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<br /> . ' � 93.
<br /> : �,�.�;� h�_- � i�i+�5
<br /> . • S. H�sard or Properly ln�unnce.Borcaper�hall keep the improvementa nop e�istinR or heraatter eroaced on
<br /> - the Property in�urod ypinst laes by tlro,ha:u+d�1natudad withtn the term "exterubd oovara�e" �nd any othar lu�uds.
<br /> ' inoludin�tioodr or tloodin�,for Mhich l�der roqui�+e�lnauanoe.Th1a imuranoe oFuli be mdnt�fned in the�mamta
<br /> u�d tor the period� th�t Lex�dar roquira.The i�curier providin the iruurance�tWl be chaen by BorroMer
<br /> eubject to La►der'�approval Mhioh slull not be unraanibly wlthheld,It�rroNer tails to mdnt�in oovers�o dacdbed
<br /> abave,Lender m�y.�t l.aedor'a option.obtdn cover�o m proteat l.ender's rfQhn in tha Proporty in acoord�noe Mith
<br /> �! ' t:-^ :: r r"•y��7•
<br /> .J • - .a.,�.�c.:.,.1F
<br /> �:, All innu�anx policlos uW ronex�le atudl be scoepuble w Lender md eh�l1 includo a mortp�e c�u�e.
<br /> �,,..r.eyl�::;. Lender slull hsvo the ri�ht to hold the policia and reneMds.I[l.enderrequira� BormMer sh�ll pomptlY�ive to
<br /> = — -- – LendEr�l{r�cipta ofpa�d premiume and rerwwal noticea in tha nvent ot loss,Borrowcr sh�ll g[ve pe+ompt nottca to tlie
<br /> �:�'%, -„~;-.,.;r-., inaaanoe aurter u�d Laider.Lender may rndce prrwt ot laer if tat made promptly by Born�MOr.
<br /> � `;::; ' � Unlaee Iander and Borroaer othenrise s�r+ee in Mritin��inawr�noe prooeede sh�li be�pplied to reswntion orre�ir
<br /> �� "�` � ot the Property d�maQed,ii tha natontion or ropi�ie oconomic�lly teasible ud l.ender's security is aot la��ed.lt the
<br /> � . r.:"�,";�':�:,� roswration or npdr is not economtc�lly(eaeiblo or Lender's security would be leeeened.the ineucance proceede ehall be
<br /> applied to the sums eecw+ed by this 3ecurisy Instrument,ahather or not than due,with any excese paid to Borrower.lt
<br /> ���:'-:�.� ' �� , Borrowar�butdons the Property�or doe,s not�ne�rer within 30 d�ye�not�ce from Lender th�t tha inauramx carrler h�s
<br /> 55 � ; � , oHarod to eettla a cl�im,then Lendar mey collect the inswanoe p�+aaeeds. Lender rnay uea the proceede w repair or
<br /> �y . ,r „ , restoro the Property or to.pay sums seaurod by thi�Seaurity Instrumant.vhether or not Nen due.The 3�day perlod Mill
<br /> � , ' ,•�; begin when the notice is g�ven.
<br /> �:':. �'� Y-;�:.. .. , :�rt�t�
<br /> 'T. ' ;�,,;k Unleee Lender�u!B�rrower otherwiee�gnea in xcitin�,any application of pmceeds to principl slull not extend or
<br /> ° ? " ';';;;;;''t`.;;t� postpana the due dau ot tha monthly psyments reterrod w inpara�pha 1 and 2 or chm�e tha smount o[thep�yments.
<br /> � •.. '', .. .,:Y"�`;;;�t:�;,l. If under P�Sh[�► 21 tha Praperty is �oquirod by l,ender. Borroaer's ri�ht w�ny ir�urance policies and proc�eede
<br />� - � . .;,��" rosultin from dwna to the Pro or to the a ulsitton slu�4 w Lendar to the e:ta�t of the wma eecurod by
<br /> � , $ Bo P�Y P� �%9, , , l�
<br /> ' ' , ' this Sxurity It�wrnent immedi�tely_�'ior to the wqme�t�on.
<br /> . 6.Oceupaacy.PtCiClV�t�OA.Maiaten�nee�nd Protoction o!the Property;Borrower's L.ao A�plicattoa; r,- �
<br /> �: '�' . ' Leaseholds.Horrower shAll occu�sy,establish.and ux the Property as Borrower's principal rrsidence wittun airty days
<br /> � •' � � � . � af�er the o:ecution ot this Secunty Inatrumant�nd ahell continue to occupy tha Property as Bormwer's prirwtipal
<br /> ' ' �• . .' ;�`�`�;'+I;;�• residence fac at le�at one year atter the detis ot occupancy,unless Lender otherwise��as in aritin�,which consent ehall
<br /> • ' � ' �! not be unra.�tiably aithheld,or unless extanuatin�c�rcumstances eaist which aro beyond Borrower's conuol.Borcower
<br /> ,;;ri ;�. :.,:�,,..• ;;�:};,q:;,? ehall not destroy,damage or impair tha Property,allow tha Property to deteriorate�or commit wiate on the Property.
<br /> � , ,; s i; ; Borrower sF�al� be in dct�ult if sny [orfelturoaction or proceeding.whether civil ar criminal,is beeun that in l.ender's
<br /> , „ � ��:�s`,<< 7,• goad taith judgment could result in torfelture ot the Property or otherwise maurially impair the lien creatod by thie .,;;.
<br /> t' .; :,,',.i.:;i,�:;;,';,;t�!;';f �cudt y i�ent or I.ender's security intereat. Borrower m�y cwe such a de[ault and reinetate, as provided in
<br /> ' � ' ••� ��•���- °` � para�raph 18, fiy c�using the �ction or procxedin� to be diemissed with a ru ling t hat, in L e n d e r's Q o o d fait h
<br /> ;'., •,;;. r�•,. ,., �.. ;. ,
<br /> , ,,�t� � �;,;.,,r, .. .
<br /> _ . ,�:�� ,-,;;y�,..:, � determinativ�,Precludes forteituro ot the�orrower a intcrcst in the Praperty or other maternl impnirment of the lien
<br /> � �+��;.ns��� � ercated by thia Socurity Instrumens or Lendor's sacurity,in�t.BiNeuwae ef1�1i eiso be in defsuli if$orco�tei,durin�
<br /> � .'�. �;.r•.:�nh�.. �
<br /> ; �. :'.:;:.,�,r;�.r� �� the Ioan application process, geve materially f�lso or inaccurate inYormation or�st�teme��ts to L,ender (or foiled to •,�.,
<br /> ; ;� �;�, `;•,:�:;?;i;;:";%; �avide Lrnder with my materiel intormation)in connection with the loen ovidenced by the Note.including,but not :•
<br /> ' :'�..';.�•','f:�';': � limited to,repreeentations concerning Bormwer's occupancy of the Property as a principal rcsidence. It this Security �"�;�:'Y:��',
<br /> •:�, .••.,>t,�,;..;.
<br /> '�'. � ` �`,„ ''�� ',�i;',,�'�: Inetroment is on a leasehold,Borrower sAall comply with all the provisions of the lesse. It Horrower acquires tee title to '
<br /> � � :,,,�:' ..�.•.-:> �,�5-��
<br /> ;:• : . , • �•'�'�'�:''; ' the Property,ahe leasehold and tha[oa title shell not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in aritin6. ., , �,.
<br /> ; ,,;.,,
<br /> � '�•�� 7. Proteetlon of Lender s Ri�bts io t6e Property. If Horrower tails w pertorm the covenents and egraements °k.�'�;�'v p.
<br /> �, �. ' � �;-.:'�:�..�` ' t'�.. '� ,
<br /> i ; '. �.. , concained in this Security Insirument,or there is a legal procceding that may sigmiic�ntly attxt Lender's rights m the �`;�:.��';�i'�,
<br /> '� ' �•"��``•����� ' " � � Property (auch as a proceeding in bankroptcy probau, tor candemnation or forieiture or to enforce lawa or ', ;�'.�•��
<br /> ,.. :., . . ••�;�,, . ....,
<br /> �.�% . ' .' ' � "`•:::.ti{�. reguletions),tEten Lender may do and poy tor wheuver is necessary to protect tixi v�lue of the Property and l.ender's �-��:;'rrr�fif.
<br /> '�°f � . '� „ ',i,�, righte in the Froperty. Lender's actions may includo paying any sums securod by a lien ahich has priority over this �' '
<br /> � �:' Socurity Instrument.�ppearing in court,paying reasoneble attorneys'teea and entering on the Property to make repairs. ;,}_ 'F„
<br /> ''' Although Lender rtiay take action under this peragraph 7,Lender does not hsve ta do so. �����''�:�i'�' '
<br />, '` � �, �. � Any�mounts disbursed by I.ender under this pawgraph 7 shall become additional clebt ot Borrower se�vrod by this �',-._
<br /> i.. � Security Instrument.Unlrss Bo�rower and Lender agree to other terms o[payment,these amounts ahall bear inurcst ��`�tif;:;,�''"""
<br /> �� � � i,',:;��,::,; from the dau ot disbursement at the Note raie and shall be payable,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Botruwer �`� �'=''�`����
<br /> . . �� .,,+.�. req�tingpayment. �,
<br /> �' � �'�'�•��' 8. Mort�a�e insunnce. lt Lender required mortgage insurence as e condition oI rnaking the loan secured by this � .
<br /> ti. �� � Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to meintain the mortya$e insurance i�eY6ect.It,[or any ";��,;,;;: . :'•
<br /> '' reason, the mortgage insurance coverage required by [.ender lapses or ceases to be in eftect, Horcoaer shell pay tha
<br /> '���`�.'•����';�• ' � premiums requirod to obtain covera�e substantially equivalent to th6 mortgage insurance previously in effect,at e cost ;�?�'��' .
<br /> ;'`-,�t;;�,,:i�;. • �.,� ;.
<br /> ' ,':,� ;;�,r�,,,��.�, . � , substantinlly equivelent to the cost to Bc.crower of the mortgage insurance previo�sly �n eitect. trom an alurnate ,,
<br /> i•..; ' � h:?.:;�r;,. � ,r�..• ., mortgage insurer approved by I.ender. If aubstantielly equivelent mortgage insurance coverage is not availeble, ��
<br /> ��'�'� '�'` ' ' ��' ' �' Bnrrower shall pay w l.ender each month a sum equa)to one-twelfth ot the yearly mortgage insurance premium bein� ''. ' .
<br /> . . .;,.: '•..�;,•.: ,
<br /> • - ' �''•�'•• ' psid by Borrower when the insurance coverege lapsed or ceased to be in etPect.D.endet will accept,use and retain these �. •
<br /> . '';�.;�; �
<br /> �� . . � paymmts as a loss reserve in lieu ot rnort�e�e insurance. I.oss reaerve peyments may no lun�er be required,
<br /> � ''
<br /> „ , ' . • �"�'�' Fwm ]0!� !/!0
<br /> ��� �-6RMEIw�oe►oi ••�• �•� e �mu�is.
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