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,. � , ' :�,�, <br /> ;��� - . '.: <br /> ��� h • �3� lOBi30 <br /> � perlodr tlut L.endcr i+equi�+e�. The inauau�cc curier provldin�tha Inxuran�x ahWl bo chosen by earrowcr subJa:t to t,enderb <br /> y�pmva!whkh sh�ll nd be umeu�on�Wy wltl�hcld. Ii B�rmwer f�ile te maintaln cavemQe dacc�ibed�bove.L.awbr <br /> I.eoderk oplion,ob[dn cavera�e tn protccl Lenderi��l�hts in the Propeny in wccadance with pors�raph 7. <br /> Ali lnaurwue policies And rcnewalr�11 ba acc�txbk to Len�icr and choll include p�Iw�datrl mort���e clau:e. Lcnder ' <br /> eholl have Iht dght to hold tho policics artd�enewals. li'l.¢nder tryuire�,Bortr►wer xhull piomptly gfve to Lender ell receipo <br /> oP paW prcmiums aM rcnewal naices. In ttu ov¢n�oP lasg,Borrower Rttall pivo prom�►t notia w 1he iaauranco carricr and <br /> Leader. L.cnder may make proaf of loxv if nat mwdo promMly by Barrower. <br /> � Unlcrs L.ender and Bortnwer ahenvfxc agrce in wriling.insuranca proceeds xhall be Applied ta resturation or rspAir ai <br /> ' the Property damaged, if�he reatotation or mpair is ecawmic�lly feuible and L.enderk cecurlly 1s not lessened. If the <br /> rcst�xation or�epair is nat economically feavfble or Lender'�security would 6e l�ned,the in�uauxe proceed.4 �shwll be <br /> appNod to U�e sums �ecurcd by thia Security Inc�timent,whetha�ar not then due,with any excess pald to Borrower. If <br /> Borrower abandons the Pr�operty. ar daes nat unswer wi�hia 30 days a notire from I.ende�that the incumnce c� his <br /> offeted to seqle A claim,then Lender may c�llect ihe Insurance pra:eedti. l.ender muy uxe the proceede to rcpnir or rc�tarr <br /> thc Propeny or to pay sume secured by thla Seiuri�y Imarument,whe�hcr or not then duo. The 30-duy period wlll be�in when <br /> � the notice is given. <br /> Unless L.ende�and Bomawer ahenvfse ugnee in wr�ting.nny applicalion af praceeds to principal sholl na extend w <br /> po�tpone�he due dute of�he monthly puyments r+eicrned to in parographs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the puymeMK. IP <br /> under pa�ugraph 21 the Property is ucquircd by Lender, Bomower's right ro u�y insurance policies and proreeds r�esulting <br /> ' from dumuge to the P�uperty prior lo!he acyuisitian�shall pass to Lender�o�he extent of 1he sums securcd by Ihlx Scrurity <br /> Instrument immediately prior to�he ncquisiiion. <br /> , �• �F`� ' � �,u, 6� Occupaacy, Preservallon� Maintepwnce and ProtMbn of the f'�opertyt Borrower'R Lown Appliwtiont <br /> _ . t� �-' 44�,,�'�. LeasthoWa Borrower sh�ll occupy,establish,and use the Ptopeny as 8orrowerk principal residence wiihin sixty days after <br /> ���: .�:;°��=.•� �ha execution of thix Securlty Instrument and sha�ll continue to«cupy the Property us Barmwer�principal reRidence for u1 <br /> `•:;•. ,• ' My..v...: .,.;: <br /> u�. "'�''�.�,,��.-;�.;•:4,,.,•. leust one year After the date of occup�ncy, unkss Lender otherwise ogrees in writing, which cansent shall aot be <br /> ;��' � �:��•�:�. unreusonubly withheld,or unless exlenuuling ci�umstAncex ezist which an beyond Borrower?s conlrol. Borrower shell not <br /> . ;� '•� . • destmy,damage or impuir�he Property.Allow Ihe Pu�perty to deteriarute. ar commit wu��e an�he Propeny. Borrower shell <br /> '�''�'i�+���'��h�•ir;� be in default if any forfeiture Action or praceeding,whether civil or criminul,is 6egun that In l.enderti good fi�ith judQmant <br /> ''',�� . �• "' could msul� in forf'eiture of the Property or Wherwi� muteriully impair the lien creuted by this Securi�y Inslrurnent or <br /> '�,'::����:o,.;,;"'���-�.;� Lender:s secudty interes�. Bomawer muy cur�wch u defauU and reinstute,us provided in parngruph causing the action <br /> � _ , ;�� - or praceeding to be dicmixtied wi�h u nding�ha, in Lender'x good iuith determinution,pnecludes forf'eiwre of the Borrowerk <br /> �,,,'`; Imere�t in the PropeAy or other maleriul impairnient of the lien created by this Securi�y Instrument or Lendcre sccuri�y <br /> •„ � zi". k , ' � inter�ast. Borrower shall also be in dePault if Borrower, during the loan applicalion procesg, gave ma�eriully fulse ar <br /> - M��.�'�6� , . : <br /> ^• • �ti''"'-'•� �� ,•� inarcurate infortnulion or slwemem�lo Lenderlo�iuiled to rovide Lender with am m�terial infurmutionl in conneclian wilh <br /> ,,'�M_L � .,.. .. p Y <br /> ;;k•;�..=r:�:::.a� �he toun evidenced by the NcNe, including. but not limited �o, mpresentutions concerning Burrower's accupancy of the <br /> . -.: ': Pn.►�.my,�.z a prineipal,trsidence. !flhis Security lrc:tsument i,or:�!ea�:ehald.Sormu•er:;ha!!comply�sith al!the prosisians <br /> ;;;�';��� ,;.. : of the lease. If Bcxrower ucyuirex fee titte lo the Propeny,lhe leat:ehold und Ihe fee tiNe shnll not m�rge unless L.ender aFnees <br /> C�� ° " :', to Ihc merger in writing. <br /> .� ' .'•'?' � " ' 7, Protection of Lender's Rights in Ihe Property. If Bormwcr fait��o pe�lbrm �he cnvenunts and agreements <br /> � �•,�:% `� ' ' . conwined in thi�; Securiry Inx�rument, or Ih�re ix u legul pr�xeeJinE �hut muy signilicanNy affect Lender� rightti in the <br /> • Propeny lxuch uti u p�cecti:ding in b:uikruptcy,prnbate,Pi�r cnnJemnuiion or fodeiw�e or to enforce lawti nr regulutions►,then <br /> ., :��'+�^+�• �•-•• I.ender muy do und pay 1<ir whu�ever i.neceY�ury Io pmtect �hr vuluc of Ihe Pmpeny�nd Lender's rightti in the Propen��. <br /> Lenderc aclion.r•muy include paying uny.ums,ecurrd by u lirn whirh hu,prH�riry over thi.Securiry Imlrumcnl,uppearing <br /> ' '0""""�"'1i''' ' in court, puying rcu�onuble attnmcy,'fec,•rnd cntering on�hc Pn�Exhy Io muke rrpuin. Althc►u�sh l.rndcr muy tuke actian <br /> ^` under Ihk paragruph 7.LcnJcr J�x ti nut havc to da,m. <br /> �• ��• '� "'' �"" Any umoun�x dishuncd by L.rndcr undcr thi.parugruph 7 tih,dl txwomr adJi�ionul drM of Bi�rniwer xrcurcd by this <br /> - 'j�: , ..n�we:••_ .�.,..�..,h <br /> • Security Inutument. Unlr»Bi►m►wer ond L�ndcr aiFrcc to other Icrmr uf p:rynkm,ttx�e umountti�holl t►eur in�rrcst 1'nHn the <br /> �, � "' '.. dale of di,hurtament u��he Note rute und.r•hall t�e�ryubl�,wilh intcrcst, up��n notice fmm Lendcr to Borrow�r reyucxting <br /> �" .. puyment. <br /> � '' S. Mortgage InFUranee. If Lrnder rrquir�d nwngage in.ur�uur a.a c��nJi�i�m nP��:��:isig thc ioan+cw�rJ 6y lhix <br /> _,.,�..:�: . <br /> � ..�` . Securiiy In.trumem. Bi�rr��wrr rhall pny the �remiumti reyuired ar maintain th.m�xtga�:r in.urancc in cffcrt. If. tix any <br /> '�•��;.�,. .. �'`�, rcu+on. the m�xt�u r insurLncr covrr,i e re ired by I.rnder I:i +e. ��r ce;�:r+ t.� lx in effrrl. Borro�ver shall <br /> , .�• . �; � miums re ui�d io ohtuin cnv�ru � �.uh�ti�liull e uiv:dcnl lii�thr m��n�.► � in.urance reviou+l Pay the <br /> ... - -- '...1;h PR• 4 F' • !' N b'R' P y in efi'ecl. ,�� u rost <br /> � ---•--- -'� ;:.�� �p +ubx�un�ially cyurvuknt�o�hc co.t tu Hixniw�v�►t mc mortgagc insurarkr m ctkrt.1'ron�un uUcrnatc maxt�euge <br /> � , ":5'':�'� insurcruppravcJ hy Lrndcr. II'wh+►umiully eyuivalcnl m�mgagr in.unmrr ru�•cr.igr i�not availaMc.Borrowcr�hull pay to <br /> � Lendereuch month cyu:d to unc•Iwcltihof�hr�c:�rl�•nwngiige in.ur•rnc�prrmium Iking paiJ by BoRawcr whcn the <br /> insuranrc covcru�c lapxcd ar rru.rJ�o Ix in cffcct. Lrndcr will urrcpi.u�r uixl re�ain thr.c paymrn�.v�a lu��rc�crvc in licu <br /> • ,'`'� .. � of monFvge insurancr. Lu+x n�rrvc paymcrn.inay no lungcr Ik r� thc option ol'Lcnd�r. it'murtEu�e inwrunre <br /> . covcrrge lin 1he amounl u�xl ti�r thr�xri�xl lhai 1_�ndrr rryuire.l proeiJ�J h��nn in.urcr appru�•rd hy�l_cixler a�:uin tkcome� <br /> ��x-• ,`'' •.,� ;,::;:- available and iz ubtuinrd.liiirnn�rr�hall pay tlk��remiurn.rcquired to maimnin mortEu�:c imurancc in cl'fecL or to pruvidc u <br /> , E„r � ::'" ' .,;.;.� los� rcxerve.unlil Ihc rcyuiremrnt liir munE:��c in.unnxc end:in urrurJanre N•i�h:m�•wriurn aLrecmrn�hr�wrrn B��rmwer . ' <br /> �• . <br /> �' and Lcnder or upplicuMc law. <br /> '`�t� 9. Inspectinn. Lender ur�nl nui�mal�e r�a�unahle�ntrir. u�xHi anJ in.�kr�ium uf thr Pro�rn�. Lendrr�hull k� <br /> ��: : , give Burn►wcr notirr a�thr timr ut'or priur p� an in,�x rii�m.�x rilyin�:rcn�anaMr rauu ti�r�h�in,�xrtii,n. f ' <br /> � � , � , �.,,, 10. Condemnutiun. Thc pr�xred,i�f an}u��ard ur claim liir d�m�ag�,.dir�rt ur ron.�yueu� c�mneclion a•ilh:m}� .. <br /> :1.,� '!':�`',;''�'�_ >��- <br /> . '..t.' timglr 1•r�o�l�••tunnle We�Fleddle\Irc l'�IFOR�I1��'fNl 11F.X"1'..l'mtonn l'����nam. YWi �p��ir t„�n�v�.•,� <br /> �#,�' ..=.... � . <br /> � �+.•.e L�Nuvn,-+..►�r,M..Nr� ■ <br /> • ,�,. �n�Md�'Il'�p IAI�►;l'D!1,N:1 f'1'1\611r191•IIJI . <br /> t :'���' � . . <br /> . ''+k� . .. � =�??sr'r�—a+:—� .. �..�r. . -� , 'r;i. , . . . . ._. __�., .�.�... . ... . .�. ... � _ .,......- f <br /> i <br /> � " fl _ , " <br /> � <br /> �_' 1_ ' :t . . . <br /> •O � , .. - . . .. . <br /> �} '�. �!i . J ' . ' .. 1, ' • <br /> � �' ' • •• . � .. <br /> ` �n` � 17 .�.�`l. ,'� ' <br /> � - !- {t' ' ' . �.1..��+. 'l . •' . . <br /> J . . � ' ' .� � . <br /> „ A�, . <br /> , � <br /> j <br />