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<br /> 17.Trarder ot W�or�Bea�flcW Iotw+at ip&rnro+rA�'.lf dl or p�ut of 1he Property or any intenat in it
<br /> i�wid or trw�fier�ed(cx If a 6cr� lal intenst in Borrower i�wid ar,Ironafomed ud�rrower ia not a n�tual persor�)withoW
<br /> i„pxkr'r pdor wrip�u� conaent. Lender rmy. u iu optian, qino lmmediete psyment in fWl of dl wrtu soairod by ihb
<br /> Serudty Inetnima�t.Howover,twb aption�hall not bo exercl�e��y Londar if oxerci�o i�proWbited by federal bw a of tbe dMe
<br /> of thi�Security ImWrurne�-
<br /> If l.ender cxerclr�a thi�option. Lendcr clull ivo Bnmower acriipa of wceler�tion.The ndice sh�ll vlde a period of nat
<br /> s
<br /> ` leas Itwn �0 dnyo imm�he due �he notice is dcl�verod or mwiled w�Stb{n which Borrower must pay al cuma �ocurod by this
<br /> Savrity In�icumait.!i Bormwer fdis 10 pry lhao suma prlor t4 thp oxpiratlan ot thia perfod. Leoder nuiy imolce any nanedles
<br /> 5.' pemdtted by thin Secu�i1y I�wrument wlthout fi�nher naNae ar domAnd•an Bonrower.
<br /> � 18. Barrower's WgM lu Reiw�iate. (f Bore�wer � ocr��in co�uiitlons, Bortawer shall havc the riIIht to hAVa
<br /> y, enforcemont of Ihie Security Insuutnent diccotuinuod u any tin�pry'nr to U�e earlier of: (wy S dnyc (ar such �the�periud as
<br /> , �: appikable Iqw may cpaify for rcinwtemrnq beforo udo of tha I�mpetty pu�suant ta ony power of sale coatained in this
<br /> Security Irrc�rument:or lb) extr�► af a jud�ment eniorcing thla SecudtN inc�ivme�t. 'ihose rnnditiona nr+e tiwt Borrowor:la1 pwyc
<br /> I.errter�Il sums whieh tben wouW be due undcr Ihlo Secu�ity Inctn�mant ond the Note as if ro acceleratbn Iwd accurred: (b)
<br /> curcs any default of any other covenanta ar agroemente; (c)pay�a11�oxpances in�urrod jn enforcing this Socudty Incuument.
<br /> including.but not limitad to,rcasonrble auomc��'foes:and(d)takes such action ar l.erder may reasonably require to assurc
<br /> tlwt tiw licn of thia S�a:udty Instrument. I.ender s dghts in tha Pm��+and Bornawer's abligaQon to pay the sums r�ecu[ed by
<br /> thia Security Insttument slull continue unchAngad. Upon reincttdamant by Borrower, thia Securlry [nswmcnt and the
<br /> obii�ationa securod heceby siull ranain fully effective�if na aooela�atian hud oocurted. However,�his�ight to reinrtate shall
<br /> - ,.;- nntapply in tM ca�e of acceleration under p�ragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Ssk ot Notei Clw�e ot I.oaa Servkw. The Nata a�a partial interest in the Notc Itagether wfth thia Securiry
<br /> Instnrment)may be sold one or more times witlKwt prior n►Hicc to Burtva�trr.A sale may nsuit in a chnn e in the e�uity(Icnown
<br /> �a
<br /> .. - ' • " as the"I.aan Servicer")�t mllaKS monthlY p�Ymrnt�dua under U�a Natd and tAis Securiry Inswmene.�ro also may be one
<br /> t���:. :
<br /> as
<br /> • . L,-:� � 1�. ,_ or�mre changos of d�e l�uan Servicer unr�elated to A sale af tha Npta.IF Ihpm is a ch�nge of�he l.oan Servicer.Bartower wiU be
<br /> ' ` ��,�� .. �.�: ,::` given wrinca notice o1��he clunge in occordance wi�h pora8ruph Id atmva and oppli��ble law.The notice will state the name and
<br /> � - �'���"r,'.:. `...,;,� addrcss of the new Lo�n Servicer w�d the oddrcss to which pwymante shauld be�r�de. 'fhe notice will also rnnwin any oUKr
<br /> ' r1•;`, ,• •� informullotl rcquirod by AppBcable law.
<br /> � � 20. 11�rdous Sube�Unces.Borrower slwll not cuuse or pemtit thh prcsence,use,dis�OSal.storage.or release of tmy
<br /> ' . - , `:'`.: ' Huzwndous Substonces an or in U�e Pmperty. Borrower shall nat d�►, aar allow anyone else ta do. anything affoc�ing iho
<br /> ,. �•::�•;
<br /> '�� "; '' •` P�nperty tiwt is in violaUon of any Environmental Luw. The preariinp r�vo sentences shnll not apply to the prcsenx,use.ar
<br /> - �,. �� i1 •.� stor�ge on the P ro p erty af sm�ll quan�ities af Huzudcwc Subuunaz�U�a�•ane generally recognized to be apPropri�te co normel
<br /> '�>:,�.:�`� r::�X r-..,-..;
<br /> ,,.,,.. rcSidenlial Uses e n d to mainununce of the Property.
<br /> �� • Borrower shull pmmptly give L.ender wrinen notice oF any inna►�igation. dalm,demand,lawsuit ar other action by any
<br /> • govemmental or regul�toryagency or private party invalving tha Property and any Hozardous Substance or 6nvironnteMel Iaw
<br /> �� „ � • � , • • of which Bomower hs�s actual knowledge. If Bamuwer I�ms, or iN natified by uny governmenwl or regulatory authority. thet
<br /> +• . eny rcmoval or other remaiiation of ony Huaardaus Substunae uffi�sthing the Property is necessary. Borrower sfwll pranptly take �
<br /> �,:.= ; all necessary rcmedi�l anlo�in acco�dance wilh Environmemtul l.a►v.
<br /> • As used in tbis pataBraph ZU. 'HazaMous�ubuunaes- a�a d�nse subs�emxs de6ned as tozic w �uwu�iuub subsia�s by
<br /> . .;;;�';1 Environmental Law and tix following substanoes: gnwlina, ken�s�ene, aher Oammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> . . „ pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvems,muteriuls canluining u�estos or fam�aldehyde.and radioactive materials.As usod in
<br /> • n thia pwngraph 20. 'Environmenlal Law" meuns faferal luw�and laws of�he jurisdiction where thB Prope�ty is loratod that
<br /> J • � , rclate to heaiq►.sufety orenvironmental protectkm.
<br /> � � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lcndur Itir.her coverwnt and agnr us follows:
<br /> . " • '' 21. Acceler�Uon;Retaedies.I.ender shall gtve nntk�e tn Bornow•er prior to acceleratioa followiag Borrower's breach
<br /> � � . � „ o� any coveiwnt or agrerment in thix SecuNty IneArumont lbut not prlor lo occeleratioa under parngrnph 17 uakss
<br /> � oppliceble Inw provides otderwlse).The nntice shall Fpeci�v: (a►the def�uU;(W the action required to cure'.he dehWt;
<br /> � " (c)n d3te�not less thrm 30 deys f'rom tUe date tho nntfcc is given lo Borrower.by whkh Ihe detpult must be cur+ed;aad
<br /> � � . . (d) tlwt Failure to cure the defanit on or before Iho dute tipectt�ed in the notice m�y result in acceleratioa o!t6e sum�
<br /> �rt" , secured by this Security Instrument and sala oP the PropcM��. Thc notke shall further inform Bomower ot the rlght to
<br /> .i �, ` � reincwte after acceleratlon and the�ighl t�brinR A courl action tu�.tisert Ihe non-existence ot A detault or ony otber
<br /> � , ' :•,,A;. �: de[ense of Borrower !a�ccelerot[on and�la. If thn dntault iw not cured on or be�ore the date specitied In the notice�
<br /> :ti;�;,,: I.ender. at Its optton,m�y requfre immediate paymunt in full of all sums securcd 6��this Securiq• I�trument without
<br /> '' � further demand and may Invoke the pawer aF salu and uny othcr remedi� permitted b� applicablc I�w.Lender shWl be •,
<br /> � � 7�"�'��`�; . � enNtled to collect�II expemes incurred in pursuinR thU rem�di��s provided in thig para�raph 21.iocluding.twt not limited t��..
<br /> �• • ' `� ��-. to.n�ronable Attornevs' tees and rasts at titlu rvlduncc.
<br /> � `�=''�� -• -�- • • ii the power uQ' s�t�k inr•oRetl. Tru++tec shnll �rrrord a natice oF defauli tn cach rountc in u•htch any part af thr
<br /> '•�' � Property ts Incated and slu�ll rnail capit�of suuh n���Ere in the maoner pre,cribed br•applicable law to Borrower and to '„
<br /> �,�� �
<br /> . lhe other per�t�prc�cribed by applicable IuN•. Alte�Ihe time required br•applicable law•.TruWee zlwll give public noNce
<br /> ': � ��•° :: • of sale to the persons and in thr mannrr pnhcr3bed b�appliraAle IaH•.Tru,tee,aithi�ut demrand on Borrow•er� shall sell
<br /> � the Property at public auclion to tt�c hiphest bidder�t thc timc und plucc und uader the termti desiRnated in the nottce of �;��
<br /> � L ,'�;'•`'�...' � Fele in one or mare pnrckls and in anc order Trah�tee determin�w.Truslcc ma�•p�rtpnne wlc of nll or any purcel of the •i�'
<br /> ,. �.._. '•,,;',,1�� ' • �.��•.;,•� property by pubUc announmrnent at the timo und�pWce uP any previoa+l�•scheduled�ale. I.ender ur ith desisnee may
<br /> ` �. `�!. � , purchage the Property at any�sade.
<br /> � , . ..4,;;�.:
<br /> �"� •�,�, �
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