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<br /> �pplk�ble Inw m+�y tpa:ify fa rcinuatemenq befixa sala of �he Proparty puRUant to any Power af swla conuinod in �hls
<br /> Sxuriry insuument;or(b)entry of a judga�ent enforcln�� 3xurlty lmtrument. Tho�e conditi�ni ue�hsu 8o�mwer: (U
<br /> p�ys l.ender ali aums which then would bo duo under thl� SxuritY In�uument +Nd th� N°t° +�r if no acceleration tud
<br /> occurted;(b)cures�ny default of any otha covenAnta or agaements;(c)pays rU expenses ineumed in enfa+cing this Socu�ity
<br /> Inatrument, including.but not limited to,reASOnable atrorney�'fees;end(d)talces :uoh action As Lender moy re�onably
<br /> requi�e w nssure that U►c lien of Ihis 3ocudty instrument.Lenderh rfghts in thc Propeny end Borrowerl�obligadon to pAy Ihe
<br /> �uirw socuned by this Securiry inetrurnent shall candnue unchanged. Upon reinatatement by Borrow�r, this 3ecurity
<br /> Insuument and the obligationa Recurcd he►eby sh�ll rcmain fully effective as if no acceleratlon had accurted. Huwever,thia
<br /> ti�ht lo nin�tatc shell not appty in thc case of xselcratfon under paregraPh 17.
<br /> 19. Sale oi Notez Chaa�o ot I.o��ic�� 'fhe Note or a partial intenat in the Note(together wi�h�his Security
<br /> Inspumenq may be sold one or��rwrr:tin�es;wlt�out Prior e°tke t°Borrowcr. A sale may result ln a change in the cntity
<br /> pcnown as the"L.oan Servicet i)�������Y•PaYm��due under the Nwe and this Security InsaumenG There also
<br /> may be one or more changes of Ihe Lorn�6errrrerf unrelsted to p sale oi 1he Note. U there is A change of the Loan Serviar.
<br /> Borrower w111 be given written notice of Ihe eM1ange in accadmice with paragraph 14 above And applicable law. 71�e notice
<br /> will state the name nnd address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymenls should be made. The notice wiil
<br /> dso contain any otl►er Information rcquired by npplicable law.
<br /> 20. H�zprdoua Substnnces. Borrower ihall not cause or pennit the presence.use,disposal,storuge. or releuse of any
<br /> tlazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrowcr shall not do. nor allow unyone else to do,anything u[fec�ing ihe
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Environrneatul l.aw. 'llie prcceding two sentences shall not apply ta the presence.use,or
<br /> slorage on the Property of small quantitleaof Ha�.ardous Subst�nces Ihat are generally recogni�xd to be approprfate to normal
<br /> , resident�al uses and to maintenance of the Proparty.
<br /> LL._� �- Bortawer shnll promptiy give Lende�wrkten notice of ony investigation,cfaim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> govemrnental or regulatory Agency or privule piuty involving thc I'ropeny s�nd anY Hazerdous Substance or Environmental
<br /> • '� Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrawer leams, or is notified by any govemmental ar regulatory
<br /> :, ,.�� authority.that any removal or other remedialian oi any Hazarcdous Substance aifecting the Property is necessary.Borrower
<br /> �"��'`"` r,' shall promptly take all necessary remedial ac�ions in accordanee with Envitonmental Law.
<br /> '�: As used in Ihis purugrnph 20."Hnzurdoua Substances"ar+eihose subsinnces defined as toxic or huzardous substances by
<br /> •',+4..`�';'. y. ' ',: I Emimnmantnl Law and the follawing substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum produc45,toxic
<br /> ' ' pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents,muterials containing usbestos or formaldehyde,�nd mdioactive material4. Ac
<br /> '"�s„'`�� I uced in this psimgruph 20,"�nvironmental Law"meanti federAl b�ws end laws of the Ju�isdiction where the Prnperty is7ocated
<br /> . , +''�•`'"��''��`"` . I Ihat relnte to health,w►fety or environmental proteclion.
<br /> °r • ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonower nnd l.ender further covenant nnd ugree us follows:
<br /> � _•= ' ��� ! 21. Acceleratiun; Remedies. Lender shall give natia to Borrower prior to acceleration Pallowiqg Borrower's
<br /> .r , y v:�....�,:::: _.
<br /> ;�:'�•`,;: ' �.{a. ' breach of Anv rnvenpnt or agreement in Ihis Securily Insstroment Ibut not pr ior to acceleration under par a gra ph 17
<br /> � unlecs appUcaWe Iqw provides otherwise 1. The notice sba11 specil�s (0)the default;lb)Ihe Action required to cure the
<br /> '" detaulti lc1 a dAte,rot less than 39 dasg from Ihe date Ihe aotice is givea iu 8urruwe�.by Riskh ihe dclau!!tnsss!be
<br /> cured;and(d)that fAilure to cu�e the def�nit on or before IAe date speciiied in the nutice may result in Accelerntlon of
<br /> � � Ihe sums secu�ed by Ihls Security Instniment and sale aP Ihe Propeny. The notice shall i'urlher iaform Harrower of
<br /> H. �� � � the ri�bt to reinstate aQer accelerANon and the right to bring a court s►cNon ta asserl the non•existence of a dePauit or
<br /> - any other dePeose of Ba'rower to acceleralbn and sale. If the dePault is not cured on or bePore the date apecified in
<br /> , I Ihe notice.l.ender nt its option may require immediate pavment in full oPall sumc xecured by this Secu�ity lnstrument
<br /> , i without further demand and may inrolce Ihe power nP s�le and any other remeditw permitled by appUcable law.
<br /> • �' Lender shpll be entitled to collect all expen�es incurred la pursuin� Ihe remediex provided in this parAgropi� 21.
<br /> ' ' Including.but not limited to,�eason�bk�Itorneyti'fees�nd cosis of title evWence.
<br /> �• I If the power of sale iw invuked.7Fuslee shall recurd a nutice oP deiuult in each county in whkh uny part of the
<br /> ��' " � � Prope�ty Is laeated and shall mail copie� �i'sucli netice fn I�e rnwnner pre.r•cribed by�pplieable IAw to Borrower and to
<br /> '� ,;,�:•r�,� : .� ; the othe�pensons prescribed by ppplicuble law, Aiter Ibe limc reyuired by upplicuble law.7lrustee ghall give public
<br /> '� � • notke d'sale lo Ihe persons and in thc rnanner pr�cribed by +�pplicable luw. '11ru51ee.withoul demand on Bnrrower.
<br /> J�,� .. shall sell the Propertv at public auction to Ihe hiRhest bidder s�l Ihe lime and place ond under the terms desiRnaled in
<br /> `''�" the notke of sale in one or mure purcels and in any order 7Fu�tee dMermines. 'I�ustee may poslpone s�le uf all or any
<br /> 1• � :,.': ► � ,��:,� ,�.
<br /> ,.,,, parcel of the Property by public unnouncement wt the Ilme�nd place of�ny previuusly scheduled sale. Lender or ils
<br /> �!� _ _ _ •_._�;�;�,. ' „ designee may purchase the Property at any sule.
<br /> „ "�,- 5;�•:::;jF . . Upon receipt of pr�yment of the price bid,Tru�ter �hrii deii�er to the purchuser Trustee's deed com•eying Ihe , :
<br /> �!;`�'� ' pruperty. The recitals in the'I�uStee'x deed shall be p�imv facie evidence of lhe truth uf Ihe 4tatemeo4s made therein. ���;._;'•
<br /> 1,,;..
<br /> :... � 'Ilrustee shnll apply the proceeds oPlhe Rale in thr iollowfngerder: lal tu ull cusls and expenses uP exercising the power •�,_
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