Laserfiche WebLink
. r <br /> � ^` ' ' �, a <br /> �� '( , .. •�� • <br /> ' , .,''�q e:!tt� x ... .,�= <br /> .• , ' • -�4 <br /> i , , �p�" <br /> � - � ., .. . �. <br /> •�: �i , - •� • � .t,::j;��� <br /> . <br /> ,;� <br /> i , <br /> ' 10l�i96 . . <br /> :; � � <br /> LEASE AGREEMENT �93• <br /> �=`� THIS AGREEM�NT entered into betwesn KUESTER LAKE� 1NC. , LE880R� and <br /> •�i;; JlINII3S I►. THQI4PSON ANA �ANDRA J. TNOi1P30N, 3POUSS OF EAQH OTIi�R. <br /> a as oint tenants xxX� �tri e out <br /> port�oo not applicable) whekher one ox mor�, LESSEE. <br /> Lot 26 and �h� North�riy or�-hal! o! Lob 2�� <br /> ` • �: 1 . Daecci tian of Leased Premisee: having a lalt� lront toot� o! 97 r��t� <br /> � •itua � on • •� • � a • �� po z�ion o! Ku��t�r I�lc� arrd b�in� on a <br /> part o! th� $�SW� in stiri�iidi boMthhsaomon���9iuoh lot1ii��i�shoNn on i� <br /> ,.:4�• and bour�4�d on th� w�• y �► <br /> Yr,� - -., p1R� in th� por���eion o! th� L���or. <br /> � 2. Terrn of Lease : <br /> ' � �' � '`' •'�' ' ' ,�r _ yeare, commencing Atu�ust �,,�, 1993 a�d terainating <br /> i°�. �`'-- - -- : � Julv 91. 2028 • <br /> �� -4 ��A• '�uN}(� 3. 0 tioo to Extend Term• � <br /> � � Lessee �as t e op a to extend the term of this Lease for an <br /> � " �`'''. edditional 35 years by giving Leaeor notice thereof� in writing, <br /> {� � by July 1, 2027 . <br /> y� 'j. .. <br /> -• � 4. Ri ht to Asai nment of Lease: <br /> ��. �i,';.•.;, _. �. Lessee as t e rig t to assign this Lease provided: , <br /> �,,.,�r.;': <br /> ;,,�.:;.,,,.;,;�, �7, (a) Lesaee has complied with all terms of this Lease . <br /> .� ti;. ::t�:.... (b) Leseee transfere to the new owner all i�terest and <br /> � , :.�• � - ownership of tbe Letlsaa iu tiie comnan Btock of <br /> ::..�:z,,�:-;:�. <br /> <<.:;t`;'-• :~:'"'� Kueater Lake� Inc. <br /> ' � •� L��,�:'''.''r.i;� . <br /> . , ,, ;,,;;,;;,,, � � (c) The new Lessee agrees, in writing, to abide by the <br /> :•,,,,;,,,;,�.,.� terms of the Lease so asaigned, an}► new Lease for <br /> ` ' � ��;-�:���� the se premises , and to abide by the Agreemen t en�- <br /> .� ,. �� ered into by tnxs Lessee with Kuester Laket Inc. on <br /> � � ';��;.;�, or about November 4, 1974, the terma of which are <br /> �:• ��"�'± incorporated herein by reference. <br /> +� � `��:<�:':��1 (d) The new Lesaee ahall be entitled to a new Lease for <br /> ,1.��. ,:,;r.��:':'��',�", � � � a 35-year term. The term may be longer if consented <br /> � ��.;:::,�� to by the Lessor. <br /> � ° .�� ;f�:`��:;='��.,;,,� (e) Any subleas ing must have the Lessor's approvat . <br /> % ��i•. (E ) 1'he Leasee has the absoluCe right to condLtionally �,:;�r; <br /> i � ' �'�';,';::• . ass ign this Lease to any mortgagee for the purpose ,��.•;��� <br /> • � .. of furnishi ng auch mortgagee additional security . �,<�;a <br /> 5. Ren t: <br /> T e Lessee shall pay to Lessor, as annual rent, payable in ad- <br /> .. �•'���"•`�' vance and on or beFore July first each year, auch rent as may be � <br /> �:'�,!�" annually determined by the Lessor under the following Eormula: r�•:: <br /> � ,�.Y�r.: ; The annual rent shall be an amount, eact� year, 'i' <br /> , ; '. � :;,,:.,,.,,. .., , <br /> : i equal to the result of dividing the totnl num- „ �. <br /> ber of residential lessee-stockholder lots inko ��!'�.�; <br /> ' ' � , � that year's anticipated net budget needs of the ����;: <br /> • ; Lessor. J� • <br /> � ' �. � The c omputa t ion of the acinual rent sha 11 be done by ttie Les sor, <br /> ;F . but stiall be uniform among all lessee-stockl�olders of Kuester � <br /> � , Lake� lnc. In any event , tl�e annual rent of ttie l�essee slinll . <br /> a not exceed One liundred Uollars ($IUU.UU) unless n majvrity <br /> = of all lessee-stockholders of Kuester Lake, Inc . (one v�le Cor <br /> � each share) , present and voting aC a speci�l meetin� called <br /> �. , Eor that purpose , slia 11 approve lt�e sAme. <br /> �.-� - -- <br /> _ -- �._... __. 6. Access: <br /> , � + T�e Lessee shall h�ve access from the leased premises on�.o the <br /> ' 7� Lessor's roads and shal l a lso have the right ta use th� lake <br /> Eor boatin�� swirnming , and fishing. 1'hese access righls are in <br /> ��• cornmon with the ott�er leaseholders at Kuester Lake. <br /> � �., <br /> ��+� <br /> } , '.� . 3� � � 6a . prior Leases: , <br /> � � T is Lease replaces and supersedes any prior�se Cor saiJ prria- , <br /> � ises which ttie Lessee or his predecessors in title may I�ave I�eld. ' <br /> �., � ._•. .. <br /> • � <br /> ( <br />