<br /> .�
<br /> t,•� . . _•.i
<br /> rµ • y.�y� �)
<br /> . ��� . QY1i�-•ii 'l I
<br /> ��fy. � :l t: . ••���
<br /> . � .a.!
<br /> �
<br /> '`a ' 1 T. Tau�sfw d tM Prop�rty a a 8rn�lio(al Int�r�st tn 8orro�w�r. n aU a irgr p�rt ot th�Pn�prty a
<br /> • py�,MMwst b N w�old a tr�ndwnd(at M�b�dorl(nt�at N 8onoww M sold a k�n�Mnd�nd 8arowrr N nat�nKain{
<br /> . Pwwn)wMhaA R�s qb►w�kbn oon�ant,L�ndr nwiy,�t Ib opUon.nquin N�dl�Wlnn�nl h 1u1 M Y waw s�a+r�d by
<br /> ehlr B�owMy NW�w�I. Hawwr��thN opYan shM not 1��dwd b�r L�ndv II�w►aM�M pohbK�d by Ndw�Mw a ol tM
<br /> dW d thM 8�ow11y N�n�n�
<br /> :�•� M l�ndr�ocwdsw thN aptlon.Lmd�r�h�1 piw BarowN rwtlo�ot�coNw�llon� 7M nMla�fW provld��pwbd d�wt .
<br /> Iw th�n �D dry�irom.Ih� d�p th� eatlo�N d�Nv�nd a n�d wNhb whbh 8arowa must p�y d wm� ��au�d by thM
<br /> ���''' B�axNy Imtrum�nt H Botn�wu Wk to p�y th� suna pia to th��ntlon oi thls p�rbd�L�ary hwak��r nmb�t �
<br /> � p�r�Nlad b�►this SwNItY Instrwn�nt wlthout AiAhw notlo�a d�m�nd on Bort�ow�. �
<br /> �'�:�� �.. ,.:� �Q. !{o�r�aw��'� Rlpl�t to R�insbR�. x Barow�► mNa oMaYn oond�tlon•� Barow�r s1wi1 h�v.th. dpM w hav� • _
<br /> ,�:��, �•�, -n• �nloran�nt oi thN S�a�rity Inotrumwd ditcwNM►uad W any Wrw prlor b 1ho wi4or oF (a)b d�ys (w auaA athor p�Sad at F1
<br /> ar,�v��...ns. �pMo�bM I�w nnY�P�l�lor ninst�t�Mnil,batam s�M oi lM Proprty Punuanl b�ny powR a1�ats corrtaM��d In this 8�aa(ly
<br /> _� � In�Wmmt;or N)a�UY of�Judpnwq.�nMtatn9 thb 3�owNy In�qumint.Thos�oonditlons w Mrl Bortow�: (�)p�ys Lmdw d
<br /> � t;� sums whloh thrn wodd b�du�umMr thla S�owqy MWum�nt�nd th�Nat��s M no aood�nHon luid 000wnd� (b1 au��np
<br /> •+•`:� �-�. dd�ult oY�ny othr oov�nl or a�ta; (o)PeY=�M�an�u fnaim�d In miordnp thi�S�wAty InqnMn�nt, Inaludnp,but W
<br /> � `;`�`��'<�'$ not MrtAt�d w�rw��a��bM attamys'Ew;�nd(d)�wah RaGoa n landsr m�Y rwonablY nquk�to�uun th�t th�INn d
<br /> ".r,::��':1 '�".���°.. Mit S�awity InstnanM�t� laneNr'� tlpht� b th� Pmp�rty and BoROwds obYp�tlon to pay th� wms s�ound by thb 8�awlly
<br /> • '`L�""�;,`,�' in�nxrNnt sMM oonlUwe unah�nYed. Upon �Nnst�tNrt�nt by Bortower� thb S�auily InsbumeM and th� obYp�tbns srwad
<br /> . ,� ,"���;;�',?"'c;. ' h�nby ehY nnwin NN'�tN1��M oa ��tbn h�d ooawrnd. Howw�r.thk�ipht to nin��h�M not�ppy N th�oss�
<br /> �, ,�;,,=,�;,:`;�•�;�5;,,,.. of�coilwatlon undw p�apr�ph t7.
<br /> {{� ' '` �..,R�t'�:�;:..=� 1�. 8� of Noa; Chanp� M Lwn S�n►Ic�►. The Note or • � pardN IMenat b th�NoU (topMhw wrib 1hM
<br /> • , "'•`"�:;:. ' •n••;l:?j: 8eoulNy k1�1fu11'MIIt)mry b��old OM of MOf�1MpR{M/NhWA(�Of 1�01100 t0 BoROwM.A��Il�y 1�sYh k1 O Clw�pi f11 th��ItKy
<br /> .. . • , '"•:,,••..��: � pvpwn�s th�'Lan Se�riar')th�t ooMats mamhy p�yma�iw dus unde►th�Note�nd this S�oudly In�bumwi� Th�n�Mo mq
<br /> `� �M
<br /> � �.� be ons a mor� ohanph o1 ihs Lwn Savioer umeUted to � sNs ol th� NoU. If thrn b �ohanps of tla Lwn SNVk.�,
<br /> �.:.�. _ ... _
<br /> t.. . BorcpwK w11 bs pH�n wiitbn notla�oi th�oh�nge in aac�xd�nos wRh pvaqnph 14 �bov��nd�ppMabk I�w. Th�noda wYl
<br /> '?1;,;.• S. ;, � •�.,.,.� sate ihe n�me�nd addra�ot th�nwn Lwn 3erk:a�nd th�addnas to whbh p+�ymwits �hoWd b�nnd�. 71N noqa wN vso
<br /> - ° �ti. , eronq►In.oy ana�Int«m.�on roq�,r.a by.ppNc.w.�.w.
<br /> • '° . ..�.. 20. Hi�dous Sub�tancq. Bor►�wa shd not o+wse or pwmp tha pres�noe� ue�. dbPoWl. storays, a ratMw ot
<br /> +� .;;:,•,;;,•'�.,.,� �:�r rny Fianrdow 8ubaqnaas on a b th�Propaty. Hnrtqwer shd not do, nor�Mow myom Np to do� anylhinp�tl�linp ths
<br /> , ,i_;;�;,,• .„
<br /> . �,.''.�;'���3 � '` � PropeAy th�t 1� in vlolptlan of wiy Envtronmentrl Law. fis praeedinp 1wo senteoces ehdl not�pply lo the proaenos, uu. a
<br /> ,,:,,....:. . _;'. ,`a.
<br /> , �... , , ' t.t;:.`� � aton�pe an th� RoNeAy oi smd quentWb�of H�wdous Subsunoa th�t�n qeneranY►�copnix�d W b��pp►aprat�w oontMl
<br /> �;,t•;• .;',�1•;.'• n�ids►y�t uaa and to m�M�nance W the Propaty.
<br /> . ���;��� Bornower sh�l f+�mPyY 9ws Undar written notbe of wny inveadp�tbn. daMn, demand� I�wsuk or other +�cdon by any
<br /> .. : ��.i1`.;`,c
<br /> yownunanW or rpuYtaY pen�Y a piiv�b p�ty ImoNk�g the Properly�nd�ny Hazardout Subeqnce a EnvkonmenW Uw W
<br /> , •� ,. � which 8ortowe► hu wiwl knowiedps. If BoROwer teama, a la oodfled by�ny yovemm�ntal a npul�tory aulhaNy, that any
<br /> nmpwl or otha nmKNtlbn o} �ny Huardoue Substance allaotNp Property b n�aswy, Bortower sh�N prompty fake d
<br /> ::..r.f.•.-,_ • .:�t�y;;� oeoassuy ram�dlN�ctlons b�000rd�nae wqh EmkonmenUJ I.aw.
<br /> ;�r'.?:'� s ',�;1;:1 As uaed In thls p��ynph 20, 'Hmrdoua 3ubahnaes' �re thoae aubstanees deflned a�tado or hs�a►dous subahnae by
<br /> , � ' � . � Envkanmenhl I.aw md 1he fallowinp subeLncea: qaaoAne, keroaene. other Aartwn�ble a toxlc petrobum produots, Wxic
<br /> � ;;�"� � •<l='���•' • ppUcides�nd hebiddes,volatll�sohrants,matei7�ta contNn(np asbeitos or fomMldehyde, qnd radoactNs m�terlWs. As used b
<br /> .. . ` ��f•���:t� • . h 20, 'Envtronmemal L�w' mans f�denl Mwe�nd I�ws o1 the urledldbn whe� lh� Is bcat�d ih�t►d�t� to
<br /> f;;,;�. , , aW+v�r I P''°whY
<br /> ��' ,:i;.' M�th,�atety or�nvhonmmhl proteouan.
<br /> L. ' ,r.��.;;•.;:�•, .
<br /> ! , �� � ' NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower�nd Lender tuAhe►covenu�t and ayroe as foilows:
<br /> f Y .' ,.ti.,,,':;;:�` .
<br /> '.''is��� 21. Accnler�tion; R�m�di�s. I.onder ahall ytva notla� to Borrowor prior to acc�l�ration �:.,_
<br /> , • r.
<br /> .��;� . .. �.�'t' followlnq Borrow�r's braach of any covenairt or ap►��m�M in this S�cwity InstrunuM (but nd �':`.:r"+�
<br /> + prior to aacolar�dion undor pvayrAph 17 unlo�s applic�blo I�w provid�s dh�rwia). Th� ndic� 1�,,.
<br /> ��^ ° '�� ,.',� shalt•ep�cify: (a)tho dofauk; (b) tho actlon roquirad to cur�tho d�fault; (c) a dato. not lasa than r�•�'�
<br /> , ''� 30 dayo from tha data tho notiao is �Won to Borrow�r, by which the d�hu1R must bs cur�d; �nd
<br /> ;;, � (d) thAt hilura to curo tho dofault on or baforo tiw data apactfiod in tha notico may rosuit in �.,.•.
<br /> ' - � accol�ration of th� sums�our�d by this Socurity InstrumoM and wlo of tlw Prop�rly. Th� ndiw '�•� .
<br /> , ?;.�'���� shall iueth�� IrNatm Borrowar of tiw right to roinstato aftar �ccol�rstlon and tho �lpht to brinp � r;`�
<br /> :�� .,., � cou�! actlon t0 �Q8f1� H{Y non-�xistonco of a dofault or any othar d�fonso of Borrowor to 1.�'.:
<br /> � accolaration and �ala. If tiw dafault la not curod on or baiwa tho dat� speciH�d in tFw notico� ! f
<br /> ��'`•,;� � � L.�nd�r �t tts opNon may roqui�e Immediate payment in full of all �ums securad by thl� S�cu�ity �
<br /> ;��;�:�� ' � � Instrum�nt without iurthor domand and may Invoke tlw powor of �ala and any otM► ramodlos �
<br /> ''' " p�rmfltad by�pplicablo law. Londor ahall be ontklod to colloct all oxpans�a Incurred in purauinp
<br /> �;:.;�, � �� th� romedios provtd�d In thia parap►aph 21. includin�, but not IlmRad to, ra�ona6le attan�ys' �
<br /> �, l,'� • has and oost� of tkla ovidaoce. �
<br /> ,;,; � If the powar of salo is invoked, Trust� sFwll record a nottco of dofault in aaoh couniy in
<br /> which any part of tho Proporty ta located and ahall mail copies of such notico tn tha mannor ;
<br /> ` � • `° prascrib�d by appllcabla law to Bo�rowe�snd to tho othor pa►sons proacdbed by �pplkaWa I�w. `�
<br /> ! -� t " After tha tlm� requirad by appllcAble law, Trustae �hall givo public notico of aalo to tho porson� '
<br /> �'��'�, ;��;��. � and in 1ha rnannor proscribod by appHcable law. Truetao, without domand o�Borrowor. ahall cell
<br /> �.;�.t.. ' '��,;�.,`t� tFw Property at public auctioh to tho highest biddor at tFw timo and pl�ce and undor tiw tarms � .
<br /> .,: • . . d�signat�d in tha notice of sale In one or moro parcals and In a�y ordar T�ustaa d4terminos.
<br /> '� ' Trud�o may po9tpano �alo of all or an�p parcol of tho Proporty by public announcernent at the
<br /> ' � tNno and lace of �n r�viousl scho�ulod �a1Q. Laodor or it4 dasi nvv ina
<br /> ., �.� ,. P Y P Y � Y Pu�chs� the
<br /> Prop�rty at any wlo.
<br /> , Upon r4cNpt of paymont of tho prica bid. Tnustoa �hall dolivo� to ttw purchaaor Trustae's
<br /> •�__ _.� d��d convoytn�tfw Propo�iy. The rocitala in the Tru4t�'s doad shall bo primo facia ovidenc� af
<br /> - *�`—-�� -� -' tta trutn oT tiH stat�m�nts mad� tn�roto. T►ustoo snai� a
<br /> ppry en� p►oc�ada of ttN sale in me
<br /> ' '�. tolluwinp ord�r. (a) to all coats and oxponsoa M exorclsing tha poww of aala. and tFw sal�.
<br /> ` � inaludin0 tho pay�nant of tho Truotw'a f�aa actually incurrod, not to oxca�d throo
<br /> � 9G of the principal amount af the
<br /> '� � noto at tho timo of tha doclaratlon of dofault. and roaaonabto attornoy'a foas aa po�mittad by law;
<br /> i ��. ,+ (b� to all wnis acund by this S�curity Instrumont; and (c) any oxcoss to tha p�rson or p�nons
<br /> !� • hpally �nfitl�d to it.
<br /> .,
<br /> � F1�16.LMO(7pJ) Pape�ol 8 �w� 1�
<br /> �'� ��
<br /> . , �• .
<br /> :�� [[
<br /> � 93138 i.M [
<br /> j I
<br />