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<br /> • :��:� • ��:�hts of any �enants o! the Truat ProperLy. The failnra to make "`::�:,s:�=
<br /> _'�a,."ta�.-•.. ::.i hF".;'�;,_�y_"_
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<br /> - -- ___ ��saceeslinq an8 ta,foreclese ttt€�i� rights w�ll not be assert�d by �
<br /> ,;_, . �antor as a detenae to any prcceedinq instituted by;Ba�teficiary fi.,�. ,, Grti,�.
<br /> � � t�coliect the indebte$nesa or t�o torealose the lien of this Deed. ' T""�:�._
<br /> - �L: - '
<br /> � a�.Trus�. .
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<br /> .. ., (d). Qnleas expresaly pr4vided atherwf�e,, i.n the event
<br /> �� � �at owtsershfp of tl�3.s Deed cf� Tsu�t ans� title �o the Trust
<br /> Broperty. ar any estafre therein:sha7.1� become vest.�ed 3.is tha same :,::,: v::; .a. . .
<br /> - .;• f. .. — � . . - -
<br /> person or entf+�y, thhfs Deesi_of T�ust sha�l nat �ea�3� ih such _ °��`�"`
<br /> � =:. � ;r:::;,; ° : - t�tle i��t s�tall cont�a�e as a valfd lien cr� t�e Tsust Property �: ` '�` �'tj"
<br /> �z;. � r��'=�� . �f . for the arsa�nt secetres� fz�seby. _ �'. •��-�;;�?.�=
<br /> � ��";�:f•;1r:r:' ' ,-.—�-.,..
<br /> t t;, t'#.�,, ..:F��1 � . �imn�ent of Rents. Grant�or heaeby. assiqns ts : ,� _"`
<br /> Ca �.t.��r.1,,:. . . � Il. � . -=
<br /> h ,:�tee. �cir the benefft of Benefioiasy the R�n�.as fnrtd�.er � r �+�=
<br /> 4
<br /> �'` ���,,� :�;�:�?'�` � :��rf� ��r the paatntent of the Indebteda�s a�c�:�aeirfor�aa�ae of � E � �"=-_
<br /> " ���l;x;jix�. i. , :.��°�a Obligations, :aund Grantor grants to �'�ee:;�d�8�e�r�aiary K�� � r�� � `
<br /> � , ;:�. �F�: ` : .S�ie rigbt to et►t�:the Trust Pr��eatY fos the ��?ase of ��4<<< ,`4;�,i�.
<br /> . ;_ _�. ....,;. :: .��llecting the sa� and to let �Bae Tsvs� Ptope��or, any,part .:. . � .:.���R,�y, �-��_
<br /> , .,. _; .-;%,. . thereof, aitd to apply ttre .Rents �a acc�t»nt of t�� Indebtednesso. E'• ."ttj���i', '" '-�_�;
<br /> l,r . . � . , l YY L �:.
<br /> _ . �, :.� � .... . The foregoing assignmerl.'�t:��td grdi�t. is .��sent and absolu�.a�� �. .. � ° ' �;:_�
<br /> � �`�.�� � shall coatinue in effe�� urntil t..� In���lness is paid ��in:��.Q''�' ��
<br /> ,. , ,;`F``'�.• .
<br /> • =: but Heneffafasy and Trn��e� bea�� waive the rig;rt to e���z � �� �;
<br /> 4
<br /> . ose of collectin t���l��nts�:a�.� '� "�'`�
<br /> � !;; Trust Pro ert for the,.��uA 9 . , . -',,''r{`:;;�` ":�`
<br /> � �� - P Y � ,�s.,,ti.;.
<br /> :�' Grantor sha7.l be ent#.ti�£ to collect, r�eive, �,�s� and ��t�s3aa �� . �,-:r:;;��Fx;:°F�,,-, _� . ;�:.;�x
<br /> �:
<br /> ; c:• �.
<br /> • .: r. �}�'` � Rents until the ocCUS��z� of an Event ca���e€�^,�� ��e� �����•�. --.l.t.'�.��'��'�E S,, . �.
<br /> .. :,' , . i.('rr.�.��,,,
<br /> of Tzust: such right��ti€ �t�antor to coiie�t, �e��3�ae, us��and ..,.,.i.:,F;;,;;
<br /> _ , ... retain the Rents aay be revoked by Beneffaiar� a��.the ;� };.''���:~'�:- :
<br /> ;� � , ..<<,,.:..
<br /> � - • ,rt�'��' xcurrence of ang� Lvent of Defau]t under this De��of Trust by ,` �:� .., , �� ,1., . -
<br /> ;.:�r. . �
<br /> �Fri�` � givinq not less thaa five days' written notice of such revacation� , k . �
<br /> ,_...
<br /> . . ,i;�� � to Grantor; in tha event such notice is gi.ven, Grantor shall pay � i
<br /> s;���'t� ., � ' � over to Benefiafary, or to any receiver appointed ta cvllect the � ., a
<br /> ;,� �.: . � . Rents, any lease security deposits, and shali� pay monthly in � . .
<br /> - • advance to Beneficiary, or to any such recefvez, th�e fair and ;
<br /> >' 1 , reasonable rental value as determined by Beneficiasy for the use ; .
<br /> j� , � � and eccupancy of the Trust Property or of such part thereof as i ,
<br /> !� `- � , may be in the possession o! Grantor or any afliliata of Grantor, ; . -
<br /> ' _ � and upon detault in any sucls payment Grantor ana any such � .
<br /> ' ' � affiliate will vacate and surrender the passess�on o! the Trust ; ���-'�., •
<br /> � Pxoperty to Beneficiary or to sueh recefver, ara� fas default �
<br /> � �� thereof ntay be evicted by summary proceeding� �� otherwise. � �
<br /> � � ' �rantor shali not accept prepaymenta of i.�.st��laaents oi Rent to . ,• �
<br /> ,. � �' become due for a period of more than a�e ����;�n advance (excepic,, .
<br /> Por security deposits ancl estimated payme�:t� �8 psrcentaqe rent� , _ .,.
<br /> ' -. : ...�t � iY any). , : ::k'�;;:�: •
<br /> �:�� . �ili lea$e security deposits oP the `���.`,,'i`�"
<br /> . ' 12. Trust Fe�nds. ��' ,
<br /> '�'�'` Mortgaqed Property shall be treated as trust funds not to be f� ,:���;::.;.•.
<br /> .,��. . commingled with any other funds of Grantor. w�4�L�in 10 days afte�, � ' � • ��
<br /> � request by BeneEfciary or Trustee, Grantor shal.i Purs�ish . ` ''�r�
<br /> � ':,..:;;.,
<br /> ,,, Beneficiary or Trustee satisfaatory evidence oY compiiance wi�lz . ,:. , �',�
<br /> �� '��� �• this subsectian, toqether with a statement o! all lea�e security ,
<br /> • `.':7��'� a� :il�,�y.,. . , � �� . . . . , .
<br /> , , � :^��f���i� � 013571�0037\UIZ�a�93AD0�IJ.MCU ,
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