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<br /> - hereby m�►y�-ba�pressnted�v��t��P��+ ar persons conductinq the �=-
<br /> - ��� ��� -� - sale in order that ttte amo�sz�� ssr,:�s�k or appiied ma►y ]�e credited ����-.-.
<br /> L-'`'>` upon the Indebtedneas as 2tak��te�::b�r pafd. �
<br /> 't"�' -----
<br /> - -- - - 9. �►�a�tm��►� a� ��. Zf an Event of Asf�tult f�� _
<br /> shall havs occurred aezd���c�va�,£'t��ng, Beneficiary as a matter of 1 2�.�x y
<br />_ .. .�° rfqht. un�ess otherwis� r��ed::��C aPPlicable law, an+d without �: � �,:.hr
<br /> regard ta�the adequacyr• ar it�$d��aY o! the Trust Property or any � _ ��:;;,�� �{•`�`.;
<br /> otltez collateral as secta�ti�t�:8�'the Indehtedness and abliqatfons '--�"���
<br /> .4�r� �:�.�.; ;,�,��J� -
<br /> .� ; - or t2ie tpterest at Gra�Lc•�t�t�efn, shail have the right tc apply. �:. , :..,
<br /> . ';�' t j _ �. to ang�ccus�t davin9. j�fsdt��C�on to appoint a receiver cr '- u��` :`�,;
<br /> .�r,_
<br />- --- reaeivers ar.athex �ag��•�ag�the Trust Prapezty, and Grantor �f,r,.-� '� ,r';_.-.
<br /> ` - - �`jr:�, hereby irrevcca�ily ��t�ertlS�ta such appof}st�ent and waives notice : -� � �
<br /> ��
<br /> ", <„r.. o� aa�y-aPPlicatia�:'t3�,a�it�o= (except as may be required by law) .
<br /> ���
<br /> �" � _a�.-
<br /> . :r ';`.�%';-; : Any sucb re�e�ver oz ret�ivers shall have alI the usual pow�as . -
<br /> �� � � aiicl dnties �P receiva�in iflce or simflar cases and all t�s f�:�'�.��V~�-��
<br /> �:. ,:�. . . . . _.�r=.
<br /> '` gnwe�s and duties.��...$eaeficfary in case of �try as provideeY � . �:�:' ^ -�-�- �=
<br /> . . .:<,. �y..��.
<br /> �s� �.s � ` �as �]eed of Trttst,,..3:sicludinq, c�ithout limi�tiotf and to the . . . �
<br /> '��`�d� - .r� ..;`« �aw asz� the Tsvst Lease,'•the right to er��s �'� � _
<br /> `�' eut2a��, pel'a�.tted��.�,-` --
<br /> P� ' ;f„+,�,V . , �,.� ,�
<br /> . . .n F � � �� f,,,� r , intc Ieases m€<�tll�':os any part oP the Trust L�toPerty, and sE�.a:��• � `Ny ' f�
<br /> =�� . :�r , < contir►ue as.�a�:�i�d exercise a12 such poveres vntil the cYaLr�.:ca� _ �',� �
<br /> � 'y:�`� 7 `�. con�irmatiaa�.a� �`�.� cf the Trust Property �c�ss s u c h . t`}, , __
<br /> � � ' :. .,:..'..a terminated. ���� �
<br /> ,�;. ... ;� . _. ��;, receivershig f.s s�c���r . ... ._ --
<br /> � ap Without aPfecting
<br /> 10 d �a,�.�ion� Release. etc._ .� i.;. . ;--..:�, - --
<br /> . . the lien or cha�qe �� this Deed of Trust u}�n any portion o� the t.. ., .,.": .- '.:
<br /> � Trust Progeztg•;ns�t �en or theretofore released as security €mr �r� . �._.,' ; � :�,',-. ,
<br /> . ,r�: , � th� full am�unt�e�E �e Indebtedness, Henefic�ary may, from fiime �`F �! :
<br /> - �,.:.::%�, . - ta iti�ae and� w�.�hAu� �tice, aqree ���.�i) re2ease aa.�r`person �� : ��� �
<br /> -- . �`;,`,� li�t'aAe for tba I-�deEa�es�tess, (ii) �±��ztd the zaatur�.� ar alter ,:_�>.�'. `� `-
<br /> . � ,
<br /> :� . ' any.of the ter�,s�of �Fie Inde�fiedness �s aaf� guarantp thereof, � : E � . -
<br /> (iis) gran� a�her irili�3qe�tce+s, (ivj .z�iease .er recanvey, or cause ' . ' � �'�
<br /> h
<br /> ° • to.�e rel�asect-:or r'er..�nveyeci at a�ny ��taae a� HeuePiciary's optioa �;, �:; ' ..�.. . �-
<br /> ' � an� g�arce�.�, p6Ltiaa ar all of the T�ust Property, (v) take or E �
<br /> release anycCher or additional security for any obligatfon •
<br /> herein mentiened, or (vij make compositions or other arranqements ; :
<br /> witb debtcsa i�n relation thereto. 2P at aaig time this Deed of ! �, � .
<br /> � ' Tsust sba11� aecur� less than all of the pr€�icipal amount of the =:.
<br /> in�eb�edne$e,,; it is expresaly agree¢D �hat ariy repayments of the ; �
<br /> �;:�.. ,, pri���p�l� a�tQUnt o� �he Zndebtedness s�ll. not reduce the amount �� ;:_ ; �
<br /> ';;,
<br />' ,�;r.;l;�;,� o! �aa li�n��o� this Deed o� �s�,tst ���� �he lien amount sha�.l ; ; . ��...'�`;;,;.
<br /> ,'.,. I equa l t he p s a imc ip a l a m o u n t �� �`:.�e ���e b t��s�s a o u t s t a n d i n g. � -,
<br /> . . :�;,�-,��, . l; ,:
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<br /> , :}.�.,:.. ; ,:
<br /> - .��,t:':�...., . i , ,
<br /> � ,�;,.' , (�) No re�overy ex� a,^��r ���g:aent by HeneE�ciary ar� r� , , .
<br /> ; ,. ,,.,;;;::, .
<br />_ "`� levy cE ��i� execution under aaa� �s�de���t upon the ��esst.Preg�a�t� ', �� �.,;,:,,`°','
<br /> � or upan.�a� ather property m� Gs�a3t:o� shall affec� ir.l�� ii�� .o� ;,; . '
<br /> � !'. � this Dosd aL° '�rust or atiy Ili��,, r�e�hts, p�uers or feme8i�� c�E ,.' . . . '
<br /> � � Bene�iaf.3rgv l��reum.der, and ��. �ney g, riqhts, pawe�s and � s,,:,.,
<br />" ',,' rensed£es skaT�Y cc��€ttue unim�3re�, '
<br /> � .
<br /> � " (�) IP �n�8is=� s�:a�.I �aave the rfght �o for���ase �,; .,'
<br /> tb$a Daed of.Trust mr to aia�ct �he Trustee to execute f,t� �awer ` , . �
<br /> of saZ�, Grantor au�ho=izes �eme�iciary at its option to � �' - ,
<br /> � for�a];ase the lien eE this Oeed af T�vst (or direct the �r��� � ' '� � �
<br /> :�• - . . , .
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