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<br /> 1Q���W���f�10�111�KDYE111C11�IIOW Of �IOibil�ll lJOC�OQ t�10��iii00���IY011101I�s�71p��.
<br /> �Ild fll�pll�;i IIOW Of�Id�lt��1l Ot 1$0��. l�fOpI�CQ711011ti�11d��I�OIU i�l���W b0 ODVOfO��(�111$�CUI'1�
<br /> �OWfttlddlL Iw O�(110 fOtC�O;llj�t I�C�!!i�l0 Ip YII�$OCllf�ly►]pW1UAdlt Y(b0"p1+DQQty►."
<br /> BORROW�R G'OVPIVAM'S tl�at BaROwer ir I�wiuAy xi�ad of 1he e�we hcreby c�nveyed wd hu tha d�t w Qnnt
<br /> and convey 1he and tlwt the Propaty ii ueeocumberad,exaapt for a�cumbru�cer ot rocad Barower w�rnab aad
<br /> wIU defead�t e dUe w tAc Propaty a�ain�t W)cWrtu�nd dem�nds.wbject W any eucumbnu�ces oP record.
<br /> TlflS SFCURITY INSS'I"RRUNQ�iT canbines unifam covemnu for n�tlon�l u�c �nd non•w�lform covnwus with
<br /> Nmited vuLtiona by judcdicNon to consddue a unifixm cecurlly inwument covedng roal pmpe�ty.
<br /> UNIPORM CbVBNANTS. Bomowa and l.endcr covenmt and a�roe�followr.
<br /> 1. PaymeM ot Peindpal and liotaMi�P�l�t aad 4te Char'�er. Barower cbAQ promptlY PpY when due tLe
<br /> priaci of aad lntetrst oa tho debt ovidenoed by the Note and my p�epayrnent and I�oe cMr¢ea duo under the Nwe.
<br /> �I+��for 7Yxa aud inwrnaoa Subjxt toappl�cable lAw ar to a wrltten waiver iiy Londer.Horrower shall pay W
<br /> L,ender on the daY�1Y MY�Is are due widcr the Notc,unW tho Note ie pdd in full.�sum("Fluida")fa: (al Y�Y
<br /> tues and�sessmenu wbicb m�y�in priotity over this Securlty Inspument as a I(�m on the Propeny:(b)Ye�rly Iwehold
<br /> paymants ar gn►und rcnts on tho Propaty. if any;(c)yearly hauud or proprrty insurance preaduras: (d) yearly flood
<br /> iqaurance premiwns. if t�ny: (e)Yeuly a�ort�age inweance P�'emiums,if nt�y:and(� any eums payabk by Borrower W
<br /> I,ender.in wxoMance with tho pcovieione of paragraph 8.in lieu of tbo pnya�ent of mortgage insurence premiums. 77KSe
<br /> frcros aoe caUed"Fscrow ltems." Lcnder may.at any 8me.coUxt and hold FUnda in an amount not to escad the maximum•
<br /> amow►t a lender fa•a federAlly rel�ted mortgage laan may rcquLe for Bartuwer'a escrow account uader the fedenl Real
<br /> . Fstate Setflement Proceduns Act of 1974 as amended from tima to dme,12 U.S.C.;2601 e�seq.("RESPA").ualess anotlier
<br /> .�_�. . „�:,:" law tbat applies to the Phnda sets a lesser amouM. If w.Lendcr msy.at aay tiax.cdlat and hold Wnds in an wnaunt not to
<br /> � eaceed the lesser amouot. I.ender may esdm�te die aawuat of Funds due on the basia of cunent data aod neacon�bk
<br /> ., �ri�'•', � ,�.� estimates of ea PP
<br /> ,��; .;•,4 paiditurcs of futuro Escrow Items or dherwise in accordance with a licable law.
<br /> -��'��;� : E '�j�' . The P�nde ahall be held in an instlmtion wLose deposi�s a�e insured by a fede�l agency. instrumenwqry.or endty
<br /> ,,,,n Y , ; k,� �. (includiag l.endcr.if L.ender ia such nn insdwtion)a io any Poderel Home Lom�Bank. Lender shnll apply tha PWnda to paY
<br /> � °�.''° •. •'..t, . �he F.scrow Items. L.ender may not cherge Bomower for holding end applyjng tfie FLnds.annually analyziag the escrow
<br /> °;,'.: ��` �',,,j�;,.: accoun�. or verifying�he Fscrow [tems.unless 1.¢ndtr pays Bortower interest on the FLnds end applicAble law perml�s
<br /> , ' ;.,,,,:{:y� s,�,,;.,�,,t Lender to malce sueh a charge. However,Lender nuy requirc Borrower w pay a one-time chuge for en independent rcal
<br /> '' 4',a�Wff�`'�.7f�',�.,�1�N, t" estate tau rcporting service wsed by l.ender in connecdon wlth Ihis loan,unlesa applicable law provides otberwise. Unless an
<br /> '�v..•'�.:�.*�"���,'�`1�����i�.
<br /> �,�; agroement is nwde or applicable law requires intenest to be paid.L.ender shall not be rcquired to pay Bormwcr any intetest or
<br /> • ;��.'�';''��� •�° �� emnings an the Funds. Botrower and Lender may agoe in wri6ng,Iwwever,that interest shall bc paid on the i�nds. L.ender
<br /> .�� ' f7ur y �,�•.H.µT .
<br /> 1''� r-;� , • � shall give to Borruwer,without charge.an annual accaunting oi the Flmds,showing credits and debits to the FLnds and the
<br /> ,�,� �.�,'- . . ':,. .
<br /> ,. , ;.,,��;.>;.;,... . purpose for which each debit w�he Funds was made. 'Ihe FwMs are pkdged as addit�onel security for all sums securcd by
<br /> + . � �•=..� �`: .,,� thia Security Insaument.
<br /> �'�?• '� If tha Funds hotd by I.eader exceed the amounts permitted to 6e held by applicable law. Lender stiall account to
<br /> r;f;'',�:• • "'�'' ���jr�;�"�'s'` , Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance wlth ttho mquirements af applicable law. If the amount of�he FLnds held by
<br /> 1 .I�41�j1.1. .��� ��:.�:���4.. .
<br /> i'•• �• �• ,s,,;��,- -�•• �. . Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow ltems when due,Lender may so nat�fy Borrower in writing.and.��
<br /> �: � :,,;��ti���i�'.�,�`..��";;.;- 4 such cese Borrower shall pay to l.ender the amount necessary to make up the deGciency. Borrower shtdl make up tho
<br /> M� '^'�_��'�°�:��'�' �'�3�;•` � deficienzy in no more U�an twelve monthlypaymen�s,at Lender's sole discretion. a'�
<br /> �',''., �' ��'��`'� ��>4���;f`�;�;';`• Upon payment in full of all sums secured by�his Secudty Instrument,I.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower ony
<br /> ?`'�`f n,;• ' ��� � :� � :!`�':;"'t�`% Funds held by Lender. If.under para�aph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender. prior to the acquisition or
<br /> ,��:i!ii:��`.J'}o-','�'�.;.1��r:
<br /> � ��� �" ,...�;:� � . sale of tha Property. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisidon or sale as a credit ageinst the sums
<br /> '{;r;' •,; .. V `, aecured by this Security Inslrumont.
<br /> il,<i.: . , ,
<br /> ��'��i',j!' ' �• .� a 3. Applicadon ot Paymenta Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all p�yments received by L.ender under
<br /> ` � '*> a;,� parng►aphs 1 and 2 shall be npplied:first,to uny pmpayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payabl6 under
<br /> �!��'°'�~-"�""����^'' paragmph 2;third,to inlarest due;fourih,to principul due;And las[,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> ,�� • ,. ° 4. Chorges; Licns. Bomnwer shWl poy all�axes, assessments, charges, fines and imposidons uttriburable to ihe
<br /> 6 '.; J;;,".i'�� • ' "�''� Property which muy auain priority over this Security Inswment.and leasehold pnyments or grwnd rents,if uny. Borrower
<br /> ,�;� ' ' stiall pay these obligutions in the manncr provided in parugmph 2,or if not paid in lhat manner,Borrower shall pay them on
<br /> �' ' �••Y�4r'� ��•e ��' I time direcd tu the rson owed u ment. Borrower shall rom tl furnish to Lender all natices of amounts to be sid under (•�
<br /> �„�s. ;�f;�l"`���'''�;� .. �;;;;; this ru h. lf Bomower makes these ments directlp BoPrower shull rom il iumish to Lender recei ts evidencin
<br /> P�8 P PaY Y• p P Y P 8 .`.
<br /> '�� ��.' ��•.�� • �he payments.
<br /> ` "'�`"'—�'`'�`"'�•�''� Borrower aiiuii �uu� d di�hur e un iien whuh hns nont over this 5ecurit Inr:aumeni unktis Bomc�wer.(a)a•rsti�
<br /> r,T � , :,,,,.�,, ;.
<br /> , .. .. „ ... ,� P NY 8 Y P Y Y
<br /> % i�c ' .� •'�1:.::�!
<br /> �� • {�'r`��,.� ; ,' , in wrlt:n$to the payment of the obligatian recurcd by Ihc lien in u munner ucceptuble to Lender:(b)contests in good f�ith the
<br /> '�"� �}�!�}��.�,,� . .,- �� � licn by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legul pracedings which in the Lcndcr�apinion operate to prevent the
<br /> .°•��;'�; 4;,,+r ..� enforcement af the lien:or lc)secures from the holder of the lien un agreement tiatisPuctory to Lender subordinating�he lien :„��
<br /> �""' ' to this Security Inurument. lf Lender determines �hat c�ny pwt of�he Propeny is subjert to a licn which may attain priority
<br /> �`="4��;�, ;�`' ., ���,� : over�his Security Inswment.I.ender mAy give Bom►wcr a notirc iJentifying the licn. Borrower sh�ll satisfy�he lien or take
<br /> ���`�`r ^ j� • --„ one or mare of the uctions set forth above within IQ doyx of ti�e giving of naice.
<br /> t!' '. ' � ,.�_�,;, � S. Hwzard or Property Insurance. Borrower�hall kcep the improvements now exicting or herenftcr erected on the
<br /> � r,�• ���F:� . •� �'� Property insured ognins�loss by fire,h:�.ards included within the term"extenJed ro�•eruge"und uny other huzard.�,including ;il
<br /> : r�'{�'�.� floods or flooding, for wAich Lender requires insuiance. This insurunce shall be mofntnined in �he umounls and for the ;,;?;
<br /> �
<br /> � a ,� �,�.
<br /> �'�%'• Forol JI28 919Y IptR�2 olb!"aXta►
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