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<br /> �. '�:;�� .;,;��:R,. „� 16,8otrower'a Cop .Horrower oh�ll be�ivon one oonformad copy of the Note�nd-o[th�Seaun��menc.
<br /> ��,r 17.Tr�nder ot the�o p eet or a Henetiol�l iotero�t in Borrower. If�II or m y prt of tha P t p,�o r t y or an y
<br /> :-s-,�.} -"; intereet in Is ie eold m transtennr ar if a beneticld interaet in HomoMer ie eold or traneterrod�rtd$arro�wor�o not�
<br /> :.,:. ..�"i:�',;:, n�tunl pereon)Mithout Lendar'e p�or Mrltta�oorieent,I.ander m�y,at its o on,roquiro immedi�te p�ymisnt in tull ot
<br /> ; ..,.,.#'< <�. .. �Y�,:� all aums aecured by thio Sacur�ty I�atrument. Hawevcr. thie option �hal�nAt be e�teroised by Lpulerr i�.exaroise i�
<br /> : . .� prohibited by tederal law ae ot the date ot thie 3ecurlty inetrumant.
<br /> � . lt Lender exercieee thieoption,Lender shall�ive Horrower nodce ot acxelerstion.The notice ehell provi4a a
<br /> ,,�, .� , ' oi not less tfun 30 daye trom the d�te the noticx ie delivered or m�iled within whtch Borrower muet py�II auma x�in d
<br /> by thie Security Instrument.If Borroaer[�flg to pay thome auma prior to the expSr�tion ot thl�petiod�Landar mAy invblto
<br /> �, , - any remediea permitted by this Secudty Instrument without turthet notico or dem�nd on Barrower.
<br /> ; . I8.Borrower'�Ri�6t to Reiartate.It Bomnwer meets arqin conditfona,Borrower alud!havo tMt right to hsvo
<br /> ' enforoement of this 3ocur�ty inetrumant dieoontinued at any ttme prlor ta the earlter oi:(�)3 dsys(or auah uthar�od
<br /> , �'':,'� � as�pplicabla lsw msy specliy tor retnetatament)beforo eale ot the Pooperty pursuant w�ny Qower of eAle cant,A na4 in
<br /> .:�� � this Secud Instrumant;or b) entry ot• ud�ment entorcln$ thie �ecwity Inatrume��t.Thaee condittana are thet
<br /> �b �a �� ' � � Borrower:�i) p�ys Lender al�sums wh�ch t�en aould be due under thie Security Inatrument end tha Nou ea i�no
<br />��'� '" ���'�`r,. . . .
<br /> , ��� ' �:��,��, . �cceleration had occurrod;(b)cureB any default ot any other covemnts or a�reementa;(c)p�ye sll e�pansas inaurred in
<br /> � . , � ertforcin�thte Socurity Insq�ument,iacludin�,but not limited to.reasoneble attorneYs'tcea•srtd(d)pkes aucA ecdan�e
<br /> �.. .�;'�.'� ���:;�:,�. . '` l.ender may reasonably require W assuro that the lien o[this Sxurity Instrument.L.endcrss riQhts in tha Pbparty snd
<br /> _, � , ., Bocrowcr'a obli�tion to paq the sume socured by this Secudty Instrumentshalt continua unchansed.Upon reinatotamant
<br /> . '�
<br /> -� ��.�'f t � .. by Borrower,thesSocurity Instrument�rtd tha obli tions secund hereb ehall remein tull eNoctive ae f n accele
<br /> � �., . , � �+ Y Y i o ntlon.�
<br /> �,�;.. ,,., � � �; hsd occurred,Nowever,this right to reinstatesh�ll not apply in the c�se ot acceleration under pra�reph 17.
<br /> �• ' � '"�" �•�.. - Q4.Sata of Note;Ch�a�e ot Lan Servieor.7'he IJote or a p�rtial inurest in the Note(to tliar witl�thia Security
<br /> s;�'�.;��'s%±r�:. ..� , Instrument)may be sotd one or moro times without or notice to Borrower.A sele ma ul s�n i
<br /> . res a c 'n th it
<br /> . •���'"'��r��'����•� �' (Ict�own aa the"Lwn Servicer')tfut collects monthlyppaymante due under the Nou�nd his Security In�s�xumereta.There
<br /> '���` "�`��' � � albo may bo one or more chan of the Loan Servicer unrelated m a sde of the Nou.if thare is s c
<br /> � •{� . Servicer,Aorrawer will be vei►written notice of the chen�e in��ccordsnce aith �&e oP the Loan ��{<�rt��
<br /> . � . . �.,.�� 8� para�ra . 14obove md applicable law, i
<br /> ` ' � � The nodce will shte the name and address of the new Loan Servicer u►d the address to w�ch payrn¢nts ahould be made. ��,,;
<br /> � y; �� The notico will also contain any other in[ormation required by applic�ble lew, • �..•.'
<br /> �� Z0.H�zardous Subetaoces.Borrower shall not cause orpermit tha preeence,use,disPoeai,eton$e,oc release of �',;:��','�;�r'`�
<br /> • ' eiey Hazurdous Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do,n4r elloa anyone else to do,enything atiecting �
<br /> u .
<br /> � the Property that is in violation o[�ny Env�ronmental l.aw.Tha prcceding two sentanaea shal l not a�p1y ta the presence, ' •;:
<br /> u�e, or ston�e on the Property oi emall quantitiea ot HszArdoua Subeqnaes that are �enanity rcco�nized to be :i�����;�� �
<br /> , �ppropnate w normal residend�l uses�nd to mainunsnce of tha Proporty. ',,�� �•�
<br /> Borrower shell promptly give l.ender aritten notice of any investigetion,claim.demand,leweuitor other actiun by : �' •�'-�
<br /> � . eny governmental or reguletory agency or private party involving tha Property end an� I-Iatardaus Substance or
<br /> ` $nvimnmental I.�w o[which Horrower hes actua!kn�wledge.It Borroaer ieerna,or is notihed by any qovernmental or '
<br /> � regulatory autharity� thet any removol or other remediation o[ iny Nezordoua Subetance affectin� the Pro�erty ia ���,�r '
<br /> - -_ _-' _- n«.�ary,&Nr�uw�cr si�ail prompt1�taice aii nccessery romedial actia�s�n eeeor3aace with Environmental Law. ,-a,�...
<br /> As u�ed in this peragraph Z0� Hazardous Substances"arc tAcse sabswnoes defined es waio or hezerdous aubstances � ' � ,
<br /> w
<br /> by Environrn�rcral Laa and the tollowing substences:gesoling.I�er�sene,other tlammeble or toxic petroleum products, � ;�
<br /> • tosic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, rnateriels coataining asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive i
<br /> matenals.As used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law" means fedenl lati:s�nd lawa of the jurisdiction whera the ..
<br /> Prc�pert ia located that relate to hcalth,sefety or environmental prouction. � � � �
<br /> pery
<br /> ' NON-L7NIPORM COVENANTS,liattoaer and l,ender furthercovenentand a�ree as tol lows: � . � • f��.„
<br /> � 21. Aceolention• Remedjes. Le�dlar s6s11 $ive aotice tm Borrower prior to �ecelention tollowin� , '.�,;, .:: �i
<br /> ' � . Borrower's breac6 ot any coveo�nt ar��reamant ia tdis Secarity Iaetrument(but not prior to acceloratioa � � }„
<br /> + � uudar pan�ap617 unleas applicable Isw providas otherwiae).The notiae sh�ll specify:(a)the dofault;(b)tde
<br /> �'' ' aciion required to cuoe tha defauli; (c) a date, not icss than 30 d�ye�rom the date t6e notice ia`iven to
<br /> ,)�` Borrower. by w6ich tha deisuli muet 6e cured;sad id) thot I�il ure to cure the dofault on or befoce the dsto '
<br /> , spcci►ied in th¢aotice msy result in�ccelention ot the surt�s secured by t6is Security Instrument saA sde ot '
<br /> ,';' �• ; the Property. '1'he notice shsll furtaar iQtocm Borrower ot t�a ri�ht to reinstate after acceler�tioa sod the �'`;�
<br /> �� rtsbt to brin� s court actlon to aasert tha non�existancc ot a dotault or aoy other detease o! Borrower to
<br /> �cceleration aad sale. 1I the detoult is aot cured oa or before the dste specitied ia the notice, Lender.at its
<br /> option, may require immediate poyrnent in fu!!ot al1 sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument witbout • �
<br /> turther dom�ad aad m�y iavoke tha power o! sala and �ny other remedies permitted by spplic�ble law. .
<br /> Londer shall be entitled to coUect�U e�pan�es incucred in pursuiog the remcdies providcd in this p�r�Qnph �
<br /> 21.iacludia�.but not limited tv,re�soaable attoracys'tees�nd coats ot titk evidenre.
<br /> If the power ot sala ie involced,Truetee sholl record a notice ol def�ult ia esc6 county ia whicd any part o[ �� �
<br /> tbe Property is located and sholl mail copias of such aotice in the manner prescribed by spplicable law to
<br /> ,. ' Borrower iad to the other persoas prescr�bed by�applicable I�w.�lfter the time required by applicrble law, ..
<br /> Trustee sLall glve public noti¢e of sda to t6e persoas snd in the msoner prescribed by�p�lic�bl�law.Trustee� '
<br /> without demaad on Borrower. sholl sell tha Property st public auction to the hi�dest b�dder�t the time and �
<br /> � ,. � `� place aad undtr the terms desi�nuted in tha notice ot ssle ia one or more parcels and in an�•order Trustee
<br /> ' ' . � determines."Pruatee msy postpono ssle of all or�ay parcel of the Property b�• public announcement st the
<br /> time snd pl�re of any previously scheduled ssle. Lender or its desi�nee may purchase the Property at sny
<br /> esle.
<br /> �
<br /> • Fa� 302� 9/80
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<br /> . �—BRONLI�ome►o� �•�•a•• • �niu�ia
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