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<br /> u theopt�'on oi l.ender� if mo�e i�uunnce oovexs�e (in Me amount an0 for the per�od th�t La�der requlra)
<br /> pmvided by m in�uar�ppravad b� Lender apin beoon�►a w�il�ble uid I�abyfned..HixmMar�twll py the premiums
<br /> roquirod to mvnWn martp�e inAt�nos In etfeot.or ta pnavide a tow re�erva. un�Ll.the roquiremant for morep�e
<br /> inwr�ncsendr in�ODOf�11G IY�RIl1!'ly Ml'I�fOfl/�fllplt MnNOAtI�AOfIOMOf�tld LOfiQ4f OI'lpQ��qWOI�N.
<br /> . 9.lo•pection.i,enda�or itr�eene nuy rrutue ra�on�bla envia u�a�n,�nd inspxt�a�s ot the Pm�arcy.l.auler.bdl
<br /> ' I �ive Borrowar notioe at the time ot a or w m.in�paat�ae sBecifytn�ra�w�able cauro for the inspeotfon.
<br /> r l IQ.Condemoation.The oi�ny�w�rd or clqim[or dams�,diroct o�coruequaidd,in connect�on Mlth
<br /> •'�= �ny oondemn�tion or otlbr a�p�rt o[tbn A�aperty�a for oanveymoe in lieu ot oademmtion�ara heroby
<br /> .. �MN: + wi�t�ed�nd�hall be pid to Lander.
<br /> q, l�+ the�ver+t of a tatr�l t�We ot the Prayaa�ty,tha F:,�:aeda iF�li L-o a�,1i�d to ttia sumc sxund by this u�:wity
<br /> � d
<br /> Irowment.�hethar or not then due.Rith�ny excaes pi4 ta B�rro+va,ln the cvent ot a p�rti�l Wcin�of the Property in
<br /> �;. � whlch the�air muket value ot the Property im,n►edi�tely bcla�e Na t�kin�i�eqwt w or�ater than the amaunt ot the
<br /> �y,�``"��:��: , sume eecured by this 3ecurlty Inetrumant imma4�t�ly befar+e tha taking,unlees BortoNer and Lender othenvi�e a�nee
<br /> ,�,..... ee
<br /> in M�ftin�.the eums sxured by tl�f�Sxurity iaauvment aludE ba roduixd by the unount ot the proceeda multiplied by
<br /> r � . � the totloMtn�traetlon:(a)the w�l wmaunt of tha s�uns eaourod imm►ediakly betae Na uklrt�,divided by(b)tl�a tsir
<br /> ' �'�....�.. muket value ot the
<br /> . PropertY im�»adi�tely bafore tha tak,ing.My bl�nae eludl ba paid to Botrower.In the event ot a
<br /> �;:`" -' p�rtid talcin�oi tho Pmporty in �vhsch tha[sir nn.�eket value ot tAa Fra�arty immediately betoro the t�n�ia lees than
<br /> �r'�!;:� � '� �' the amount of the sums securod immedi�telybetae tha t,�king.unl�se Hixrow�er snd l.e�dar otharwiea a�roo in wridn�
<br /> �,;�,�,�° .. -�-� or unleae applicable law otlierwtea provides, tha pnoaaeds e}u�lt be sppliad to tbe wme oectund by this Security
<br /> ,r a' Q .^ . � It�airument whether or not the su�m�ue then due.
<br /> ; . .. �' 1[the Property is ab�ndomsd by Borrowq�,or it.�ttar.nQtice by Lender to Borno�ver that the condemnor ottara to
<br />� • �.-. " , `.... .r malre an awu+d or settle a cleiRe tor danusRae, Hornoaer t�ils to reepond to I.ender within 30 daya dtar tha date the
<br /> - ,-:—,-.- .. " , notice is�ive�4 Latdar ie�uNoriud w oollRCt utd apply tlie procoode��t its option�ptl�er to reatont�on or repair ot the
<br /> ' . . property or w tha sums sxured by tLis Secia�ity Instrurn4nt,whatAcr or not then due.
<br /> r `' i ; .. ' Unleas Latder and Borro�er otliarwiee a�ree ia wciti�.wJ�p�plication of praaoods to principal ehd l rwt ettend or
<br /> � . � postpone tlu due dst�ot tha m�rttrbly P�Yments refarred W i�e.psis�raphs 1 and 2 or clun�e the�mount oi euch
<br /> '' • WYmenta.
<br /> �� . , �" 11, Borrower Not Refessed; Forba,�a�uea By L,ca�dac Nw•R*nivcr.EYtension ot tha time for p�yment or
<br /> �:•;•':'. � ..�:;:s:,,; modification of amatixatian of the eums sacu�+ed blr.tltis SecuritT [as4rum.ent ganted by Lender W uiy sui.�ceseor in
<br /> � , �'.;i;;`':.;;:' intereat ot Borro�er shell nmt�ts to reldase thrs liabili#p ot the origind Borroaer or Borraver's succeaAOrs in
<br /> ';'°��•-�'' ' interest.l.ender shall not be uircd to commanaa a inat an succeavor in inurcst or rofuse w eYUnd
<br /> . ' �� ���� time tor Qayment or otherxri��cnodify amor•tization ot t�h sum�s se�cured by this Secucitq Instrument by rcason ot�ny
<br /> ` � � demmd made by the ori�inal Borroaer or Borrower's eucces�ors in interest.My forbesrance by L,ender in exe�+cieln�
<br /> any right or remedy shall not be a waiver ot or preclud�the exercise of�ny right or r+emedy.
<br /> IZ.Seu,cessors and Arti�ae Bouad:Joint and Saversl Liability;Co-signer�.The covenants and agreements
<br /> "�� •;:°t�•,�,' of th;s Securi • Inetrument shall bi nd and benefit the suco�sors and sssi
<br /> ; , ty �ns ot Lender and Bornower. subjact to the
<br /> �''`` `°''' provisians of panQraph 17.Borrover's cov6nents and oynxments shsll be joint md ae.ral.My Borrower who co signs
<br /> ��I ' ` �'{��l"�'�•' �� this Security I�strument but does not exxuta the[�iote: (a) is co-signing this 5ecurity Instrument only to mortgage.
<br /> ��'��i'�'•��`''� rant and conve thet Borrowere interest in the P
<br /> g y roPerty unckr the terms of this Socwity Insttument; (b) is not
<br /> ' '� peraonally oWigaud w pay tho sums secured by this Security Instrument;and (c) agrees thet l,ender and any other
<br /> E� ,
<br /> �����'t� � Bornower may agree w exund,rnalify.forbear or make any accommo�►tions with re�ard to the terms of this Socurit
<br /> �� ,� `",�� Instrumrnt or the Note without thet Borrower's conser►� y
<br /> �, � 13. Losn C6ar8es.It the laen sxured by thie Security Instrument is subject to a law ahich sets mawmum loan '
<br /> ' char�es. and thet law is (inally interprcted so that the interest or other loan charges callected ot to ba ooUected in '
<br /> ��r� " . connoction aith the loan excoed the pormitted limits,then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount ��
<br /> �,;. � necessary to rcdtxx the cherge w the permittod limit; and (b) any sums already collected trom Bnrrower which =
<br /> , • , exceeded permittod limits will be retunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make thie retund by reducing the ; �
<br /> � � princlpel owed under the Note or by making a dirxt psyrnent to Borrower.If a retund roduces principal.the reduction ^i
<br /> . '':�� ' aill be treatod es a partial prepayment without eny prcpayrnent cherge under the Note. '"
<br /> ' 14. Notices.Any notice to Bocrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by ��'i
<br /> mailing it by tirst class mail unless applicebl�law requires use ot another method.The notice shall be directed to the
<br /> ' ` ��;%. Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice w I.ender.Any notice to l.ender shall be given by �
<br /> � , � tirst cless mail to I.ender's address stated hercin or any other address I.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any
<br /> • " notice providal ior in this Security Instrument shall be deemed w have been �iven to$ornower or Lender when given •
<br /> " '�. ' �s provided in this paragraph. �
<br /> ' ." IS.Govorniu�l.sw;Sev�r�bility.This Security Instrument sholl lx governed by federal law and tha laa of the �
<br /> . • jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security instrument or the
<br /> �S - � Note conflicts with appliable lsa,such contlict shell not attect other provisions of this Securit�•Instrument or the Note
<br /> ;•�;�..
<br /> ''' � which can be given effect without the contlicting pro�•isian.��o this end the proeisions of this Security Instrument and
<br /> .� .. ���.,•`:• �� the Note oro declered to be saverable.
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