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<br /> pymente mwy ro IonQer be required��t!ho aption oP L.a�der.ii m�n��e inwnnoe oovan�o lin the a�mun and fix�fie pea�iud
<br /> �t Lender requira)Pro�'ided by�n inwror�pproved by l.ender�in becoma��v�ilable�nd i�obafrod. &xrower�hall P�Y
<br /> tde pnemiunu requirod w maWdn mort�o inwrance in effect�or u►provido�las raerve.udil the requiron�ea�t for mory�p
<br /> ituu�anoe endr in t�coord�nco wilh�►y wdtten a�roement bNween Borrowar�nd i.a�der or�ppliaible I�w.
<br /> 9. laRpection. l.endcr or iu�ent m�y m�e r�ensomblo entries upon rnd incpe¢tiaw of the Propehy. I.aider�11�iva
<br /> Borrower notice at�he dme of or prfur ta an incpoction specifyln�rc,asoiubla cauce for the inspation.
<br /> 10. Canda�t{op.'llie pmceeds of�ny awud or claim for dwn�ea. diroct or oonsequentiv, in cn�u�eclMn with�ny
<br /> •` condemnation or olher tekin�of�ay pan�f the P�openy,nr for canveyanc�c in lieu of'oo�riam�tion.�ro Mreby rwi�nod�nd
<br /> �lull be pvid to Lendar.
<br /> In 1ho event of o total Wcing of Ihe Prope�ty.the procoeds WWI bc applied to the wms savrod by thi:Secudty InstrumeN.
<br /> '��,• whelhar or not lhen due� wilh any exasa paid to Bormwer. ln the event of a p�utial�aking af the Propeny in which tho fdr
<br /> mark�t valuo of tha Propeny immediately before the tal�ing is oqu�l to or groater than the amount of the wms cavred by thle
<br /> Secur�ry Incuumant immediatoly 6efaro the tal�ing.unless Borrawu w�d Lender aherwise�gra in writlnQ.the suncs securod by
<br /> this Securiry Inst�umcnt shell be roduad by the amount of the prc�ceeds multipliad by the following fraction: (s�)�hc wW
<br /> amount of the surtn socurod immediately beforc the taking.divided by(b)�he fa�r mukd value of the Prope�ty immediately
<br /> befiore the wking. Any balana sl�ll be paid to Borrower. in the event of o partial laking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> �;^ marlcet velue of thc Propetty immedWely beforc the taking is less than 1he amount of the wmr socurod immodiately beforc tha
<br /> '�i�. taldng.unloss Borrower and Lender otherwise agra in wr�ting or unless applicAble Iww dhenvlse provides,�he prooads:ball
<br /> ,: :.4 be appiiad w the sums cecurod by thia Security l�tiument whether or not the sums are tF�en due.
<br /> ' "�} I[the P�qKrty is abandonod by Borrower.or if.aRer notice by Lendcr tu Bormwer that the rnridemnor of�ers to roalcc an
<br /> - � . °�-E�;;;'n�;;:,,:. e eward or sdde a ciaim for damages. Horrower fsals to respond to L.e�Wrr wjthin 30 days after ihe dAte tha notice is given.
<br /> �
<br /> I.ender is authorizod to collect and epply the proceads.at it�option.either to rcstoration or repai�of the Property or to tha sumo
<br /> sum
<br /> ��d` . �'�s'j�': seaued by�his Security Instrument whether or not�hen due.
<br /> ���n�7���a+{: .' ;; �
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing. any applicution of procaeds to principal shall not eztend or
<br /> ��.�:.�;''y;�"".i"};:''.�.� poatpone the due date of the monthly payments referned to in paragraphs I end 2 or cFwnge the amount of such paymenta.
<br /> ' ''.^•°•'� .`.• . 11.Borrower Not Relensed;Forbau�oce By I.ender Not a WAivee.Extension of the�ime far pnyment or modifcetion
<br /> .il.:.s::���..�'P '
<br /> o� . :V(�r,;f,���";'�� of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in inter+est of Borrower shall
<br /> ` �`�"-�;;'�},��;�;v`-�� ' -�` not opaate to release thc liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Lendcr shall�ot bo rcquired to
<br /> P.; a
<br /> � ��•r� •,'��'����'�"` "`. rnmmenoe procoedings against a�y successor in interest or refuse ro extend time for payment or otherwis�modify anortiz�►tion
<br /> ��x��'#wa%-�� ���">�'�� �• of the sums secured b this Securi Instrument b reason of an demand made b the ai mal Borcowe� or Bormwer's
<br /> 4,.. ;:�,:,�..t�.?'• ::. ,,,�;.. Y �Y Y Y Y �
<br /> R— . ..�,.�,_, , .; . . wcccssors in interest. Any forbearan�x by Lemler in eaercising any right or r+emedy shall nat be a w�iver of or pKClud�tha
<br /> . • . 2x@iCi52 8�Aii3t i'i$�ii Oi i2fi1C(I}�.
<br /> �'�` , . �� 4'��;;°. ;. 12. Successors rnd Asstgns Bound: Joiat wid Several Li�bility: Co-sl�uers. The covenants and agreements of�Itfe
<br /> ',tti�;���:� � ��� '` Sacurity Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provfsianF oB
<br /> ' ' paragrnph 17. Barrower's covenants and agreements shAll be joint and severAl. Any Bornnwer who casigns thie Security
<br /> . ,,. . .. �
<br /> '" lnstrument but does not eaecule the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey that
<br /> . , . �. , Borrower's interest in thc Propeny under the terms of this Security Instrument;Ib) is not personally obligated tu pay tha sums
<br /> � ' ' secured by this Security Instrument;and Ic)agrees that Lender and uny other Borrower may apree to eat�nd,mndify,fufiear or
<br /> � . ' � mt�kke a�y accommadations with regard to Ihe terms of this Security Instrument or the Nate wiehout that Bortower's canr�ent.
<br /> � �'� 13.l.oan Clwrges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a lau�which sety rnaxfmum luamcherges.
<br /> .•.��.,: , . and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan chorges collected or ro be collected in.cannaction with the ,�.
<br /> ,�+� � � . , loan eaceed the permitted limits,then: lu)any�uch loan churge shall bc rerJuceJ by the amouM ne�.�essary to reduce the charge ' `
<br /> •e
<br /> ..'I.�• ,.,,.; ta the permitted limir and(b)any sums alreAdy collected from Rorcower which exceeded permitted limity will be refunded to •r���`
<br /> � ' '�"'�� • Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing �he prinrip�l owed under �he Note or by mAking u direct '
<br /> j', ,• � �;"�""� , , payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, thc redur�ion will t►c trcated as a paninl prepuyment without any
<br /> � ' • prepayment churge under�he Note.
<br /> �1 � ._ . • , _— 14.Notleec.Any notice to Borrower pmvided fi�r in this Securiry Instrument�hall be given by delivering it or by mailing '•q�
<br /> � • . , it by first class mail unlesti appli�able law reyuires use of arnither n�etlxxl. The iwticc�hall t�e directed to the Property Address
<br /> . or any other address Bormwer der�ignutec by notice to Ixnder. Any M�tire h� l.cndrr shall be given by first cla.�.s muil to �; �
<br /> � . , . L.ender's address stuted herein or any othcr address l.ender designatez by notice to &�rrower.Any notice provided for in this
<br /> � • . Security Instrumrnt shull be dcemed to have t�en given to&►nower ur l.endcr when given v,provided in�his paragraph.
<br /> t. � IS.Governing law; Severabllity. This Security lnstrument ,h�ll t►e govemed hy fcdcral law und the law of the }
<br /> ���:• �..• ��
<br /> 3.. , • jurisdictian in which the Prc�perty ix IocAted. In the event that uny provisinn or rluux af this Security Mstrument or the Note
<br /> +a, � ' ° conflids with applicable luw,such conflict�hall rn�t afl'ect othcr pruvisioro ot'thi+Sccuriry Intilrument orthe Note which can be
<br /> ;,. � ,;: given effect without the ronflicting provision. To thiti end the provi�iom of thi,Serurity Inurumrnt and the Ncxe are declared
<br /> -�, , to be severable.
<br /> ( 'r �. � 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr�hull he givcn onc�unli�rni��l ropy ot'thr Notc und of this Security Instrumcnt.
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