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<br /> 7�0(78TH8R WITH dl the lmprove�nents nuw or heraifler arocted on tho propaty.aM`�=�.�oea.rd
<br /> fl�tura rww or horo�Rer a put of�he� properiy. All repl�oema�ts �nd sdditiau�hall alw bo oov�ned by thii Seoudq�
<br /> Inwtwment.A!1 of tho fore�oinp ir refennd to in thL Secudty In�trument�t the"Property.«
<br /> BORROWtiR COVBIVANTS th�t B�urower i�uwlWly iei�ed of ihe e�t�lo hcaoby oonveyed�nd h�r ttia d�ht to�nnt u�d
<br /> oonvey tha Fropaty uw1 tA+�t 11k Property is uaenamtxned.oxapt tor encumbnnca ai roc�rd. Bonower wur�and wlll
<br /> detend�n�erally the Nlle ta tho PropohY�dmt dl clunu nd domuda.wbjact w any encumbr�nca of�eooni.
<br /> THIS SECURITY 1NS1'RUMENT rnmbincs uniform covenant�fur n�tionM!usc end non•unlform covaants wlth limited
<br /> variulaa Oy jud�dictlon w oou�tltute�unifarm cocudty In�trument ooverin�rcal P�Y�
<br /> UNIFORM COV6NANTS.Borrower and l.ender oavenant�td a�roe u follows:
<br /> 1. PMyateet of PN1lcipd �nd Ida'eeti �'�P�YaKnt �od late CbnrRa. Borrower chwll PromptlY WiY when �lue Ibe
<br /> princip�l aP an�f inter�ut on thc debt evidencod by the Note And�u►y prep�yrnent and I+nc ch�rQe�due undar tha Nute.
<br /> 2.[��ntN for T�ucea�ad Iwurance. Subjxt to applicablo low or to A w�lttcn waivu by L.ender,Borrower�ll ppy to
<br /> LeMer on�he d�y monthly poyments�rc due under�ho Nde.until tho Nde is pnid in Pull.a sum("Funds")for:(p)yeuly t�es
<br /> and assesarne�►ts which may aualn pdority over this Socu�ity Inwrument as a licn on the Pmpedy; (b)yeiuty leasehold paymaits
<br /> or Qrour�d rents on the Propeny,if any;(c)yearly hwu+d ar property insura�e prcmiums;(d)ywrly flaod insurance premiwas.
<br /> if any:(e)yearly moegage incurance prcmiums, if any;ancl(q any sums pnya6lo by Bormwer to Lender.in aornc�rdw�ce with
<br /> the provisiot�s af puagraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mungoge insurana premiums.These items aro cAlled"Escrow Items."
<br /> Lender may. at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount A lender for a fedenlly
<br /> r�eluad martgage laen rruiy r�equire for Bomawer's escrow Ac�count under the federal Real Estote SetHement Procxdurcs Act of
<br /> ,�•:: 1974 ns wnended from time to timc. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless wiwher law tiwt applies to Ihe Funds
<br /> seta a lesser amount. if so. Ixnder moy. w any eime, rnllect und hold Funda in an wnount nat to excaed the lesser arnount.
<br /> '�,�._ �..ender mny cstinwtc the sunount of Funds duc on the basis af curnent dua and rc�cmwble estim�atec ot expenditures oP fl�wne
<br /> � Fscrow Items or otherwlse in accordance wfth applicable law.
<br /> ���., f � The Funds shall be held in an institutian whose deposits arc insured by a fadera! agency, instrument�liry.or entlty
<br /> •• , • ,,R.,w, (including Lender.if Ixnder is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.i.ender shall apply the Funds ro pay the
<br /> •�,^�;..;�......
<br /> � �;y�;, Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applyin�the Funds.onnwdly enalyzing the escrow s�eeount,or
<br /> �: ::.r. �,.R_�. ., ,
<br /> ,.,, �� ��+,�: �r,.,,���. ,;�,� verifying the Escrow Items,unless L,ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds su�d applicable lew permits Lender to make such
<br /> s����i''j`��::�t�} a charge. However. Lender may�equire eomower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax rcpoKing service
<br /> p.u;...�,,...;^,,�a:
<br /> ?� ' '`�1.�%�"� u�ed by l.ender in connectian with this laan, unlecs applicable law provides othervvjse. Unless an agrcement is made or
<br /> �a •�: � L appiicable law requires interest to be paid,L.endcr siwll not be required ta puy Borrower any interest or eamings on ihe Funds.
<br /> '�� r�i'a'ii.t,::'.i�.�y :�
<br /> • Borrowe�and l.eixler muy agree in w�iting, however. that interest shall bc paid on the Funds. I.ender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> .r�,�•'"�•°. '�� ����'�` withcwt chuge,an a�nual accounting of the Funds,showing credi�s und deWts to the Funds ord�he purpose for which exh
<br /> .� • debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged ati additional security fnr all sums securod by thfa Secudty Inslrument.
<br /> �F � ,;'^�'`y�•� ,; If the Funds held by l.ender excced ihe oiraumc permitted to be held by applicable law, {.ender shall aecount to Borrower
<br /> ` �i:•. f�,�•i�?,. .
<br /> ;�'',;: ,;.;�;;.. � . for the eacess Fumis in uccardance wf�h the r�equirements of upplirable luw. If the amoutx of the Funds held by l.ender at any
<br /> � �•;,;;�:� � time is not sufficient ta pay the Escrow]tems when due.Lender muy so notify Borrower in writing,und,in such case Bomower
<br /> �" •�'�`, shall pay to L.ender the amaunt necessary ta make up the deP�ciency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no morc tiwn
<br /> ?„'. ' '' ' �,�:1;;�.•,
<br /> � '.E�:��:: ..• twelvc manthly payments,at Lende�s u+le diqcmtion.
<br /> �.''; , �,.;;^;.,��'rf%��,-u;.:;��� Upon paymem in t1�U of ull sums secured by�his Security Intitiument, l.ender shall promptly refund to Bonower any
<br /> ;,.t}•q�..(�'���%;'. .�.�
<br /> ,- •-.� ;.:.r, t Funds held by Lender. lf.under parn�raph 21, Lender shall acquire or kll the Pmpedy. I.ender, p�lor to the acquisition or sale
<br /> '• �, ;11s7; : ° '�� of tl�e Properly,shall upply uny Funds Neld My Lender at the time of Acquir,ition or sWe ns a credit ugainu the sums secured by
<br /> :',% ,�:..� .,.....�-,,,;,��
<br /> • �+•'��'° this Security Instrument.
<br /> ��� �(;,`'r } , 3.Apptication of Poyments.Unlesti appliruble luw provides othcrwisc. ull payn�ent�receiveJ by Lender under purngraphs
<br /> ��� ��'� ' � ' � 1 and 2 shall Me a lied: fin�, to un re a mm�t char es Jue under the Note; second, to um�wnts n able under ra h 2;
<br /> j�°?��•,,,;',. PP Y P P Y R P Y P�R P
<br /> y .. '•<�,�.c,c..• • .� third,to interest due:tounh.�o principal due:and lust.t�►any lutr rhurge.due uoJer�he Note.
<br /> ,,,..•;...
<br /> ; '� �;.��;,�•°��- •'=. 4.Clu�rges: Lkns.Borrawer shall pny nll taxes, ussc�smen��, chargc�, fin�w and imposi�ionx nttributable to the Propeny ��
<br /> ��� Y P Y P'Y B Y• PaY
<br /> � � i;��l.' , which ma atwin riority over Ihi+ Sccuri� Instrumcn�, anJ Iru.chold r mcnt>or ri�und rents,if sin Borrower shall
<br /> � �� � • ; '� ::'; these obligatians in the nwnner provided in por.igruph?,or if nat paid in that munncr.6ormwer�hull pay them on time di�+ecdy �-++
<br /> �L -=��='y�•�-���._'_ to the prrcna nw�l payment. Borrow•er shull pmm�tly I'urni�h t��l.eixler ull notice.of anx�unt�a�be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> •;�: �. �,'-.'�" ;,G ra;!° If Bormwer makes the�e payments directly.&irn►wcr.hull pr�,mMly furni,h to l.axler reccipts eviJencing the puymen�c.
<br /> ! ;�'��`� ^ &�rrower shull promptly dircharge any lirn whirh h•r..prioriiy uvrr thi.Srcurity In+trument unlca.Bnrcower:Iu1 agrees in ,�.
<br /> f�.` ` ��': � '- writing to�he payment of Ihe ohligatian kcurc�i by thr lien in u munncr arceptable to(.ender;lh)contests in gaod fpith the lien
<br /> `� ' s :,„ri • by, ur defenJ.Lgainst enforcement af Ux lien in, I��ul pr�x��Jing+ which in thr l.ender's apinion��perute ta prevent�he
<br /> �i`�`� "' " enforcement of the lien:o�(c)+ecures f'rum the holder ol'thr lien•rn agrcrmcnt+ati,faru�ry ta Lender sutx�rclinuting the lien to
<br /> 4 �(y'''... ,"'
<br /> ��} ' .t,'�; 3��;s;• this Security Instrument. If I.encter determinr.�hat uny p•rrt ��I'thr Pru�xny i. �uhject ta u lien whirh may unain prioriry over
<br /> � • ' � • this Securiry Instrument,l.rnder tnuy gi�•c Borrowcr u n��tire id�ntil'ying the licn. B.�rn�w•cr ,hall wti.t'y Ihe lien or tnlcc onc or
<br /> � F. ��':,,� . . . more of the actions set fanh above within IU duyc of�he uiving�,I'nutire.
<br /> � ,
<br /> �.��;. i� • Form 3028 8180
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