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<br /> perioda tfw l.aidor requlrea. �'tie[nwrsu�oe curfer provWin��he in�ur�o�11 bn ehaiwn by Nonower+wbject la L.e�fm�
<br /> �pproval which shall not be unneawrwbly wlthheld. It Borrawo�fdlr to mwln�aln��uver�c dexcrM1be��tx�ve,l.aulet nry��t
<br /> Lender�option,obWn ooven�e ta protect l.enderi�d�hq in tla�ny in+�crixrlu�e with p�raJ�n�ph�.
<br /> All im�uraxe policies and nmewalr slwll be�tablo to Le r�nd chall incfudo�u�rd mort�a�e cl�u;a. L.errJer
<br /> shall have the dght w hald the policies�nd rcnewalx. if l.ender�eyuirci.Batrower�batl pnxnptlY�ive to Lender all�ipu
<br /> of paid premiums and renew�l ndlcee. In tha cvent of loxv. Borrower shall�ivo prampt notice to the in�urmca caTkr wid
<br /> l.ender. Lender mAy mrke proof of loss if nat mtde promptly by Borrower.
<br /> UnlesB L.endcr And Borrower othcrwise agrec in writin�,inxurw�ce pracecds+sh�ll l�c applied ta re.rtoauion a roptir of
<br /> 1hc Propcny dwnaged. if the nestoration or �ir is economicafly fe�xible w�d L.endcr's cec�ur�ty ie rn,t icsseneJ. U Ii�e
<br /> rcstocation or repair is nat aonanically feasibk or L.endcrk security would be IeACened,tMt inxumnce proc�eed� sFwll be
<br /> applied to�he suma secuned by this Security Instrument,whotluer or not �hen due, wi�h.w►y excess puid to Borrower. If
<br /> gotrower alwodorw the propMy,or does not answer within 30 days 4 �ice from l,�ender that the incurance carrler hos
<br /> offered to settle a cleim,then Lender may ro��at the insw'ance proceeds. l.endcr may use�he proceads ta repair or restae
<br /> • the Property or ro pay suma secured by lhis Securlty Instrument,whether or not�hen due. '[lie 30�day pedod will hegin when
<br /> 1he notiee ia givcn.
<br /> Unless Lendor und BoTtower otherwise agrce in wdting,any application of procceds to principal shall not extead or
<br /> postpone tha due date of tha manthly payments refemed ta i�paragrapha 1 and 2 or chsmge the amount of the payments. If
<br /> under paragrnph 21 the Prope�ty is acquired by Lender.Barmwer�s right to any insutance poUcies and proceeds resulting
<br /> from damage to�he Property priar to the ncyuisition shall p�se to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by�his Security
<br /> Instrument immediately prior to the acquiAition.
<br /> 6. OccupAacy� Preservadon, Maintenance and Pratectba of the Property; Borrower's I.oan Applicatioa;
<br /> w��,- ' I.erseholda Ha�sower ahall oocupy.esteblish,and use the Property os BorrowerE princ�pa!residence within sixry days atter
<br /> -�'�'°'-= the execudan of this Security[nstrument nnd sh�ll continue to occupy�he Property as Borrower§pdncipal�sidence for at
<br /> ,,� �',,. least one year afier tho daia uf occupsincy, unless l.ender otherwise agrces in wridng, which consent ahall not be
<br /> ,�; ,• �'�� unreasonably withheld,or unlass eatenuating circumstances exist which ar�e beyond Borrawer�s control. Botrower ahAll not
<br /> < �`���- destro duma c or im uir tha Pro nllow the Properl to deteriorate.ar commit wavte on the Property. Horrower shall
<br /> � ��, Y• 8 P P�nS'• Y
<br /> "�+��: , be in default if any forfeiture aation ar procceding,whether civil or criminnl,is begun that in L.e�der's Rood failh judgment
<br /> %''x •• could result in farfeitura of th� Pmpeny or olherwise materiully impajr ihe lien created by this Security insttumant or
<br /> . . � ,. ��..A. . �:•
<br /> � h�„��• l.enderk securily interest. Barrower may cure auch u defuult und reinstate.as provided in para�raph I S,by causing the uetion
<br /> �"}�°. ,K, or ptnceeding ta be dismissad with u ruling thut,in Lender's good faith detertnination.precludes farfeiture of the Borrowerk
<br /> . •r � � ,�,;.,,.....
<br /> ,. '��t•;, � intenest in the Rapeny ar other mu�erial impairment of the lien created 6y lhis Security Instrument or Lende�� security
<br /> ' ""-` '• '" interest. Ba�rower chall al�a be ir► defs►ult if Borrower, dudng ihe laan applicution praces4. gave mAterially false or
<br /> n",:M;; .`�.'r�r „'� inaccurate Informs�tion ur��atemenls ta I.ender(or fniled to pravide I.ender with any material informutian)in connection wNh
<br /> ,.,. �,,,�
<br /> ,, '�,'s1: �� •i{.,`'��';"•!;" the loan evide�ced by �he Note, including. but not limited to. representutians cuncerning Bo�rowerk accupancy af Oie
<br /> �•;• ;_r�.i:`• �� ' ?'?� pmperty a.s a principa) residance. (f this Security Instrument is on o lecuehold,Barrower shAll comply with all the provisians
<br /> ;,� .��;;�,.�„ ot the kase. if Aonower acqui�s fee tide[a the RuF,�iiy.ti►z kar,�holdand the fec titic�al1 noi mcrgc unles.e Les�der agre�
<br /> ;'��2��r,"��.��`••'�;`'.';,.° :'' to the merger in writin�.
<br /> ' �f�•":••'"'�'�`� ' �� 7. Protection of Lender's Rightrt in the Property. If Borrower fuils ta perform the covenants und ugreements
<br /> �� ' •�• ° conmined in thix Securny lnsuument, ur there i� u Icgul praeeding that may xignifirantly affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> r�.•t'.Y'`.!:-:.�.:'. .
<br /> t�`�,' • G Rvperty(such ns s�proceeding in hankruptcy,probule.fix condemnotion or(orfeiture or to enforre Is►wx or regulationr),then
<br /> " �'� Lender mAy do u�d puy fi�r whutever i.nccexxury to pn�t��t Ihe vulue ot'�he Propeny and Lencicr's righ�s in the Pmpeny.
<br /> �� -:r.��.; , I.ender�actionti muy includ�puying uny.um+xrurcJ hy u licn which hu.pri�xity ove��hi�Sccuriry In,trumrm,appeuring
<br /> �t�..,,,t,..... .. . in ccwh,poying rcasonublr anumeys'fcc.•rnJ rnterin�on Nic 1'aryxny to mukc Rpuir,. Al�hou�h l.cnder may take uction
<br /> • ;`:°. ` ,,.�,�, , utulerlhi.r•parugatph 7,4ender diK.nw huve to Jn,o.
<br /> � �;�� Any umiwnts di�.t►u�d hy l.rn�kr undrr�hi.purugn�ph 7 .hull hccomr udJi�ionul Jcbt of Borniwrr�cured by thf�
<br /> "'�! ��.�-" . . ScK:uri�y Inx�rumen�. Unlo.w Rorn�wrr and Lrndrr u�r.�tu uthcr irmi�at'payment.�h�+c am�wnl,�hall Fn•rr intcre�i Gum the
<br /> •`� '� ;. ` dute af di.lwrMnum at tlK Ncnr rut�und.hull Ix puyaM�•. with int�nw�, u��n iwtirr frum l.r�xkr tu Bcxn�wer rcquc��ing
<br /> � d.,�
<br /> .� puyment.
<br /> ;�- , . .�: ,�.• -, 8. Mort�ge In�nr�nae. 11'Lcndrr�tyuircJ m��h�a�c in,uruncc u,u r�xiditiun��f making Ihc lo;ui ti��und by �hi.
<br /> f , � Securily Inslrume�u,Bomower .holl pry Ihc prcmiwn. reyuind to m•rintuin thr munE•rgr in,urvnre in e(1'rrt. If, fi►r uny
<br /> 1 ^� • - re+�wn. the monl:�e inaunuK�r rovctigc r�yuircd h�• Lcnder lapK,�►r reu+r� Iu tx in el'fec�. Borrower rhull pry Ihe
<br /> �,, r� • pRmium. myuimd io oMuin covcragr wb�l•rnliaUy cyui�alcnt lo thc nu�n��aEr in,uranrc previoutily in rlt��rt.at u cmt
<br /> � _ - --_ _ wtnlantially��yuivalent to the cast w Barn+K•er of Ilk m�►rtguµe inwrance previ��u,ly in cl'Icr�. t'rom an alternute mung�gc
<br /> � insurrr appmvcd by L�nd�r. II'�.ub�tanlicdly cyuivaknt mortgugr in.u�rnrc ruvcra�tc i,nut ava�lahlr.liorn�wrr�hul1 p•ry to
<br /> . l.en�r each montn u+um cyuul In imc-twrlt'�h uf Ihc}carly marlga�e inwrancr pr�mium I+ring paid hy Barrowrr when the
<br /> '+� � . insurrnce covrragc lap.��l o�r�aK�l�u hc in rlfec�. Lrndrr�vill urrrpt.u.r unJ rrtain thc,c�wy mrm.•r.a 1��..re,ervc in licu
<br /> "� -r . , of nxxtgage imur�nre. L��•4 re�crvr paymeniti may no lunger ix reymrr�t,at Ihc opti�m��f l.rnder, it'morlg•rge imuruncr
<br /> �°.; :;,,,,. covrrage lin thc amnunl und In�Ih��riixl lhu�Lendcr rcyuire.l pn►viikd by an in.ur�r appr��vcd hy l.enJcr uguin t+ecorne.
<br /> � ' � �' uvailablc and i+oMaincJ.Bom���cr.h•rll p:��•Ihc pr�mium.rcyuirrJ u�muimuin m„n�ug�in.ur.i�re in rffrct.i�r to pmvidc a
<br /> ��' i�'•"�` lotis re�crve,umil the reyuinsmrnl tiir mun�agc in�.urancr ends in urruni�nre wi�h uny wriu�n��sR�oxnt ix�wceo Bormucr
<br /> ; • und Lendcr or•rpplirablc I:��v.
<br /> ,u' , 9. Inspectioa. Lender ur i�.�grnt may mal�e muu�naMc rmrir�u�m:uiJ in.�xrli�nu ol ihe Pro�xdy. Lender tihall ..t
<br /> ��� T give Borrowcr nrni�Y at�F�c timc i�f�►r pri��r lu•rn inti�xrli�ai.�xcif�ing na.�maMr ruu,c li�r�h�in.�rtiun.
<br /> � ' ;� 10. Condemnpiiun. TAr pnxceJ.ut'any awarJ ar rlaim liir Jarnu�r..dir�rl ur cun.cyuenti•rl.in runn��tion with uny
<br /> ,i ,��...
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