lender may use the proceedx ta rcpuir or restore <br /> the Property or to poy xunis cecured by�hiv Security In�lrument,whe�her cu not lhen due. The 3[Way period will begin when <br /> ,�,,. • 1he notice ix givon. <br /> Unle�t l.ender und Borrower otherwixc:ugree in wriiing,uny applicution of proceeds to principal shull not extend ar <br /> � R, postpona thu dua dnte oi the mnnthly pAymemx refomed to in par�grupha I und 2 or rhungr the umount of 1hN paymen�x. !f <br /> "�� ��' under puragraph 21 �he PmpeA�i�ucyuired by Lender, Borrowe�'s right �o uny insurance policie�:nnd proceedc rosulting , <br /> � from damage to lhe Propc:Ay pnar�o the ucyuisition�chull purx ta Lender to the extent of the xumx�ured by this Securiry �J� <br /> r,�, , . .. :4��: <br /> • , o�"'•`a+.'''��'.''i' Insuument immediu�cly prlar to Ihe ucyuixi�ion. <br /> I� �I+ • • � K`�`�, (� 6. OccupAncy. PreservAtlon, MalntenAnce And Pratectbn of Ihe Propertyi Borrower's Losm Appllcation; <br /> :..:-; .�.: '• •- =-s.-:;;;;- Ixaseholdti. Bonnwcr shall oc:cu py,estublitih,suid ux:�hc Pn�eny as Somawer's principul re+idcnre wilhin rfxty duyx ufter <br /> � ``. ��,...;, <br /> � . %��`�" " ��' �he ezecu�ion of�hi.Secu�ity Inti�rument und xhaU c�mtinue to cxcupy the Propeny:�ti Bom�wer ti principal re�idenre for at ' <br /> '' ' � '' ��'� least one year Afte� Ihe dute of accupancy, unle�:+ l.ender otherwise a�treeti in w�ri�ing, whicli conxent shall not 6e `� <br /> �.:;_�. t:;a�;� .:�": �a <br /> '. •. ;������° • unneasonnbly withheld,ar unle+�extcnuu�in�cir�um.r•�:mcc.rxi.t whirh urc heyond Bormwerz comml. Borcawcr shc�ll not t <br /> ' ' 'i`"'" deatm ,damu e or im air thr Pru n ,ullow thr Pirc� n to Jeteriorate,or rammit wuti�c on�hc Piro rt . Borrowcr shull <br /> '�.. , Y R P Ix' Y I11° Y 1� Y <br /> � � ����. •• � � be in defuult if any forieilure nc�K►n nr procceding,whether civil or criminul,ix t�gun thu� in Lcnder's gixd fuith judgment <br /> '• � . "' could retiult in forieiture of the Praperty or othrrwise nwtrriully impuir �he lien crruted by this Security Inx�rument ar <br /> ,,�;. . <br /> �,; ' � ,. � ^ Lenderk u.curily interr+t. BoRnwrr muy cure such u default und reinsiate,u.provided in puragrnph 18,hy cuutiing Iho aclian ' <br /> or pmcceding to Ix:di�mixud with u ruling thut,in Lendc��gaxl faith dc�em�inution,pmcluJe+forfeiwrc of the 8urrower: ,- <br /> '�'�' � � � '' �� interexl in thc Propeny �ir other muteriul impuimient ol' thc licn rR.ned hy thi� Securily Inxtrument or Lender's .ecurity ,����` <br /> � �� •' intcresl. Borrowcr shull ul+o tx in drfuult if Born►wcr. Juring Ihc I�wn upplicatian procc�., guvc muteriully fulxc ar ''��:'�� <br /> '� �' inuccurn�e ini'ormntion��r ti�utemcnts to Lcnder 1�►r tailed to provide Lendcr with uny muteriul informutionl in connection with _�� • <br /> :,.,,.: . ' <br /> � ��. ••, .. u, the luun evicknced by the Nrne, including, bul nM limited 10, repmscmulium ronrerning Bom�wer: ixcupancy �f Ihe <br /> . ,,,;, � l�apert�as a priec:pal.rc�:idence. !f this Srcesrity lnstnsment iy on i:lLU,rhold.Borro�•er,hul!r��mply with�+II�h���+.•oviuinn• � <br /> . .,;•�a. 3r of�he Icase. If Born►wcr acyuires tcc tidc u+thc Pm�ny,thc Icuxelxild and ihe fee�ide rhall not mcr�c unlex,l.endcr agreex ;r�� <br /> ' •,.. �,;;.�i"..''�°� . ��,:... <br /> , ' i,.�_'�:'�;s° � �o the mergcr in���riting. �� <br /> ' �� ' � ���'"��'' ' . 7. Protection of l,ender's Rishts in the Properq. If Rom�wrr fuil. to perform thc covenunt+ und ngreernem� �"�� <br /> ��; ; • cantuined in thix Security Insuumcm, ur�herr i�a Icgul pr�xeeding thut may signiliruntly ut'fert l.enckr's ri�htti in �he � L <br /> �,•.�,;..� � Property I�uch n�u pracecding in bunkniptcy,pr�►halc,fi�r r�mdcmncniun or tiorfciiurc or w enforce IUw���r reguluiionsl,then <br /> . :•;;;y;,' ' " ;, Lender mny dn nnJ puy tor wha�rver i. �crs�ury w pnnert �hr v:tlue at'thr Pra�xny and l.cndcr.l•right+in Ihc Property. ;+r <br /> . Lenderk actionr muy includr paying uny+um.�rcuRd hy :►lirn whirh ha.priority ovrr�hi+Security In.�rument,uppeurinE <br /> �_ �� •� ,. �� in caurt,paying rcu+cmiiMc auomcy+I'rcti unJ cntcring on�hr Pm�x�hy tu m��kr repuin.Ahhough Lrnder may wkc action <br /> , " , undcr thia paragrrph 7,Lend�r J�ks not tiuvc lu du w. <br /> " Any amount4 Jisbuncd hy Lrndrr un�lcr Ihi,para�!aiph 7 +h�dl tx:cumr addiiionul drht uf Bam►wrr sccured hy�hix <br /> � .�'•` .: . ' Security bistrunhnt, lhilcr.+f3orrov►-cr cmd l_�ixicr aErer w uthrr lerniti at'paymem.thc,r umouni+,h:dl txar imer�+t from thc <br /> i;��,. , ' . , ., <br /> �, � :'. {. ' Jatc of disbunrment at thu N�Na rulu und�hull hc puyablc. wi�h intcm.�.up�m m�tirc fmm Lrndcr to ti�irmwrr rcyucstin�s ?, <br /> �"�'� .' ��"" . pnymcnt, <br /> .. , :�,;:,�t;.,;.. <br /> 8. Murtuu�e Insu�unce, If'LcnJer rcyuircJ mnn�u�r in,ur�mrr u�a ronditian ot'muking thc loun�crurcJ by Ihi� <br /> ��,: . ',"''r?";,: .,� Scrurily Inslrumrm. Burrowrr+hull puy Ihc pr�miuin,reyuireJ ta msiinls�in thr m„ngagc fnsur.�nrr in rl'1'ect. 11'. fix uny <br /> �..:., <br /> 'S;�:�� .� � `' n"� •.� reu�on. thc mortgagc in,uranrc ccwcr.igr rryuirrJ b� Lrndcr I:�p+r, ur cru+rti lu Ix in effcrl. Born►wcr ,hs�ll pay thc <br /> �M';.���� :. , . premiumr rcyuircd �u uhtain coverage ,ub+,lantiully ryuivulenl a� Ihe mongu}!r in,urancr prr�•iou+ly in efl'crt. ul a co�t <br /> -"''°�.`•'� . - subxtim�iuUy cyuiv.drnt �o�hr ru.t to RonoN•er ui'ihr mungugc in�;uranrc prcciuu�l�� in rlTcri. frum an altrrnatr mixtgagr <br /> • . insurer npprovrd by l.cndrr. If wb�lamialh� ryuiv:dcnt nwngu�tr in�uranc�ru��er:ig�i.nut:n•ailablr.Bornnvrr�hall pay to <br /> x.� Lender euch month eyual lu unr-twcltih nf�Ihr>.���iy��»„n�s�u��������:�„«r����,�u�,��.��,��aid hy Borr�►wcr whrn thr <br /> > ''�x• ' , insuratxe coverogr I;�p.ed�x�rc�.rJ lu Ix in ell'�rl. l.endrr w ill urrept.u,r+md relufn thr.r paymrulti a�:�lo�.rc.rrve in lieu '`•y <br /> ' , � •� of r�x�ngugr in.urunrc. Lo�� rc�crvr pi�ymcmr m�iy no I�mgcr t+c rcquired,al Ihc uptiun uf'munga�� imuranrc <br /> ' . . � roveruge(in�hr amount smd t'orthc�xriiKl Ihat Lendrr nyuirr,l pruvided h}�:ui in.urrr uppro�•rd h� Lrndcr iiguin Ikc�mk. <br /> � t, ' ; ;.. :,�';{�it� t, , ��^� uvailable and i.obl�iined. Bnrru�ver.hadl pny Iho pnmium,r�yuircd t��m:�inlain m�in�a��r inwr.mrr in rftcr�.i�r tu rroviJc:� <br /> ,M �i X,•.:,:•::{ ,�. lox�rrscrvr.until thc rcquircmcm liir mcmgu�:c in�ur:�nrr rnJs in�ir�urd,mrr a ith:oi����•rit�cn agrcrm�nl Fktw•ern H��rr�►wrr I �,. <br /> ' •���•'�• nnJ Lrndrr c,r upplirabk I�ia�. <br /> .'::+:x.�� . • .. , 9. Inqpection. Lcnder�x i�,:iErnl nui�� nu�l�.rcu,unuhle�ntrie, upun:md in.prrli.�in ul'�hr Pru�xrl�•. Lrndcr,hall <br /> �':' .• , � . . givc Born�wcr nuticc at thc limr of i►r prior���an inyxrti�m.�xrit}ing re:�tinnoMr r:iu,r li�r Ihr in,�xrliun. <br /> �F., t • 10. Cundemnufion. 'f'hc pnuccdti of am•:n�ard or rlaim li�r damaLC,,dirrc�ur ron.ryurnli• ronnrc�iun�vi�h im� � <br /> � <br /> � .4;` � : <br /> Su�glclam�h-�E'annfrllw�FnddiclWcl\IFI1R�111tifR111M:\1 l ndurmc'���rnrm, 4�W1 ��r,�i,•r.,�r.�y�t,��� <br /> t� i,' <br /> �P-•� . .. � ��n•.tlLW■Hu.ion.+Fomu+.lnr ■ � <br /> i� _ `.� . I���ti�xr�..W 1ddK:i1►B:IN:f[7I�A%ele:7�u-Ilal � . <br /> i r . r' I <br /> ' � � �.�. ' . . .. ,.r�`�'.:r.7. . _ . . . . . . -:�,:^p••�-fIr`J``.-_.. .-�---. _ ;.'�r.�.�i. �.----.... ( <br /> , 1. . _ . ' �•V•:. . . '-\.: <br /> . <br /> � ' . ' <br /> :. ' . ... . � 'l��:f1� .. ' . . <br /> ,_ �I.. , '1 .. . , . _ �... - ' ,. <br /> ' . � —�_--..� .. ��.�. . _ ... - . . . . . . ..—...."'_' .�.-- .. <br /> 4 , ��. 1 .. <br /> �^,! .�. .. '1� .r.}� � .. ' . <br /> I. - +�� �' � ' _ . <br /> � ,� •. � . ,. 1 . ' .. i . <br /> 1 � ' ' <br /> � �'�.� %. i ' "!,. ... .. ' ' . . . " , _ _ ... <br /> � ,�' � . . 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