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<br /> =_�,��:.-:�: ,,:: (iii�; Zt ptL'CS�tt� to Sub�eCt4oA 365(h1 (2} ot lPta --_-
<br /> :::�_t•;� ��r: 8ankruptcy Ca3�,: G�aa�!�a�.shmil �eek to o�fset againat the rent ,° r-
<br /> � _ -- ��.. .,:<�-: . reserved fn thet Tz�a��.Le.�#a, tha anct�nt of ariy damagas caused by �=-,�- --
<br /> " �'�-'=`'r '-� tl�e nongerlarmatrEC� ::t1z��lesaor or any. ather party a! a�y ot -
<br /> - — _.Y a__, _ . �-riiq�i��•
<br /> f .�=.'1-. �. '.:. •.•.
<br /> � ..�):i Y.J�Q� �_-'.
<br /> t.�eir respectiv� ob�+ giat#t�as undar suah Tsvst Lease after the ���� _
<br /> tKus
<br />- � �ejectian by th�:le�cso= os."auch other party of ssaah Truat Lease :�.4f�y,�.�;�,,��-
<br /> uMder t2is SankrtzpL"aX� Cad�;;:then Grantor.shali, prfar ta effecting �: ���`��
<br /> , suah olfset, t�a�igg�. S�uQ��:ciar7t a! fts fntent to do so, sefiting, :: �. �`�`"
<br /> - u �;�-,
<br /> a �. ,�..:.:=::= � -7.
<br /> - �.�- Portih the aatour�t p�o�e�:to� be so oP�set and tha basia.therefar. �:,�=�_=
<br /> •�:,�' ��''::.-r'� �'=_
<br /> - ,' Bese.etfc�:azy. slx�7:L taav�.� .�ight ta obj�at tQ all� or any part Qf 1�:}s." -; � :��-;="
<br /> . such• o�gset f.1%a��;., i:�2� xt��-��oaable ud t of Seneficiary, ; ;` . :,:.:i- r,:_
<br /> �� � � �n and �a the . � �(',��s.,_".
<br /> - - -- - -� wa1.1:d��cc+astitu�e-a:�b�e��:c+� � Truat Lease,. event , '4�•�a�.3xa�: . -
<br /> '� `'E: t effeat an affset of the - ��`'� -%t�=���'''
<br /> - ' -��'� �aE sumh;�.obi.ee�ioa.;;:.t��o� shali no � .:Y�+` ^t�;�;,1 a: -
<br /> �,� - Neithar �,��,,-; ,.��--
<br /> "-°- ��'-`�.��: amourt�s��goinrtd.phj���ltiqrtabl:e by Beneficiary. �� � �'jY,,,�,t�_;
<br /> _N K
<br /> ` `�•°..�'� :Beraeficiary•s �a�lti.te.�o�obiect as aforesaid nar any ca?���cti3.on , �
<br /> '���:, .�,.. .- ,; �`f ��,���
<br /> . _.:t; �?=`"`<��" �relatinq� to st��.a��s�t shall ca�stitute an approval �€. �'a�.�e� . . ?::,�::,,f,�'>.`s-�;�----
<br /> � ,- ' �"}�':_
<br /> •�a�'<�f ,..i.��i--fSFr:" • . . "- . , . _ - 'r``.`_:'f��r4{r�:r(,'-,�_.
<br /> ,;,.;.p�[L'��;=:;��{r,,, ;�� , �a�fset by Beneficfary . ,.
<br /> �'S_ ��S ���itf .-:' , ;�; �• `��'�'yS!t%f��a
<br /> �{� � �"4 .. -� .
<br /> `�r,!" '�. ��j�;xr' , � ,} :.�:;.:•'� .:. ..�.�.V} Z� 321$ •�.�QR1r ��tCQE���:.L�tg�IE .�I �t2'�3`s:��S�b�il�. . � �' ,
<br /> � 4L �g{ �
<br /> , ..;�.�� �/," pp`�;"'�`�°-r,r';r ..r,,L� ° ,.� �o�.c� ��ile.a� � ses�se� of �ce.�.essos u�na�er �he�irust . ��
<br /> �S. ��i �L���(��.y7. t f • _ ' � Y.i'Y._
<br /> �{t�}� :,:.?f� {4`����� �Y�`# : �T�r.ss s��aesy a�frr.� �arty or in reapect af t�e c�'r�st �,�e�se a �g . , . _
<br /> � . ' � � connection with any case under the Hankruptcy � � _
<br /> :;:�„�`,.;�_. ` � � �:� : . � � � ' the coritinuance of a�e• Event of Default, Heaeficias.y. shall have �.�. : � _
<br /> � -`� � the option, exercisable upon notice from Eeneficiazy to Qrantor, [ .
<br /> .. ��`` �� , to conduct and control any sucb litfgation with acwasel of i '���
<br /> . . .�-s:
<br /> ��rt;l • '�" Beneficfary•a chaice. Henefiaiary may preceec3 in its awn name or � ; � :
<br /> � . - in ths name oY Grantor in connsction with any such litigatian, :�•�;.�
<br /> • � � � and. Grantcr agrees to sxecute any and ali powers, authorizations, , ;s�
<br /> - � � consaats or other docuaents raquired by Hen�tiaiary in connaction � ` � • C .-
<br /> � therewith. Grantor shall, upon demand, pay to Heneticiary all , ,,. .�
<br /> � - � costs and expenses (including attornays� fees) paid or incuned 1 "
<br /> - � � . by HeneEiaiazy in cannaetfon witb the proseauticn or cvndaat of . :;
<br /> �• , � • any such preceedinqa. Grantor shall not commence any action,_ F . ��,����'
<br /> � suit, proceedinq or case, or file anK application or �nake any ! '
<br /> motion, in respeat of the Truat Lease in aay such case under tbe � � . .
<br /> � Hanksvptay Code without the prior written consent of Beaieficiary. �
<br /> i
<br />' � (v) Gran�or shall, after obtai.ninq kno�ledqe therecf, � .
<br /> � ' � �� prompt�gr notify Beneficiasy of any fi�irig by or agains� the � �� �--
<br /> � ; . , i;�, lessor �r other party wath an in�er�s� iri the Real Est.�ite of a , ��;''�,
<br /> ',� ti'j �' � �,.,st<� . ' . -`� �l�t3.��c�E4 Wld�]C Lt1e Ba�lT+L8�3pt�,.' ��d�. G�antor shall pY'omjptly � ' � >�t ,, ,�
<br /> � �,��,:�.. � an8 all .':. .; ..:,,..;.,
<br /> � �eli*Je�. to Be�effaciaay, ���7.c��s:� receipt, copies of any ; :,�,,,
<br /> ;. .. � .' . •1. ::',,�. ���.,,,•, :`���.��;,.
<br /> �'S��'�,l.�.
<br /> ;,;,, ��,�� _ _ �.,; , �aot��, summassse$, ���eadings, a��b�iaations and other docuntents ;:�,' �-�,!.,i=:;: .
<br /> , � `�:�°.� :` rece�c��l by Grantor f�� �:+nnectio�► �i� any such petitim�s an8 any ' r � �.� ,%}::,,•
<br /> • :.ti,,, ,;,�' proce��nqs relating ��te�eta. � ��J'
<br />• •�`. „i>,3i� ' ' 1
<br /> '� � ' ,�`:'i���;'� " (vi) Zf there shal� .TM�e f31ed by or against Grantor � � .
<br />• . peti��.an under. tha Bankruptcy �de aad Grantor, as lessee ��r ; .
<br /> • the �sfsst Lease, shali detertai�r�e to re�eat the Trust Lease ;
<br /> � . � pnrsuaa�t to Section 365(a) oY �he Hankruptcy Code, then Grantor
<br /> shall give He�efiaiary not less than twenty (20) days' prior
<br /> notice of the date on which Grantor $hall apply tv the Bankruptcy
<br /> Court for authority to rejeot the Trust Lease. Benefiaiary shall
<br /> have the right, but not the obligation, to serve upon Orantor
<br /> � ousn�ooa��o�a�g�gieons�.Mro :
<br /> ' � � , � ..
<br /> �. - .
<br /> � �. � .
<br /> : . � ,. .,. . , • ' ' _ ,
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