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<br /> � '�.�r•y r� ��`� ,
<br /> � ' i�
<br /> � . .
<br /> �������: . �93• io��
<br /> TiuMor und�nd�tl�atth�doaumnnttlu�t Trwtor I��boutb�x�auM�d a Dwd d TruM and nN�maqp��nd MMt�powM
<br /> a.a�.arovid.d ror�n�n.o..d arn,.�prov�d..wa�na�hdnt�mm+iaha�•nd oalp�tloMbT�uMOrN1�1�1110110�(�IMMMNfN
<br /> ;� 0111 dNaultorbrNOh of ob1lp�Non und�r fM DMd of Troq,Inaludlnp,bu mnmiaa a,a,.�.nd.r.non�a naw��,.r►oa«h«�a
<br /> by th�TrustN wNhout any Judkl�l proaMdlnp.Trwtor r�PraMM��n ,M�Mnna 1hd 1hb know ww�ouMd by
<br /> •�� TnMbr bNon th��x�outlon of pN OMd of TrwR �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> NARRY' H N, JR� T^�D� Nwbuld
<br /> G.
<br /> `�,•, JANR C� HQCH Yr'�O� Mit�
<br /> '' w,;�;_ :�r:..s
<br /> . a u , DEED OF TRU9T WfTH R�JTtJ�lE ADVANC68
<br /> �`���'� a' T N 1 8 q E E D O F T R U S T,l e m a d e a a o t t h o_�+�.d�y o f •�P-9�»h�����Y
<br /> �: �' ���•'��.}jitf�i:'.
<br /> �,'`,.;i��"-;'�k�;'?�, !hs Truelof N1BRY A iNk�{� �IL t T�nv r un�w�� �
<br /> ��.h'i�.v.; '
<br /> hwb�nd and �3t�
<br /> ' ° ��� 2�17 Cqttonrood Road Qaand I�l�n�rNn"T�;'�i�r mon),•
<br /> • �` i' . . ap: �g who�e malHnp.addresa ro
<br /> ,,' ��,��.
<br /> ?5�,r?J�; �•� ���- � �.'�`• � the Troatee, F�ve PeielB Bank a Mwhr�wlto ['nrppgo}�ipp �
<br /> �; °.�;t! .� < < ,H" ::4•:�`�` P.O. 8ox ISW7 (ir�nd I�land. d$ 68A02 (fnnln"Tru�'1��nd
<br /> ;;s;�:.. ,�;�,g,�,;f-�.�,ti�:.,; -.-. whoae mailinp addresa lo
<br /> ; `t{"`� .b '� Five Points B nIc
<br /> , ;,tir the eenenoiary� , ;�
<br /> � :.,rE:.:._ • �.,� 11��1'i(3::3-i�O�—1 9�
<br /> � , whose malNnp addres�Is. �atg Y 11rn�ri�r,n1 1 r����.+ rQ�..d,, h�rNn "I.�nda,
<br /> � � " � FOR VALUABLE CON9IDERATION,includirp Lender's extensJan a1 cr�dit Wenpll�d ha�ln t���• unru� Zp�
<br /> � �� �{.: : .,;;� i JANF C NOGfl (hereln"�onavwn",whether one or mao)�nd th�Uuet hedn arat�d,
<br /> ��,;;, , the recelpt of whloh ie hereby anknowledped,Trustor hereby ir�evacabiy p►ants,uenslers, conv�y��nd aulpns to Tru�tN,IN
<br /> 'i`''r� ••.�' •,?,ar • TRUST,WITN POWER OF SALE,lor tFw benelit and securiry oT tonder,untfe��nd wbJeot to the t�rms�nd condNlons Mr�MiaM�r s�l
<br /> " .�,__ forth,the real property,deecribed ae toliow4:
<br /> �� . ,;:��,•;�.• � OF. GRAND ISLA�iD, HALL COUNTY� NEBRASBA.
<br /> � ;/.,,�r};' , '�. .
<br /> ! � � Topether with all buitdlnes,knprovementa,fixtures,at►eets,a11�ya,pa�sa�eweya,ea�emenb,Nyhts,prlvilp�s�nd�ppuR�-
<br /> � „ nenoea located thereon or in anywiee pertelninq therato,e��d th�rents.Issuea and prolite,reverelons end ram�ind�n th�aof,�nd
<br /> � auah pereonal properry thet Is adeched to lhe improvemenls so as to constNute e fixture,lncludinp,but not Ilmlted!o,hptinp�nd
<br /> ��. " � , coolfnp equlpmenk and topether wHh the homeatead or mariL�l Irrterests,lf any,whlch Interests ere hereby retsaud and wNv�d;all
<br /> of whlah,inaludinp replecemente and addlllons thereto.Ia hereby declared to be a part of the real est�N s�eund by Ih�Ilm ol thl�
<br /> .��r. ` ° Oeed ot Tru41 and all of the lorepoinp beinp relerred to herefr,as the"Property". '
<br /> +r
<br /> ,�,r � Thlo O�ed of Truet shall 4eeure(e)the payment of th�princlpal aum and Interest evidenced by a promlttory not�w cr�dlt ���
<br /> �-.
<br /> , , �
<br /> ,
<br /> ' � ;�;,,, � �' apraement deted gp�•���,����s�- —,havin�a maturiy date o1 —R,i.�n!! "--m.v-r°a�—� ..*i
<br /> � � �`'�� In the originel principal amounT o}S T—�-50 ,and any and ell modllicetiont,exten�lons�nd ren�web
<br /> � � � thereof or thereto and any and all 1utu�e advances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them 11 more th�n on�) h�r�under �
<br /> � pu►euenf to onw ar mora promisnory notee or aretlit agrpementa(hereln called"Note"):(b)ihe payment of ofher eum�adv�nc�d by ,
<br /> Lender to protect lhe aecuriy oi the Note:(c)the perto►mance of all covenants and apreementa ol Truator aot forth hereln;�nd(d)aH �
<br /> present and luture Indebtedness end oblipetlons of 8orrower(or any of them It more than ane)fo Lander whelher direc�Indlr�ct, '
<br /> abeolute or contingent and whether ariainp by note.guaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,lhls Deed ol Trual end any end mll ,
<br /> othar docuents that secure the Note o�otherwise executed in connection therewith,includlnp wlthaut Ilmitetlon puerant�,Nouriyr k
<br /> . epreemente and essipnments of leases and rents,ehall be referred to herein as the"Loan In�l►ument�". •
<br /> �, • ^ Truetor covenants and egrees wflh lender as tollows: �"
<br /> ,;.;_': . 1.Paym�nt of(nd�bt�dn�a.All indebtednesa secured hereby shall be peid when due. F
<br /> •�� �'' . � 2.TIH�.Truetor Ia Ihe owner oi Ihe Property,has the right and authority to convey the Properqr,and warrants thet the Ifen l
<br /> '�' '.;, created hereby te a fJret and prlor Ilen on the Prope►ty,except for Ifens and encumbrancea set forlh by Truator In wrltinp and
<br /> .•�_� delivered to Lender belore execullon ol thls Deed of Trust and the execut�on and delivery o1 this Deed ol Trust doas not vlolate any
<br /> 4 ; t , contrect ar other obligetion to which Trustor Is sub�ect.
<br /> 3.Tax�t,ArNS�nHnU.To pey before delfnquency all taxes,apeclal assessmenis and ell other charyes apelnst the Proporry
<br /> ������ now Or hereeRer levfed.
<br /> �'�. . 4.Inswonc�.To keep the Properry lnaured against damage by Ilre,hazards Included withln the term"extended coverapa",and
<br /> ' � � � auch other hazards as Lender may requlre,fn amounis and wNh compenies acceptable to Lender,naminp Lender as an addit�onal
<br /> named inaured,with losa payable to the Lender.In case of losa under euch poHcles,the Lender ia authorfzed to ad�u�t,coltect�nd
<br /> � , • Compromise,ell tlaime thereunder and shell heve the optlon ot applying all or pert ol the IneuranCe proceeds(1)to any Indebtednefs
<br /> ; � aeCUred Aereby end{n such order as Lender may dete�mine.(li)to the Trustor to be uaed for the repe�r or restoretion olthe Property
<br /> � . , or{Ili)for any other purpose or ob�ect satislactory to Lender without aifecting me Ilen of fhis Oeed ol Truet for the lull amount secured
<br /> hereby befae such payment ever took plece. Any appNcation of proceeds to Indebtedne�s�hall not eztend or postpone the du6
<br /> • � date of any payments under the Note,or cure any default ihereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5.�sCrow.Upon wriften demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,ln auch manner as Lender may dealpnate,euNiti�nl
<br /> � �- T -` eumi t0lf13�Dle Lenqer to pey es mey Decome aue one or more oi ine ioiiowi�g:jij aii ia�cns,diranba���o��i:o�w v���o����6�yo�oya���:�
<br /> ` the Property.(IiI the premlums on the property Inaurpnco requlred hereunder,and(III)the premlums on any mortpape Msurenco
<br /> , �� required by Lender.
<br /> . 8.MaNl�nanc�.R�pNn and Compll�na�wllh Low�.Trustor ehall keep the Property In pood conditlon and repair;ehell
<br /> ., � i� promptly ►eppir,a replace eny Improvement which may be damaged or de�troyed; ahell not commlt or permit eny waste or
<br /> t { deterloretion of the Property;sheq not remove,demoNah or eubstantlally alter any ol the Improvemente on the Property;fhall not
<br /> � �� • � commlt,suHer or permlt any ect to be done In or upon 1he Prope►ty In violation o}any law,ordlnance,or repuletfon;and�hell pay end
<br /> 4 � promptly dltcharpe at Trustor's cost end expenae all I�ens,encumbrances and charyea levied,Impoeed or asseased epelnit the
<br /> , PropeAy or eny peA thereof.
<br /> �r � 7. EmM�nt Domaln.Lender Is hereby aeslpned all compensetlon,ewards,damapea and other paymenta or rellef(herelnaNer
<br /> "P�aceeds")ln cannecdon wlth condemnetlon a other teklnp o}the Prope►y or pe�t thereof,or for conveyance In Ileu of condemna-
<br /> '�; � • tlon.�ender fhall pe entltled at Ite optlon to commence,appear In end prosecute fn Its own�ame any actlon or proceedlnpa,ard
<br /> ; � " �' - �hell ol=o be entWM to make any comp�omise or settlement 1n connocNnr�wlth auch taklnp or demaqa.ln the event�ny portlon ol
<br /> ' � N�CS�N(NaraKUhwN0��11�r10•'W
<br /> .. , O 1�N NNeMI/MM dGwrwc�6uM r+0 qv��Aasotyaon.lmCOtn.M�b�W `
<br /> �
<br />