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<br /> �. #�ur.r� or p4opaetY Ilwaie,�.w eocmw�er �It kae�rbe improvemear. now e�n� ac bsraRer .rocted on tne
<br /> p�ppp�ty�frr�unod+�imt law►by flrc. hwrd�lncluded withia tho terta"exWided ooveua�e" md�ny d6er h�s�ud�� indudl�� ,
<br /> t{o�dp pr;fl4otliag.far whlch l.awler roquircs inwr�u�ce.'Iftit insur�nce ahWl be m�iNained in the�mountt nd for It�e perlads
<br /> Ibat Lendar��I'ISP,.Ti�e inrur�nce�rtier pt�ovWin�ihe ituwrance ehdl bo dw�cn by Botnnwer wbjact to lend�er'�appr�vd
<br /> whiah ahali nqt,ba unnea�nab�Y wt�hheld. If Bomnwcr Fail�to m�innin oaver�ge darr�bed sbove. l.a�der ma,y.+c�'�
<br /> eptiqn.obtain aworAge to protect l.ende�r's riQhts in the Propaty in a000tclma with pnr�nph 7.
<br /> A,li,imsuranra policies�nd t+enewals st�all be wooe�blo to L,e��der iud�IW! include a atuidud mort�e clauie. I.e+ider
<br /> thplt have,tbA rfah�to hoW the paiides ami nenew�is. IiLender re�uirc�,Iionawcr s1�1!pmmpily give to La�der alt�of
<br /> p�id promiump and nencwa�naloa+.In the evau of lasc.Borrower tFWI�iva prc►mpt natba to the i�uur�ace an�ler wd�.ada.
<br /> l,eader muy maks g�f uf lo�w if not nt�do pmmpUy 6y Borrower.
<br /> ' � Unls�Lend�'and Homawer olhawise qgroe in wtlting.iruurance pnocad�shall be�pllod to reswration ar rep�i�of Ihe
<br /> prup�ty dampgnd;if the mswration o�rap��i�eonnomical�y femiible�nd Lendtr's secudty is not lessenod.If the n�tor�Uon or
<br /> neppir.iq nnt�eaArlamic�lly fe�sible or l,endc�r's security would be lassened,thc i�urana prrxxals�ball be�pikd w the sur�s
<br /> aecurtd ib�r•.th�A Security Instrumem, whdiKr or nat then due. with Any ea�cess paid to Bornawer. If Borrnwer abandons the
<br /> � p�crty�or„dqda nqt Answer within 30 dsiys a notiae fmm Lcndtr th�t thc inwrAnve carrler Iws offerod to sdtk�claim. thn
<br /> Lcncler•maX•.cqitact tba insurance pr000eds. [.ender may use the pracoeds to rep�ir or restoro the Pnaperty or to pay sums
<br /> wxuced by tbiH San�tity Instrument.,w#�elher or nat t1►�n due.The 30-d�y period will begin when the notja is given.
<br /> Cli��ss i.�der and Borrowcr otlterwise agroe i�writin8. anY applieatlon of p�aceetis to principol sfwll nat extead or
<br /> ,ti , ppxtApaa ib�s dua date af the nwninly paymeqts reftrred to in paragraphs ! tud 2 or change the aroaunt.af�he pnym�•If
<br /> ;�� '' uad�r Pp►a@�ph 21 the Property is acquiced by ixndu,Borrower's right to any i�urance policies and prnoeeds resulting from
<br /> ---: -��;_.:
<br /> , P,°!!��•< I damuga W Ihn Ptx�puty prior to thc acquisitioh slwll paso to Lunder to the e�ctent of the wms cxured by thi�Sacurity Ir�nuneot
<br /> ' ,,. �� _,�,.. ..�.- p ;.. '. immadiqtaly�riur to the eoquisitioo.
<br /> � ^`"'..�. 6..pecp�o�c�+ PreservaHoa,MAlalenance and PrWecdoiq ot the Property;Borrower's l.oan Applicatbn;I�eehold�.
<br /> .,,y< . ,.w.,-..., ,
<br /> �Gt�,�..;: ',�p�%.�;�.;:�.r.�,;r„i����•. $or�owcr�hnlf occupy.establish.u�d use the Property�s Borrower's pdncipal residence within sixty days after the ex�cvfioa of
<br /> �;�-,•.;•._•.'.,.:�:_::,:,r,. lbfe Secu�it�irtatnunent and shall rnntinue to accupy the Property as Borrower's pr�ncipal residence for at least one yeu after
<br /> . .. '; �:='" "`•'`� tha data of occupancy.unless l.ender otherwise agroes in wriling. which oonsent shall not be unreasarwbly wlthheld,ut unles4
<br /> ?�!�'�#.�,:�i:�:,:�:=,
<br /> ,� :.r:.�r�'1,;:;�"... : ��'? BKAtnuutiu� circumstances esiat which are beyond Bomower's rnntrol. Barrower shall not destroy. dart�age or irt�►air �he
<br /> '•�' ��;•�:: �• Atqponty� aliow the Properry to deterioratc. or commit waste on the Pmperty. Borrowet shall bc in default if any forfeiture
<br /> � .. ��:f,Ai•�iai� �;:..,7,':•',
<br /> .».�. . :�,.. :; .;.,';;,�, I ewian��+r proceeding, whether civil or criminal. is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of�he
<br /> •�. •5 .�_` . - ..��','� ';`f'` propetry or otherwise materially impuir the lien created by this Securicy Irutrument or Londer's securiry interest. Borrower may
<br /> � - � ����;:�,•'.'�_��'�k' � cune�uch a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> ' • ;�,;'., � Ihnt, in L.Ender's good faith determination. precludes forfelture of the Ttsarrower's in[erest in the PropeNy ur uiitcr oiutefi�l
<br /> � ` �; �` i irnpairn�ent of the lien created by this Security Instrument or I.ender's security interest. Borrower shuU also be in deiault if
<br /> � ' B�xrower,during the loan applicution process,gave muterially f�lse or inaccurate inform�tion or statements to L.ender(or failod
<br /> �_ �• ,.;`. ; to provide Lender with any muterial infornuition)in connection with Uie laan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limitod
<br /> � . • '•4�„ � ta.represeniations conceming Borrower's occupancy of�he Propeny as a priacipul residence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a
<br /> • • . ;;• .I leusehold, &►rrciwer shall comply with ull thc provisions of the leasc. lf&►rrower acquires fee title Io the Property. the
<br /> � � leasehald und the fee tiUe shall not merge unless I.endcr rgrcec to the mergcr in writing.
<br /> � ��.. - • 7.Protection oP I.ender's Rights in the Propert�•.If Borrawer fails to peri'orm the covenunts und pgreements contuin�d in
<br /> this Security Instrument, or there is a le�ttal pmceeeding Ihut muy significuntly affect I.ender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> � praceeding in bunkruptcy, probate, fiir rnnJemnation ar f'orfeiturc or to enforce laws or regulutiuns), then Lender muy do and
<br /> .��;, • y; � , . pay far whtuever is neces�ury to prutec� the vulue uf�he Property and L.ender's�Ights in�he Propeny. l.ender's actions may
<br /> u
<br /> 1 . • .ti. include puying any sumc �ecured by u lien which Iwx priority over thiti Security Instrumem, appearing in cuun, paying '"`
<br /> f` ,. reasonable u�t�irncys' fce�uixl entering on the Pmpeny w rnakc mp•rirs, Although L.cmicr may tnke action under this paragraph
<br /> d ; • ' 9,l.ender does not huve to do r,�. ;�
<br /> s , ._�_ _ ._ _. A�y amounts disbuned by l.cndcr undcr Ihis parrgraph 7 �hull hernmr udditionul dcht of &irmwer secured by Ihis
<br /> � Secu�ity Inslrument. Unlc.s Borruwer und l.c.ndcr agrec to�nhcr terni.��f puymem, thesc amuunts rhall bcur interest from�he `;��
<br /> '� • ' �� dute of disbur.r-ement ut the No�c rate and .hull bc payuble, with interesl, upon notire from lxnder to Borrower reque�ting
<br /> .M , � PuYment. ,.
<br /> ., ' , ' 8.Mortp�aRe In.curanee. If l.eixier reyuir�^cl nwngage in�uru�xr a+a rondi�iiin of muking the loun securcd hy thiy Securiry .,;;.
<br /> • � Instrument. Bc�rrower xhull puy the prcmium� r��yuir��l tu nwintain �Ik mungugr in.uranre in �ffcct. If. 1'or •rny rcuu►n, the �'�`
<br /> • , mortgagc insurancc covcragc rryuintii hy IAndr�lap.r���r cca.�s to Ix in rl'1'��t. &�rn�wcr xhall pa� thc premium.rcyuirai to
<br /> C �'� `' , •;� `� � obtuin roveragr �ubs�antiully cyuivalent tu�hc mongagr in,ura�xc prc��ii�u.l�• in cl'frct, u�u ru,�.uhs[•rntially ryuivulem a��he �
<br /> �'. � ' . � - ... cost to Bcirrower of thc �mmgage imurance pre��inutil} in eff'�ct. t�ram an allern:ur murtga�c in,urer uppro����i h�• l.ender. If �+F
<br /> '�`i � .,:.,,�' substantiully cyuivalent martgu�c in.uranrc ruveraEr i,n��t a�•ailubl�,&�rruµ•cr.huU puy a� IAnJcr rarh munth v wm��yuul tu
<br /> � � . one-twelfth nf Ihe yearly nN►ngagr in.uranrc prcmiu�n hcing paid hy BnrrnN•cr�+•hrn Ihc in.urrnrc ri�vrra�.c lap.�Y1 ar ceu�axl ti�
<br /> .� � .' , �_ ' • , be in eFfect.L.ender will urcept.usc;uixi rctuin thcse puym�niti a. v I���� resen•r in liru uf mungugr in.uran«. l.o.. re�n•e
<br /> ,
<br /> `k�t ' _•, .� Form 3028 8180 �'•.
<br /> f` � ' ..� vpi�3 ue 8
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