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.i. <br /> •J.l�S'�.. <br /> .i .r:� ..;;. <br /> Y ., .� . . . ' /- ..�ef...�SY�� <br /> .��i .. . � . 'r;�� <br /> •1� �.�.+w�.� <br /> ' J��{^� <br /> � . ' <br /> 93- so�a.�s <br /> periods Uwt Lendcr rcquires. The insurance carticr pmvldin��he lnsuranrc ehall be chasen by Sorrower�ubjat to Lerderti . <br /> �pppova)which ahall nd be wu+easonrbly withheld. IP Borrower faiis to mdntain rovers�ge de�cdbed wbave�Lendrn rtMy.w ' <br /> I.enderl�optian,abuin coverage to protat Lenderh rights in the Propeny in�cc�ac with paragtaph 7. <br /> A!I inswance policiea and mrownis�twll bc accepable to Lender and shull includo w standard martgage claw�c. Lender <br /> shdl hwvo tho ri�ht w hold�hc policica�ud renewals. 1P I..ender rrquines,Bomower rhall promptly givo to Lender irll reraeipu <br /> of psid prcmfuma and renewal noticeg. In the event of losa, Borrawer aholl Qivo prc�npt notice to thp inRUa+nce curler and <br /> I�ender. Lender may moice prooP of IaxA if nat mwde promptly by Borrnwer. <br /> Unless l.ender end Narruwer otherwise agrec in w� proceeds shAll be applicd to rcstorallon or ropwir of <br /> tha Pn ity dumaged. ii�t�e re��oru�ion or rep•rir i�ccunumicully feusible und Lender�s security is not lessened, li the <br /> �w � <br /> restorotion or repair iK not economicaliy fea9ible or L.endcr w securiry wauld be IeRSencd,the fnaurance pra;ads sbrll be <br /> applied to tha sume secured by lhis Secu�ity Instniment,wlxther ar not �hen due, wi�h any exce.cs puid to Borrower. If <br /> Borrower abandana Iha RopeAy,or daes aot onswer within 30 duys a notice from I.ender Ihat Iha insurancc car�er hav <br /> ofi'ered to settle a claim,then I.ender may collect the insurunce proceeds. Lender moy ur�a�ho proceeds to repair or restare <br /> tho Propeny or to pay sums r:ecured by this Sccurity Inslrumem,whether or nat then due. The 3(I�duy pe�ind will•bepin•when <br /> the noticc is givcn. <br /> Unless Lenda�and Bomnwer othecwise ugrec in writing,any upplication of praceedx to princiqal shall not ext�nd or <br /> ' pustponc the due dute of the monthly puymenta referred to in puragraphe 1 und 2 or chonge tha umnunl�of tha pnymen�s. li' <br /> ' under parrg�ph 21�he Praperry is acqubrd by Lender, Bornowerk right to any inaumnce poliulae and proceeds resulting <br /> from damage tu Q�s Property prior to the acyuiFition shall pass to Lendar to the extem of 1he sums secuned by this Securlty <br /> x Inatrument immedintely prfor to the ncquisition. � <br /> b. Occupaney. Prsservatlon� MwiMenwnce and Protectbn ot the PropertY: Bor�aw�r R Loan Applicalioni <br /> �•• •' ', LRasehold�. Bomower shull occupy,estoblish,and use the Pr�operty os Borrower R principal reKidunae within sixty days after <br /> �+•�_� ... �r�i <br /> ,�,_, the execution of Utie Security Instrument nnd ahAll conlinue to accupy the Property ae Burrowerk principal re�idence far at <br /> leaxt one year afiw� the dnte of accupancy, unless Lender atharwirse ngreex in w�iting, whicH conFen� shall not be <br /> �' � unmosonably wi�hhald,or unlsss extenuating circumatunceR eaist which are beyond Borrc�wer R c�nnal. Bormwer shall na <br /> �„,. 't+' �•� •` ' • °, desbvy,dnma€e or impuir tho Propeny.ullow�he Propeny to datsriorata,or commit waste on�the P�vperty. Borrower sholl <br /> ' y.�c?�r_:...f::_�r:..;:: <br /> ,, � � be in defauU if any fort'eiture action or proceeding,wNutlter civil or criminal,i.r begun that in l.xnderk good fui�h,judgmem <br /> , • . �;�,. could result�in forf'eiture af the property or dhenvine mute�iully impnir the licn cmatad by �his Sccurity In�uument ar <br /> t :•:�•'� •'+' '�R ••� I.enderk security intarest. Borrower muy cuc�,uch u def�ult und reins�tut�s,ux provided in paragraph 18,by cuusing the aclion <br /> ° �-��a;?�'2 or proceeding to be diRmissed whh a n�lin�that, in Lenderk gaad fafth datartninution,precludas torFeituR of Ihe Borrowcrk <br /> �c.:�;.�....�r,.....�. <br /> • ,,,. r.�:°••� intereRt in �he Propeny or ab�r rnuterial im��irmen� af�he lian cirutud by thia Secu�ity Inn�n�mcat or L.ender 4 Kecurity <br /> ���4���'�Z�,� interest. Bornower shnll-alr:o be in default if Borrower, during tho k�tui•uppliuu�iun procer�s, guve mnlcrially falrc or <br /> �'�'����` x.''�,' innccurate info�mation or�:wu.�mentx a L.ender(or fuilad tU pro�ide I..eoda�with unynwarri:►1 infamuiion)in canneciion with <br /> ��'��,N�S:�:�.K <br /> �'r��3'�'��;:..+p" the lotm evidonc�f by thc neK4, including, but not Iimilesd 1�. �+epnsn�rnationn concening Borrower's accupancy of the <br /> • �,:: . .fi;,..�•,�,�,• ..., <br /> ` '�4� � P(Q�)Cfly pF p F1fIJIC�IA�1'@!+I(ICIICC. If thir:Securily Inr:trumanl is nn a luur,ehuld.�urrawer vhull complp with al)lhe provisiuns <br /> `�� ` � of the lease. !f Er�s�c+ver acquires fee ti!!e to the!'m=tcny.IhN Im�+�hnld.und�'h�fee.�l�ahall nw moqte unless Lender�utrees <br /> µ f`' •` ' ' ' � ta tha mer er in writin <br /> � ' ; �'�'.a�sv ►;�;'.�+'w`<',��• $ S• <br /> � ;:�.. ,��;��Y;;.,:'��:.r. 7. Protectian of I.endur'c RighG+ in Ihe ProMrrt,r. If Bnrrowe�fuiln to peA'cxm the covenamx and agrctements <br /> �� .. .;,: :;:,�,:,�:. • contuined in this Securily Inxtnimenl, or thure is a logul proceedinR tha� muy .rigniticantly affecl Lenderk rigNlw in thc <br /> , �;�'�. :,,, <', •` _ Propeny(such ux i�proceeding in hi►nkrupiay.prohute.For condamnalion.or fi►rfvilurc ur to enfurce luws or regulutions),then <br /> . . -:,..1., ''.' f� L�:nder mAy do and puy far wliutover ir;nuc�h.yry t�pn►turt thc vuluu nf•�hc Prnpeny and Lendc��righ�s in�he Property. <br /> . . . . ' � L.enderr uctinnr.muy includc puyinp unp►um,�curoJ b}�u liun whiuh�hu�prinri�y ovcr this Scruritv Instrument, appcnring <br /> `a ,; in coun,puying r�awnuhle uuamey►'1'ucr und cnmrinp an cNe 1'�npeny ta muke �pufn:.Although Lender may tnke uction <br /> ��'. � ,' . � • undcr�hix parugroph 7.Lendur dnrs not huvc a►d.i.a. <br /> ..� ':,,, <br /> . . T, , �� Any anmunls dir;burr:�d•N)�Lrmlcr undcr Ihix pur�gr.iph 7 shulb hccum4 uddNi��nal debt of B��m�wcr�ecurcd by [hi�c <br /> ;;"':' �. Security In�lrum�n6 Unlrs�Hartower:mA l.4nck-r s��tree to odier tenn+.ul'�puymunl,thcer amnumx rholl beur inlere.t fram the <br /> ' • '•Y` �-' '� � da�c of disbutxc+mem ut the Nute r�te und shalb t�e puyable, with inlonr►t, upon noiice from Lrnder lo Borrower reyuetiting <br /> � ,��., . � �.r!�:��'.,:: �.:,.�;;,;. <br /> �• • :.:'�:���•. ,.��.'• . puyment. <br /> • ' '�.,�j4',�;°.;,.��; . ! S. Mortga�e Insurance. It'Lender requirod mortguuc insurunre as u ronditiin of muking the lo•rn ,ceured by thir <br /> �:, :�� �.. Securi�y Innirument, BoRUwer shull pay Ihr premiumr.ntyuirod to mnintuin tlk mangug� inwr.�nce in effecl. If, for nny <br /> .,�.r.. .• ,. .� .� <br /> „ reuson. Ihe mongoge in+uranre coverugc rc�uimJ Bp l:ender lup+c� or r�u.c. u� h� in ei'1'ec�. B��rrnwer +hull poy the <br /> �� '�� '� " remiums re uin�d w �ibtuin covrra � .ubstuntiully c ui�vlum �n �hr mun�u�� imuruncc Rviou.l m eFfcct, ut a cost <br /> �±„' �- ,.: P N B• N '•. � �• r , Y . <br /> � ' a;��-�sa;,. yubstuntiully eyuivaknt w thc co.� tn B��rruwcr of Ihr mnngugc inrun►m•c prcvi� in rti'¢cl.trom un nUcmute mcxtgugc <br /> . , r;;�,��.:'T" � � , inzurer approved by Lcnder. If�uB�tuntiullv equi��ul�m m�►ngngc inr��rnnce cov�rutir i� no�availaDlc.$uu�rwci .bu1i puy I�� - <br /> �, � ' . . '�,i.�,.• Lender cuch mcmth a sum eyual tc►rnn-�w�liih n!'Ihr yr�irly mongugr imumnrc rmmiwn tking puid by Borrower when the <br /> ';*� �_ . .''=v Y�;;iy'ti:�;;',�i invururn:e r�,vcrngr lapsed i�r ceu+ed to tx in rl'fe�i. Lcndrr will uccrp�.u�r and i�I:�in ihr,c puymcnt�u,u losx rc+erve in licu <br /> ` }���`"�`�,<'����`' ''���� of monguge insuruncc. 1.���.r;�ervc puymrnl. muy no Nm�cr t+r r�yuircd.ut thrupiii�n ot'LrnJcr, if mohgu�:e inwranre , <br /> ' �i.���i;�'•` coveruge(in tha umount unJ ti►r�hc�xri�Kl tNal Lendrr rcyuirc.l pn�viJrd by cm in.urer appnwed by Lrndrr uguin becnm�. F� <br /> � ;a• • �:;� .. . <br /> },w, >�i�•. .. � uvuiloble und i�nbtained.Horrower,hcdl puy ihr �m mium�requireJ tu m►�inlain nwng��r inwranre in rffect.ix tu pr��vide u <br /> , �;,v ,,: <br /> iY s• �,.:.• r,�<<��. <br /> �. '�'' . ��,.,•,•�,�w+,,,. , ; lo�x re.erve.until Ihe reyuiremrnt f'or m�m�ugc i nxurunce cnds in urr���dunrc u•itN any��•riucn+�gncmcn�lxx�wrrn Burtawer <br /> Yt�, ,, �.;:;ry.��, �°� pnd Lender or appliruble law. ,�;' <br /> ��.:,� � �, <br /> r• , � ::�;�' . 9. In.vpectiun. Lendcr or i1x ugrm may rnukr r�aumahlr cnlricti u�xm and im���irni�uf thr F�n,�xny. L�ndcr shall � <br /> +�'i' i� •, �ive Bcxrowe�notice:u ihr timr of��r prior tu an inx�xrtian.�xritying mi�.onnhlr cau.e titt Ihc in.Fxclion. <br /> F, t !Y. CondemnYdon. �-n���«<i,�,r�ny award nr cl:�im f��r dama�ew dircci c,r r�►nKyucnlial,in conncclion with uny <br /> �' �� • • ' : tifnglc hamdy•-Fannie M�rh'reddle 111w l�IF11R111titiTNt��Ih.YI'..l vidunn t'o�.nam, 9�90 qx��r?n%n pitr,� <br /> - GRat In►'x Hu•Inow� <br /> � . : � <br /> ..} . tu�MVMrt'all-IaM1UR71►9:i93:7 pAxtllBMl•1111 <br /> 1�. <br /> �:/. �-��:.� . , , , + <br /> `-,' l�. �. , , r . ..� . -�A�""�' . ._'. . .. . . . . . _ . _ . . _ . �•l Tt.r.,ltii4l{N ,. - K'ur4r•..'_ __"' _}7�'�.;?^:;':cn ,.�,.. ;1 <br /> .� . � .. ,o-,�.�. . . �.91`., . '��,� . <br /> .` , . <br /> 1 - ,�. � . <br /> �li, � ' ' ' ... � .. . .. � - . � . , . <br /> °' , . � � " ' . . - ' .. <br /> a'� . ., - ,. �� . .. � .. � .� .. . . <br /> �" ' •• . .. . .. , " • - <br /> � ° •. ' `�'.a 4. ' . . :, ..y� .. . <br /> • ., , . . . {-�.� �kki�=. , . , <br /> ,�.. „ ., , ;.�����, ; � . <br /> r. �" .� .. , ., " � . . 1����:,.... , . <br /> ,,.- . , ". • � • � . . '�,.�,��.v�...�.. . , � • <br /> . � � - , ,�, . . .I. ����, Y ' .. ' _ . . 1� � <br /> � �� . .. � .. { <br /> � <br /> 1 1 <br />