<br /> :a�� � ;�?�°`. �'��
<br /> � � . � '_�
<br /> ;� ..�. -.., �_�,,; _
<br /> --�,
<br /> p�ymentn,which wie rofcrnd to in P�ragn�h 2,or ch�utge the amount aP such pwyman93My ciC�'0�;�'ovor an
<br /> �mountra�uiad to pay dl autau�dina indebtedneu w�der the f�tcco uid�hi�Sccurity In�nimoM�tull bo paid to tba entity
<br /> le�dly enUUed the�eto.
<br /> 8. Fi�. Lender nu�y rnllcet fas and ah�r�es w�ixed by the Sccrctnry.
<br /> i 9. (irounds for Accekrsdon o�pebt.
<br /> (a)Defiull. Lenda moy.excepc ws limited by rcgulu�inna i�cued by�hc Sccre�ory in tlw�:a�e oY payment dafiultr,
<br /> � � toquine immediqep�yment in full of dl auma securcd by Ihix Secu�ity Inauumcnt!f:
<br /> �. �� �'�; � . (i)Borrower dciaal�s by fAiNng to pay in full any mon�hlY pAYment rcyuircd by lhic 5ccuriiy Inrtrument p�ior
<br /> to or on thoduo detc of the noat monthly payment,ar
<br /> (ii)aamuwcr dcfeultc by failing,for a pedad of thirty days.to perform nny othet obli�adau conained in thi�
<br /> . Security Insu-umen� ,.
<br /> '; t�ti'_ :��c. (b)Sak Willwut Credit ApprovAl. Lendcr shall,ff permitted by appflcabl�law nnd wi�h Ihc prior opprov�!of the
<br /> " p:;,.;� :;,�;..�' Secretuy.requirc immediata payment in full of all the sums securcd by�his Security InFtn�ment if:
<br /> �'!� �_•� • ��.�;, (i1 All or pwrt of tha E'�operry.w n beneficial intarest in u t�ust owning all w part oi�htl PrupeKy,is eald or
<br /> �,a.,:::rc ot�bervvise tnnafcrrcd(ahe�than by devise or dexcent)by the&xrowor,und
<br /> {'�a,�',..�.�._,,._,,:..�,' (il)The Property is not accupied by thc purchaser or grantee as hf�ur lirr principal resfdence,or ihc purchuher
<br /> y�� ; ;.r� or grantce das so accupy the Piq�erty but his or her credil has not been opproved in uccordunce
<br /> � ,. '�. ,. with tha mqu itrmenla of the Secretary.
<br /> ,�;�;� ,y,i�;� . , (c)IYo Wi�iver,If cfr+cumstaices occur thnt would permit Lender to require immediute pnyment in iull,but 4ender
<br /> '�•• r ` doea not rcquirc suchpay ments.Lender does trot w�ve i�4�igAtr,with respect to r�ub�+equent evenls.
<br /> �;� .`'., -
<br /> � (d)ReQulwdom of NUD Secreta�y. In many circumstances regulations issued by the Srcmtary will limit Lenderk
<br />� � "! :.+"%'��':" '�- ��'•�� righu+,in �he case of peyment defAUlts, torequire immediu�e payment in full und foreclose iP nWpa id. Thi�
<br />��' � •�'•='��:%�`�'"'� '�.� Securiry Instnmentdoes nw authorize accelerolian or foreclasure if nd pennitted by regulations of the Secrelary.
<br /> �,.:: - —-- - `�.
<br /> °���'���`'• �� ,,• '� (e)Mortgnge Not lasured. Borrower agreec�hut should this Security Ins�u�nntt�nd the natr s,ecured�h�rcby not
<br /> ��,'��"•�'` t�;. : • . �•..'`.. ''':`� be eligible fur Insurance under the National Housing Act within f��
<br /> ��.,,�,.,;,
<br /> � date hareof,l.eadermny,at i�x option sind nutwithatsu�dinR AnythinR in Paragrnph 9,reyuire immediate Fwyment in
<br /> ' ., �; � . • full of all surns secureil by�hi���rity Insuument. A writicn ttutamem oP uny outhorized ngont of the Secmtary
<br /> •r�'� ' � � ° ' � duted subsegueat to from the datc hereof,declining w insure�hir:Security
<br /> .,:,,+_ ,
<br /> ; .: lnsaument and the note r,ecured�hereby,shall be deemed canclusive proaf of such ineligibilily. Nwwithsl�nding
<br /> `�� th6 foreguing,�is option may not bc cxerciFed by Le�uler whcn thc unuvailability of inxurunce is wloly due to
<br /> ��.' �'ti��'�� : � j• l.ender's failurc to remit a monguge insurnnce premium to�he Sccretury.
<br /> ; ,., . , .
<br /> •�• ��;,;.,. 5 - ,� � � �•f 10. Reiqetatement. Bortower hsis a rig6t to be reinstAted if Lender har reyuired immediule paymem in ful l because
<br /> •..�� � �• of Homnwer's failure to pay nn umount due under the•Note or thiti Security Inxtnrment. Thi� �ight applies even after
<br /> � foreclosure proceediags are instituted. Ta rcinstnte the Security Instrument. Borrower shall tender in n lump sum ull
<br /> _. _ nmounts rec�uin-•.i to•Ixlnn Bc�rrowerk aecount cument including,to�he eatent they orr obligationx of Borrower under thiF
<br /> ' ' • Secudry Inspvment. faeclosure cos�s and reasonable und customary attomay+fees and eapen�ex properly assaciated wi�h
<br /> . � ' 1he foneclosure proceeding. Upon minslutement by Borrower,thir�Security In�trumcnt and�he obligalions that il secums
<br /> .�,� �. ' shall rema�n in effect u i f Lendcr had not re�uin�d immediute payment in full. However,Lender is not required to Permit
<br /> �-�' � reinstatement if• (i) �endar haa accepted reio��utement aft�r the commencemant af foneclasure proceedings wi�hin two
<br /> , years immediately precedM� �he commencement of n current fareclosun: proceeding. (ii) reinntutoment will prcclude
<br /> ' '�' '' � " ioreclasure an differeu��rounds in the fu�ure,or(iii►reinstntament will advenely affect �he priority of the lien created by
<br /> � � ' this Secu�ity Instrumem.
<br /> :� , 11. Borrower Nol Released; Forbearance by I.end@r Not a Waiver. Extension of the time of paymem or
<br /> modification of amorti�ntion of the sum�secur�d by�hir.Securit�Insirument grc�nted by Lender to uny successor.n in�ereFt ,t�
<br /> ��� � ; . of Bomower�I nat operate to�+eleaxe�he liubility uf the onginal Borrower or Borrower's+uccessor in interest. Lender .�'
<br /> shall not be uired�o cammence pnxerding,ugum,t un� succe,�ur in intere��nr niuse to extend time for puyment or ^ '
<br /> t otherwise mod�fy omati iation of the sums.ecurcd by �h�� Securi�y ln�trument by muwn of uny drm�+ixl mude by the '�
<br /> `a�• � . original Borrower or Borrower's succc,�or�in iotereyt. Any forbcurunce hy Lcnder in excrci�io�t any right or remcJy chall
<br /> f.:�. . • not be a waiver uf or precludc the excrcitic of any righ�or rcmcdy.
<br /> �• , ., • • . 12. Successors and Asslgns Buund;Joint and 5ereral l.iaMlitv;CaSi�ne�s. 'The covenantx und agreements of
<br /> , �his Security Inhtrument�hall bind and benefit the wccc.son und n+.ipn+af Lender und H��rrow��..•�L�...:.,�����.�.,.�,�.:z.
<br /> of Parugmph 9.b. 8orrower:mvcnums nnd ugreementx shull I+e,jomt und severul. Any Bom►wer who co•�igns this ��
<br /> ' ``, :,� ;: Security Instrumem lwi d�es nat cxccute the Nwc: la)ix co•xigninR�hi�Srcuriry In.inimrm unly tu mort�tage, grwrt and •+'h
<br /> . canvey the[Horruwer;i��leie:.t in the Pro�x.ny undcr tfic tetms c�f thf+Scrurity ln+trumrnt;!h1 i+n�t penonally obligu�ed lu '-�'
<br /> •� „ • puy Ihe sums securcd by thi. Sccurily In.lrument;und Ic 1 ug�ec+thot LrnJrr unJ am��Hher Bam�wer muy aFree to extend,
<br /> � . . modify,forbcar ur meke uny u�tiumm�xi•r�i�ms with regurd to�he hrm�af thi.Srrurity In.trumem�►r the Nide withiwt tNut
<br /> Borrowcr's contient. :�
<br /> „ . 13. Nollcess. Any nMice 10 B�+rruwer pm�•ided far in �hi�Sccurity Imlrwnrnt+h�ll tk Eiven by drlivcring i�or by ,�•,
<br /> � c
<br /> °` . muiling it by first class mail unlc,+upplicable luw reyuire. u.r af;ui�riher mr�hixl. Thc n�Nire�hull be direc[ed to the t.
<br /> � {. '• , ' Piroperly Addmsx or uny ahcr addmss Bnrrowcr de+ignaleti N�• noticc lo l.rnJcr. An�•ni►tir�ta Lrndtr�hull br givcn by
<br /> w r �P•• � ��"� firtit cluss mail to Lendrr, add�rti.+1uicJ hcrcin ur uny adJresti l.cnder dr�iNnatc. hy nutire to Borr�►w•cr. Any notice
<br /> Provided for in thi�Saurity ln�tn�mcnt xhull he drrmed to hU�r txcn�.i��rn w N��rn►wer ur l.endrr wfirn�ivcn u�provided
<br /> � • m this par�graph.
<br /> ; �: � S !•`' 14. GovernM�Ltiw; SeverAbilit�. Thiti Srcuriry In.ltument.hall ix gu�emrJ hy Irdrral la��•und thc law�ot'thc
<br /> uri,diciion in which�h� Propeny is lcxated. ln the ev�n� that um pr<►�i�iun ar�luuu ut'thi.Scruriry In�trumenl or the
<br /> 4 '` ' �'� ' ' ''+ �ote cunflict.wilhupp1 icable la«�..uch conf�icl,hal!nat afTcr� �iihrr pnwi,ium ot'ihi.5rrurity Imtiument or the Note
<br /> �, , . .• i;i
<br /> ' '�'t'� which can be given effect w•ithout�he cunflicting pm�•i.ion. Tii thi.rnd 1hr�xuvi.i��m of thi.Srrurity In.trumcn�and tha i
<br /> i!� ' : ;•�:;(�,.� ', �
<br /> � ;f,:; .�` Note ure declurcd to be.cveraMe.
<br /> ` � ' �'� '�,, 15. Borruwer'sCopy. 6nrroe•er shifll l+e givrn on�ranli►rntrd rupy of thi.Srcurity ht.trument.
<br /> ' t' �,� � . 16. Assi�;nmenloF ReMs. Bcircowcr unconditi�mallq a.tiign.and tran�icn to Lrndrr ull Ihe nnt+and rcvrnur�of dx w
<br /> � ,,, i , Propeny. B�xrower uuthonicx Lcnder o�Lradcrk c+grnt,to colle�l thr rent,•rnJ rr�rnue.und Ix nhy dinct.rarh ten:u�t of ;
<br /> . ;� , the Property lo puy the nnt� to Lcndcr nr Lender',a�ent�. Huu•cvrr. prior�u Lendcr: nourc to Born�a•er of B��rtua•cr� '
<br /> � breuch of uny covenanl or n�reement in the Security hi�trumrnt.Borrowcr�huU rulkct unJ rereive ull nnt�and re�•enue.ul'
<br /> ' ;�.. the Property a.e tru�tct(c�r thc henrtit ot'Lcixler and Bamx�•�r. Thiti a.xitinmcm af rcnt.c�H�,titu�e.an aMulutr us.ignment
<br /> ond not un asxi�enrr�entf��raddi�ional,ecurity only.
<br /> It I.ender eives mt ice of breuch to Butrower. lal all�nl�receiva:d My Harn�acr tihull 1►c hcld hy Burn�NYr u�uu�l�w
<br /> -- '�� ��^ . , for benefit af Lenderonly, tu br applied to�hc+ums scYUrrJ My thc Seruri��• In+trumcnt; Ibl Lcndrr.hall t+e cntutrd tu '
<br /> � . „ collect und teceive all ot'Uie n�nts i�f the Property:und 1c1 each tcnunt ut thr I'ro�xrty�hall pa� all nn�.due:uui unpaiJ�o
<br /> � ` ,, Lende�or Lender's•rgent an Lcndcr:written demand w the ten;int.
<br /> Bortower hus iwt�xecuted uny prior aszignment oi che rent�und ha.not undµ�ill n�N�xrti�mi uny act ehut w�wld
<br /> �Z° �� � _ prevent Lender from ex�rcisin�itti nghtz under thic Parograph 16.
<br /> j �` ' Lender shall nw b�rcywred to emer upon,tsilcc runtrul uf ur maintain thr Pro�xrly heti�rc i►r aflcr Eivin�:noti�ti af
<br /> � bnmh to Bomower. He�wzver, Lender ar a judiciolly np�uinted rcccivcr m•ry du.0 at:�n}�1im�lhrn u a bn arh. An}•
<br /> � npplicntion of nents shall not wn:or wuive uny defuult ur invalidatr any oth�r ngh�ur r�mrJ�•ul'LcnJrr. Thi�u..ignment
<br /> '. r , •• of rents of the Propetry�+tull terminutc when the debt secured by the 5eruriry In.trum�m i.paiJ in 1'ull.
<br /> ��, :
<br /> �' •�r
<br /> — - � �_ --�� -_� . �fi�yr t.;IJ�dgr�l
<br /> • •
<br /> , i
<br />