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<br /> _ Leas� ta� Btneticia�r-pursuant to sectfon 3C5 ot the Hankruptcir. --
<br /> - - Ccd�. Ii 8sa�t'iaia�°shall asrve upoA Grantor the notice_ ' _._. - ---..�_ ._.- -
<br /> - --- described it�� th� pr�ceding sen�ence, Grantor ahall not seek�-tio• .. _-
<br /> �� ' reject auch Ttust I�ease and shall cosply wit.3i the demactd• p��+rtidec� . ���
<br /> - for in the prec�ditr.q: sentence. =n� additfon, effect�:ue ugon, the -. �
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<br /> - Bankruptc.7F Code, Graretoz hsreby assiqns and transfers ta� � ---
<br /> 8eneficfary a non-exclusive:riqht to apply tc the BanktuH�-:`,' � ' _— _
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<br /> - - - the natural expiration o! its t+nrm, and i!, pursuant to any �
<br /> t�"� ' `� provision ot tha Trust Lease ar otheswiae, Seneliciary or its • � :
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