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<br /> l • AiSIONMENT OF Il��i IqDER (�� � � ~•
<br /> .
<br /> ' THIS Afl810NMEidT OF R8NT8 RIDLR I�mad��nd�x�aubd this 17�H d�y ot 5���,�,:1o.Q3..._,�nd Is �
<br /> Inaapor�t�d Into�nd sball4�dMmtd to ammd�nd�uppNm�nt th�Mortpap�or t�d of Trwt�her�(n�ft�r��i�W to W th�
<br /> ��S�au�ity Imtrum�nt",of tM �anN dat�plwn by tM unda�ipn�d, Mnin�lt�r r�f�R�d to�s tM"Borrow�r', to Moun ,
<br /> ' 8o�rtow�r'�Ind�bt�dn�s�h�rNnNte nfKr�d to��tM•'Not�".!o HOIMH FEDERAL SAVINOS AND LOAPI A88QCIATION OI�
<br /> ORAND 1$IAND,�In�ft�r ntKnd to u th��•L�r�"�of th��artw dat��nd aov�rlrq th�PropKtY dNOr�b�d In thr 8�ou►Ity
<br /> ���N��'������' 4346 KAY AVE. GRAND ISLAND NE 68803
<br /> 4.. �PropMty Add��e�)
<br /> ' WITNE88ETN:
<br /> > WHEAEAS,8ov�ow�r and l.�nd�r Aaw�pre�d that�ny rent;�nd proflts attrlbuf�bl�to tM property�houtd co�stltut�
<br /> ddltional a�ourlry to th�L�nd�r fa tM paym�nt of th�Not�;
<br /> NOW,THERfiFORE,lt 1�aprNd that tM Srcu�ity Imtrum�nt sIWW b�enanWd Mr�by�nd dNm�d to Inalud�th�fWlowlno
<br /> provisior►s:
<br /> . �T* �..x
<br /> �.,:�,�;. 1. Aaalanmant of Rents and Lender Rental Colleopon RlahLs.Borrower hereby abaolut�ly and unconditlona:ly asalpns all
<br /> � -;�.+,.s• •':'�`'' nnts� Issun and protite of ths prop�rty to Bensflelary. Len�Nr ahall hAVe the ripht, power and authatty durinp ths
<br /> "�•���"��• continwnce of the S�curl Instrumsnt to collsat ths nnts,lesuea and proilt�ot the propert�r and of an rsonal ropsAy
<br /> - .,.!�.:•:,..:.�'.. �Y YPe P
<br /> i�-:.,•:4,;;, �[�' loc�t�rd tMreon wlth or without takihp possesslon of!he prope►ty affected hereby. Lender, howere►.hereby consents to
<br /> � ^ �:�:�. :..��.��^ Bonow�r's collectlon and�etenNon of sucb nnts,Issues and proNta as they aac►ue and becoms parabls.so lonq as 8onow�►
<br /> - • � �i�,:_:• .-�,::,;.::�= Is not.et euah tlme.In dsfault wlth respect to psym�nt of any Ind�bt�dnsa�seourpd herepy,or In ths pe►tormax�of any
<br /> � aprs�m�nt hs�su�der.
<br /> 7. , a n .
<br /> { . • 2. A000letment of Roceiver• If a�y event of default In respect to ths Security Inatrument ehall have occurrod end be
<br /> . continulnp, Lender,ae a matte►of ri�ht and wlthout notice tn Borrower a�nyone claiminp under Borrower,and without
<br /> ' n • n�ard to lh�value of ths trust estate or the I�terest of the Bonower tharein,shall have 1he�ipht to apply to�ny aouR havinp
<br /> :�. ' ;��;��� jurladlotlon to appolnt��eceiver of the prope►ty.
<br /> ;� . :f;�4�<�s P Y P P y Pan tAersof,As It
<br /> ��,�, 3. Blnht to Posseaslon.In case ot detault In the a ment ot the eald rincl al Note or Intereat�a an
<br /> „ � �•� �<, shall maturo,or In ths c�se of taflure to keep or periorm aoy oi the covenants or epreements contAlned In the Security InatrW
<br /> • � � a•� ment, then ths Lender, Its eucceasora or asslpna, ahall be and ia hereby authorized a�d empowersd to take Immedl�ts
<br /> �� " c • ?.;� poaessalon of the aald premisss therein dssoribad o�d to collect the rente therefrom,and to apply the procsad�th�reof to 1M
<br /> . f':;�:'•� paym�nl of ths Note.
<br /> ;;�;����
<br /> � �;,,. ����`�:., 4. Aoulicatlon of Rents._laeues a�d P�oflts.All rQMs collectad by Lender or the recelver ahall be applled flrst tp pAyment
<br /> � �r�;•r..,.:;;�. • of ths costs of manapeme�t of the property and colleatioo of rents.includinp,but not Ilmited to,�ecelv�►'s feea,promlums on
<br /> ��;,�°"'' °' receiver's bonds end reaeoneble attorney'8 feea,and then to the sums seaured by the SecuHty Instrpment.Lender arM tlw
<br /> u:trv'�. .•,:-, ::• .,
<br /> r+��7:i•• - racelver shall be Iloble to account only for those renta aatually recelved.
<br /> r'``''��°�� � 8. Canetruction of P►ovlslons.Each of the provlafons contpined In this Assipnment o1 Rents lilder and the Security Inatru-
<br /> ;,. �, � �
<br /> �,��" ,�." . . "'���`•','', ' ment ahall, unless othen�rlse speciflcally requlred, be construed In accordance wilh Nebraska law,and In the evant any
<br /> . ,jr.� , , ;;��;..,{�{•.
<br /> ;�� !�� . '�:_. ����+��`• provislon herein or therein contaf�ed shall be determined by a court of competent�url9dictlon to be unenforCeable,tAs same
<br /> :�,��= ehall be construed as thouqh auch unenforceable provislon were not a part hereof or thereof.
<br /> ,_;�a�.�..: ' ,.
<br /> ' � . � 8. Effect of Rider.Except as specifically moditfed by or Inconalatent with thla Assi�nment of ReMa Rider or by any other
<br /> � applicabl6 rider,all of the terms and provislons contalned In the Security Inatrument sholl continue In full forCa and effact.
<br /> ,�'�. , •, _
<br /> �� • •`�`�,`"', IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Borrower has executed thls Asslgnment of Rents Rider on the dote Ilrst notad abovo.
<br /> �,,. d:,•.�
<br /> r.. . t///'"c��
<br /> ' MARK A. BUMANN eorrower
<br /> 1` . .''n .l)l��G ���l�U
<br /> f ' - , ..,,,::�. �.. �
<br /> c ;;,;' , LINDA K. BUMANN eorrower
<br /> :.;.t,
<br /> � ' �•�� � STATE OF NEBRABKA)
<br /> - • ��i�1?�'• (as:
<br /> ' `�' COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> . .�. ���;' .
<br /> �� `y ,y •- � On thla 17TH day of SEPTLMAER �g 93 �fore me,the undersi9ned,a Notary Publlc duly commissloned and
<br /> ' `•.�. ,' • qualiflad forsaid couaty,personally came MA42K A. BUNIANN AND LINDA K. BUMANN,, HUS�AhD AND WIFE
<br /> � ,to be the identical person(s)whose neme(s)Islare subscrlbed
<br /> ; :, � �� ' . to the fotepolnp instrument,pnd helshelthey acknowledye the executlon the►eof to be hislherJthelr voluntory act and deed.
<br /> '�,�= ;�'' Wltne88 my hA�d and Notarial Seal et GRAND ISLAND� NEBRASKA
<br /> ,� ".,t` �a-�a�d county,the dAte afpresald. •
<br /> C � � `
<br /> 1 t ` `� ' -'d�l--=�- r.
<br /> Notary Publlc �
<br /> • 1 �.
<br /> My Commiselon explres: ��r'�K�,� — �
<br /> • . ��__ ��o��nt� ��v.Mw.�19lS
<br /> — , --- -- — �=."
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