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<br /> TOOETHER WiTH dl thc improvana�tt now or hercafitr a�ctod oe the PropereY.rtd aU e,�entaiU��,aod
<br /> tiaturas now ar heroafter r p�t af the proQerty. All roplwements �nd nddit�orw �Fwll tl�a ba ooverod by thit Sav�ty
<br /> In�trumem.AQ of the foregaing Is nferred w in thi�Secnrity lncuument an the"PropenY•�
<br /> HORROW6R COVBNANTB th�t Borrowa ir UwtLlly �el�ed oP�be e�au her�eby coavayed and hxs tho ri�ht to Qrant an8
<br /> oonvey Ihe Pmperty ond ttNt the Property ia unet�cumbered.except far encumbr�ca ot t+ecord. Bormwer w�rrants�ad will
<br /> defend genaally the dtle to the ProPertY�ainsf all cldma and dem�di��ubJect to Any a�cumbau�cea of record.
<br /> THfS SECURI'f'Y iNSTRUM�NT rnmbines uniform cove� tar national uso iud non-uniform oovenwua wftb limitod
<br /> variuic�m by ju�lsdiction to conadtute a uniform securiry instrument ooverin�r�eal prope�tY,
<br /> UNIFORM COVRNANTS.Bomawer and Lender rnverwnt and asrae ao fallows:
<br /> , 1. P�y�neat ot Princlp�l wd Interati �'+'iP�Y��t �� �e ClwrQer. Harrower shall prompdY paY when dua the
<br /> principal of tnd intetrst on the ddu evidenced by the Note atul any pnepryment and late chwr�es due under thc Nate.
<br /> 2. Fuad�tor Taxes aad ia�uranoe. Subject ta Applicablc lew or to a wrlttcn waiver by l.ender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> Lender an the day monthly paymcnts ar+e due untfer the Note.undl the Note is poid in full.a sum("Funda")for.(a)yearly tauea
<br /> And assessmente which may attain prlarity aver this Socu�ity Instrumern es n lien on the Property:(b)Yearly leasehold paymente
<br /> or graund rents on the Propetty.If eny:(c)Yearly hazerd or property incuranca premium9:(d)Yearly flood insurai�ce prcmluma,
<br /> if any; (e)yearly mortgagc inaur�na premiums. if any: and (� any s�ma payable by Barmwar to L.ender, in eccotdw�ca with
<br /> the provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu af the payment of mortgaga insurance premiums.These items ere called"Esc�ow ltpns.'
<br /> L�ender may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an ernount not to ezceed 1he ma�cimum amount a lender for a federally
<br /> ;�, related morigage loet� mny require for Borrawar's escrow account under the federal Real Fatate Settlement Procedures Act oP
<br /> ,,s:;,�:; . . 1974 as anended from NmB lo time, t 2 U.S.C. Section 2601 er seq. ('RESPA").unless another law that applies to the Funds
<br /> - ' sets a lesser amount. If sa, I.ender may,at eny time, colle�and hold Funds in en amcwnt nut to exceed the lesser aawunt.
<br /> ��- �� � I..ender may cstimatc thc sunount of Funda due on the basis o(curnnt data and r¢asunable estimetcs of oxpenditnrea of ft�wre
<br /> Sscraw Items or otherwisa in accordence with applicable lew.
<br /> � � ,�, ,�;;�s The Punds shall be hcld fn an institution whose deposits are inaured by a federol a$ency, instrume�tality, or ontlry
<br /> ;� � i�:'� Y �..�.;,:�� :{�i� (including I.ender. if I.ender fs such an institution)a�in any Federal Home I.oan Hank. Lender shall apply Ihe Funds to pay the
<br /> •i,/M T.
<br /> �`�� �, Escrow Items.Lender may not chargo Borrower far holding wid epplying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow acecwnt.or
<br /> '` ' � �'�" verlfying the 8scrow Item�s.unleas Lender pays eorrower interest on tha Funds and applicable law permits Lender to makc such
<br /> '��'�'�"'�� a charge. However,I.ender may require eorcower to pay a ane-time chuge for an independent teal eatate tax reporting scrvicc
<br /> ..�-� ...,.•. .... , . :�
<br /> '�•��'t�':�s��^ ' ` usad by L.cnder in connection with this loan. unless npplicablc law provfdes othcrwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> -• . .,:.;.,
<br /> �� ��;;:A,�,:.. ,,,:•. =•' ''' ppplicable law requires interest to be paid, l.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any intemst or camiogs an the Funds.
<br /> �A�'�• i .
<br /> ,:, ,. ;b"'w�''-..;: '.;. : •=' Borrower and l.ender may ngrec in wridng, however,that inlerest shall bc paid on the Funds. L.ender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> .�'.`.,. .,
<br /> t: , . , . .. .�. .,�.,�;�� without chorge, an annunl uccounting of the Funds, showing credi�s ond debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> a deh3t to the Funda�Ya.g msde.Tlie Funds arP pl�igexl a�additi�nal vecurily for all sums secured by this Securiry Insirument.
<br /> � . .�'' If Ihe Funds held by I.ender exceed the amountg permitted to be hcld by uppliceble law.I.ender shall account to Barrower
<br /> . far Ihe excess Funds in accordanc�with the requirements of applicable luw. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> j, time is not sufflcient to pny the Excrow(temx when due, Lender muy ::o natify Borrower in w�iting,and, in such case Borrower
<br /> .j� •� . " �, shall pay to Lender the nmount nece�sary tm m�ke up the deGciency. Borrower ahall make up the defi�iency in no more than
<br /> ' twelve monthly puyments,a�L.ender'E tole discretion.
<br /> ,�',; � , Upon payment in full of ull zums�ecured by �his Security Ins�mment, l.ende� shall prompdy refund to Borrower pny
<br /> - • Funds held by L.ender.If,under purugraph ?1, l.ender shull acquire or sell the Property, Lender, priar to the acquisition or sale
<br /> .�� .� � ���,F y�.� "^;.�'_, " of the Property, shull upply any Fundti held by L.cnder nt ihe dmc of acquisi�ion or sale as a credit against the sums uecural by
<br /> �t' ;. _ ,. � this Se�vrity Instrument.
<br /> � �y,.•` � . � 3.Appli�wtion ot PaymenGc.Unlesx applirablc luw pnwida:s mhenvise,all puymentx received by I.ender under para$raphs ,
<br /> ' ' { . ' 'A,.=- .�__ 1 end �shall be upplied: firsl, ta any prepayment churges due under the Nate; second, to amounts paysbk under paragraph Z; �'`
<br /> ..� � ' ~ third,to iMere�t due: founh,to principal due:und lust,tn any late rhtuges due uncicr the Note.
<br /> u�; ,.�a�
<br /> •� •�� • �� �. _, _� � 4.Clu�rg�; Llenc. B��rraw�r shsdl pay all laxeti, asscssmenis,charges, fines unJ impositions nnribulable ta the Property
<br /> which muy auuin prlority ove�Ihiti Security Intitrument,und leusehi�ld payments i�r ground renls, if uny. Borrnwer shall pay
<br /> ! � .r��;.. these obli�tutians in the munner provided in purogr,�ph?.or if ncit pai�i in thut munner. Borcawer shull pay them on time directly ,'�
<br /> tii -''' ' `��"� � to the pernon owed p•ryment. Harr��wer�huU prompdy tum�sh tci I.endcr afi notices of umaunt,w be Fwid under this parng�aph. �;:
<br /> -'0t' - � If Borrowrr rnokes Ihesc puyment�dircctly, 13�rrruwcr shull pmmptly furnitih tu Lcndcr n�ccipts cvidenring�he pnyment�. '>`
<br /> ' . ; � � � B�irrower shull prompUy dischargc ony lien which hu+pri��rity avcr�hi.Securi�y Instrument unleti�Borrower: la►ugrees in �
<br /> . .a
<br /> � .� writing tu the payment nl'tNe�ibligu�icm krurcJ hy the licn in a nwnncr:�creptuble a�I.endcr: Ibl rnntetit,in gcxid faith the lien
<br /> ,. �� ' . by, nr defends against entixcemenl ��I'ihe licn in, Icgul prc�reJin�e+whirh in thc l.endcr'. opini�►n uperute to prevent the
<br /> ; �� '�`'�`�"' ' enforcement of thc Ifen:or Ic 1 xcureti frnm Ihc hi�ldcr of the licn an •rgrccment +ati.factory tu I.rndcr�utx►rdinating the lien to
<br /> �t
<br /> "• ' ' '� this Securiry InwtrumeM. II'I.cndcr Jrtcmiinc• that auy p•rn af thr Pmpe�n�� i+tiuBjcrt ���u lirn which may attain pri„riiy over �i�
<br /> �r. ; � lhis S.�uriry Intitrument. l.cn�lcr rnay gi�•c Rnrruw•cr•r niriire idcntifying lhc licn. Bun•uw�r�h,dl �ati�f�� thc licn ur tuke one or
<br /> �
<br /> ( .i � � , . ; � more of tNc ac�i�>n.r•set 1'onh alwve within IU Juy�of the giving uf nntice. �,
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