„ .
<br /> :' . . ., ..T.�
<br /> � r•4� �• �
<br /> ��.�• �. �t.// .,'`”
<br /> ,; y3_ .
<br /> �t the option of Le��� it moct�e in�nuanoe ooven�e (in the amount and tar the period th�, .��+o�)
<br /> provlded by m iMUror,�ppwved by�.ender a�in beouma avdi�bla and i�obt�inad.HormMar�11 p�y the premiume
<br /> roquirod w m�lntdn mortpje ine�u�nce in afteat,or to provlde�las roseeve,until the roqufroment for n�ortp�a :.
<br /> Inwnnoe a�dr!n woordma Nith�ny writta��+bement bet�een BarroMex and I.a�der oc�pplio�ble lnv.
<br /> h 4.ta�p�otion.Lender or in��ent m�y mdoe roMOnrble enttla uponu�d 1n�peotioru of the Property,Lender�ll� .
<br /> �iv�IlorroNer nodoe�t th�time ot or or to u�1�»pectlon�pecllyin�n�an�ble cawe for the inspeation, -
<br /> �»
<br /> 10. Condemnatioo.The ot any�wu+d or cldm tor dsm�ee,dtroct or co�uequent�al.in conn�eation Ntth „
<br /> �ny oondemn�tion or oehx n�ot any prt ot the Property,oe ior oonvayuioe in lieu ot coademnatlan. �ra henaby
<br /> n�ip�d�nd�t�ll be patd w I.etKler.
<br /> ,► In ths svens ot'�toul takiey oi the ProPertY�the proceeds�1)be�pplied ta the�ume eecurod by thie Security .
<br /> lnatrument,Nhather m m�t thai due.Nith�ny e�ceee paid w BorroNer,In tho evene of�prtlal ukin�oi the Property In.
<br /> whioh the t�i�maket vduo ot the Propercy immedi�tely beforo ehe t�kin�ia eqwl to or�ater thsn tha�mount ot tba
<br /> �um�recurod by thts Security In�twment immediately be�ore tha takln�.unlees Bonowar a�d Lendar wharwiae��roe
<br /> , in w�idn��the sum��ecurod by thit Sxurity lnrtrument ehall be roduved by the smount ot tha pr�oceede multfplied by
<br /> the to0loWin�fnatian:(a)the tot�l amount ot the sum�eecurod immodi�uly betoro tho ta�in�,divided by (b)the fait
<br /> � ` �"� 'M�� ••^ m■rkot vilue o!the Property immedi�tely betaro the takin�My balu�ae ahall be patd to Horrower.In tha event o[�
<br /> p�ttid takin�oi tho Propeny in ahich the t�ir ma�ket vdue oT the Proper►y emmedi�tely boforo the tskia�ie less then
<br /> -'`.� " �;:r`.:`::.•_ � t h e�m o u n t o t t t�p s u m a�e c u ro d i m m e d i�t o l y b e f a r e t h a t a l d n$.u n l o e s H o r r o w e r a n d[.e n d e r o t h e r w i e e�n o e i n�►d t i n�
<br /> . &,,,,;t or unlar �ppliablp I�w othorwiro providee, the proceeds oh�ll be applied to the aums eecured by ttda S�url�y
<br /> ' �: , ;� ..'`x InstrumentMhestiKr or not thoeum�aro then due.
<br /> ..: � ����„��, � It tAe Pmperty ie ab�ndunod by Horrowa,or it,�fter notioe by Lender w Bomower that the 000demnor offor9 to
<br /> �''" ' m�lco�n aMUd ar �ettie�cl�im for d�ma�eo,Horrowa�faile to respond to I.ender aithin 30 days after the dsto the
<br /> � • . ,,,�.; notice is�iven, l.a�der io�utharized to colloet�ad�pply tha proaood�,at Its option,eltixr W reewation a r�peir ot the ,.
<br /> �,.• �' ' Property or w the suma secured by thie Socurity Instrumant,whather or not thrn due.
<br /> 4 a a on ot to nci ehall not extead or
<br /> Unler L,ender and HomnMet ot1�erMise a�ee�n arldnE.any ppli t� proceeda pri pel
<br /> postpone the due date d the monthly payrnents retorrod w in psra�raphs 1 and 2 or chsn�e the amount ot such •
<br /> ° . ayme�,�o.
<br /> 11, Horrower Not Rela�ed; Forbeanaao By l,eudar Not a Waiver.Exte�on ot the time for payma►t or `
<br /> �� moditication oi�n�ortisatioo ut the�ums eecurod by this 3ecudty Inctrument gnnted by I.ender to any succeseor in �'�
<br /> " interat ot BorroMer rhall not opente to rolaae tho li�bility ot tho ori�ind Borcower or Borro�rer's eucceeaos In
<br /> (ntero�t. L,ender�II not be roquirod w oommenoe proceedinp�pinat�ny euceeseor in interest or refuse to ertend
<br /> � timo tor pyment or otherwiee madity�mortiz+tian ot tho aums exurod by this Security Inatrument by reae�n►of any
<br /> . dem�nd m�de by the ori�inal HorroMer or Harrower's suoaseors in intenst.Any torbear�nca by I.,erida in etercisin�
<br /> �� �ny riQht or romedy�hall not be a asiver of or preclude the ererciae oi�ny right or rcmody.
<br /> — il Suc�s�oei aad Aa�i���3�.�uaQ:d�rint aad yavarai Li�bflity;Co-si�acrs.Tha ra��erartt� �w a�saits
<br /> � •' ;� ot thi�Socurfty Instrument s1ul1 bind and benetit tha suoceseots and�ssi�ns ot Lender and Borrower,aubjxt w the
<br /> provieions ot p�n�nph 17.Borroaer's wvenants end agroemente shall be juint�nd sevecal.Any Horrow¢r who co�si�na
<br /> ' thi�Security Inst�ument but doee not epecute the Nota (a) is oo-aigning thia Security Instrument only to mortpge,
<br /> „ � �rant and convey ttuit Nncrowe�'s interest in th�+ Pmperty under the terme of this Security Instrurnent; (b) ie not
<br /> pars�n�lly obli�ted to piy the sums eecurod by this Socurity instrument; �nd (c) agreea that Lendar md�ny other
<br /> " Hc�rrower m�y aQroe to e�tend,modify,torbearor ma�e any ecxommod�tions aith re�erd to tha urms ot thia Security
<br /> � � I�utrumrntorthoN�tewithautth�tBarrowor'eoonsent.
<br /> ; • 13. Lo�a C6���es. It the la�n exured by thie Sectirity Instrumrnt is subjact to e luw ahich sets mwcimum lotn .�. ,
<br /> ' ch�rQas. rnd thst I��is fin�lly inter�mted eo that the intereet a� other loan chergee colieeted on t� be c:ollected in w��
<br /> ,��% ,� connxtion�ith the la�n eYOeod the permitted Iirnita. then: (a)any such losn charge shal! be red�a:ed by the amount �'� s
<br /> ,' ,, �"" ' y �ry to roduce the oharge to tho permitted Hmit; and (b) any sums atready coliacted from Borrower which �,,. .
<br /> ' excaoded permitted limits will be relunded to Bormwer. Lender mey chaase to make this rcfund by reducing the '
<br /> , �xinci�l awed under ehe Note or by m��lne a diroct payment to Borrower, i!�refarnd recluses principal,the reduction x.,,,.t
<br /> will be teratod�s�pareid prep�ymeat without�ny pcepayment cherge under tha\ata. �1,,:
<br /> II. Notice�.Any notice to Borrower pro��iddd[or in this Security It�atrLmentehall bs givrn by delivering it or by i
<br /> m�ilin{� it by(itat cla..s mai! un1e�applir�abfa lan rcquires usc ot another r:�tL�d.The aotice shslf be direated to the �� ���
<br /> 1'mperty AJdrore ar my other�ddress Bnrmwa dcsignates by nocice to Lender,Any notiee to Lender siull be given by E
<br /> finn clae� m�il t�►I.ender'a addrc� statad hemin or an��other address Lendar dasi�neta8 by notice to Borcower.Any '
<br /> �N�tire�►m�•ida!fnr in thia Security Instrum�nt�hall be doemed to have been 8ivrn to Borroaer or L�ender when given `
<br /> �r pnwiJed in thle�n�nph. �
<br /> 1 S. �ioveralns I.�w;5ever�bility�.'Thie 3�ct►rity Instrument shell bc �averned by tederol law and the law ot the
<br /> !uri+wJicti��n in whieh the Pn�pert�•i�u ac�c�tad.In th�+e�•ent thst any pravision ar clause ot this Security Instrurnent or the
<br /> �r. � � K�rte�mfHrte with a�►lir�hle I�w,�surh amtlict shsll nc�t et�at other proaiei�e o[this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> }t which c�n he Qivcn etfert without thr c�mfliotin�pm�•i�ian.To thie end ths=xwvisiona of this Security Instrument end
<br /> �I! th�M�tr�ro Je�luad w ho enverable.
<br /> !
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