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<br /> 1��t, i ..,f ��.�i :� . . - . , . �
<br /> r.�-
<br /> �y' �ti��J� .., »:,-'�.
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<br /> � � ��'. •; ��;.i' ' 'y', '',;
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<br /> �
<br /> • � �
<br /> Y. •
<br /> '2'" 93� so�i�
<br /> 7. Deter ination of Bou darise:
<br /> i''� e easor s a ave t e right,, an a, reaso�able bea ie, to deter-
<br /> mine the boundaYiee betwesn the I,aee�� and hie ne igI�bore iE the
<br /> Lesaee and hia neighbore cannot �gre� to such bcundary li��e. 7'=e
<br /> � leke front bouadary of the lesaed� pc.�miees eiiell be to el�� wa�e
<br /> line ae the same may exiot �rom �i�a to time with changes in the
<br /> wetes level of the lake. The boundsry line of ti�e leaeed prem-
<br /> t�.; . �i , iees abutting the i,essor's camma�� rivads ehall be ae reasonably
<br /> ' ��_. ;;Y�;.�,; determined by tbe Leeear.
<br /> .r::....�-:.� .
<br /> ` � , �-- 8. PeaceEul Possessio�: .
<br /> �::'fl�>a�.:_a.;:•�. � e ong ae eseee canfarma witb Gtt� requirements bi�idin� upvn
<br /> 4`' � �,;,;; ;��u�,,,,� him in thie Lease Agreement, �he l,��see shall enjoy peace[ul
<br /> °` possess ion of the leased� prem��ses .
<br /> �,�%.F:..�.i.•�4�i,;(.
<br /> �o • ��'._ _�+� 1„ f{.
<br />: _ � _. _. __ __ 9. Im rovementa•
<br /> � ►e Lessee�shall keep the l�ea8ed premises in a neat and clean
<br /> }; . . . ,1�-,,�;•..� co�dition at all� times and ahall keep all improvements on the
<br /> : ,,,. � � �� lessed premisea ia a goad condition oF repair.
<br /> � ' . 10. Abandonment:
<br /> � � T e Lesaee agres+� not to abandon the leased premiaes.
<br /> ,;i„� ���� , 11. Access for Installin Utilit Lines:
<br /> t:�`_;• � ; �� � � The Leasor reserves t e rig k to come upon the leased premiaes.
<br /> �;"�a� ' for installation of underground or above-ground uti lity lines
<br /> �:�, ..
<br /> and the. making of necessary repaira or improvements o or
<br /> • abutting the leasedt�ialllathe seme conditionras9theyrwererbeEore
<br /> :',.;: premises to aubstan y
<br /> � � „ • any such installation and ak the Lessor's expe�se.
<br /> '�':! '•�`'�'`•'� 12. Rules and R��ulations:
<br /> .t=:, ,
<br /> �.,. � T e Lessee agrees to comply with the rules and regulationa as
<br /> '�;', � prepared and furnished by the Lessor to the Lesaee, f rom time
<br /> ��L;' � to time. Such rules and regulationa shall co�tain restrictions
<br /> t�`�" ':1:''.;�;'; : ' and limitations, ,for the mutual benefit oE all Lessees at Kue-
<br /> ,�. � , � ster Lake, pertaxning to the use by the several Lessees ar Kue-
<br /> ��"' �� ster Lake of Che lake itself, common roads, and the leased prem-
<br /> � ises. It is understood that the basic use oE the leased premises �.._.
<br /> � �� shall be for residential purposes; but the Lessor may permit, �.
<br /> .f,ti�� :. �
<br /> �.�� p ',�.�,���,: from Cime to time, commercial activities on the leased premises. ��
<br /> � � Any sGCh rules, regular.ions and permits are subject to cliange G
<br /> by the Lessor, excepting .that the basic �urpose of the Ieased p;
<br /> _.,s,. premises as residential stiall not be abridged. Any ciiat�ges in .
<br /> .,4; . , � the rules and regulations must be approved by a me�ority of the ;
<br /> ,; � � Leaseholders �resent and voting at a meeting called for sucl�
<br /> : ` 1 Purpose of which written notice has been given to all lease-
<br /> �' ;� �� 111 holdera (one vote per Lease) . �
<br /> 4} � '
<br /> {1��
<br /> 13. Termination of Lease b Detault oEyLessee: s rior written n�Cic�
<br /> •,`s #' � I t e easee fai s, after ninet 9U �y p
<br /> �,�,,�: $ from the Lessor , to remedy any default in his or her coropliance
<br /> '� � with an of the obligations binding upon hiro or her under tt�is
<br /> '��,' : . t.ease Agreement , or under tt�e Rules and l�egulations furnislied
<br /> ��.� him or her by Che Lessor, the Lessvr may , at its option, term-
<br /> � e inate this Lease and retake possession oE Ll�e leaseJ pren�ises
<br /> � � bu r only aCter the following procedure hps been cc�mplied with:
<br /> ; �
<br /> (a) A special meeting of all stockiiolders of Le�s�r
<br /> shall be called by the Bourd of Uirectors oC I.essor,
<br /> ` and written notice oE such meeting and ils purposes
<br /> ... _� _... ..�...> >
<br /> �- �— be given 811 SUCh SCOCKIIOIa@L'8. .7ucu u�cca.iu�, ou....
<br /> �� �1 i � be called Eor tlie purpose oE determin ing by m�jor-
<br /> ��s '�� ° �� ity,vote of tbe stuckholders of Lessor, present and
<br /> r-� voting, as to whether or not termination of Lessee's
<br /> Lease should be made because oE a de[ault by tt�e
<br /> � � � � Lessee. At least lU days written norice shall be
<br /> „�� , given of any suct► meeting, and the I.essee st»11 be
<br /> �;�,. r � given full apportuniky to show wti�y his or I�er Lease
<br /> ! ' .. ::, , should nvt be terminated.
<br /> . .
<br /> , • , . , `
<br /> E
<br />