�� . .,,.�
<br /> .�.,.,:�, �. 4:+�*-ti... . ,�..
<br /> �..�
<br /> �.- � ��t-
<br /> _.�..
<br /> �
<br /> . . BarowK m�y atA woh � dMwll �nd �ns4W� u providod h P��Ph 18�E1' aw�lnp tM sWoti or procMdiq to b�
<br /> • cNs�Wtt�d wNh��uNp that,N L�ndw'�pood Wlh dM�tlon�Pndudw kxNkun M th�Barow�r'�Nt�nW In 1M Propwty or
<br /> d , othr m�twW Mnp�Ymw►t of th�im orMt�d by t1Y� B�wdN Inapum�nt a Lw�dK9 wowiry bt�l. Bon+r�nr dW �Mo b�b
<br /> OiYt N BortowK�dwkW th�Iwn�pP� Pr��9rv���Y 1�a Inacant�Ma9�11on a�t�to �w�dw(a
<br /> WNd to provid� Unda wNh �ny m�twld infonmtlon) in amn�ollon wNh th�lom�►rid�rKi�d bi►th� Not�,indud��p� but nM
<br /> Mnibd b. np�w�tlon� oona�nN�O Barowu'� ooaiy�nay o1 th� Prop�rty u � p�FJplf�l n�ldwio�. M 1t�N 8�owitf►
<br /> Ins�t M on •Mu�hold, 8arowar sIW camPry wNN d th�providan of th�Iww. N,9a►rpw«►�u4ul►�t» tNM to tM
<br /> :��.. . , Prop�h�tb�IMpt�old�nd th�1N tlIM sIW not m�►pr unN��L�uN►�pnn to th�m�rp�►In w�WnY•, �O
<br /> .' r'.,:��:•,.>-'� : T.Prat�atlon M L�nd�'s Rlphb In th� P�ap�rly, q Bonoww taY� to p►71am.th�aov�tt.�rid�g�nNn�?
<br /> . a ooatNa�d in this s�awuY�nnnrn�nt, a thw� w� M0�P►�«�o ��f► �pnMant�► �Mct t,�xNr's rl�in.th��p�aD�A�
<br /> �att_�ci�:i�..:,.,;:;� (uuah.a a prooNdYiO b b�nlvuptcY.PmbaU� la cond«nnWon or forhftw�a to rntora kwR a nipuhtlon�b�tMn�.,�nd�r m�Y M
<br /> � sit49�:�,:.�.:::.;:.::s5� do�nd p�y for wh�rK Is n�wY b P��t iM rNu�of th�Piropwty�nd I.�ndw's tiphq In IINi PrtlpKty. L+�n1Nr'��atiais
<br /> �:�"; �:.� may Indud�P�p anY wms uound by • Y�n whbh hu pdortly ovn ihls S�anity In�M� app�(np b oanA,WY�
<br /> `'t•� � rea�ontl�M alanit�At'tMt md �ntwNp on th� Prop�Ay to anin rrp�Ns. AMhouph Lw�dK m�y hk��oqon wid�Ihit prapnph
<br /> ��'•:`�� :,° ' 7. Undrr doa nM.h�re ta da sa.
<br /> Ai:.,�P�ti
<br /> .. My�nK�unta dleburi�d by.Und�r undK pvayraph 7�hY b�com�addkbn�d�bt ol8ortrwv�r s�urod by thia Brr,�MMy
<br /> �- ..:, . � �.'•.:��' Instrummt. UnM�s� 8oaaw� �nd Undr�pn� to oth�twms ol paym�nl. tbK� �mount9�hwfl bw Int�nst bAm tha dttp of
<br /> �•�- ,� ' �. �6ufaMltpll•d th11 NOta f�te and shal b�p�y�61e�wqh tnbnst,upon notla bom Undw W Bortaw�r re4u�9 WYmM„+
<br /> y��v ;l ; 9. MA�t{�f1p� IRturanc�. n lend�r nquind moAp�p�Inswana�s � canditlon ot mMdn9 th�lan s�ourad by this
<br /> " 8eourity Ina4umint�,Bomow�►sfW poy th�pr�ns nqufrod to m�M�Wn th�rtwR�9�Nsw�na�N MNd.N.lar am rawn�th�
<br /> J , martpspa inwnma eov�pa roquM�d by Land�r Mpaea or c�aaa to b�N dbot.Bomow�r shal pRy the pron�iunp rnquYyd W
<br /> n�?�� �s�A ,r � obt�ki aov�n0e wb�e�iuMknt to th� morty�p�inwnuia pnvlowly(n aMeat. n •oost wb�ntl�lY�qWv�hnt,la Ih�
<br /> ...� r _.., �..: o:
<br /> , . , .' OOiI.LU BOtifllM�f Of 1h! 1110f[�f19B If16UQflp pnrlouey b Mteot� fi'WIl N aItN11aU It101L'Qi1Q0 iI1WR11f�PfOY�d �f LMIt�N. 11
<br />� . ;_.� ' •• � " � wb�.puM�Nnt matp�ge.lnsu�w oov�np�Is not�v�WiW�� 8wrowr{hN p�y to l�ndw e�ch moMF� �suen,�qual to
<br /> �" ` ' onttw�lllh of iha Y�IY motU��Inwrana p►�nium brMp pald by Ba►ower wfien the inaurmu oov��I�ps�d or cMS�d to
<br />- . . :..;°•;:. 1..- �� bo h �11ec1. londer wiC occapt,uas�nd roWn ih�ae p�ymenta�e �loea raserve tn 6eu d mortp�p�In�w�nw. Lots��rv�
<br /> '� paymenq m�y no lonpa be requked. d Ihs opUon ol Landar, H mortg�pe hwrao�oe c0verag�(in the anouM�nd for Uro p«iod
<br /> � , �'•.'•. th�d I.�nder nquiros)provkled by�n insun► �pprov�d by L�ndrr ag�M� beaomss �vdl�bb md It obWn�d. Bortaw�r�hNl pty
<br /> , ihe p►�nlium!hqukRd ta mpintah�mortgaye Insuntic�In eflect. a to provide ■lo�s►aerv�.unW lh�requMwnwq fw rtwAp�y�
<br /> , '��: ,; InwmMa end�in,�ccord�nce wrih�ny wdtt�n agsement balwean Borrowa rnd Laidsr or appQubis hw.
<br /> • � 9.In11p�C#1011. Lmder a iUt��nt m�y mdte rpson�ble�niriea upon�nd In�peation�of Ihe Prop�rty. Undrr ahW pM�
<br /> .� . Bamwqr naUoe at the tlme of or prior to an Inepeadon sP4dyinp nnsonabk uuse lor the InrpecUon, .,�
<br /> 10. Cond�mn�tion. Tha procs�da of my awud or clNm tor damap�s. dM�ot or oonsequentlat. In corui�c,ilon wiU��ny
<br /> � condann�tion a otha Wdnp•of�ny put of th�Roperly, a for cornry�na in W�u of cvndMnnrtbn��ra hwby�sal�ed�nd
<br /> " shM be p�W b Under.
<br /> " . ��, In the avr�L of a toW Wdnp d th� Prop�ty, ths proaads ehaA be applied to the eums s�curad by thia Srowily
<br /> i •,. ' Instrummt.whether or nat then dua,wNh any �taa�pold to Bortoww. In th�evant ot� pWnl Wdnp of ih�PropMy in whkh
<br /> th�hir makat w0ue oi th�Ptapa/y Nmn�di�bly befae th�Ukkip Is eqwl to or yrMter tiwi th��nwunt o1 lhe wmt t�wrod
<br /> - -- , . - by thb£�aurAy Insuuman.irrvne�ialeiy befon ihe Wuig, uniers 8ortow�r .nd L.n� dUtierwfse a�sa In w�'�tp..tha sst�
<br /> • � seeursd by thls 3ecurily insdument ah�Y be raduced by the amount of the proaeds muitipAed by the(oAowinp tr�otion: (1�ths
<br /> " toW omaunt M the eums aewnd Nnm�dlatey bdoro the tddny,dhridod by (b)the 1ak ma�ket valua of the Prope�ty iirrrrodfetely
<br /> ' ' belorw Iha t�g.Any bdance ah�N b�pUd to 8ortower. In Ihe avent ot a pwrdal hking of the Propa�ty In which ihe pib rn�rk�t
<br /> • , vAM+e of tha Praperiy inunedlately before the taklnp Is leas than Ihe�mount of the wms aecured immmdiately before the taWnp,
<br /> • unMa.s Bortower pnd Lender othawtas agne in w�tMp or untess �ppYcable law othenalae provida, the prooeds eh�ll be
<br /> f •� �ppied to the wrta socuraJ by thls Seourity In�wment whether or not the aums are then due.
<br /> '�; , . N the Proparty la abu�doned by Borrower, or H,�flK noUcQ by Lander to Borrow�r that 1he condamor oHas ta rtwice on ,.�q
<br /> i, . pvinrd a aeltb • ddm tor dam�pes, Borrowar(uls to respond to lende► wiihJn 90 daya aRe the date tha notla is �iven,
<br /> :�' L�nder la aulharized b collect �nd �pply tha proceads, at Ua opqon,efther to rasloratlon or►ep�ir of the Propaly w to th� _
<br /> °� . � sums ucurod by this 3ecurity Insirument,whetha or not ihen due.
<br /> �"` I Unass L�nda u+d Borrowar othawlae �pree In wrqhy, my �ppYaiHon ot proceedt ta prindpal ahl�il not udend w •
<br /> � podpone the due d�te of lhe monthy paymenta rcleRSd to In pangrapha/and P or chanye the�mount o1 tuafi p�ymads.
<br /> � I 11. Borrnwor Not R�I�asod; Forboa►�nco By l.�ndar Not a W�tvoa Extenston o1 the�rr�e la p�ym�nt or ;;.K
<br /> modi�tbn of�mortization of ihe auma seared by thla Seaxity Insirum�nt qranted by lQnder to any suoensor In Inlere+ri of .
<br /> ' - ' BortowK sh�N not opente to rNease iha IlabUily of Ihe o�ipinal Borrower or 6ortower's sucASSas tn fnterest Lwider�h�p not
<br /> be required to commenca proceedh�ga �pdnsl rny succeeaor In Interest or retuse to exlend tinQ fw paymsnl or olhe�wke
<br /> ' ' ., modity�moAfmtkn ot the sume sacured by this Security Inslrurtant by reison oi arry de�nand m�de by the miyk�l Bortower a
<br /> • 8orrow�'s successors in intcrost. llny forboarnnce by Lender in !X_KCI�IRQ any rlt!M or remtdy yhiN nm ba� waWar of or � . -•
<br /> r, praciude the exerclse ot any�ight or remedy. E"..:...
<br /> � 1Z. 8uccosson and Assigns Bound; Jaint and Sevoral UabiNty; Co-siynero. 7ne co�en.n�s and �
<br /> • . �gnMmnts oi thla SecurNy InsUument shaY btnd and benefit the auccessas and aasiQns ol Lu�da and Borrawer,wbject to ihe
<br /> u
<br /> � prorlslons ot parapraph 17. Barowar'e eownents and�greements ahaU be Joint end several. My BoKmrra who co•si�s this �'�
<br /> ;� ' 3eairily Insbument bul does nW executo the Note: (a)ts co•signing this Security Insbwwent ony to morl6pge, gmt and convey
<br /> ' � � th�t Bortower'a Intarost In the Property under Ihe terms ollhis SQCUrIy InaGumenl; (b) is nal pp�,,.aully obligNed to pay the �
<br /> , aums eecured by thls Security Instrumont; end (c) agreea that lende►and any othtr 9ortmNer may�gre�lo extend,modiy,
<br /> • ' • torbeu or n�ke my accommodadons wRh ►eqaM to the terms of this 3ecudty Instrunant a tF�Not�wlViout that BortowK's i
<br /> - consent.
<br /> , 1 :• � 13. Loan Chargas. If the loan aecurcd by this Security �natrument is subjact to e 4w w{�fah eeta nyxlnwm lan
<br /> r;'.�', • charyea, and that law fa finely Interpretad so thol the Interest or other loan charges collected w to b� cotlected in connecNon
<br /> � � with the Iwn �xceed the pemdned Nmits, then: (a)eny such 1wn cherge shoU be reducod by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> �� ! the ch�rqe b the pe�mflted limit and (b) any aums already coUected hom 8ortower wlwzh exceed�d pemiitted Iirrits wHl be .
<br /> �;,,;: � retundod to BoROwer. Lendw rn�y choose to moke this rehmd by reducing the principal owed under ihe Note ar by making a
<br /> . i di�ect poyment to 8orrower. II e �etund reducea prinGpal, the reduction wlll be treatad �s a partlal prep�ymant wqhoul any
<br /> �• p�paymaH charge under the Note.
<br /> • ' ' 14. NOt1Cif.My notice to 8wrowar provided tur In thls Seeurlty Insvument shal be ghren by delMer4ip h or by mafUng It
<br /> . !',,; '� , C' by Rrst clats maY unl�ea applicable law requkes use of anolhe►method. The noUce sFu�p be dkected to the Prape�ty Addreas
<br /> r or any other�ddroas Botrower design�tes by noUce to Lende►. My noUce to Lende► ahaN be given by fitat class mai to
<br /> � �__ L�nder'e addreee aUted herein or eny other address Lande�deslgnotes by�oUce to Bortower. My noUce provided la h this
<br /> �- � � -----�- seainry mswmem anan oe ae�mea to nsve been gnan to nonower or�eaaer wnm prvan�s pronaea m ma panprapn.
<br /> ��'�` �i 1b. �OVYlninq LAw; $YVYrAbllitr. Yhls 3ecuiily Inatrument shall be yovemed by federal law md the law ol the
<br /> • ` � ju�IsdicUon In whbh the Property la located. In th�event thet�ny prodalon or dwae o1 Ihis Securily Instrurnent or ihe Note
<br /> �� � , eonlNcla with�ppticable law, such conAict ahap not aHect other provislona of this Security Inatrument a the Note which an be
<br /> -• ��• yivw� aMect wilhoul th�conNctfny provialon. To this and tha provisfons ol this Secwily InsLument and ihe Note ua dadarQd to
<br /> � h b6 i!Ylnbk.
<br /> i t� ! ' 18. Borr01M��'s Copy.Bortower aheA be qhren one coMormM copy ol the Note and oi this Setwrhy InaWmanl.
<br /> ) �
<br /> I ' •� ) �
<br /> . i �
<br /> {, � i F1316.1M0(7/0,7) P�qw 3 of S �
<br /> � .
<br /> . 931k1 LM �
<br />