':i. �,yn�(�eA � u� . .,.F. t .-� �.�,��,.� .�,.. ;�.] .;xt
<br /> �r+ '"�r�i7�� ��' Jt�ti�lk(t i-�:,t vt' ��,i:114
<br /> �-�' �!r hYl,t .Y...�f��� �'� ..)� S
<br /> ,,, r�y� ,,, ";jl'r� , '
<br /> w:�c.!d'd . . .:�
<br /> .. . _,. .. .}°,1�, s•v�";' �' " .•.4'. "{.
<br /> - � �, t�/���R� .. .. . ... . ... _ � • . y
<br /> f 1 � � .,:ifCS
<br /> •' ' ^�d"'r."- t, S� }.
<br /> _" . .rrrl���� .
<br /> 1 • .
<br /> .93. 10Ap32 �
<br /> .. ., �. , .
<br /> . .:�� ����r.� '
<br /> t�k�n or drnq�d�Lrndw�h�M h�v�th�option in R�wM�nd ab�olut�dhwnion,to�PPH�A�uah Pr9mM�d�,�ftM d�duotiny thwd�an
<br /> dl oah�nd�w kwun�d by h in oonn�otion wNh wah Proo��,upon �n�ind�bt�dnau���wrnd bN�AbY�nd b wah ord�r a�
<br /> N
<br /> "'��T:'=. �~ - .. ��ndK m�y d�t�nnttN,a to apply�II�uaA ProoNd�,dHr�uoh d�duotton�.to th�rata�tion ot th�Pr4P�Y�P����i°^�M
<br /> •t nn th dw d�t�o(�ny prym�nU undM
<br /> •�h�Y not�xtm4 a � �
<br /> �:..�•.;,I d�bt�dnM p
<br /> . �, L�ndn mh►d�tmniM•MY�P�b^of ProoNd�to(n pQ
<br /> ., � ,;• . ' tM Not�,a oun�ny drfah th�nund�r a h�nundK.M�unaopti�d lund��II b�p�W to T�wtor.
<br /> • -:s d.hrf�rnWna�by lw�ar. Upon th� 000unmo�of �n Evmt of D�fwlt Mnund�r, or if�ny�ot M t�k�n a Mp�1 P�aawdln7
<br /> �r';,'� ' owm��nad whiph en�t�ri�Ny dl�ou L�nd�►'�intm�t in Ih�P�op�►1y.l�r►d�r m�y In Jt�own dlaantlon,but without obliprtion te do w,
<br /> _�-: . �nd whhout notio�to w dNn�nd ��on Tnntor�nd withoul nlwinp Tru�tor Irom�ny obNp�tbn,do a+y wt whbh Tn�nor hM qn�d
<br /> b ut f N N to d o r i d m��+�N o do�n y othM�ot it d�n�n�oM�r ta prot�ot th���ou►ity h�naf.Tn�nor rh�p,Nnm�diatNy ePon dwn�nd
<br /> .�...:''•'"•.••-•':..'.�.�r thw�la by l�nda.WY to L�nd�►dl .wrt� �nd��p�mN inournd and wm��xp�nd�d by L�ndn b oaw��otlon with th�uc�ofM by
<br /> .,,: 7 . , L�ndw ot th�iapoinO ripht�,topNh�r with intMMt tha�on�t Ih�ddwh��H provid�d h th�Not�. whid��h�ll b��dA�d to tM
<br />-_ �?es.i3'r;i;j;';,,; ind�bt�dn�n Mour�d h��by.l�ndM ahd�at fnour�ny Iwbilfly b�+��ol�nylhinp it mqY do or oml!to do hKwmd�r.
<br /> ,• , i.H�a�e�ow MMwi�M.Tnnta�h�A kNp th�Propnty in oompifano�wNh�11�pplia�bM Nw�,ordM�naM�nd aYutatfo��r�4tinp lo
<br /> indwtrial hypl��or�nvkonm�ntal prot�otion(aolbothr�ly nferr�d to hwdn�� 'Hnvironmw+ld L�w1'!.Trueta�hdl k«p th�PropMy
<br /> . bN Iran��ubH�naM dNm�d to b�Ms��dou�a toxb unda�nY EnvGa�m�^�d L�w�(odleotWohl Mt�rnd to h�nin�r'Hardaw
<br /> j. ' M�tnlrM'1.TtuMOr hw�by war�N�nd r�prww�t�to L�ndK th�t th�n�n n4 HNxardau�MAt�rlal on or unda th� Prapwty.Tru�ta
<br /> f' r�4:�-• /' !•,� . -
<br /> ,�„,,• k . . , h�nby pr� to indwnnNy �nd hotd humta�l�nd�r, it�dir�oton, olfian, �nploY�n anA �Os^�4� �+a �^r•�+�«w�. �o �..�a«�•
<br /> �l` . . � - inqrot,l�an �nd p�imt�ny w+d dl oWm�, dnn�pM.bs�w md Ii�biNtiM orisinp in aonn�atbn with ths pra�no�.u��,dMposel a
<br />��w�. tr�n�port of�ny H�rdou�M�b►teh on,uoda,iram or�bout th�Propuey.THE FORBOOINQ WARRAACTISB AND REPRESENTATIQNB,
<br /> . TItUST.
<br /> • 10.M�wn�nt ot Nw�t�.Trunw hu�by asipna to Lander the ranb,ina��and profit4 of tha Propeity;providad th�t Tru�tor sh�A,
<br /> . w
<br /> unfy th�ocournnc�ot�n Ev�nt ol 0�falt h�rwnd�r,h�v�th�rfpht to oop�ot and ntsin sual►r�W,ie�ue��nd profhs��they bscom� '_.. .Y,,• .
<br /> �� du��n4 p�y�bb.Upon th�000urnnos oF m Ev�nt of D�fauh,L�nder msy,dthu in penon or by�po�R,with or without 6rinyinp M►y .... .
<br /> �otion w proe«dinp,ot by •na�fwr �ppoint�d by�aourt�nd without rperd to ths�dequnay of i1A�wwity, �nt�r upan�nd Nic� ;,,t.;�
<br /> ` pw�MSion of tM Prop�rty, or�ny p�h tha�of, b it� own nsms or in th�nems of ths Truetse, �nd du �ny �oh whioh k d�erns •_ �
<br /> ;� n�Wy a dNlr*bM to prMwv�th� wlu�,m�rk�bblllty ot nnt�bUity ot th�Property,a any pert thnr4of or int�rNt tha�in,inonu� :�.},r..
<br /> ' . th�inoom�tMKdrom or probot tM��aurity heaof�nd,with or without takinp poe�as�fon of tha RopaKY.iu�/or or otherwi��ooll�at t�'��"���••r
<br /> f th��U.Mwa�rid profft�thK�of,inalud&�p thou ps�t du��nd unp�id,�nd�PDh►thq s�ms,len aoata�nd�xpemn of opa�tbn md {. �`;;.. .,
<br /> f
<br /> ooQ�otion ind�dit��ttom�yo'fMS.upon�ny Ind�btdna�accund hsabY.�p in�uch ordar a�L�nder maY d�t�rtnirn.Th��nt�rkp upon � :r.-,��� '
<br /> ' �nd tdcY�p poe�w�ion of th�PropartY. tl►e co�botion of�uah nnt�,is�ua+md profits�r►d ths appllaetiqn thN�oi n�faa�id,�11 not .
<br /> i out�or w�iw�nY d�huh w notioe of def�ult h�nund�r or invdidst�w►y Mat don�in r��pona�to�uah dnF�ult or purnunt to�uoh notia '
<br /> `. . of d�fault�nd,noewith�t�ndinp th�contiwane�In poe����fon ot th�Prop�rty or th�ooll�otiqn,noeipt and�ppNoaHon of r�nb,i�we�a ` � . "
<br /> p►ofia,�nd TruatM�nd LN+du sheq b��ntitlad to�x�rcis��v�ry ripht provided for h my of thq Loen Instrum�nt�or by I�w upon � -
<br /> � 000irerncs of �nv Ev�nt of Od�uk,i„eludinp wkhout Nmit�tien th�►ipht to�xaoia�ths pow�r of�alr.Furthn,L�nd�r's►ipht��nd �s' �
<br /> ; � mm�disi un0er thn p��qnph �hdl be cumutetiw with, �nd in no way • limit�t�on on, L�ndar'� riph[s �nd nm�din undw �y : - -- —
<br /> i ' n�ipnm�nt of ba�er and rrnq rwoaded�painst th�Property.Lendv,True�a�nd the noeirv�hnN be If�bl�to�000unt only fa thar � ,
<br /> 1 � r�nu wtual(y ncaiwd. S
<br /> ` . 11.Ewnt�01 Odault.Th�(oUowinp�hall co�stitut��n Evmt of Oofault under thta Doad of Truet: �.: %
<br /> ' t nst of an othar sum eecured hqrqby wheo due; �� � �� ��
<br /> ; �. (d Fdlur�to p�y�ny inatsllmx�t of principal or in e Y ; - .
<br /> � (b)A bnach ot or default under�ny proviefon aonbfnsd in th� Not�,thio Doed of TMet,�ny of the Lori Instrum�nt�,w anY k� ,.y�.;(''
<br /> otMr(i�n or�ncumbr+nae upon the Propaty;
<br /> (o)A writ of�xeoutfon or �tt�ohment or sny similor prooeee ehatl 4s�nbnd�pelnet Tn�etar whkh�hdl beoom��liso on th� ��-�• � . ��i��
<br /> � �' Propsrty or�ny portion thereof or inurset thenin; �� �S�
<br /> �'y�r�� ,' (d)Then shall b�IN�d by a�painat Tniotor or Bo�row�r an aatian under eny pror�nt.or futuro fsderal,�uts or othN st�tu�,I�w - .!
<br /> or rpuution�eletinp to bnkruptey, ineolnvnoy or other r�llef for debtors;ar then �hell be�ppointed any tnista, reo�ivx or
<br /> 1�r� , Ilquldstor of T►uetor or Bonow�r or of all or eny pert of tha Porperty,or the r�nts,i��un or profk�the►wf,or Tnuto►or Bortower • ��
<br /> �hel)mak��ny pm�r�l��dpnmmt for the banetit of oraditorn; ��
<br /> •1�„ (d Ths uM,tnnsfsr,Iws�,nsipnmant,oonvsyenae or(urther a+aumbr�nos o)dl or�ny pert of or�ny intersst M the Propeny, �
<br /> `� •.'- ) �Ithn voluntvily or involunts�Ay,wilhout the expresr writtqn ooneent of Lsnda;provlded thet Truetor�haN b�psmnitt�d to uceoub ; .. .
<br /> .,� � ��
<br /> , �� � � �INt�01 th�PropeAy thet doet not contain�n option to purahasa�nd the t�rm of whioh doer not exc�sd on�ye�r:
<br /> �:.,.�.� , { Ifl Abandonment oi th�Prop�rty:or
<br /> (p)If Tnrotot b not�n indivldual,the iaauenae, �de,tnnet�r,a�oipnment, convayanae or eneumbanc� of mor�th�n e total
<br /> of JIH Dercent ot(i(�ooryoretlonl Its issu�d�nd outrtendinQ�took or 4if a pertne�ahip)�tob)of N/A pacent of
<br /> p�rtnsrthip interate durinp the period this Deed of Truat ram�ine s li�n on the Property.
<br /> . ' 1 Z.R�dia:Aee�twatian Upon Ddeult.In tha evant of sny Event of Dofault Lander mey, without notioe except as required by kw,
<br /> � d�ohn�II inda6tedne���scur�d hneby io be du� and p�yable and the eeme �hell thereupon becoma du��nd psyabl� without�ny
<br /> ',�' prM�ntm�nt,damand,protnt a noNo�of�ny kind.Thne�ft��l�nder mey:
<br /> ''��..i 1�)D�nend th�t Tru�t» �raofu th� POWHR OF SALE prantad heroin, �nd T�u�te� �hdl th�r�aft�r cw��Tru�tor'� Int�rat
<br /> In th�Proputy to be�old md th�proaeeds to bs distributed,all in the mann�r provld�d in th�N�bask�Tru�t Dasde Aot;
<br /> (b)Exeroa� mY �nd dl rlpht� provid�d fur In�ny of the Loan le�t�umants ar by bw upon 000unno� of my Ewnt of
<br /> � D�fault;�nd
<br /> , , � (c)Commencs an�olion to fo�acbss thfs Desd of Truet�a s mortpeye, �ppoint• reaeivm,or spsoitb�Ny Mforoe�ny of ths
<br /> oovenante ha►aof,
<br /> No ramsdy hetein confarred upon or reeerv�d to 7ruetee or Lande�is Intended to be exclusivs of �ny othe�rwn�dy h�rein,in the Lo�n
<br /> � (n�trumMtt�or by law providad or p�rmit�d,but eeoh ehall be cumulative,ahell bs in addition to�very othsr rwn�dy plven hereunder,(n
<br /> � � � the Losn Inetrums�t�or now a h�r�sftn existinp et law or in equity or by etatuts,and may bs sxmels�d concurr�ntly,Independ�ntly o�
<br /> ' �uao�s�Ivety.
<br /> •.�;`•'" 13. Tro�te�.Th�Tru�tee may resipn at[my time wrthout cewe,and lender m�y et any time�nd withoW csuae wppo'int e succe�+or
<br /> � �1� • •� o►wb�tkuts Trustes.Truete��h�ll not be Ilabb to e�y p�rty,includinp without limitetlon Lehder, Borrower,Trusta�or�ny purches�r of
<br /> ' � th�Prop�rty, fa �nY loo or d�m�pa unless due to r�okle�t o� willlul mi�conduct, �nd �heq not be requind to t�ke �ny �ction in
<br /> • ; oonn�odon with th��nforc�mmt of thM Oesd of Trust unlaee indemnified,in writinQ,for dl cosU,compensstion or exp�nsa�whieh msy
<br /> b�NaoohtM th�r�with.In �dditfon, T�u�t�s mey beooms�purche��r at my sd�of ths Prop�rty(judfol�l or und�r th� powa of�de
<br /> � pr�nt�d h�nk�l:po�tporn th�ole of�11 or�ny portion of Ih�P�oP�Y.��provid�d by I�w:or��II th�Propsrty���whob, or in t�p�r�te
<br /> ' • p�l�or bt��t Tru�tN'�dl�ar�tlon.
<br /> �_,�_ ________ 14.Fw�nd 8�p�nu�.In th�w�nt Tru�tN eall�the Property by exncin of pow�r of��I�,TruNN�hdl b�antitled to�pply�ny ute
<br /> .'R�"'__"" " �"""�_�_" J ��J�.�� �wd T...M.���
<br /> -—_ -"-- 1 prooMd�fir.t to p.ym.nt o�m cona �n0�xp�ne��ot nc�rcirinp pow�r vi���0�IIIVNYMIV�� .�,...........�.,. .«...... ..... ..__.�_
<br /> '.�. I �ttom�lr'�f�,�otudly Incurrd to�xt�nt psrtnittd by epplio�bla law.In th�ev�nt Borrowa or Tru�tor�x�rabN r�y ripht provid�d by
<br /> '� , law to wn w►Ev�nt of O�fwlt, L�nd�r�h�ll b��ntitlsu to noov�r from Trustor�II coets �nd�xp�ne�s�otudy inournd n�nsult of
<br /> Tnntor'�d�fwk,inoludinp wkhout limit�tion NI Tru�Ne'e end sttamey'n iw�,to th��xtent p�rmittrd by�pplic�bls I�w.
<br /> ,� 1 B.Futur�Adv�ne„.Upon rpuest of Borrowsr,Lender mey,at its option,msk��dditlon�l end futun�dvrnces �nd rwdvmoM to
<br /> 8orrow�►.SUCI1�VY16N�f1A fMdv�nc�s, with interr�t thereon,ehall bs e�ound by thl� ONd of Tn»t.At no tim��hdl th�prinalpsl
<br /> �� ',,.: ` ,I �mount of th�ind�bbdnm�ecund by this Dsed ot Tru�t,not inciudinp sum��dv�na�d to prot�ot th��ecurity of thl�Owd of Tnut,
<br /> � � � �`.�: �xcNd th�oriph�l prinolp�l�mount�tusd herein,or 4 f0.00 ,whiahev�r i��reater.
<br /> iE . �; � ;;>;
<br /> . : „�;.
<br /> ,,�.�` � �...
<br /> � .
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> l '
<br />