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<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVEMAN'T'S• BomuWer�nd Lcnder fwther coven�nt nnd a�e as Pollowa:
<br /> 1a. ��prpcqlure. If L.cnder uincs immediate p� t in fleil underptrag�ph 9.l.ender may invalce Uk
<br /> powcr oP calo and any�aher mmediex tted�y�pplic+�ble law. � �II be enillkd w collect�II experoe�Incumed
<br /> in puroui the nmedics prnvided fn is Mraar�ph 17.includia,�,but not Itmited w�reiuombk utoroey�'few ond cous d'
<br /> . ti�le�t� vrrr o�t aN le iwdced�7�u�tee�A�11 record�notke a�de��alt ie a�cM coualy i�rvhkh w'p,rt d tbe
<br /> �41od�ted ab�A�I!�aall copla o�iucM notloe la tre nu�neer pracMbed by appll�Wo Inw to Batirewsr�ad
<br /> �r p�o�q pracribed by appl{c�bk Ww AQer the tlme cequireA by�ppl(cAble law�7tustee iMall�ive
<br /> pt�blk eotice at aM lo �a'so�u�ad le tbe mRpeer p�c�lAed�by��pplk�bk I�w 'IYuaee,wllboul dem�oa na
<br /> Harrower,t1u10�cU the�ropt�ty�t pubik auctbn to the hat W�ider t the tirt�e�ad plaoe aAd uader tMe ternu
<br /> d�d ia the aotice ot wde iw oue or mora ccis�ed�any order�slee determfne+. 7lrustee nuy po�l
<br /> adt af�11 or�a�r p�rcei of tMe propertY bY�ub�anaauncement N tbe dme�ad plsee oF say previously W�d
<br /> tde. l.ende�or Ite de�i�nee nw9 rch�asee P�ruP�NY�t an�s�le.
<br /> property�'1'�he�n�cttafi In f�be�ust�ee's dad�eh�all�be prla�i t��levevidenc�e o��trulh ot t�em�ts m fe�tlia�el�ii.
<br /> �}�,�e�6ali app�,the Proceeds ot Ihe sale In the followlnQ orders fa1 to all costs pnd eapenses at e:e�foi the
<br /> power of s�le.aod!he eale�Iadudiag the p�Y�t o�the'IYaste�'s kea�ctually Incurred�not W e:ceed �# `�
<br /> ���p by Iwaw�lpb o all w��iecEUnd b IY�Secu�ty�l�rwmenti�(c)�an�y�exce�to tl�e persoa or P�no�
<br /> le�al�j eautka to�a
<br /> 1& ReconveyAnce. Upon p�ymeat of ell sums 4ecured by lhis Security lnswment.L.ender shall reques['Itusloe to
<br /> ��convey the p�vperty and stiall surrender this Seeurity Insuument and all ndes evidencing deM secured by Ihis Securiry
<br /> Insuument to 7fustce. 7iuste�sha11 reconvey the Propeny wi�hout wurramy and without chuge to the person or person:
<br /> le��lly entiUed to b. Such person or persons shall pny any r�ecordation cos�s.
<br /> 19. Subatitute 7lrustea I.ende�'.at�ts optian•maY from time to timc remove 7tustec and Appoint a successar trustee
<br /> �� to any 7tuatee appuinted hereunder by an inswment reconded in the county in which this Security Instrument ig recordod.
<br /> �„- Wilhout convoyonce of 1he Propecty.the successor nuatee shall xucceed to all the title.power and du�ie�confemed upon
<br /> ,: , 7lvatee herein and by applicu�blc la��v.
<br /> :,�:�;' 2p. Reyu�t Fa No�ices. Barrower requests lhet copies af thc nolices of deiault and sale be seM to Bonuwerb
<br /> , �� • Addtrss whlch is the PropeAy Address.
<br /> ��..,..
<br /> i , Riders to th(y gecurity Instrumenl. If one or more riders aue eaecuted by Bormwer and recorded e�qGether with this
<br /> .� . ��
<br /> �, �� Sacurity Inswmenl. the covenants of each such rider shall ba incorpor�ted inw und shall simend uncl supplemem
<br /> { ;,'�a; covenaets And agreements of this Securily Insuument us if the ridetls)were in a p�ui of this Sercurity Insuumenl.
<br /> (Check wpplicable box(es)].
<br /> ,•
<br /> �Condominium Rider ��ruduuted Payment Rider �(irowing Fquily Rider
<br /> ;r•„r„ ,; �
<br /> „��:,;;'+.. . ,'�'�,;`.��K�;7`:; Planned Unit Developmeat Ridcr �Oiher(Specify�
<br /> �;.��, :; ,; � : ; ...;y� �„�,,,,,
<br /> �.�
<br /> .�: � ,
<br /> i}"'t`�'� •����„�`. ;h;.; BY SIUNINa BELOW,Borrower accepts und ugrces to the lcrms cont�ined in pages l ttuough 4 of Ihis Securiry
<br /> r,.� ;;�iY�', �'._ ;�r
<br /> ,.�:��„ •.N: Instrument and in any�idens)executed by 8orrower and recorded with i�.
<br /> '•' ':;:µ�,�; ,•,,..,
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<br /> ' ;n•'1`,,-•M1
<br /> ,,,y ��' �;�".�?�'„ STATE OF NEBRASKA. �,L County xx: .
<br /> V' ,
<br /> ��„ .:�i,'`;��.•,1, '
<br /> �.� �•+� <�;?;�,,'•'.
<br /> ..;,." � t�?�pr� On this 2�ra duy of ge tembeC, 1993'��un�m:,thc undcnigncd,a Notary
<br /> 'y.� `" ' " � Public duly commissionecTandyuulificJ for�aid county.Exnun+�ly ramc
<br /> n� ,.,_.., , � � .
<br /> `� ,:�� `��' . . :. WlILL1,CB F 11D1UlS JR 11IiD M1UlREBN B 11D1W8 B08B11ND MID WIFB
<br /> , �r ,.. , �, ,tu mr known to bc thc
<br /> '�:�5;�:,� -
<br /> ' ' •:;�4..,..:';'::;.;;;�.�. identicnl personlK)whose nAme(s)are+ubxcribed tu thu foregnin�in,tn�ment unci ucknowledged the ca�cution thereof to 6e
<br /> :r��:� ,;�:,. ,,�:i:;;1�,�"':s.• voluntary act und dccd.
<br /> •��-�°�-�� their
<br /> ►�;',:•.�`�+:�, '',.:,•� � .
<br /> •� ;��.;�.��: �z�S , Witnesx my haad and naturiat real ut ag�p Igy�pp in wid county, the �
<br /> . �;,. • � ` dote xtw�esaid. _�
<br /> ;;�,, 'i ,�i�,' .
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<br /> �'�';, �. . \, � 7 'C
<br /> . . 'iF:t:�tl.i,i;ri : ^A
<br /> '�t'-,�� -� ,.•.,: My Commission expi�s: N„i„y p,�eik
<br /> (..�g�,yW o.. W RO TA L RBBD z'
<br /> :,
<br /> '-w,crou Wiiuii-JfiQ N�iSki
<br /> " �'��"�'" � R08EpTA L pEED RF.QU�ST FUR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> .�.. . ,t.� ..
<br /> r i�i=-�r..a� .• v a++ i 01.6i0.1uty 30 199a •-
<br /> " ., �f The undersigncd is the Jer of the nutr or m►ic+x�uhJ by thi. D�tid ol'1iv�t. Said notr nr nutex,togr�hcr wilh all -.
<br /> . t_.,.,
<br /> ',-�,;.%�,::... other indebtednetis secured by this Ik�ed ul'7Fu+t.havc tken paid in f'ull. Y.w arc hcn by JintiteJ tn c:uirel wiul nwc ar
<br /> °-'c� '" notcs and this peed uf'Itust,which an:dclivcrnJ hrreby,and tu nconvey,withuul wurr.�nly,ull tlk r.rrtr nnw hcW by y�w
<br /> ,' "•� . . � � �� under this Ueed of 7tus�to the person or persons Icgully entiU�Ki thrreto.
<br /> � ni�:a:,� ` � �y
<br /> /. . Y�' �m W�B: r•
<br /> � ,1.� .�i.i��`, ��BYJ���1(AIgC.\I
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