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<br /> (t�Yan t•rawry�aaa�•�wCap)
<br /> � THIS ADJUSTI►�IE RA'f'B RI�M�Md��IIf1�.�--�f� 36P'1'�IBB�.; ,If,.��.
<br /> ad u I�owVa�t�d f�to ua Y�11�bdwaNd w u�d�nd wp�Nmw►t IM ManW�.Dwd o1 Tnat.a�ewity Owd pb"l�awYy IsM�w�C')e1
<br /> IIK Mw dq��/IvM sY�Mt wd�r�i1�1 ttA�"�►rra�'•�ti T4.�y� dMa1M0 in IM li�curlly I�qtY�M.M4�'l0en�d AI: � .
<br /> �Q ItM L,wdK 1 o11M w�dNt��d oarortnt�M�1 ptopwty �`
<br /> 43k6�Y;AY AVE, GRAND ISLAND NB� 688Q3 (MAILINR)
<br /> 1�Q1i (�p�(��;�1NDE CIRCLE� GRAND ISLANA N$ 688Q1 �
<br /> . � (��Y AddNa)
<br /> TYb MM cosMl� Ms�'Wa+��ifnpMit f�e1N�w i��ry b�1 nM �M q ��+MW
<br /> � M7wt�Y.TMN MM�iis ItM1M11AM tMSA)�y btM�it nlf q����N�1 W�Mit tl�t�IM
<br /> Mr�fp�Mi�lw/MIM w�N1�t�nf�M/�M�/q•
<br /> �' ADQITIONAI COYEN,4NT'&. 1�aQOIWln W+Mn ca�aa�wu u�d yr�ts au�dt In tht Sreutiq Imtru�nt.Yoftoww�d 1+�ndM'
<br /> fwtbereovea�atrad uree u fdba:
<br /> , �:«" �, .
<br /> . '' ``� A. IM'F�7'RATE AND MONTH4Y�AYMF1dT�MCl44N4iE�
<br /> � ,►�._ + � �
<br /> � �' •"'�►i�:..:'!:h�' T11A NOtC QrO�ldls�Of�A It11t�W(IWTlit titf Ol�aw:.—.-�1•�q10A 10f tht IVOt!pJAY({14<<Gf C11�O�d III l�M�Ottl�'/!h[!MI�t�M
<br /> ;�' ' ��' q1A►11�S�P�Y���O�bM'i:
<br />:�1��_�;�. ..i.`,_�_ . . ' �.L:'-'.-3:rYrn j: •
<br /> ���::I.�,:i.;�' ...�._'�.i '.:��'.-:' �
<br /> ; ,:.�{�d .;;,:�,1�ti ,�, /N7ElLfST RATE�INP MONTHLY PAYA/�JVT G!'i�tJYOR
<br /> . .. �s) �tf��' APRIL .�9 95 .�ndoodacdayawn
<br /> �>•'.a��'� �• r rr Thc iatetrst rita 1 will pay moy chanao at tMt firtt day of
<br /> s `�R ..: �k 12 m4atbp tMem�fun.Eaah d�ea on wbfah my intaest a�e could ch�n�e iu called a••Chaa�e Date.'•
<br /> ;. :. . �'..�.r:•.,�� (�) 71e bdra
<br /> � r,�;x'•-•. ^.,.�..;� Bcsinning wid�•tha Gnt ChaoBo Llota.my Intaract rata wW be bned on an Indac.The"Inde�^fs the wakiy avenQc yield on U�tad Suta
<br /> � , a^ ., Ttsaswy securii�e�qtljustisd to a constant mntu�ity af t yvu,a m�de availablo by the Faderd Raerve Bo�rd.The mat rooent lada fi�ure
<br /> svailpbk�s a}t�adato43 d&ys beforc eaah Chpago Qetrt ia ealled the"Currcnt Indac."
<br /> � , ft tqe I�d�1s no IongQr a�oUqbla,►ba Nwa Hold�.wilA choae a new indac whicb b baied upoa compuabla iafemntiao.Tht No�t
<br /> � �@l�iderwiU•QivewaaaticeaRthfecMnlaa.
<br /> � • . iy;��,
<br /> -- _ :, RCl �att�iya '!1!Q AND 0�1E—HALF
<br /> , - - . ° ,':,;:ti�� • IkPore eACh CYianYe Dote,Ihe IVUIU Hulder wJll�cqlauiete mY�'intera�rate by�uidiry� ��
<br /> . . ' poiAls( 2-5 s�)t4 tl�e Cuism�t IAdu�and rwnding to�he nearat I/eth of'I�h.wbject to tAe limia wted la Sectioo WD)below.
<br /> ' �,.•,,•�� Thu rounded amounc will�be my ncw in�urast rata untfl�ho naae Chan�e Date.
<br /> ' ��':'� � ":��4+�t The Nwe Holder will�then de�ctmino tha amount of the momhly paymen�that wou{d bc suiilcient to repa�y in iull�he principol 1 am
<br /> � ����I'�r;�: eapected to owc on�thet ChenQC Da�c in subsran►ially equal paymems by the maturity datc su my�ew imerat rate.iiho rault oi thb catcutodoo
<br /> • :,�.,�I
<br /> • ,-,;, wfll be the new amount of my monthly payment.
<br /> �- . . • ' IDI Idlulb a�I�krat RakCM���
<br /> �. The interal rate 1 am requircd �o pay a� �hc first Cha�e Date will not bc greater than 7-00 9i or las ldaa
<br /> � ` A-(tt1 r�.Thereafier,my intcres�ra�a will�evcr be increascd or decreaud on uny single ChanQe Date by more than '��
<br /> �,'�- .
<br /> �I .,,_.(2.Q,r.�,from Ihc ra�e of fMerest 1 huvc bcen paying�or�ho prececiing�weh•e mon�hs.7he minimum interat rate on tAh loan w�lll aevu Ee
<br /> t Y�� ksS than + ��� ni and�hc maximum iaterat wte will never be areater�hon_ 1.0.00 q�.
<br /> r � ' � • 1E) Etfecp�e IhNe of Cluy{es
<br /> '' �•`'�:'�.>', '•' .Y:.. My new imerat rate will txcome effer�ive on each Chan�e Date.l will pay the amount of my new monthly payment ba�innin�on�he firat
<br /> + • i,':,,,�;; i�:•�;�
<br /> ,,r��}.,lU�;;t;a :; r;.� monthly paymrnt dote aftcr ihe Chuige Date until Ihc amoun�of my manlhly paymem chanaes apain.
<br /> .,.� ,,. ,;' IF► NoticeotCluMRes
<br /> � `�'` The No�e Holder will mail or dclivcr to me a notice before each fhanQC Date,The notice will advfse ms oP:
<br /> �'�'�'�'�
<br /> y�+�. ' .�":,�•" (i) the new iNeresl ratc on my loan as of thc Change D�ie:
<br /> � (ii) the amount of my monthly pnyment following the Change Dute;
<br /> , . - (iii) ony addi�lonal mouers which the Nole Holder ix required to dfsclose;and
<br /> ;� .,, � 1iv) �he address of Ihe ossociotion you could contact rewrdina any questbns about thc adjustment notia.
<br /> � y,• .
<br /> ' �.�'�`,., S. CHARCE3:LIENS
<br /> , Unifarm Cuvenam 4 of the Securily Instrumen�Is amendcd to rcad as follows:
<br /> �.. .,;�
<br /> r �: � �•� . �. � 1, CMfr�a;Lkn.Borrower shoM pay all�axes,assessmentc,and other charges,fines,end impositions anributabk lo the Proper�y which may
<br /> { , ::� • sttain a priorf�y over�his Security Instrumem,and leauhold paymems of ground rents,if eny,in the manner provided under para4raph 2 hereoi
<br /> . 5.;'1 or,{f not paid in such manner,by Borrower making payment,when due,dircc�ly io�he pnyec thereof.&+rrower shall promplly furnish Lenda
<br /> t"" ' `"`��i•. all notices of amounts due under this parugraph,and in�he c�enl Ilorrower shall make payment ditcetly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br /> . � , Lender reaipts evidencing such paymenl�. Borrow•cr shall promp�y ditichurge nny lien whi:h has prfarity over Ihis Security InstrumenC
<br /> ' • �'��''"•� however,Borrow•er shall nm he required to di�charge any such lie� su lunp as Borrower. la)+hall agree in writing to th¢paymem oi the
<br /> ! � obligweion aecured by such Ben in tAr manner accep�uble to l ender;lbl shell in gaed faiih contes�such tien by,or defend against maforcemenl of
<br /> • 1' I �.�.;'� such lien in,legal pracadings whKh in the apfnfon of Lender o�+e+au u�prevent tlx enfor�romcnt pP Ihe lien or Porfeituce oi dxt Property or any
<br /> �_��;��'�.ti;�, �,:,`,.�' part theraaf;or�el ahall sc�ure trom Ihc holder of+urh lien an aprermcnt in a Porm sa�isfactory�o LmGer suEorBipatift4 such lien to this
<br /> �:: � , � � Secudty Initrumenl. .-
<br /> _ • _ ,� If Lender daermines tha�all or 3ny pnrt of�he Propen� f.+nbjctii�o a lien which ma>auain a priority over thfs Secu�iry Instrumen�, ;,�'
<br /> .,__.._._
<br /> � � '� Lender shall give Borrower a noUa�aenmwng surn i�en.iiorro.+cni�aii w�i,i�+uai�iicu v� ir�c�ic vi nivic�i inc iriwiu Sc.�u..x ruvrc
<br /> �
<br /> � withln ten doys of�he Qivin�of�he not i�e. ��
<br /> ��',
<br /> • � C. NOTICE �i#K
<br /> i � �`, UniformCovenam 14of the 5e�udty Insuument f5amendedu�mad��follow�:
<br /> � i . 11. NoUce.Except for any notiarequired under uppGcable luw lo h gnen in another manner,la1 any notice to gorrower provided for in Ihls
<br /> " Securi�y Instrumm��hall be gi��en by deli�ermg i�ur by moiling it b�6r�t datis mad to Borrower�t the Propertq Address or a�such o�her address
<br /> + ,� ' as Borroxer may designate by notice to Lender ati providcd herein,md Ibl a�Y n�tice to Lender tihall be given hy fir�1 clr►u mail Io Lender's
<br /> { � � address slated herefn or to wch uther�ddre.e ati l ender may Je.ignatt N�nuu.e to Borrower a,pro�ided herein.Any notice pm�•�ded for in�his �
<br /> � , Se�vrity Instrummt sball be deemed to ha.e been gicen tu Borruw er or Lender w hen gi�en in�he manner designa�ed hercfn.
<br /> .t �,.
<br /> � �-- -�-� — '
<br /> ��1
<br />