';i�i� ;:I�:: 1�:i�'i �i(y 2i�' ��
<br /> 5 . �':i'r' • .,. `�,i'� .'"`f; f,1� I•M
<br /> ..`� ,w .•i• :l' f�,::I:.,?.iy
<br /> ' '". 'w�ilk�wos�uti:i:��id1{KM(i�ti;.:i:.�"�.-.:'
<br /> , .� - . . : . . . ....�;.�.
<br /> �Y��1 , ��
<br /> i� ,
<br /> �P����o 4kNt ot d�0�d�LM�1ihd1 h�w IM opMon�M II��oN�nd a�brW�11i QI�afilpt�ii�b ��II�ProoMdr.
<br /> Ml�r qtM�eh�o�m�oofM�nd aPMnM Inoun�d 01►N In oonn�otlon wNh�uoh i'raca�l�,u�tin�nY�Oy�i
<br /> Iwnby�n0 In woh ad�a��ndu ny�drMrnNn�a b rPP�Y all woh Prooe�d���r�uoh deducUonr.b fh�/��d�
<br /> �nov«�y uaon.uonoonaaon�s.t,«+an n�ra�M.��a.ao�aa►aa..a.e inaeea,an«►.�inoe.x�.ndo►po.�on.
<br /> a�.au.a�a.n�r w�a u.�d.r uu Now,a oun.m► n a�wnd.►a�,.nuna.r.��u,y unapqi.a�una..n.0 a w�e a
<br /> v; ���PMfo�tn�o�bll�K• uOPn Iha ooaunMto�ol�n EWnt of DM�uNlNnund�r.ar i/any�ot a Wun or Ip�l Pr��O
<br /> oommenced whlch mKarUlty�MeoM 4end�►'�IM�nN In tit�Prop�ryr,L�ndK enay In fb own dl�aredan,but wlthout obl�b da
<br /> ;t q��nd rrNhaut nolio��a dMnluid upon truMor�nd wHhout r*NUlnp Tru�tor hom uiy obllpsilon.do�rnr aai wh�h �h�s
<br /> prMd but hlt�to do and rt�y abo do�ny oth�r aot It dMm�n�aaary to probot th�ssnurlly hereol Truttw�hall,Imm�dl�toly
<br /> i::.•. upon d�mand tMrMa by L�ndr�,O�Y b L�ndK�tl ooia�nd�xp�mN Inaurnd�nd wms exPe�ded by l.eqd�In aonn�atlon wHA
<br /> 1h��xsrolw�r L�oltlN bnpolnp rlph�b,loQNh�r with Inqn�tth�►�on�t1h�d�hult rate provldedln Uie Nots,whlah shali b�
<br /> �dd�d W qN Ind�bMdnNS Mtsunld M►�bY. I.sr�r�haA not Inaur�ny IIIIbIIQy► b�calas of�pythllp It may da or omN b do
<br /> � ' 'iI � !l�aaMew MMMIM�.TruMor Nu�ll kNp th�Pro�b In aom I�na�wlth�II appl�cable lawe,otdin�naea s�nd npuWlons
<br /> rNaqnp to Indwbl�l hypl�or�nvlronmlMal proaoqon(aol y►M�rnd W herefn as"Envkonmen�l Lews'?.T►ustar Nwll
<br /> , Y . kNp th�Propety tm hom oll 4ub�p�naN dNm�d to b�hu�rdou�a bxio under an��nvironmental Lawa(collectivsly rehmsd W
<br /> ��•r,��"'.•;�P., r hKN1111�"H�ra►douE Nl�ari�t�'�.Ttu�ta►h�r�by wunnt�snd npra�nW to LendK that thete ara no Heu�rdous l�A�is on a
<br /> �"•�'"', .;
<br /> ::,,. 1> undN t1N Prop�'tr.Tnutor hKSby�O�N�to Ind�mnlry�nd hold h�rml�L�nd�r.Ib dkeotore,orno��a�,Woy«a a�,d.�.MS��nd
<br /> i'r. .-ii any wca�on W L�nd�rs InUa�t,lrom�nd�palnN�ny�nd NI ol�Nn��d�m�,lou�s�nd Ilabllltler��1��i�conn�crion wit�
<br /> � , ���y.:. Ih�prp�no�,ws,dispowl a Mn�port ol any Muudou� M�t�ls on.unde,hom or about the Propaty.THE FOREQOWQ
<br /> l"' :�r'uy�;'�,>:�.� 8UFIVIVE RECONV6Y/1NCE OF THIB DHED OF 7RUST.
<br /> - - :'�';�R:�':`."�r"'�'": 10. AMipn�n�nt d R�t�,Trwtor Mnby aplpn�to UndK th�nnh,Inue��nd pro0le ot the P�opasrgr;Providad tlwt Tru�tor
<br /> , :,;�y;�i�.n.,-�
<br /> `� �.::,•ii.._• �h�ll,uMll th�xaurr�a o4�n Ewnt ol DN�ull har�under,haw th�ripht to aoN�at and retaln wch re�isauea Artd proflts as tMy
<br /> ^ '�i K i( � .•..:.y,^
<br /> • . :�,.,.s�P:���;^, •. b�oom�du�and pqabU.Upon th�000urnno�ol.n swnr a aUult,l.�nda m�y,Nther in peroon or by a�eot,with or wilhout
<br /> :.,.�r,•-v,,.,r�`•''• �' b�inpinp�ny�adon or proae�df np,or by a nodv�r�ppolntsd by a cou�t�nd without reperd to the adequaoy o11ts seaurity,eM�r
<br /> ° •• •,;�`;�����{�•;�`• '•'.` u �nd qk�ppssluston of th�P�opMy.or any p�R th�r�of,In Its own nam�or In ths nsme ol the Truetee.end do any aob wh�h It
<br /> • r � �:�t,:.:x �s'.�.
<br /> � ,t�l����� ds�ems n�ceswry or des�nb��to pra�rw th�wlu�,m�rkafablllry or nnt�bllity of th�Prop�ry,or any pert thereot or in�r�st thsreln,
<br /> ��G�,k��c.. : . .
<br /> � '` •�' '���. ': '•' InorMSS ths Inoom�th�rN►om or prot�at th�wouriry honof��d,wlth or without qkinp posseeeion af the PropeAy,sue tor w
<br /> „�r�:.�.,�
<br /> . �� ��`, otherwlss coll�nt th�r�nb,Iwup�nd prolit�th�not InaludMp thow p��t dw�nd unpNd,�nd apply the sAme,le�cab and
<br /> •. ^',�."•�� � �xpensa ot opsradan and coll�apon Inoludlnp�ttorn�y�'INS,upon�ny Ind�bbdn�u seoured hereby,a!1 M such ardsr as Lsnder
<br /> � �`�•, ms det�rmine,Ths�nbrinp upon and taklnp pou��ion of th�Prop�rry,th�coll�odon of�uah rehte,laaues and prdNlo and the
<br /> '., �_ �4�b5� ��., .••, y
<br /> �:'• _�,,.,.;,��,�i��=���� �ppNcation thareol u don�id,rh�N nof aun or walv��ny d�hult or�otla�ol ddwlt hereunde�or invalidate any act done in
<br /> d',y,��_ ' + ••�:�;;;-�.�:..����::,�; r e s p o n a t o s u o h d s M u l t o r p u r s w M t o�u a h n o d c e o f d N�u l t a n d,n o t w i t h�a n d i n p d w c o n tl n u a n c a i n p o n s e�s i o n o f t h e Pro p e r t y or
<br /> � �'`�.`<'�"��'' �'`��•"" ` the aollsadon,reoNpt and appllapon of nnb,Isw��or profib,�nd Tru�tN�nd L�nd�r�hdl M enYtl�ed to exerclee every tipht
<br /> - �•,:.;�.�-`,....i�"�i�%`:;:;
<br /> ,,,;,:,1;},�..,r,;,F:,�•, proWded t�In any ot ilsa Loan!rsltusnanls Qr by la�r�pon c+ssa��rr'na�ot anY Ewnt of Da/aull,Including wilhout IlmHadon the rlQht
<br /> ,�°:;;,;�.�..7,•},�t'��.;>,�; to exeralte the pow�r of wl�.RuAh�r,l.�nd�r'�riphb�nd nmedle�unWr thl�p�npraph�h�ll be cumulative wl1h,and in no way s
<br /> �� f.�t).:.� �
<br /> . "'� '�<<�±r'`:• ,� �,.: .� IlmiUdon on.Lender�►Iphts�nd r�m�dl��und�r�ny wipnment of laMS�nd rma ncad�d�psinst iha Property.l.ender.Trwko
<br /> ;� :.,��,.,�rr'i; : :,•::�;,�
<br /> . �,+.+d �....7r;:�•.:;«.; and the recelver�h�ll be Ilebls to acaount only for thow nnm�cluNly na�lwd.
<br /> ,. �"``�,i��'��%�";'�� . '_..�::' 11. gv�nb of pNauN.Th� followlnp�hNl con�tituts�n Ev�nt ol Mf�ult und�r thl�D�sd o1 Tru�t
<br /> ? .i.�' ;•y�r."":•r.i
<br /> � t,��ti;�°:�. . ' ',�';s�: (s) Fdlurs to p�y any in�t�llm�nt of princlpal or Intsrot of�ny oth�r wm wcund hsrsby when due;
<br /> ��.,:_�,..;��;i , "i;,r,•:,
<br /> � .;.. ,,,,. • :;;}<; (b) A breaoh ot a delault under any provblon coat�ln�d In th�Not�,lhls W�d of Tru�t,any of Iho Loan Inst�umeMa,or any
<br /> �r:.;%.r-"��•�,F,•�� • oth�r Iien or enaumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> �;.,„ ,�'),�.:;�;'`;�r;�'•r•�:,�•.,�,`� , (a) A writ ol sx�outlon ar ettachmmt or any�Imll�r proc�u�h�ll b��nhnd�p�lnst Trwtor whlah ahall bocom6 a flen o�
<br /> 1 13,t::�;;'•s;':,',t,,: ' '.;•'.i tho pr or en rUon thereol or Interest thereln:
<br /> - ,,,;;,;,,,,;,y.�,'" ePenY YPo
<br /> ����,;�,;,��n�ap:;��,y,p�iA�s;�, (d) There thall be Illed by or a�einst T�ueta or Borrower sn actlon under any pretent or luturo fQderal,atete or other
<br /> ��'�r-;g, , stetute,lew or repul�tlon relatlnp to bankruptoy,Insolv�nay or other reIIN for d�bton;or there shtN W appointed any truatee,
<br /> � �:""'�` recelver or Ilquidator of Tr�stor or Borrower or o f�I I or any pa►t o f t he Prop�Ay,or t h�nn u,i au e s or pr o i l b t h e r e o l,o�T r u s t o r
<br /> ��' ..� � or 8orrower ahall mek�any peneral ae�fpnmont lor the benalil ol cndUOn;
<br /> � � � � (e) The sele,transter, laase,aeslpnmenR conveyanao or turther encumbr�ne�01 all or any pa►t ot or eny intereat in the
<br /> ✓_ • � Property,elther voluntarfly or involunterlly, wlihout the expre�s writlen coment ol Lender, provided thAt T�ustor ehall be '=Sr.
<br /> �,i` . pernnitted to exooutea le�se of the P�operly thet does not co�taln an opBon to purchaW�nd the term ol whlah does�ot excoed
<br /> N, ;S�'�.,:. ono year,
<br /> • ������ •_.���•� . �'" � (Q Abendonment of the Property:or
<br /> � ; r°;.c,• �,.":'���°`
<br /> L��•� ��• � :; , '�! :"� (y) If Trustor Is not en i�dividuai,the i�ew+nce,selo,tranafor,aaaipnmont,convoyance or encumbrence of more than a totel ��=
<br /> .� . ; .��
<br /> `,:;:t•,:'�:. •'.; 1 . .,��:.
<br /> �'�-. ^� � •''�'��" of percent ot pf a corporatlon)its iseued and outstand�np�tock or pl e partnershlp)a rotsit ot percent o1 •�r:
<br /> ' ;:<�+;;�jti��1',"� .+ � ': pahnership inlereate dudny the period thi�Deed of Truat remalns e lien on the Propo►ty.
<br /> .;±..,'-` � ••• � � 12. R�m�dNi;AccNK�Uon Upon Dd�ulf.ln the ovenl of any Evmt ol DNault Lander may,without not�ce except es►equired by
<br /> , ;'.'".'�,;� '��•�,�}��. pon become due and
<br /> :.,,4•;. '� •� �;�• �� 18w,declere all indebtedneae secured hereby to be due and payable and Ih��am��hdl ihonu payable
<br /> ts.. , ,'�::•°:����'f1y r .• •• . whhout any presanUnent,demand,protest or notice of any klnd.TherealtK l.Ynder may�
<br /> ��. a� :• ; r•.::�:i��•.,'.����,., • "t (a) Demand thet Trustee exercise ihe POWER OF 3ALE prantad horeln,�nd Trwtee shall thereafter cause Trustor'e �:' ,
<br /> ��'�• � '7 `a,;�'�;_,`+'. `.� • � interest in the Propery k be aold ond the proceeda to be dfstnbut�d.�11�n Iho rnannor providod In th�NYMeske Truat Deeds F���..��
<br /> s .,.. ,: .
<br /> Acx � :
<br /> `�� ' �,�� '''`��..;. (b) Exe�af3�any and all riphls provlded lor In pny ol the Loan Intlrum�nt�or by I�w upon occurrence of any Event o1 ��
<br /> ) ;;., . " �i.�� Defaul�and �
<br /> �,,;��,, � � • (c) CommenCe an ection to}oreclote thfs Deed ot Truot as a monqepo.�ppolnt�ncNwr,or tp�clliCally enlorcY any of the +','
<br /> u� ,.
<br /> ��,►.:�:, . • covenanb hereof. • •�.•
<br /> ��44y- �, •� ;; ; ; ' No remedy herein coMerred upon or teserved to Tru�tee or Lendor Is Intond�d lo W oxClu�ive ot an�ather remedy herein,In 1he t`.••,'
<br /> �F�, . Y� � ��:e�' ° Loan InatrumeMs or by law provided or permnted,bul each ihAll be cumulativo.�h�ll bo�n addlhon lo evary other remody given t;'�.
<br /> , �'� � C � hereunder,in the Loan Inatrument�or now or hereaRer exlet�np at!aw qr m aqwy or by elelul�,�nd rney b��xeroised concur►ently, ����'�
<br /> • '1•::.r,.;.';�•.
<br /> . ti,.. �.��;.
<br /> ,.;�,� ���• IndependeMly or succeeeively. �;`.;;,:
<br /> : . ,�?5��',� ° . � 13. Tru�tN.The Trustee rnay red�n et any tlme wUhout aausa,and LYnder m�y st eny timo�nd wlthout ceuse eppolnt a �.-�,:�
<br /> ::� '�' �`�������'•� successor or eubstltute Truetee.Truotee shell not be Iioble to any pany,�nclud�np wlthout Um�utlon Lend�r,Borrower,Trustor or any ; �;,:
<br /> ;:.: , � ,.,:, .;,., „ .
<br /> ' �•,�:: •,� ��;_ .. purchaser of the Property,tor any lose or demape unlees due to reckle��or wllllul mi�conducl,�nd shNl not be nquired to take any +,,;,:�
<br /> . ti: . , , ectb� In connectlon with the enforcement ot thla Deed of Trust unl�u�nd�mmh�d,�n writ�np, lar dl cusq,compenwtion or
<br /> �..,.:ir!:_.�`�., ssY�n.aa whlch mav beaaexiated therewfth.ln addltlon,Tru�tN may bacome s purehawr�t�ny pl�ol lha Property Qudfclal or `;
<br /> ;�;�;:`.�:
<br /> : i� � . under the power of sale prented herefn);poatpono the�ale ol�II or any portlpn ol ln�Prop�rly, ��provlA�l Dy 1�w:or�e11 m� t�.
<br /> �+�� �� r�: Property as a whole,or In separate paroeta or lott at Trwtee'�dl�cntlon. �'
<br /> ��, ;�,,1c
<br /> � ' �ti;i,.� 14. F��nd Exp�n�.In the event Trustee sell�Ihe Prop�rty by���rcl��ol pow�r ol ut�,Tru�t�e�hsll be enUtlW to epply
<br /> `• .1 '1 �•� :tif,-�.. �� eny eale proceeda Ilrst to payment ot all cosls end expenus ol sx�rcl�lnp pow�r ol wl�,�ncludmp�II T�utlN'�fMf,�nd Lender's � ,,_
<br /> �:, �'y �"���}:,,,; ;_� . end Truetee's attomey'e fee�,actually Incurred to�xtent pumltt�d by�ppl�c�bl�I�w In th��v�nl8orrowsr or Tru�tor axerolsei any .
<br /> ►Ight provided by lew to cure an Event of Def�ult lendor�h�ll b��nUll�d lo rrcov�r Irnm Tru�lur MII cusq�nd�xp�ns�s aotually 1. •� '.
<br /> � • �- Mcurred es a rowlt of Trwtor'�def�ult,Includlnp without IlmuaUOn�II riu�tN's�nd�tlorr►�y'�f�,to Ih��Khnt permittod by ;; ,',
<br /> � . �'`�:;��-.,� � ePPlicable tew. �'
<br /> "��.ti�.,�::.,�,
<br /> � ... �. •; 1b. Rutun Adw�. Upon request of 8orrow�r, L�nd�r nt�y,�t It�optlon,m�k��ddiUon�l�nd lulun adv�nc��end re• ; ,,,,
<br /> � � ;;,;'1,�,�;: edvences to Bonower.3uch�dv�nce�and nadvmcn.wlth Int�n�l lh�r�on,�hall b�acur�d by Ihi�OMd ot Tiu�t.At no time ahall
<br /> � ;'�;;;:,ti'�� the principel amount ot the Indebtedness��curM by thb D�d ol Tru�t,nol�nclud�np�um��dv�nc�d lo probal th�pourlry ol this � ,
<br /> < < �, • '=:;t�?.,-;• ` O«d of Truq,sxaeed ths aipinel principN amount dat�d hael�,or� .whlOh�vN 1�prMt�r.�
<br /> 'tlO�!'a0.0Q �
<br /> � `'�`;ii. '...� . • •f..
<br /> . . �_
<br /> • ! '
<br />