, .�-
<br /> „ , ,, , + v.�" .��.�;
<br /> � , .. _.
<br /> � ..._•,
<br /> , � _
<br /> � ' � ,�. �►� �.
<br /> � TRUSTOR flFJ1D TH18 BEFORE SI�iNINO: g�� �2'
<br /> rn,.to.und«.cand.eh.e tt�.eooumM+e eh�t 7'nuc«w.ba�e to�x�out.M.o..d ot?ru.t.nd.n.t.mato.o..nd tlwc u,.noMw
<br /> of wN provid�d for in th�ONd of T�wt provi�wbtt�nW�Y dNHrrnt dphU and obWp�Norn to Ttu�ta tMn�matp�tn d+�w�nt d
<br /> �dd�ult a 6rMOh of oblip�tbn und�+tM OMd of T�u�t,tnoludfnp,but not Nmk�d tn,th�L�ndM'��t to hw�tM'ropwty wN bY dM
<br /> Tnatw without�ny fudbW ProoMdhp•Tiwta npnanb�nd w�rnnt�M�t wwdpMnrit wrM�a+t«)N►Tiu�ta Y�fon tM
<br /> �onoution ot th�Dwd of Ttwt.
<br /> .: �
<br /> ,9 •' ' ��,R'Tt J TRU$
<br /> ,;,,,. ,:
<br /> ��s ,L U'a�.�sc'tc_�'
<br /> ClIIIRS.O�J1 tJiiLIK TItWTOiI
<br /> ,, r� .-«�r.
<br /> ,�, ,.'. ..�. q. . i■ti d�Y of A�dt�m6�r �1��_.b��M wnenY
<br /> �� � THI6 DEE�OF T11UST.M m�d�M of th�
<br /> �' ...q1.�fa�;c._�c"' .
<br /> �, "f i"�•'•'� ° th�Trwtor, D�LBZBT J UNLiR CHARLOTTi 11 UHLYR .
<br /> ' , �. .':s�,•�•��t 17Z9 I.i1RIl1T LN GMND IBI.l�MNn'Tn�i[ar,'�rhiU�i�on�arna�l.
<br /> s�:°.�+.:. wha�m�ilinp�ddr�a M
<br /> _ .,�• ._..
<br /> �. ::'`' th�TIf/tlN. 1Li��ND R BA110K - '
<br /> , , . -x
<br /> "� ', whow m�flNq�ddr«�M� •• �•••• �nn_ ne�aof�nT.1pB1NB� NtgA9s02 IhaNn"Tru�tM'1.�nd
<br /> ,. th�lw�dbiry. THE O{1E[ti.l�ND NATIQN7IL BI1NK OF (iR71ND IBLlL� .
<br /> s
<br /> , + : whw�rrwilMtp addrM�h�� ^ BOX 1688 GR71tiD IBLIIND. NL' 68804 pNpin'L,w�d�r'1.
<br /> .
<br /> • ROR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,inaludN�p I.�nd�u'��xhnsion of w�dit W�ntNbd M►Nn to �BLBZRT J tIHLI1C
<br /> �� . „ CHIIRIATT6 11 UHLIIC (ha�in'8onow�r'.wh�th�►on�or mon)md th�teu�t h�r�in arNbd,th�
<br /> ��;; � no�ipt of whioh i�henbY�ab�owledpvl,T�usto►hu�by Irnvooably prantt,tqnef�n,conv�ys�nd�ssipn�to TnatM,MI TRUST,WITH
<br /> POWER OF SALE,tor tM�fit md Houritv of Lmde,unda and�ub��et to th�Nmm1 �nd aonditiont Mr�u�Hw wt forth,d�n�l
<br /> +�:1'��--- propwty,dao►ibed es follow�:
<br /> ,.. ....
<br /> +'�. �•, ' LOT (1NB (1) i�1ESTERN H�IC3HT& THIRD SUBDIVISION, HALL
<br /> ;;�,.'., '�:'�'� COONTY, NEBRASRA
<br /> � i,,. _ ..,•.;
<br /> ';,,.
<br /> ti . ,_:,;, ..
<br /> ��,;. � .ea .ppuA«►.no..
<br /> Topethw wNh �II buildinpe,improvwnenta,fixtur��,�tr�sts, dleyr,pess�psw�y�,w�rn�nts,ripht�,privilopN
<br /> , ' bo�t�d thenon or in�nywi��psA�fninp thento,and ths r�nte,iatuo�and profita,nv�nbn��nd tM'nJnd�n thM�oi,md wt��p�nond
<br /> ''!,', propeRy that(s�lt�oh�d to ihe improvament��o ��to oonet�tut��tixtun,includinp,but not timit�d to,hwtinp�nd�olinp�qufpm�nt;
<br /> �nd topethv with th�hom�st��d or marital inte►ert�, if u+y,whioh inteneta ar�her�by r�iws�d�nd w�tv�d;�II of whbh, Inoludinp
<br /> '`�j., � , ; � ' r�pl�wm�nt�end�ddltiqne ihe�oto,ia hereby d�alend to bs�p�rt of the n�l wtab a�eur�d by th�liw�of thit OMd of T�utt rid�1 of
<br /> ,��y ��.:;„ th�fapoittp beMp nfur�d to hsr�in�s th�'Properly".
<br /> i'.
<br /> ` ;• � � ThM DMd of Ttuet ahall eecun(�1 th�p�ym�nt of the prinafpel eum �nd 'mtenet �vidmo�d by• promh�ory nob a a�dk
<br /> �� �prwm�nt d�t�d 09/O1/93 .hav�n„.:...»...:r;:a:c o` �°;_^4Jq7 .
<br /> � in th� oripinel pnc�ipel emou�t of S ��peo.ee ,end�ny u+d all modificsNone,ext�nsiont�nd nn�w�
<br /> ' thoraot or thoroto and any and ell futuro edvancee rnd aadvanaeo to Bor�owor lor eny of them it mon thm onel ha�undM purw�nt to
<br /> one or mo��p�oml�sory�ot�s or crodit�preement�Ihorein caYad "Not�");Ib)the peyment of othsr�um��dvanoed by L�ndM to protwt
<br /> • the��curity of ths Note;(c)the perfom+ence of ell covonante e�d apreemrmt�of Truetor est forth heain;�nd Idl dl pnsr�t�nd futun �
<br /> inAebtednoe� end oblipations of 8orrower (or eny of them if mnro than onel to Lender whether direot,indireot,�b�oluts or aontinp�nt . .�
<br /> md whNher s�i�np by nots,puerenty,overdn(t or otherwiee.The Nut�,thio Dead of Trust and eny and all otha doauments that��oure ;:,;,
<br /> , th�Note or otharwiee exeouted in connsotion thenwith,inoludinp without limitatan 9uaronteos,�eawky�presme�t��nd assipnmmts ;:
<br /> ' • ;�',,;.•. of lu�s�end rente,ehall be referrad to hereln a�tha'Lnen Inetrumante•. -
<br /> '' .,.:, :, T�u�tw Qownante and aqieee wlth Lendo�a foNowr: `�;�
<br /> , i.'. ..,'
<br /> • ... ' .'� 1.P�ym�nt oi Ind�bt�dne��.All indebtednees waund henby ohell bo peid when due. ������•
<br /> � . . 2.Titl�.Trwtor le the ownar of the Propaly,hse th�ripht end�uthority to co�vey the Proparty,md w�rnnu th�t th�li�n or�st�d �
<br /> h�reby M e fKSt�nd prior Ilen an the Property,except for liene end anaumbrencea set foMh by Truator in writi�p and ddiv�red to Land�r i
<br /> � .;, �• b�fore sxecution oi ihie Oeed of Truot, and tha axacution �nd delive�y o( thie Deed of trust does not violate w►y oontaot or oth�r
<br /> ' �j Si • • �� oWipatbn to which 7ivator ie aubjeot. ,
<br /> � �'B � 3.Ta�1„,M���un�nt�.To pey belore delinquenoy ell toxoa,epeciel asseeamente end eN other charpea ap�inft th�P�operty now or
<br /> here�fter levied.
<br /> , 4.In�ur�nw. To kesp the Propeny in�wd �p�i�et demnpa by fire,heierds, inoluded within th�t�rm 'sxtend�d coverape'.�nd
<br /> • �uch otMr h�zsrd� ae Lender mey requin, in smounts �nd with compe�fee ecceptable to Lender,neminp Lender es an�dditional nam�d
<br /> '� Ineur�d,with lou peyabls to ths Lender.In os�s of los�under suoh poliaies,ths Lender is wthorfzed to adju�t,aollsot�nd compromk�,
<br /> ` dl olaim� thweundsr�nd ehsll hwe ths opUon of�pplyfnp aN or pert of the ineurance praoeeds li)to�ny IndebtednN�a�ound h�nby
<br /> ' � �nd In�uch o�d�r�a lender m�y dete►mine,pf)to the T►ustor to be u�ed for the repeir o�re�tontlon ol th�Prop�rty or(iii)for�ny otMr
<br /> purpooe o►obj�ot reti�faotory to Lander without alleati�p the lien of thie Deed of Truat for th�lull smount�eourtd haaby b�(on�uch
<br /> p�ym�nt�v�r took pl�oe.My eppNoetion of p►ooeeds to Indebtednesa shell not extend or po�tpons the du�d�t�of�ny p�ym�nb w�d�r
<br /> '�_ _ . th�Nnta. a cun�nv d�f�ult thereundar or hereunde►.
<br /> : 6.E�orow.Upon writt�n d«nend by Londer,7wdtor sh�A puy to lender,in such menner s�lenda m�y desipn�N,�uffioi�nt�ums
<br /> , to�n�bl� L�nde to psy ��th�y beoom� dua one or mors of the followinp:lil �II tax�a, us����ments �nd oth�r oh�rqn �p�in�t th�
<br /> ' � Propsrty, (If)th�premlum�on the property ineuronce required herwndsr,and(iif)ths pnmiume on any mortp�p�insur�na���qu'vsd bY
<br /> �' L�ndor.
<br /> �' 8.M�Int�mne�,p�p�in and Complf�na�with Law�. T�ustor ahell ksep the Property in qood condition and r�p�ir; �hall promptly
<br /> � � rep�ir,or replece eny imp�ovement whioh may be demepad or desiroyed;shall not aommrt or permit�ny weet�or detsrio�ation of fhe
<br /> ; ;� Property; sh�ll not �smova,demollsh or subet�neielly elter eny of ths improvementa on the Property;�hell not aommit,sulfer or permit
<br /> ; '' ; , � eny sot to be done in or upon the Property in vloletion of eny lew,ordinance, or repulation;and sh�ll pay and promptly dieherpe et
<br /> � : � • '� , � Tnntor't cott md expons�ell Ikne,encumbnnoes�nd ch�ryes levied,imposed or asseeeed epainet the Property or eny paH thereoi.
<br /> ; 7.Emin�nt Oom�ln. Lender is haeby u�ipn�d a�l compens�tion, swerds, dam�p�e �nd other peyment� or rslief Iha�inaiter
<br /> 'Prooaede")In con�eotion with condernnetlon or other takfnp of the Porperty or pert thxeof,or for oonvsyanoe in lieu of condMnnetbn.
<br /> +� lander�h�tl be entitlsd st ite optlon to oommenoe,appaer in end prossouts in its own nerria any wtion or prooeedinpe,�nd ehep also be
<br /> �" • �ntftkd to meks sny oompromiee or esttlement m oonneation with euah tekiny or demepe.In the event eny ponion of the Property ie eo
<br /> .
<br /> � NBC 3�67(NarpncJlvY Owd11Mv.10lY� ,
<br /> �1�8�N�tlenY Emk of Canm�ra T�u�l W S�rxp�/WxuOa+.lu�Uin.N�ErM►� �
<br />