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<br /> Q. Nwrd or P�+oMrty Gruesnoe. Honower �hall kap the improvanents now exi�tln�y or henwfier erectod on the
<br /> ProportY inwrod�i�ut low by firo� Iwardr included wUhin tho te�m"eutaidad oovaayo' and u�y othcr Iwwd�� includin�
<br /> flaod�or flaodin�,Par whkh i.rnd�r iequinw iia�u�r�co. Thii imwranco�tWl be m�intrined in the omoum�aad for tho perlods
<br /> thu Lender requin�. The Inwnnoo c�nier provWln�tl►o Inwrar�ce shall be chosen by Aorrower wbjoct to l.amder's npproval
<br /> which �rll not bo un�n�biy withhcld. If Borrower fiflr to maintain ooverage dacribod above. l.ender may. wt L.ender's
<br /> option.obtein caverrQo�o pnNOCt l.c�kr's riQi�t�in the P�operty in accordancx with puagrs�ph 7.
<br /> All insunu�oe poiisla�nd nnowsl� �lull bo Ycoept�ble to I..ender and chall include A stu�doM mvrt��go clau�c. l.ender
<br /> �holl have tha dght to haW Iho pollcla�nd ronew�lr. (i L.ender roqulnes,Borrower shall promptly give to[.endcr all roceipts of
<br /> � paid premiumo�nd ronewol ncHioa�►. �n tho oveM oi loiw, Borrower�hall Qfve prompt notiee to IUe incur�noe c�rlor wd Irender.
<br /> i.erider may nwko pmaP aP lar if nul maJo promplly by Borrower.
<br /> Unlws l.crder�xl Born�wer uthorwlRO nQroe in writin�,insu�pra�eda shell be appUed to rcstaratiun or mpai�of the
<br /> Property donwQed,if Ihe reworWi�xi ar�ep�ir is a�►nwnically feasible and Lendar's socu�iry is nat lessened. IPthe restoration or
<br /> rcpair ir nat xonomicully feasible or l.emfer'�rau�ily wauld be Icscenod.tho insura�ce procoed�ni�all be appliod to the rums
<br /> savrod by this Sccurity ln�trument, whclhe�or nM Ihcn duo, with airy excess paid to 8ornnwer. 1f Borrower abw�dons the
<br /> Property,or da�w not anrwer within:10 dwyr p MNiuo frnm l.ender that the insuranca carrler has offerad ta aettlo A claim.then
<br /> �I � � � L.enler mwy collect tho inaruncc pnxeodr. l.cnder m�y une tho proceeda to npair or restorc �he Property or to pay suma .
<br /> 4 �,. � "j � cecurod by thia Secu�fty Irwlrumcnt,whcther�►r nrn�hcn due.Tho 30-d�y pedod will begin when the nodce ie given.
<br /> Unless Lender and &►rmwer athenviae a�rco in writ{ng. any applicalion af pmceeda �o pr�ncipal eh�Jl not eatend ar
<br /> ,,� ,: t postpone the due dAte ui the monthly payment� rc!'crrW �o in pa�rnphs I aad 2 or change the amount oF the paytnents. if
<br /> �•�;�,� " urder pua�rnph 21 the Praperty ie ocqulrcd by l,endar, Bnrn►wer'r right ta any insurance policies arid procads rcsulting kam
<br /> :.,�. _a
<br /> �l,x.-,,. � danuge to the PropeKy prior to thc��quleition rhrll pa� lo Le+�lor lo the ox�enc ef�he cumR�ccased by�his 3ecudry Inctnunmt
<br /> '� • �"�'��''� • immedietely priar ro the acquisiUan.
<br /> `� �� ., �:ryt` . ., . ' 6. Occupancy�P�ervatiop.M�lMen�e wnd Proiecllon ot Ihe Property�Borrower's I.o�Apatcatlont Leasehold�.
<br /> .�,� .. ��-'�z�•'��'� '��;f!;� Bornawer sh�ll accupy,ectabliRh,And ufie the Prcipeny ax &►rn�wcr's p�incip�l rcsidence within sixry days after the eaecution of
<br /> +�'`�' ";�,-'•::�':��-. t h i s S e c u r i t y I n s t n�m e n t o n d a h a l l c u n t i n u c t o�x c u p y I h�:P r�►p c r l y w K f�r ro w e r's p r i n c i p a l r e s i d e n c c f a r a t l e a s t o n e y e a r a ft e r
<br /> .. ..�:�_.., ,
<br /> �" ' �'*'"" the date of cecupuncy,unless L.encler atherwise Agrues in wrl�iny�,which consent shall nat be unrear�onAbly wfthheld.or unless
<br /> �:`�'�`��.`'���:',�•r extenueting circumstancex czixl which �re bcyonci &�rrawcr'w �ymtnd. 8arrowcr shall not deuroy, dunage or impair the
<br /> � y "'`�"``"�''� Pru n allaw the Pr rt ta dcterfotatc, or ciNnmit w�stc on�hc Pn► n Barrower shall he in default if an forfeiture
<br /> r•�� �..r.,�:s,r��„a.;��..•,. {� Y� W� Y !� Y• Y
<br /> �' : . , i.��` action or pnnr�ding, whetlur civil or crimioal, ix he�un�hu�in l.cixler'.gexxi faith judgme�t could result in forfeimre of the
<br /> �,r,'°_ ; ':�, ;,�•�'.r Propeny or otherwise moterivlly impair�hc lien crcut�d hy thb�uri�y Inslrument or L.ender's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> •,��� '• ;',;.��,' :•F�'�'° cure�u��h a default und reinr�tate,ar rnvidat in �
<br /> p pu gmpb l e,by cuuyinQ�hc uctinn or praceoding to bc dismissed wlth a ruling
<br /> °"'r"`" _ � �' that, in Ixndcr'x g�xl i'ai�h detcrminatl�m. prcelwlc� liid'oiwre uf'tiu Burrowcr's intercst in the PropeRy or other materia)
<br /> '" �. .:''�„;: �'�, �� � . impairnient of the lien create�i by �his Sei:urity InatrumeM ur I.cnJer'� �urfty interest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> '� . � •�•.; .
<br /> <;�,:,.... .�;. � Bormwcr,during the Inan upplicution pnKCSx,guvc nu��crfully I'ul+�c ur hukcurute infnmu+lion ar sletements lo I.ender(or felled
<br /> ;.. ;;:�:`'���`�� �"��'���' � ta provldc I.ender wi�h any mutcriul infornwtinnl in�nnn�ttlun wl�h tl�c luun evidenced by the Note.including. but not limitod
<br /> � �"' ' ; to,representntionx conrerning Borrower's�xcupLncy�if t Ix Nn�.�ity u�u prlikip�l re�iJcnce. Ii this Security Instrumem is on a
<br /> �" . � • � ' " '' Iensehold, &►rrowcr shull cnmply wUh ull Ihc pruvi,lun� ul'thc IcuK. if' li��rruwer ucquims iee title to the Property, �he
<br /> ' �,� ' � leaschald and thc fi�Iftle xhull n��t n�crgc unlcz.la;ialcr ugrccti���Uk nkrKrr iu wrf�ing.
<br /> '• `;'�f'•' •;. �� • 7.Protection of I.e�der's ItiRhts In the Pnqrerty� I(fi��rr�.wrr 1'ulh�u�rli�rm�hr covenamsand agreements rnntained in
<br /> ' this Securfty Instrument, ��r Ihere i+u Irgul pnx��cding thal nwy �Ignita•umiy ul'f�rl Lende�'K righ4g in the Property (such as a ��•
<br /> � } ,•`. "'°'�'' praceeding in bunkruptcy,pn�bale, fi�r cundemnuii��n��r liirlci�urr or �u�uli�rrc luw���r rcgulationx), then l.ender may do and ��`,'
<br /> ` . pay for whatever ix necc�+.rury �n pru���c�U�c vnluc ul�hu I'ru�.ny�nkl I.c��lcr'.ri�ht� in thc Property. L.ender s actions muy
<br /> , 1�. , p Y 8 Y Y P Y Y PP� 8 8
<br /> �. -�� �. includc u fn un sumx ,ccurcJ h u Nrn whirh hu. rium u�.r Ihi. ticcurit Im�rument,a n in court, puyin
<br /> ��, , ,•,,- • . � reuwnuble uuomcys' fce�und cnt�ring on Ihr P���xirty tu nwke rcpuir+►. AIUuw�th lA�xfer muy utke action under this paregraph
<br /> � ;�.. ':� .. . ' 7.L.enckr d��es not huvc�.�a►su.
<br /> ''v';�'' Any umuuntx di�bun�d Py IAixlcr w�icr �hi. p:irufnipli 7 ,li►dl Ixcank u�lditiunul del►t of Barrawer secured by this ,Y�
<br /> �� " � Security Instrument. Unlc,x Fi��rrowrr uixl Ixnder ugnc a� �Nh�r trrm,ul puyukut. Ilir+c am�wn�s�hall bear interetit from the
<br /> ';• ::�,";;: I- dute��f Ji,buiaen�ent ut Uw N.dc ►u1� w►.1 �hutl I+e pay.�hl�. with uu.r.r�, up.�n n�►d.e fn�m Lcndcr to Barrower requesting
<br /> �:•;,,,...
<br /> -_''°,`E� p Y � r
<br /> .:�.. 1-,Y4��;�;�::,�;..., .� a ment.
<br /> . r:^r:j�:. ,. 8.Murt�aRe In.�urence. If Lc�xler rryuirrd mnn�tu�tc m�urimre a�,u.�nkh�ian��I mukin�t thc loan secured by this Security '��-,
<br /> `• . • � '��" �• Instrument, &m��wcr shull pay thc prcmium. rrquin�l lu owh�tum thr nN�ufu�c mwruikr in etfect. IG for any reasan, the
<br /> '.••a:�:'. �1i';:,:;�` ►m�rtguge insu�unce roverugc r��yuireJ hy l.rnder lup.c�aa cca���io ik In rllr.•t,li��rruwer.hull p•ry the premiums required te
<br /> � �w• � '� . obtoin coveru � �uMswmiall c ivulcm ui�hc nu�n n� ► inwrnnrr re�iau.l� m rUrc�, u�a�ru,1 whtitumiall c walent tn the
<br /> i�'"'. � 8'• )' 4�� � R' I' Y 4��
<br /> �`° ," . ..„ rost tn Borrowcr�►f 1h�� mungage in.uranr� p�.viau�ly w rltcct. (run�:m ull�•�•iw�.• mnrtF�i�c i�i,urcr upprnvcd by I..ender. if
<br /> ��1�1 #,�,� � _ substunlially cyuivulent nwngage inwruikc ra�rru�:r i,iu� u��ail�d,lr. Iwaiu�►ri �bull pr� ��� I.rnalcr earh munth u sum equal to
<br /> .�'�� ,,. ' one•twelfth of the ycurly mi�rtg•rgc inwrunre pnmiw��t+ein�C paiJ h� Ii�n���N��i wh�•n�la• �n.urun�cr.�vcruuc lapsed or ceased to
<br /> , ,• ', • r�'.��: be in effect. Lendcr wlll arcept.u�c and retain th�.r pryn��m.u. n lu., ir.►r�r m I�.0 �d mur��taµ� inyurwx:e. Losti rcyerve
<br /> .� �` :i• •�
<br /> ,��I 4• .
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